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PHYS 1402 General Physics II
The Geometric Wave Properties of Light
Optics Bench
Ray Table & Base
Cylindrical Lens
Light Source
Figure 1
White paper/cardboard
Graphical Analysis
Figure 2
As determined by Thomas Young, light has wave properties and specifically is an
electromagnetic wave, as determined by James Clerk Maxwell. All waves exhibit
reflection, refraction, dispersion, diffraction, and interference. Using the ray model of
light, we can analyze reflection, refraction, and dispersion. From our everyday
experience we are familiar with both the reflection and refraction, or bending, of light as
it strikes the interface between two different media, such as between either air and water,
air and glass, or even glass and water. Clear images are seen from specular reflections
off of smooth surfaces, such as a mirror, whereas rough surfaces produce diffuse
reflections. Refraction is the bending of the light due to a change in the speed of light
as it goes from one medium into the next, such as when a straw in a glass of water
appears to be bent. Dispersion is the separation of light into its component frequencies
due to the frequency dependence of the speed of light in the medium, as illustrated by a
rainbow that is produced when white light is refracted through a prism. In this lab we
will investigate all of these wave properties of light.
Some terminology that will be used in this lab is as follows. Light rays traveling
from a source, before they are reflected or refracted are called incident rays. If a ray
undergoes reflection, it is called a reflected ray while a ray that undergoes refraction is
called a refracted ray. The line perpendicular to the surface at the point where the
incident ray strikes is called the normal. The angle between the normal and the reflected
ray is called the angle of reflection. The angle between the normal and the refracted ray
is called the angle of refraction. The critical angle is the angle of incidence for which
there is no refracted ray, or in other words the light ray is totally reflected.
The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
 incident   reflected
Snell’s law governs the refracted ray by:
nincident sin incident
 nrefracted sin refracted
Where n is the index of refraction, which is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to
the speed of light in the material:
nmaterial 
v material
The critical angle is obtained from Snell’s law with refracted = 90o and solved as:
 nrefracted 
 critical  sin 1 
 nincident 
1. Mount both the light source and the ray table base to the optics bench. Then
attach the ray table to the ray table base with the Cartesian grid (mm SCALE)
facing up. Turn the ray table so that the zero degree line points toward the light
2. Plug in the light source and orient it so that the multiple slits are facing the ray
table. Position the ray table so that it is about two centimeters from the edge of
the light source. Adjust the slit mask on the front of the light source so the light
source projects one ray of light across the middle of the top surface of the ray
3. Place the cylindrical lens on the ray table so the flat surface of the lens faces the
light source. See Figure 1. You will need to make sure that the edge of the lens is
EXACTLY on the ninety degree line and that it is PRECISELY centered on the
zero degree line.
4. Without disturbing the alignment of the cylindrical lens, rotate the ray table and
set the angle of incidence equal to the values listed in Data Table 1. Measure both
the angle of reflection and the angle of refraction and list them in the appropriate
columns in Data Table 1.
Data Table 1: Flat side toward light source.
10 o
20 o
30 o
40 o
50 o
60 o
70 o
80 o
5. Now completely rotate the ray table so that the curved surface of the cylindrical
lens faces the light source. See Figure 2. BE VERY CAREFUL TO NOT
angle of incidence equal to the first four non-zero angles of refraction that you
obtained in Data Table 1 when you had the flat side toward the light source.
Measure the angles of refraction in this case for each of these angles of incidence.
Record your values in Data Table 2.
Data Table 2: Curved side toward light source.
6. Use the piece of white cardboard to view the refracted beam and notice that as
you increase the angle of incidence the white beam will begin to separate into its
constituent colors. Note and record the angle at which there is a discernable
separation of the colors and the angles at which there is no refracted ray for both
the red and blue light, this is called the critical angle.
At what angle do the colors begin to separate?
 = ____________
Which color is minimally refracted and which color is maximally refracted?
Min: __________
Max: __________
What is the critical angle for the red light ray?
critical-red = ___________
What is the critical angle for the blue light ray?
critical-blue = __________
Calculate the percent difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of
reflection for your nine measurements as follows:
incident   reflected
% Difference 
* 100
incident   reflected 
Then take the average of these nine values and report that as an overall percent difference
for this part of the lab.
Data Run:
Percent Difference:
Question #1
Does your data support the conclusion that you have verified the law of reflection
within a reasonable expectation of experimental uncertainty?
Now take your angle of incidence and angle of refraction data and calculate the
sine of each of these angles and enter them into the appropriate columns in Data Table 1.
Make a graph of sin(incident) –vs.- sin(refracted). According to Snell’s law what should the
slope of this graph be equal to?
Find the slope of this graph as well as the uncertainty in the slope and report it here.
Appropriately compare your slope to the accepted value for the index of refraction for
Lucite which is nlucite = 1.49. You should do this by calculating a percent error by the
following formula:
n exp erimental  n lucite
% Error 
* 100
n lucite
Finally, with the data from the critical angle also calculate the index of refraction of the
Lucite for each color via the following formula:
n Lucite 
sin  critical
nlucite-red =
nlucite-blue =
Comment on how your values compare both to the accepted value for the index of
refraction of Lucite and to your experimentally obtained value.
Question #2
Does your data support the conclusion that you have verified the law of refraction
or Snell’s law within a reasonable expectation of experimental uncertainty?
Looking at the data collected in Data Table 2.
What is the overall effect when the light is incident upon the curved surface? Think
about the normal to the curved surface of the lens and what the angle of incidence and the
angle of refraction are at this surface. Subsequently, how does this affect the light when
it strikes the flat surface?
For the second set of data, what is the surface of interest the curved surface or the flat
Therefore, what is the medium of the incident ray and what is the medium of the
refracted ray?
Question #3
Does your data support the conclusion that you have verified the principal of
optical reversibility within a reasonable expectation of experimental uncertainty?
In your own words what is the principle of optical reversibility?