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2/20/13 % Correct 100 90 80 Exam 1 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 _____ 2. Saturated fats have: a.  One double bond in their hydrocarbon tails, creaGng a kink b.  MulGple double bonds in their hydrocarbon tails, creaGng mulGple kinks c.  Have no double bonds, and thus straight hydrocarbon tails d.  Have mulGple double bonds, that align to form a straight tail •  Remember saturated are fa1y acids where each carbon forms a single bond with 4 separate atoms. _____ 9. The surface tension of water is caused by: a. 
Hydrogen bonds between water molecules Specific gravity Solubility All of the Above •  Hydrogen bonds are responsible for surface tension, Specific gravity/solubility, etc 1 2/20/13 _____ 16. When our cells switch to fermentaGon they produce 2 ATP and: _____ 13. Bacteria lack which of the following? a. 
DNA Ribosomes A Nucleus All of the Above •  Bacteria have DNA, ribosomes and membranes •  All are necessary for life _____ 17. During what stage of cellular respiraGon are the greatest number of ATP generated? a. 
Electron Transport Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle None of the Above •  Glycolysis – 2 ATP •  Citric Acid Cycle – 2 ATP •  Electron Transport – 28 ATP a. 
Glucose Water Ethanol LacGc Acid •  Human cells produce lacFc acid •  Yeast & Bacteria produce ethanol during fermentaFon _____ 19. Organisms that get energy by consuming food are called: a. 
Omnitrophs Heterotrophs Chemotrophs Autotrophs •  Heterotrophs must consume food to obtain energy 2 2/20/13 _____ 20. Metabolism is: a.  The breakdown of molecules into smaller molecules b.  The producGon of larger molecules from smaller subunits c.  Both A & B d.  None of the Above Short Answer QuesGon #1 •  What are the three major sub-­‐atomic parGcles, what are there characterisGcs, and how do these characterisGcs contribute to the characterisGcs of the atom? •  Proton – posiGve charge – in the nucleus –  Part of mass, and gives the Atomic # •  Neutrons – neutral – in the nucleus •  Metabolism •  Breakdown of molecules (Catabolism) •  Synthesis of molecules (Anabolism) Short Answer QuesGon #2 –  Other part of mass •  Electrons – negaGve – orbit around the nucleus –  Counter the charge of protons. Short Answer QuesGon #3 How does the mutaGon causing sickle-­‐cell anemia affect the structure of hemoglobin? •  Described the process by which cells ingest polysaccharides and prepare them for cellular respiraGon? •  MutaGon in the amimo acid sequence •  Changes the protein structure (shape) •  Causes mis-­‐shappen hemoglobin proteins in Red Blood Cells •  Phagocytosis –  Mis-­‐shappen red blood cells –  ingesGon •  Lysosomes/Enzymes –  Break down molecules •  Transport vesicles carry molecules to mitochonria for cell respiraGon 3 2/20/13 Short Answer QuesGon #4 What happens when our muscles shif from cell respiraGon to fermentaGon? What are the products? Short Answer QuesGon #5 Do bacteria undergo cell respiraGon? How do you know? •  No –  Do not have membrane bound organelles necessary (mitochondria) –  Produce Ethanol, LacGc Acid and CO2 as produces of glycolysis –  Do not require oxygen to survive (Anerobic) •  Produces, ATP & LacGc Acid •  Cells using ATP faster than cell respiraGon can produce it –  Switch glycolysis to fermentaGon Bonus QuesGon Using your knowledge of biological nomenclature, what would you call an enzyme that breaks down DNA? •  Enzymes end in –ase •  Enzyme that breaks down lactose called? –  Lactase •  SO: Dnase, DNAase, or Nuclease Exam 1 20 Adjusted Raw 15 10 5 0 A A-­‐ B+ B B-­‐ C+ C C-­‐ D+ D D-­‐ F 4 2/20/13 😞 Exam 1 – Raw Scores 5 Exam 1 -­‐ Adjusted 7 4.5 6 4 5 3.5 3 4 2.5 3 2 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 A A-­‐ B+ B B-­‐ C+ C C-­‐ D+ D D-­‐ F A A-­‐ B+ B B-­‐ C+ C C-­‐ D+ D D-­‐ F 5