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Chapter 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving.notebook
September 12, 2016
Homework questions???
1) 2)
4) Solve:
b. Aug 28­3:53 PM
Chapter 2.2 Introduction to Problem Solving
Write algebraic expressions that can be simplified and apply the steps for problem solving.
Aug 28­4:01 PM
To begin to problem solve we will start with writing algebraic expressions and simplifying them.
A common math problem involves consecutive number integers. These are numbers that follow one another in order.
Consecutive Integers:
Consecutive Even Integers:
Consecutive Odd Integers:
Aug 28­4:02 PM
Aug 28­4:03 PM
Write the following as algebraic expressions and then simplify:
Write the following as algebraic expressions and then simplify:
1) The sum of three consecutive odd integers, if x is the first consecutive integer.
3) The perimeter of the rectangle with sides of length 2x and 3x + 4.
2) The sum of four consecutive integers, if n is the first consecutive integer. 4) The perimeter of the triangle with side lengths x, 3x, and 6x ­ 7.
Aug 28­4:10 PM
Aug 28­4:12 PM
Chapter 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving.notebook
5) In 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau released the populations of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Portland metro areas. The Los Angeles metro area has 8.72 million more people than the Phoenix metro area. The Portland metro area has 2.04 million less than the Phoenix metro area. Write the sum of the population of the three metro areas as a simplified algebraic expression.
September 12, 2016
6) A second number is three times the first number. A third number is 50 more than the first number. If their sum is 235, find the three numbers.
7) A second number is two times the first number. A third number is 9 less than the second number. If their sum is 121, find the three numbers.
Aug 28­4:14 PM
Steps(Strategy) for Problem Solving
• Understand the problem. – Read the problem at least two times
– Make a drawing
– Find the important information
– What are you asked to do, What information do you need to answer the question
• Choose a variable to represent the unknown
• Translate into an equation
• Solve the equation
• Interpret the results
– check your answer
– does it make sense
– what does it mean in the context of the problem
Aug 29­9:50 AM
Aug 29­9:44 AM
8) The price of a home was just decreased by 6%. If the decreased price is $83,660, find the original price of the home.
9) At the end of the season, the cost of a snowboard was reduced by 40%. If the snowboard sells for $270 after the decrease, find the original price of the board.
Aug 21­9:11 AM
P. 62­64 #1­4(all), 11­33, 41, 43, 47 (odds) Aug 28­4:38 PM
Aug 29­9:47 AM
Chapter 2.2 An Introduction to Problem Solving.notebook
September 12, 2016
Sep 2­7:58 AM