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Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Period : _____
Jaguar Review #8
Earth & Space Sciences Benchmark C: Describe interactions of matter and energy throughout the lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere (e.g., water cycle, weather and pollution.)
1. A student observing the sky notices that the cirrostratus clouds she saw in the
morning have been replaced by cumulonimbus clouds in the afternoon. What
weather conditions can she expect for the afternoon and evening?
A. Low clouds and fog with little temperature change
B. Fair skies continuing with scattered puffy clouds
C. Light rain, then an increase in temperature and clearing skies
D. Heavy wind and rain followed by a drop in temperature and clearing skies
2. A meteorologist collects data on the weather conditions at an airport.
The diagram shows a weather station model of the data that he collected.
At the time these data were collected, flights at the airport were delayed.
According to this information, which weather condition caused the delay?
A. Thick fog
B. Heavy snow
C. Freezing rain
D. Strong winds
3. Which type of cloud is usually associated with thunderstorms?
A. cirrus
B. cumulus
C. stratus
D. none of the above
4. Which type of information is not used to create a weather map?
A. Magnetic force
B. Temperature
C. Air pressure
D. Precipitation
5. The diagram below shows a weather instrument. Which weather condition is
measured by this instrument?
A. Air humidity
B. Air pressure
C. Wind direction
D. Wind speed
Use the following information to answer questions 6 - 9.
The weather information shown to the right was reported on
Sunday, the 15th of the month, and two days later on Tuesday,
the 17th of the month. The table conditions for Sunday only,
whereas the maps report early morning conditions for both
Sunday and Tuesday.
6. According to the weather map for Sunday, which is
the approximate barometric pressure reading at
Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday at 6:00am?
A. 990 millibars
B. 995 millibars
C. 1000 millibars
D. 1010 millibars
7. Look at the weather map and the table for Sunday at 6:00 a.m. Fog was reported
for one city on Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m.
Which city was it?
A. Dallas
B. Miami
C. Minneapolis
D. Seattle
8. You live in Ohio and want to paint the outside of your house. You need fair weather
for at least two days for two coats of paint to dry completely.
According to the weather maps, on which day should you start painting?
A. Saturday, the 14th of the month
B. Sunday, the 15th of the month
C. Monday, the 16th of the month
D. Thursday, the 19th of the month
9. According to the table of weather conditions, what was the average temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit at Cleveland, Ohio, for the 24-hour period ending at 6 a.m. on
A. 53 degrees Fahrenheit
B. 59 degrees Fahrenheit
C. 61 degrees Fahrenheit
D. 65 degrees Fahrenheit
10. Which symbol is used to represent a moving cold front on a weather map?
11. When is air pressure usually highest?
A. When it is cold and dry
B. When it is warm and dry
C. When it is cold and humid
D. When it is warm and humid
12. A meteorologist is studying Earth’s atmosphere in order to predict the weather. The
meteorologist observes gathering cumulonimbus clouds and falling barometric
pressure. What type of weather should she expect?
A. Cold weather
B. Heavy, dense fog
C. Rain and thunder
D. Warm and sunny weather
13. Based on the weather map below, why does City A
have clear sky conditions?
A. City A is located in a warm, moist air mass.
B. City A is near a low pressure system.
C. City A is near a high pressure system.
D. City A is located behind a warm front.
14. A cold air mass and a warm air mass are predicted to meet. What type of weather
can be expected between the two air masses?
A. Stormy weather
B. Dry weather
C. Warm weather
D. Cold weather
15. On a weather map, what does the “H” represent?
A. A low pressure system
B. A high pressure system
C. A hurricane
D. A light rain
16. When cold air moves under warm air, a cold front forms. The steep slope of the cold
front tends to suddenly push the warm air up and create vertical clouds. Given this
information, which of the following cloud types and weather conditions would most
likely result from a fast moving cold front?
A. Cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms
B. Cirrus clouds and snow
C. Cumulus clouds and clear weather
D. Stratus clouds and drizzly rain
17. When warm air moves over cold air, a warm front forms. The warm air tends to rise
along a gentle slope above the cold air and form layers of clouds. Given this
information, which of the following cloud types and weather conditions would most
likely result from an incoming warm front?
A. Cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms
B. Cirrus clouds and snow
C. Cumulus clouds and clear weather
D. Stratus clouds and drizzly rain
18. What is the amount of water vapor in the air called?
A. temperature
B. humidity
C. precipitation
D. condensation
19. Thunderstorms can produce several inches of rainfall within a short time. Which of
the following can be a result of this heavy rainfall?
A. hurricane
B. flooding
C. tropical storm
D. hail
20. On a weather map, what do the bright green areas represent?
A. High winds
B. Clouds
C. Warm fronts
D. Rain