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Topic 17: Reproduction
17.3 Sexual reproduction in humans
and name on diagrams of the male reproductive system:
the testes, scrotum, sperm ducts, prostate gland, urethra and penis,
and state the functions of these parts
• Identify and name on diagrams of the female reproductive system: the
ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix and vagina, and state the functions of these
• Describe fertilisation as the fusion of the nuclei from a male gamete
(sperm) and a female gamete (egg cell/ovum)
the adaptive features of sperm and egg cells
that in early development, the zygote forms an embryo which is a ball
of cells that implants into the wall of the uterus
Sexual Reproduction in
Reproduction - Ability to produce
individuals (offspring) of the same
 Most animals reproduce sexually. In
sexual reproduction male and female
parents produce sex cells or gametes,
the nuclei of which contain the genetic
Sexual reproduction in humans
Humans are characterized by:
Internal fertilization: means that the gametes
(sex cells) fuse inside the body of the female
Internal development: means that the
embryo grows inside the body of female
Gonads are the organs responsible for
producing gametes
Male gonads are testis
Female gonads are ovaries
Male sex cell
Male gamete = sperm – produced in
testes and deposited though intercourse
(mating) into female reproductive tract by
male reproductive system
Female sex cell
Female gamete – egg (ovum) – produced in
ovaries – fuses with male sperm to form a
zygote (which develops into a baby) in the
female reproductive tract. The egg cell has
energy stores and a jelly coating that changes
after fertilisation
A human egg surrounded by sperm
- one of which will fertilise it
Each gamete contains half the number of parental
chromosomes. The two gametes fuse together during
fertilisation to make a new individual with a full set of
The sperm has flagellum for swimming to reach the
ova and the presence of enzymes to digest the wall of
Reproductive system
Male reproductive system
Carries urine
from kidney
to bladder
Secretes fluid known as the
seminal fluid to mix with
the sperm, this fluid
consists of:
•Mucus: facilitate
copulation and swimming
of sperms
•Sugars(fructose) : provide
energy for sperm
•Alkaline material to
neutralize the acidity of
urethra and vagina
Coiled tube,
Storage of
Site of sperm
Carries sperm from
epididymis to urethra in
penis by wave-like muscular
contractions (peristalsis) to
help in ejaculation
Sac of skin, containing testes –
hold it outside the body
At lower temperature (below
body temperature of 370C)
for sperm formation
Sperm cannot survive for long
at 370C
Produces sperm
and the hormone
testosterone (sex
Common passage for both urine and
(semen is the sperms plus the fluid
produced by prostate gland and
seminal vesicles)
Has muscular wall to contract to help
in ejaculation
Male reproductive system
Organ of copulation
Contains erectile tissue which has blood cavities, when penis is stimulated blood fills
the cavities making the penis long and strong enough for copulation, this is known
as erection
Covered with a piece of fore skin which is removed in the process of circumcision
Female reproductive organ
•Narrow tube
carrying eggs from
the ovaries to the
•Has ciliated cells to
push the ova into
the uterus
•Site of fertilisation
Muscular organ
site of implantation of
fertilises egg and embryo
Site of formation of
Are two , right one and left
•Produces and releases ova
(singular: ovum) into the
•Produces hormones
•Oestrogen – repairs uterine
lining after menstruation
•Progesterone – maintains
uterine lining after repair
Organ of copulation
Muscular and elastic
tube into which male
penis is place during
Expand during birth
Muscular ring that
separates the uterus
and vagina
Secretes mucus to
help the sperm to
Some adaptations:
the lining is soft and spongy with many blood vessels to supply the
embryo with food and oxygen
In the lining implantation of the embryo takes place (where the
emvbryo fixes itself to the lining of uterus
If there is no fertilization the lining is broken down releasing blood ,
this is called menstruation
Some adaptations:
Expands during birth
 Secretes mucus to facilitate the movement of male
