Download Logicl Reasoning VII-VIII

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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1. What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is
7:20 ?
2. How many diagonals has an Octagon?
3. In a Pascal’s triangle each row is bounded by …….. .
4. Which number is known as Ramanujan number?
5. One person has 4 sons. If each brother has one sister, what is the total number of children?
6. Name the only point that lies on all the diameters of a circle.
7. Find the nearest integer to 58701 which is exactly divisible by 567.
8. I have two 10 ps coins. If
of what I have is
of what you have, how much do you have?
9. Can you write 31 using only digit 3, five times?
10. How many Squares are there in the figure?
11. In the numerals 0 to 99, which is the least repeated digit?
12. What is the biggest number that can be written with four, ones?
13. There are three consecutive numbers whose sum is equal to their product. Which are they?
14. Fear of numbers is called …………
15. Trigon is the old term for ……….
16. A car has a three digit number which is the square of some number. The other car also has a
three digit square number, but the first digit of the first car has become the last digit of the
second car. What are the numbers of these two cars ?
17. When a bottle full of honey was weighed, its weight was I kg. When the bottle was weighed
with half the honey, its weight was 600 g .What is the weight of the bottle?
18. In a bundle of 5 rupee notes, which has been numbered according to sequence :- the first
number is 3300 and the last number is 3400,then how many rupees are there in the bundle?
19. Which is the largest number that can be written using three 2’s?
20. Ranjith and Reshmi are brother and sister. Ranjith’s sisters are double the number of his
brothers. As far as Reshmi is concerned, the number of brothers and sisters are equal. Find
the number brothers and sisters.
21. 17 x A = 17 + A. What is the value of A?
22. Here is a multiplication 159 x 48 = 7632.Can you see something particular in this
multiplication? Yes, all the nine digits are different. Write one more such product.
23. A frog starts climbing a 30 ft wall. Each hour he climbs 3 ft and slips back 2 ft. How
many hours does it take to reach the top and get out?
24. S434S0. What number must be substituted with S to make it divisible by 36?
25. Find the missing number in the last box.
2 ,5
6, …
26. Complete the series.
27. ‟An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of Godˮ Whose words are
28. 1729 = 1 + x3 = y3 +103 , find x and y.
29. If 6 men can pack 6 packets of candy in 6 minutes, how many men are required to pack 60
packets in 60 minutes?
30. What is the highest medal that is given for a research work in Mathematics?
31. Find the missing pair of letters. ZA:YB ::XC: ?
32. Find the missing number:
33. Find the next number
4 , 15 , 37 , 70 , …..
34. From 1 O’clock in the morning till 12 noon,how many times the pendulum of a wall clock
35.Fill the missing box:
1 4 ?
4 2 5
2 2 3
49 64 169
36. If BUTTER = 36, TOAST = 25, then MILK =……….
37. Continue :m , NN,Q , PP , q , ….. , …….
38. If we multiply together 15 negative integers and 10 positive integers ,then the product will be
a ……….. integer.
39. Sum of two integers is 32.If one of the integer is -32, find the other integer.
40. If the difference of two supplementary angle is 30˚,find the measurement of the smaller
41. There are five consecutive natural numbers and x is the smallest among them, then find their
42. Find the number whose double is greater than its half by 45.
43. What is the value of (P + Q) ÷ (P - Q) if
44. One paper has 4 corners. From this if one corner is cut off, how many corners will be there in
the paper?
45. There are 6 small boxes in a box. In each small box there are again 6 small boxes. Then what
is the total number of boxes?
46. The price of cloth with 1 m length and 1 m breadth is Rs 30.Then what will be the price of a
cloth having 2 m length and 2 m breadth?
47. Find the supplement of an angle which is 5 times of its complement.
48. What is the other popular name of zero.
49. If
= 43,find the value of
50. Find the missing number
4 3
9 5
11 7