Download First Release In the fourth quarter of 2016 households in

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First Release
6 marec 2017
provisional data
In the fourth quarter of 2016 households in Slovenia paid on average EUR 0.58
for 1 m3 of natural gas.
Prices of Energy Sources, Slovenia, 4th quater 2016
Average natural gas price for households in Slovenia decreased by 9% between the third and the
fourth quarter of 2016. In the same period average electricity price for households decreased by 5%.
Household energy prices in Slovenia decreased in the fourth quarter of 2016
The average electricity price for households in Slovenia in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 15.68 EUR/100
kWh, which is a 5% decrease over the third quarter. The average electricity price without value added tax for
industry in Slovenia was 7.85 EUR/100 kWh, i.e. 6% higher than in the third quarter of 2016.
The average natural gas price for households in Slovenia in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 0.58 EUR/Sm3,
which is a 9% decrease over the third quarter. The average natural gas price without value added tax for
industry in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 0.30 EUR/Sm3, which is an 11% increase over the third quarter.
Prices of electricity in Slovenia were below the EU average in the 1st half of 2016
The international comparison of electricity prices for 1st half of 2016 shows that in Slovenia price with all
taxes for households (2500-5000 kWh annual consumption) represented 79% of the EU-28 average and for
industry without VAT (500-2000 MWh annual consumption) 72% of the EU-28 average.
In the same period natural gas price with all taxes for households (20-200 GJ annual consumption)
represented 96% of the EU-28 average and for industry without VAT (10000–100000 annual consumption)
exceeded the EU-28 average by 9%.
Published on:, printed on 19. 6. 2017.
Chart 1: Natural gas prices, Slovenia and EU
Source: SURS
Chart 2: Electricity prices, Slovenia and EU
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia Energy Directorate
Methodological note
Published on:, printed on 19. 6. 2017.
4th quarter 2016 data will become final after three months at the latest.
Detailed data
Detailed data and time series are available on the SI-STAT data portal, which enables simple browsing
and exporting of data in various formats. Registered users have the possibility to store tables for later
browsing and to sign up to be informed when data are updated.
Author/s: Mojca Suvorov
Next release: 5. 6. 2017
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Information Centre:
phone: +386 1 241 64 04
fax: +386 1 241 53 44
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© Statistični urad Republike Slovenije
Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged.
Published on:, printed on 19. 6. 2017.
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