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Muscle Lecture Test Questions – Set 3
The role of ATP in muscle contraction:
a. energy for cross-bridge swiveling/pulling and detachment
b. calcium activation
c. sarcomere expansion
d. depolarization of T-tubules
e. all of the above
A sarcomere's sensitivity to calcium ions is directly the responsibility of:
a. troponin
b. ATP
c. myosin
d. actin
e. tropomyosin
What is the role of calcium ions in muscle contraction:
a. depolarization of the motor end plate membrane
b. provide energy for cross-bridge swiveling
c. align the thin filaments at the Z-line
d. cause troponin to pull tropomyosin away from or to block the active binding site of actin
e. it is unknown
The actual attachment between thick and thin filaments occurs:
a. between myosin heads (cross-bridges) and actin globules (molecules)
b. outside of the myofibril
c. on the troponin molecule of the thin filaments
d. only during relaxation
e. all of the above
The actual coupling between actin and myosin occurs:
a. between myosin cross-bridges and actin globules
b. outside of the fibril
c. before calcium is released into the sarcoplasm]
d. at the troponin molecule of a thin filament
e. all of the above
Depolarization of a muscle fiber's motor end plate is caused by:
a. T-tubule depolarization
b. calcium ion release from terminal cisternae
c. ATP bound to myosin heads
d. a chemical transmitter released from an axon ending
e. alpha-actinin, released into a motor end plate
Conduction of the depolarization wave from the sarcolemma to the cell interior is by:
a. the A-band
b. transverse (T-) tubules
c. depolarization of the myosin
d. sarcoplasmic reticulum
e. none of the above
BI-204 – Muscle Questions – Set 3
Which of these does not occur during sarcomere contraction:
a. thin filaments are pulled into greater overlap with the thick filaments
b. thick filament heads (cross-bridges) pull thin filaments
c. the H-zone almost disappears
d. the thin filaments become shorter
e. the sarcomere becomes shorter
During contraction an I-band would:
a. become shorter (more narrow)
b. become longer (wider)
c. lose its H-zone
d. become lighter
e. lose its Z-line
During contraction the A-band would:
a. become shorter (thinner)
b. become longer (thicker)
c. disappear
d. become darker due to H-zone reduction
e. become lighter due to H-zone expansion
During contraction an A-band would:
a. become darker
b. become longer
c. become shorter
d. disappear
e. become lighter
During contraction the H-zone of a sarcomere would:
a. become wider (thicker)
b. become narrower (thinner)
c. exchange places with the Z-line
d. remain unchanged
e. become lighter
During relaxation the greatest concentration of calcium ions would be:
a. at the motor end plate
b. in the T-tubules
c. in the terminal cisternae
d. attached to troponin
e. on the M-line
During contraction the greatest concentration of calcium ions would be:
a. at the motor end plate
b. in the T-tubules
c. in the terminal cisternae
d. on the M-line
e. attached to troponin
BI-204 – Muscle Questions – Set 3
The role of the transmitter in muscle contraction:
a. depolarization of the motor end plate
b. provide energy for cross-bridge swiveling
c. cause troponin to pull tropomyosin away from or into the active binding site of actin
d. release calcium ions from the terminal cisternae
e. pump calcium ions away from troponin to cause relaxation
The actual power (tension) of muscle contraction is ultimately and most basically caused by:
a. calcium ion polymerization
b. increased thin filament twisting
c. myosin cross-bridge swiveling and pulling upon the thin filaments
d. T-tubule attachment to tropomyosin
e. unknown factors
Myosin head swiveling (pulling) and detachment are both caused by:
a. calcium binding to myosin heads
b. a chemical transmitter from the T-tubules
c. energy from ATP splitting
d. actin attraction and subsequent repulsion
e. all of the above
The function of the T-tubules:
a. transmitter release at the motor end plate
b. conduction of the depolarization wave (conductivity) from the sarcolemma to the cell interior
c. alignment of the thick filaments
d. alignment of the thin filaments
e. calcium storage
The excitation-contraction coupling phase involves all of the following, except:
a. calcium release from terminal cisternae
b. motor end plate depolarization
c. troponin shape alteration
d. tropomyosin shape alteration
e. exposure of the active sites of actin
Heads (cross-bridges) detach during their contraction cycling, because:
a. this is necessary to permit them to reattach to different actins along the thin filaments
b. troponin is at an elevated level
c. swiveling requires this to alter their angle of approach
