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The Young Sun and Its Influence on Planetary Atmospheres
M. Güdel1,2, J.F. Kasting3
ETH Zurich, Institute of Astronomy, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Astronomy, University of Vienna, 1180 Vienna, Austria
Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
1. The young Sun: activity and radiation
1.1 Magnetic activity in the young Sun
The Sun's magnetic activity has steadily declined throughout its main-sequence lifetime. This is an
immediate consequence of the declining dynamo as a star spins down by losing angular momentum
through its magnetized wind. Along with the decline of magnetic activity, solar radiation ultimately
induced by the magnetic fields declined as well, and hence the short-wavelength radiative input into
planetary atmospheres diminished with time. (By contrast, solar radiation at visible wavelengths increased
with time, as discussed below.) Similarly, the magnetically guided solar wind and high-energy particle
fluxes were very likely to be different in the young solar environment compared to present-day
conditions. A closer understanding of the magnetic behaviour of the young Sun is therefore pivotal for
further modelling of young planetary atmospheres, their chemistry, heating, and erosion.
Magnetic activity expresses itself in a variety of features, including dark photospheric, magnetic
spots, photospheric faculae and chromospheric plage producing optical and ultraviolet excess radiation,
and - most dramatically - magnetically confined coronae containing million-degree plasma that emits
extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray emission. Occasional magnetic instabilities (flares) and shocks both in the
corona and in interplanetary space accelerate particles to energies much beyond 1 MeV; related
electromagnetic radiation (e.g., from collisions) is emitted in the hard X-ray and gamma-ray range (Lin et
al., 2002).
While important meteoritic evidence indicates that the Sun was magnetically much more active in its
youth than at present (e.g., Caffee et al., 1987), the study of the Sun’s past magnetic behavior is best
pursued by looking at nearby solar analogues with known ages, such as the well-studied “Sun in Time”
sample covering ages of 100-7000 Myr in the optical, ultraviolet (UV), far-ultraviolet (FUV), extreme
ultraviolet (EUV), X-rays, and also radio waves (e.g., Dorren and Guinan, 1994; Güdel et al., 1997;
Guinan and Ribas, 2002; Ribas et al., 2005).
1.2 The optical and ultraviolet Sun
Stellar evolution calculations indicate that the young, zero-age main sequence Sun was
bolometrically about 30% fainter than now (Gough, 1980; Gilliland, 1989; Sackmann & Boothroyd,
2003). The reason has to do with the fact that hydrogen is slowly being converted into helium in its core,
raising the density, and causing corresponding increases in temperature and the rate of nuclear fusion. At
the same time, the optical light was more strongly modulated by rotation due to surface magnetic spots,
but also due to magnetic activity cycles that induced light variations up to 0.3 mag in the course of 2-13 yr
spot cycles (Messina and Guinan, 2002). The presence of excess faculae outweighs the darkening by the
spot area in old solar analogues, making these stars slightly brighter in optical light during activity
maxima, while in young stars, spots dominate and make them fainter (Radick et al., 1990). Cycles are not
always present, while irregular variations abound among very active solar-like stars (Hempelmann et al.,
1996). The surface coverage with spot regions may reach several percent in such cases, although the spot
complexes appear predominantly at high latitudes or in the polar region itself (Strassmeier and Rice,
1998), perhaps due to the action of internal Coriolis forces (Schüssler and Solanki, 1992).
Ultraviolet emission from more active transition regions strongly enhances the short-wavelength
UV part of the spectrum, in particular in emission lines forming at temperatures around 105 K. This is
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Comparison between UV irradiances at a distance of 1 astronomical unit (AU) from a young (EK
Dra, gray) and an old (β Hyi, black) solar analogue (from Guinan and Ribas, 2002; reprinted with
permission of ASP).
1.2. The extreme ultraviolet and X-ray Sun
Much more dramatic changes have occurred in the evolution of the short-wavelength radiation
from the Sun. Studies of solar analogues in young stellar clusters and in the field show X-ray and EUV
luminosities exceeding the present-day solar output by several hundred to approximately 1000 times at
ages of order 1-100 Myr, including the T Tauri phase of stellar evolution (Stauffer et al., 1994; Preibisch
et al., 2005). The evolutionary changes in spectral irradiance from 100 Myr to 7 Gyr are depicted in Fig.
