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Computer Science 101
For Statement
The For-Statement is a loop statement
that is especially convenient for loops that
are to be executed a specific number of
times (not controlled by user input, etc.).
The For-Statement is also convenient for
working with lists.
For-Statement (cont.)
for <variable> in <list> :
<list of statements>
The variable is called the loop index.
Semantics: For each value in the list, the
loop index takes on the value and the loop
body is executed.
Python Session
Python Session
Find Largest Example
range provides a list of consecutive
• If num is a positive integer, then
gives the list [0,1, …, num-1]
• If num1 < num2, then
range(num1, num2)
gives the list [num1, num1+1, …, num2-1]
Range Example
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