d. they do not have sufficient ATP
e. of unknown phenomena
A high affinity for calcium, which in sufficient concentration will indirectly permit filament sliding, is the
responsibility of:
a. tropomyosin
b. actin
c. troponin
d. myosin
e. motor end plate
BI-204 – Muscle Questions – Set 3
A myosin head is most directly permitted to move into, or is blocked from, an active position on actin
molecules by:
a. troponin
b. F-actin
c. tropomyosin
d. transmitter
e. calcium
Filament sliding will continue until:
a. Z-lines contact thick filament ends
b. ATP supply is exhausted
c. calcium is pumped back into terminal cisternae
d. any of the above occur
e. none of the above are relevant
Which of the following is true regarding ATP:
a. split by ATPase activity of myosin heads
b. provides energy for head (cross-bridge) swiveling and pulling
c. provides energy for forcibly detaching heads from actin molecules
d. stands for Adenosine Tri-Phosphate
e. all of the above
Myosin head swiveling and pulling upon thin filaments is most directly responsible for:
a. depolarization of motor end plates
b. tension production
c. conduction of depolarization wave from the sarcolemma to the cell interior
d. relaxation
e. troponin bonding to tropomyosin
Actin and myosin, as demonstrated in an artificial laboratory setting:
a. form long fiber-like strands of actomyosin
b. with proper catalysts and an ATP source, will shrink, becoming shorter and thicker strands
c. would develop tension and perform an action if a strand were attached to simulate an origin and
d. have inherent contractile ability
e. all of the above
What is the role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum:
a. pull thin filaments into greater overlap with the thick filaments
b. release calcium to initiate contraction and to pump it back to initiate relaxation
c. depolarization of the motor end plate
d. binds thin filaments to the Z-line
e. provides ATP for myosin heads
Muscle lengthening during relaxation is caused by:
a. ATP forcing myosin heads to break away from actin molecules of the thin filaments
b. elastic elements which were compressed during contraction
c. untwisting of tropomyosin molecules
d. myosin head swiveling and pushing the thin filaments back out, which reverses the increased overlap
produced by contraction
e. none of the above
BI-204 – Muscle Questions – Set 3
Which of the following would occur the earliest:
a. nervous impulse conducted down axon endings
b. troponin pulling tropomyosin out of the active site of actin molecules
c. calcium release from terminal cisternae
d. depolarization of motor end plate
e. calcium actively transported back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
the framework of a thin filament is:
a. troponin
b. myosin heads
c. myosin tails
d. actin filaments
e. tropomyosin
Muscle relaxation and lengthening is caused by:
a. reverse myosin head swiveling
b. magnesium ions bonding with troponin
c. elastic elements which pull the thin filaments back out
d. a sudden osmotic change which leads to water absorption by the cells
e. unknown forces
Depolarization of a motor end plate is caused by a chemical transmitter.
Depolarization of a motor end plate is initiated by calcium.
Depolarization of the motor end plate is initiated by T-tubules.
Tropomyosin is directly responsible for a sarcomere's calcium sensitivity.
Troponin is directly responsible for a sarcomere's calcium sensitivity.
Insufficient calcium within a muscle fiber should lead to sustained contraction.
Insufficient calcium within a muscle fiber should lead to inhibition of contraction.
Thick filament heads are synchronized so that they all are cycling the same.
To produce smooth, steady filament sliding the cross-bridges cycle asynchronously.
During contraction the A-band would become darker.
During contraction the A-band would become lighter.
BI-204 – Muscle Questions – Set 3
T-tubules transmit sarcolemma depolarization to the terminal cisternae.
Muscles lengthen during relaxation due to the elastic elements.
Calcium returns to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by diffusion.
Depolarization of a motor end plate membrane is caused by ionic changes.
Calcium leaves the terminal cisternae via active transport.
A sarcomere becomes shorter during contraction.
If filament sliding stops, a muscle cell will maintain its contracted state.
To produce smooth steady filament sliding the cycling of cross-bridges is synchronized.
Muscle cells have the greatest amount of internal organization of all tissue types.
A sarcomere becomes longer during contraction.
The actual power (tension) of muscle contraction is basically caused by thin filament twisting.
Muscle relaxation is initiated by ATP disappearance.