2. High-pressure, high-temperature plasma (T of order 10 MK) confined in magnetic fields predominates
in young, active stars (Giampapa et al., 1996; Güdel et al., 1997), producing much harder X-ray emission
than the present-day Sun. The physics of coronal heating to such temperatures is unclear; an interesting
possibility is heating by a high rate of flares occurring nearly continuously (Sect. 1.4 below).
“Continuously flaring coronae” are crucially important as they also produce appreciable levels of gamma
rays and high-energy particles that interact with planetary atmospheres.
Fig. 2: Spectral irradiance at 1 AU in the UV, EUV, and X-ray ranges for various solar analogues at ages
of 0.1 – 7 Gyr. Spectra have not been obtained in the ≈150-1000 Å range because of severe interstellar
photoabsorption. Note the logarithmic flux scale (from Guinan and Ribas, 2002; reprinted with
permission of ASP).
1.3. The long-term evolution of solar irradiance from the optical to X-rays
The “Sun in Time” stellar sample has been used to study the long-term changes of the solar output
from optical light to soft X-rays, and thus to pinpoint its spectral irradiance. It is remarkable that the Sun’s
output increased exclusively in the optical light (by 30% since the ZAMS phase) while it has declined by
orders of magnitude at all shorter wavelengths as a consequence of the declining dynamo, which in turn is
a consequence of rotational braking, i.e., increasing rotation period P (from about 2 to 25 days). The
decays are well fitted by power laws that become steeper toward shorter wavelengths:
UV line radiation from chromosphere:
∝ P-1.25±0.15 ∝ t-0.75±0.1
UV line radiation from transition region:
∝ P-1.6±0.15 ∝ t-1.0±0.1
FUV from transition region (920-1180 Å):
∝ P-1.4
∝ t-0.85
Soft-X/EUV radiation from corona (20-360 Å):
∝ P-2.0
∝ t-1.2
X-rays from corona (1-20 Å):
∝ P-3.2
∝ t-1.9
(see Dorren et al., 1994; Güdel et al., 1997; Guinan et al., 2003; Ribas et al., 2005; Telleschi et al., 2005),
where a power-law decay law for the rotation rate with age t, Ω ∝ t-0.6±0.1, has been assumed (Ayres,
1997). Table 1 provides numerical estimates for the solar spectral irradiance at various ages:
Enhancement factors of solar irradiance in solar historya
Enhancement in
Soft X (20-100 Å)
UV lines,
UV lines,
(1-20 Å)
EUV (100-360 Å)
XUV (1-1180 Å)
1180 Å)
Notes: a normalized to ZAMS age of 4.6 Gyr before present (Table adapted from Güdel, 2007)
large scatter possible due to unknown initial rotation period of the Sun
X-ray radiation thus suffered by far the strongest reduction (by 3 orders of magnitude) in the course of the
Sun’s history, initially achieving as much as 0.1% of the bolometric output, or 2-4 x 1030 erg s-1. These
trends are illustrated in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3: Power-law decay laws for solar irradiance in various wavelength bands, normalized to the presentday irradiance (at 4.6 Gyr). Open symbols represent inferred fluxes without direct observations (from
Ribas et al., 2005; reproduced by permission of the AAS).
1.4. Solar and stellar flares
Flares are the most evident manifestation of magnetic energy release in stellar atmospheres. While
they may increase radiation levels–in particular at very short (EUV, X-ray) wavelengths and in the radio
regime–by up to a few orders of magnitude for up to a few hours, the statistical ensemble of all flares may
also be responsible for much of the detected “non-flaring” electromagnetic radiation from the outer stellar
atmospheres. Known as the “micro-flare hypothesis” in solar physics (e.g., Hudson, 1991), this model
requires a sufficiently steep increase of the flare occurrence rate toward small flares; it has found
increasing support also from magnetically very active, young stars (e.g., Audard et al. 2000; Güdel et al.,
2003), thus suggesting that large numbers of high-energy particles are injected continuously into the
stellar environments.