organ during copulation
 Secrets acid to kill bacteria and other microorganism
Due to stimulation, the blood
pressure increases in the
penis and becomes stiff and
 The penis is inserted in the
vagina and moves rhythmically
 The muscles of epididymis,
sperms ducts and urethra
contract in a wave motion to
push sperms
 Seminal vesicle and prostate
gland produce seminal fluid to
be mixed with sperms and
form the semen
Sperms are deposited on the top of vagina below the
Sperms swim using their tails through the cervix and
the film of moisture lining the uterus
Sperms are attracted to the ovum due to chemicals it
Many sperms reach the egg, each sperm produces
enzymes from its head to digest a way into the egg
The sperm leaves the tail outside then the nucleus of
the sperm and that of ovum fuse together to form
the zygote
Once a sperm has succeeded in penetrating the egg ,
a fertilization membrane is formed quickly to prevent
any other sperm enter the ovum
Some definitions
Zygote: a cell formed due to the fusion of
a male gamete and a female gamete
 Embryo: a ball of cells formed due to
division of the zygote by mitosis
 Fetus: a mammalian embryo in advanced
stage of development
Implantation (read only)
Formation of embryo due to successive
division of the zygote by a method of division
called mitosis
 Menstrual cycle stops, until after the baby is
 Implantation takes place, the process by which
the embryo attach to the lining of uterus
 Formation of amnion and placenta
What will
happen if no
fertilization ?
Next slide
Sexual reproduction part 2
 State the functions of the umbilical cord,
placenta, amniotic sac and amniotic fluid
 Outline the processes involved in labour
and birth
 Describe the ante-natal care of pregnant
women, limited to special dietary needs
and the harm from smoking and alcohol
It is the break down of
the lining of the uterus
in case there is no
 It takes place due to a
drop in the level of
hormone called
progesterone (the
function of this
hormone is to
maintain the lining of
the uterus)
Menstruation and ovulation
Ovulation is the release of ova into the
oviduct, it takes place at day 14 of the
menstrual cycle
Amnion(amniotic sac or water sac)
Secretes amniotic fluid
1. Act as shock
2. Protects the embryo
against adhesion of
3. facilitates the
movement of fetus
The placenta is an organ that connects the
developing fetus to the uterine wall
Blood in placenta includes:
Maternal blood from uterine artery
Fetal blood from umbilical artery and the umbilical vein
in the umbilical cord
Importance of placenta:
Exchange of gases:
Oxygen from mother’s blood diffuses into fetal blood
CO2 from the fetal blood diffuses into mother’s blood
Food such as glucose and amino acids diffuses into fetal blood
Waste products such as urea diffuses from fetal blood into
mother’s blood
Secretion of hormones:
Secretes estrogen and progesterone to:
Keep the uterine lining support the embryo
Stimulate the growth of milk-producing tissues in the woman’s
Prevent anymore to be released during pregnancy
Importance of placenta:
Fetal blood and maternal blood never mix in
the placenta so :
 Protects the fetus against high blood pressure
 Protects the fetus against bacteria from mother’s
blood(but viruses like HIV can pass because they
are very small)
Umbilical cord
Connects the placenta and fetus
It contains:
Umbilical artery: carries CO2 and other waste products
of the fetus to placenta
Umbilical vein: carries O2 and food materials from
placenta to fetus
How to care for the baby
Ante-natal care
 Must include protein for building cells
 More carbohydrates and fats for energy
 More minerals as calcium for bones and iron
to form hemoglobin
2. Drugs:
 Extra precautions
 Drugs must be avoided because they can
pass through the placenta to fetal body and
cause abnormalities
How to care for the baby
Ante-natal care
 Must be avoided, it can result in small and
less healthy body because:
 CO (carbon monoxide) can reduce the
oxygen supply as it combines with
hemoglobin forming stable
 Nicotine makes the fetal heart beats
more quickly
Smoking abnormalities
How to care for the baby
Ante-natal care
 Should be avoided because it causes
 Abnormalities in fetus
 Premature baby
 Miscarriage
Alcohol abnormalities