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SI Review Test -
What makes a multicellular organism multicellular?
a) Multiple cells
b) Multiple cells that work together
c) Specialized cells
d) Multiple specialized cells that work together
What defines the zygote, the blastula, and the gastrula? Draw pictures.
If a doctor makes an incision on a personʼs leg that reaches all the way to the bone,
which germ layers have been violated?
What body plan is least advanced?
What layer surrounds the coelom in diploblastic organisms?
Name two advantages of coeloms applicable to humans.
The digestive tract is lined with __________ and in protostomes originates at the
_________ in the _________ stage. In deuterostomes it is lined with ___________ and
originates at the __________ end in the ____________ stage.
T/F " The endoderm of a sponge is called the choanocyte.
What is the first (least evolved) group in eumetazoa?
With what group do we begin to see organs? Give an example.
What body characteristic is a direct result of bilateral symmetry?
Tubellarians mimic what organism?
T/F " Parasites generally kill the final host, but canʼt kill the intermediate host or they
wouldnʼt survive.
SI Review Test -
A parasite without a protective camouflage covering would be unsuccessful because:
a) Adverse conditions within the host could kill the parasite.
b) Host environment is usually toxic to parasites without protection
c) The covering allows the parasite to attach to the host. It would be excreted
without it.
d) The host immune system would find and attack the parasite.
e) C and D
f) A and D
Reproduction of parasitic organisms occurs
a) Within the final host only
b) Within the intermediate host only
c) Both, but asexual reproduction in final host and sexual reproduction in
intermediate host
d) Both, but asexual reproduction in intermediate host and sexual reproduction in
final host
How are parasites spread? Which methods are controlled by the parasite and which
are by chance?
Which is not a function of a skeleton in animals?
a) Attachment of muscles for movement
b) Protection
c) Provide structure
d) Attachment of internal organs
Draw a generalized schematic of an open and a closed circulatory system.
SI Review Test -
What do the following words mean?
Gastropoda "
Arhtropoda "
Eumetazoa "
Prometazoa "
Protostomata "
Deuterostomata !
Echinoderm !
Gnathostomes !
Tetrapoda Give an example of a human disease caused by nematodes. Explain how they cause it.
The nerve cord in chordates is always dorsal and hollow.
T/F " Arthropods have highly developed sensory systems.
T/F " Insects are found in every major environment on Earth.
What are the four characteristics of chordates?
T/F " If you kept frogs in an extremely humid environment such that they didnʼt lose
water from their skin, they would be able to perform all life functions normally. If
false, explain why.
The following are characteristics of all vertebrates except:
a) Dorsal hollow nerve cord
b) Bone
c) Pharyngeal slits
d) Jaws
e) B and D
f) All of the above
a) lack a fluid filled cavity
b) have a fluid filled cavity completely lined with mesoderm
c) have a fluid filled cavity partially lined with mesoderm
SI Review Test -
d) have a fluid filled cavity not lined with mesoderm
e) have an air filled cavity partially lined with mesoderm
Parasites have a high reproductive effort. This means that:
a) They mate often
b) They have to put a lot of energy into the process of reproduction
c) Much of their body is devoted to reproductive structures
d) They have young which must be cared for to survive
Schistosomiasis is a human disease caused by
a) Parasites
b) Lophotrocozoans
c) Blood flukes
d) Acoelomate worms
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
Molluscs have each of these body parts except:
a) Foot
b) Mantle
c) Shell
d) Gill
e) Molluscs have all of these parts
Molluscs generally move using their
a) Radula
b) Foot
c) Mantle
d) Shell
A complete digestive system refers to
a) A more extensive breakdown of food
b) Two distinct openings to the digestive system
c) Having a stomach
d) A digestive system lined by endoderm
Briefly describe the life cycle of the unionoid bivalve.
It is generally accepted that animals evolved from protists. On what evidence do
scientists base this argument?
SI Review Test -
The first group of ___________, organisms with tissues, are the _____________. They
display ______ body forms, the _______ and the __________, both of which are
________ symmetrical.
All cnidarians display both life stages at some point throughout their life.
Plants are held together by cell walls made of cellulose. Fungi are held together by cell
walls made of chitin. What animal cell wall material holds them together?
a) Animal cells are advanced, so they are held together by cell interactions.
b) A protein called collagen provides the structure.
c) Animals donʼt have a cell wall.
d) A and C
e) B and C
T/F " The notochord carries nervous system signals in insects, but not in chordates.
Why are tunicates classified as chordates when the only characteristic they display is
pharyngeal slits?
What additional characteristics (beyond four chordate characteristics) describe
What chordate structure gives rise to gills and jaws?
Amniotic eggs are important because
a) Embryo has no reliance on water
b) Embryo can hatch on land
c) Embryos within amniotic eggs become mammals
d) A and B
e) All of the above
Which is not an adaptation of flight?
a) Single organs
b) Hollow bones
c) Feathers
d) Beak
Which is not a characteristic of all mammals?
a) Milk producing glands
b) Hair
SI Review Test -
c) Specialized teeth
d) Live birth
e) C and D
How many mammalian groups give birth to fully formed young? List them next to the
Arthropoda means _______________ and this phylum is the largest and most
successful animal phylum. Arthropods are characterized by an exoskeleton made of
________, __________ appendages, a ___________ body, and a well developed
________ with ________ organs. Their ___________ body allows them to divide labor
between segments with _____________ functions. The hard exoskeleton protects the
organism, prevents _______ loss, and allows movement by providing ______________
____________________. Their ____________ appendages and highly developed
________ systems allow them to perform ___________ functions within their habitat.
Which group of arthropods have 2 body regions?
a) Chelicerata
b) Crustacea
c) Insecta
d) A and B
e) All of the above
List one helpful and one harmful quality of insects as they relate to humans.
You are trying to identify an animal. It is triploblastic, it has a dorsal hollow nerve cord,
and post anal tail. You found it sitting on a nest of eggs near a river. It seems to have
nipples along its belly. This animal is a...
a) Reptile
b) Mammal
c) Monotreme
d) Eutherian
e) B and D
f) B and C