1.5. The solar wind and high-energy particles
Ionized, hot winds like the solar wind have not yet been directly detected in other stars; their
expected radio or charge-exchange emission is beyond reach of present-day observing facilities. However,
Lyα absorption in so-called “astrospheres”, large-scale structures created by the interaction between the
stellar wind and the interstellar medium, has provided indirect, quantitative evidence for stellar winds
(Linsky and Wood, 1996; Wood et al., 2002, 2005). The absorption is due to 102-104 K interstellar H I
piling up in the “heliospheric” shock region. The amount of absorption in these “hydrogen walls” should
scale with the wind ram pressure. Assuming a wind velocity similar to the Sun’s, the mass loss rate can be
estimated. The wind mass loss rate, dMw/dt, turns out to be another magnetic activity indicator; its
evolution is described by
dMw/dt ∝ LX1.34±0.18
dMw/dt ∝ t-2.33±0.55
(Wood et al., 2005). These power laws are reminiscent of those applicable to coronal X-ray emission.
This is perhaps not entirely surprising given that the solar wind is a “coronal wind”, heated to similar
temperatures as the corona and accelerated and guided along open magnetic field lines. However, while
the above laws hold up to maximum mass loss rates of 100 times the present solar level, a strong
reduction of the wind mass loss rate is observed for more active stars, with mass loss rates only 10 times
higher than for the present-day Sun (Wood et al., 2005; Fig. 4). It appears that wind mass loss is inhibited
in these stars, perhaps due to the appearance of predominantly polar spot regions and mostly closed,
global magnetic field structures.
Fig. 4: Mass loss rates per unit surface area as a function of stellar X-ray surface flux and age, as inferred
from “astrospheric” Lyα absorption. Note the breakdown of the evolutionary trends for the most active
(highest X-ray flux FX) and youngest objects (from Wood et al., 2005; reproduced by permission of the
High-energy, non-thermal particles are also immersed in the solar wind. They are either ejected
directly by solar coronal flares, or are accelerated at interplanetary shock fronts. Measurements in other
stellar environments are beyond present-day possibilities. Evidence for the presence of high-energy
electrons in stellar coronae (with energies in the MeV range) is available from observations of nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission at radio wavelengths. Like X-rays, radio emission is strongly enhanced
in young, active solar-like stars, pointing to flare-like magnetic processes that accelerate particles nearly
continuously. Phenomenologically, X-ray and radio luminosities are correlated for the most active stars
(Güdel and Benz, 1993), pointing to a physical relation between coronal heating and particle acceleration
and therefore to magnetic activity in general.
2. High-energy radiation and planetary atmospheres
2.1. Atmospheric erosion by thermal and non-thermal escape
High-energy radiation and particles are responsible for several processes in the upper planetary
atmospheres that result in atmospheric loss. Irradiation of upper atmospheric layers by high-energy (EUV,
X-ray) photons leads to atmospheric heating in the thermosphere (heights above surface of 90-500 km on
Earth, 90-210 km on Mars) and eventually to thermal escape from the exosphere (layer above the
thermosphere). In the exosphere, the mean free path of the particles is large; particles with thermal
energies exceeding the gravitational binding energy escape into space (Jeans escape). This is
predominantly true for hydrogen atoms. If the upper atmosphere is heated to sufficiently high
temperatures so that the mean particle energy exceeds the gravitational binding energy (kT > mvesc2/2,
where vesc is the escape velocity), then the exosphere becomes unstable and escapes (“blows off”) into
space in an uncontrolled manner (for reviews, see Chamberlain and Hunten, 1987; Hunten et al., 1989;
Chassefière and Leblanc, 2004; Kulikov et al., 2007). In between these two regimes, there is a stable
hydrodynamic escape regime in which the atmosphere escapes in a controlled manner, but in which the
pressure force and adiabatic cooling must be considered throughout a wide region of the upper
atmosphere. Expanding atmospheres of this kind have been studied by Watson et al. (1981) for early
Earth and by Kasting and Pollack (1983) for early Venus. A more recent example, in which high EUV
fluxes were applied to a modern Earth-type atmosphere, has been modelled by Tian et al. (2008). Upper
atmosphere temperature profiles for this case are shown in Figure 5. The escape in this case is subsonic
because the atmosphere becomes collisionless well below the point at which the flow would become
supersonic. This latter regime is probably where the atmospheres of the young terrestrial planets in our
Solar System spent most of their time. Alternative, non-Maxwellian approaches to studying such
atmospheres are also available, for example, the 13-moment approximation used by Cui et al. (2008) to
study escape of H2 from Titan. Combining these types of models with detailed parameterizations of upper
atmosphere chemistry and physics is a fruitful area for future research.
Further processes leading to atmospheric escape involve irradiation by high-energy (non-thermal)
particles, the solar wind, and planetary magnetic fields; here, the escape process is related to microscopic,
non-thermal mechanisms, in particular dissociative recombination or photochemical escape (in which the
forming neutrals are energetic); ion pick-up (in which ions produced by photon or particle irradiation are
dragged along by magnetic fields); ionospheric outflow (in which particles are accelerated by electric
fields in the solar wind); and ion sputtering (in which newly produced atmospheric ions re-impact and
eject neutral particles). For reviews, see Lundin and Barabash (2004) and Lundin et al. (2007). We now
discuss applications to solar-system objects.
Venus is of particular interest for comparison with the Earth. It shows a very low atmospheric
water content (approximately 10-5 times the water content of the terrestrial oceans) but a suspiciously high
deuterium-to-hydrogen fraction (120-250 times the terrestrial ratio; DeBergh et al., 1991). Both
observations suggest that water was initially present in large quantities but has been removed early in the
history of Venus. In relevant models, water evaporated from the initial oceans due to a more efficient
greenhouse (Ingersoll, 1969; Kasting, 1988) and then dissociated in the high atmosphere due to strong
solar EUV irradiation (Kasting and Pollack, 1983). The resulting hydrogen atoms escaped (Watson et al.
1981; Kasting and Pollack, 1983). Hydrodynamic escape conditions for hydrogen applied as long as 250
Myr after the Sun’s arrival on the main sequence (Kulikov et al., 2007). Oxygen could also have been
removed from the atmosphere, either by being dragged along by the escaping hydrogen (Zahnle and
Kasting, 1986) or through ion-pick-up by the solar wind (Lammer et al., 2006; Chassefière, 1997),
although the required very strong solar wind with 3-4 orders of magnitude more mass loss than at present
has been questioned based on indirect observations (Wood et al., 2005; Sect. 1.5 above).
Mars shows geologic evidence for a warm and wet climate in its early history, with liquid water
abundantly present on the surface (Carr, 1986). A strong greenhouse was required to keep temperatures
above the freezing point (Chassefière and Leblanc, 2004), especially considering the lower solar flux in
early times (Sect. 1.1). The precise cause of the greenhouse warming on early Mars is still not fully
understood (Kasting, 1991; Forget and Pierrehumbert, 1997), and some authors have suggested that early
Mars was warmed only transiently by impacts (Segura et al., 2002). Two factors may have accelerated
atmospheric loss on Mars: its much lower gravitational potential and the lack of a strong magnetosphere
(at least after the initial few 100 Myr; Acuña et al., 1998), which allowed the solar wind to interact with
the upper atmosphere directly. Hydrodynamic escape conditions should have applied for hydrogen
(Kulikov et al., 2007) and possibly for heavier gases (C, N, and O) as well (Tian et al., 2009). Oxygen
may also have been lost by the non-thermal processes of sputtering and pick-up (e.g., Lammer et al.,
2003) and by reaction with surface material. Water may have been lost by photodissociation and escape
and also by formation of ice within the planet’s crust. Some water may still be present as a deep
subsurface reservoir.
For the Earth, one would expect a situation somewhere in between that of Venus and Mars.
However, a large water reservoir has been kept intact, possibly thanks to the strong terrestrial
magnetosphere that prevented the solar wind from directly interacting with the atmosphere (Kulikov et al.,
2007; Lundin et al., 2007). However, the fundamental process that led to stability of Earth’s oceans was
the formation of an efficient tropopause cold trap in Earth’s atmosphere (Ingersoll, 1969; Hunten et al.,
1989). This limited the amount of water vapour in Earth’s upper atmosphere, thereby restricting the rate at
which hydrogen could be lost to space. That said, there is evidence for early hydrodynamic escape from
the terrestrial atmosphere, as suggested from the depletion of light noble gases (e.g., Zahnle and Kasting,
1986). This escape may have occurred during the process of planetary accretion, as large impacts created
transient dense, steam atmospheres, temporarily eliminating the tropopause cold trap. A ten-fold increase
of the EUV flux is sufficient to induce high escape rates for H and several other atmospheric constituents
(Kulikov et al., 2007). Some aspects of hydrogen escape from early Earth may have resembled the escape
of H2 from Titan’s CH4/H2-rich atmosphere (Cui et al., 2008, and references therein).
Fig. 5. Diagram illustrating the effect of enhanced solar EUV/FUV heating on the temperature structure of
Earth’s (modern) atmosphere. The numbers indicate the increase in solar flux relative to today’s solar
mean value. At fluxes exceeding 5-6 times present, the atmosphere begins to expand hydrodynamically
and cools adiabatically in its upper regions. (From Tian et al., 2008.)
2.2. Propagation of ionizing radiation through planetary atmospheres
Ionizing stellar radiation may be directly relevant for the formation and evolution of life forms on
terrestrial planets. Although most of the present-day high-energy solar radiation is absorbed in the high
atmosphere of the Earth, the much stronger irradiation regime in the young solar system may have
increased the radiation dose in lower planetary atmospheres. For realistic “habitable” atmospheres, direct
transmission of high-energy radiation (EUV, X-rays and gamma-rays, essentially all radiation shortward
of 200 nm) is negligible (Smith et al. 2004; Cnossen et al., 2007), but in the 200-320 nm range, the
surface irradiation level may have been several orders of magnitude higher than for present-day solar
conditions (Kasting, 1987; Cnossen et al., 2007). Figure 6 shows the expected surface flux of UV in this
range as a function of atmospheric O2 concentration. This radiation is further enhanced by strong auroralike UV showers that are produced by molecular excitation by secondary electrons in the high atmosphere
(Smith et al., 2004). The transmitted energy in the re-radiated UV photons may amount to a few percent
of the incident X-ray/gamma-ray energy depending on the atmospheric composition, density, and the
amount of O2/O3 shielding (Smith et al., 2004). The transmitted UV radiation should have been relevant
for the formation and evolution of life forms on Earth in the first Gyr (at least).
Fig. 6. Solar flux at the surface, for different assumed concentrations of atmospheric O2. The O2
concentration is in PAL (times the Present Atmospheric Level). The dashed curve gives the UV flux at
the top of the atmosphere (for present-day solar output). Present-day concentrations of N2 and CO2 were
assumed in the calculation. (From Kasting, 1987.)
2.3. Atmospheric chemistry induced by high-energy radiation and particles
The increased flux of short-wavelength UV and X-ray radiation from the young Sun should also
have affected atmospheric chemistry on the early terrestrial planets. This subject area has not been
explored in detail in models, largely because of the lack of data with which to compare during the first
few hundred million years of Solar System history. For the Earth, two particular problems deserve
mention here. The first concerns the rate of production of chemical compounds that may have been
involved in the origin of life. As discussed elsewhere in this volume, some (but not all) theories of the
origin of life make use of compounds that were produced within Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. For
example, Miller-Urey synthesis involves production of amino acids and other biologically interesting
compounds from spark discharge experiments, simulating lightning in a highly reduced primitive
atmosphere (Miller, 1953). That particular model is currently out of favour because the early atmosphere
is considered to have been only weakly reduced (Walker, 1977; Kasting, 1993). (But see Hashimoto et al.
(2007 and Schaefer and Fegley (2007) for attempts to revert to Miller-Urey type models.) By this, we
mean that it consisted largely of N2 and CO2 (and a little H2), as opposed to NH3 and CH4. But it may still
have been possible to produce plausible prebiotic compounds in such an atmosphere, as discussed by
Kasting et al. (1998). Nucleotides, for example, consist of various bases (e.g., guanine, C5H5N5) attached
to a sugar (ribose, C5H10O5), and linked together with phosphate (PO4−3). Ribose can, in principle, be made
from formaldehyde, H2CO, through the formose reaction (although the steps required to get specifically
ribose, as opposed to a mix of various sugars, are not understood). Formaldehyde can be readily
synthesized in a weakly reduced atmosphere through the reaction sequence
CO2 + hν → CO + O
H2O + hν → H + OH
H + CO + M → HCO + M
Here, “M” is a third molecule needed to carry off the excess energy of the reaction. The photolysis
reactions that initiate this sequence occur at relatively long wavelengths (λ ~ 200 nm), and so plenty of
photons are available even from the modern, UV-weak Sun, but much higher levels should have applied
to the young Earth (see Sect. 2.2 above).
Obtaining the starting material for the nucleic acid bases (and for amino acids) is more
challenging. Guanine, for example, can be seen to be composed of 5 molecules of HCN, hydrogen
cyanide. Other nucleic acid bases and amino acids also contain C≡N bonds. Forming C≡N bonds in a
weakly reduced atmosphere is difficult because the carbon comes from CO2 and the nitrogen comes from
N2. Shock heating of CO2 and N2 (i.e., Miller-Urey-type synthesis) produces NO, not HCN (Chameides
and Walker, 1981). The most plausible mechanism for forming HCN in such an atmosphere is that
suggested by Zahnle (1986). The reaction sequence is as follows
N2 + hν → N2+ + e
N2 + + e → N + N
CH4 + hν → CH3 + H
CH3 + N → HCN + H2
The first two reactions occur high in the atmosphere where ionizing radiation is present. Radiation
shortward of ~90 nm is required to ionize N2. This, of course, is precisely the type of short-wavelength
radiation that should have been emitted in large quantities by the active young Sun. So, high solar activity
may have helped to enable the formation of HCN, and thence the precursors to amino acids and nucleic
acid bases. Some methane is required for this pathway to succeed. The methane in this model would have
been supplied by water-rock interactions at Earth’s surface, perhaps within the hydrothermal vents. Even
today, methane is thought to be produced by serpentinization reactions within the vent systems (Kelley et
al., 2001, 2005). In Zahnle’s model, N atoms flowing down from the ionosphere encounter CH3 radicals
produced in the stratosphere, and the resulting HCN diffuses downward and is removed by rainout in the
A second example of why the enhanced flux of short-wavelength radiation may have been
important concerns the post-biotic Earth. If methanogenic bacteria (methanogens) evolved early, as seems
likely, then methane may have been an important atmospheric constituent on the Archean Earth, 2.4-3.8
Gyr ago (Kharecha et al., 2005; Haqq-Misra et al., 2008). If the CH4/CO2 ratio was ≥0.1, which is possible
under many circumstances, then photolysis of CH4 can lead to the formation of Titan-like organic haze
(Pavlov et al., 2001; Domagal-Goldman et al., 2008). The wavelength cutoff for methane photolysis is at
145 nm; hence, the solar EUV flux is quite critical in determining the efficiency of the haze formation
process. The early Earth should therefore have been strongly influenced by the activity of the young Sun.
The same thought could apply to Earth-like planets orbiting other young, solar-type stars.
Habitability of planets and the potential evolution of biological activity are strongly related to the
radiative output and mass loss of the central star. We have learned both from studies in the solar system
(geological studies and investigations of meteorites and planetary atmospheres) and statistical studies of
stellar samples that the young solar system was subject to conditions fundamentally different from
present. On the one hand, the bolometric luminosity of the young (near-zero age main-sequence) Sun was
30% below present-day levels, requiring efficient greenhouses to explain the evidently mild climate on
young Earth and Mars and to make formation of life on Earth possible. On the other hand, the shortwavelength (UV, EUV, X-ray and gamma-ray) fluxes were much enhanced in the younger Sun owing to
its much higher level of magnetic activity as a consequence of its faster rotation. EUV and X-ray
irradiation at levels hundreds to about a thousand times higher than at present led to various processes of
atmospheric loss, in particular loss of water from Venus and Mars, although magnetospheric protection
and the development of a cold trap kept a strong water reservoir intact on Earth. Radiation also had
fundamental impact on the formation of basic chemical compounds required for the formation of life,
such as ribose and starting materials for nucleic acid bases and amino acids. Again, enhanced ultraviolet
and ionizing EUV and X-ray radiation was amply present to support the requisite reactions. The same
radiation may, on the other hand, have been enhanced also at the terrestrial surface level, requiring early
life forms to have evolved in regions shielded from this radiation, such as in the deep oceans.
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