* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AMER. ZOOL., 24:241-251 (1984) The Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in Blood Ion and Acid-Base Regulation1 RAYMOND P. HENRY 2 Department of Physiology, G4, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 SYNOPSIS. The role of carbonic anhydrase (CA) in ion transport processes of aquatic and terrestrial arthropod species is reviewed. In both insects and crustaceans CA is found in a variety of ion transporting tissues. The bulk of CA activity in crustaceans is concentrated in the posterior gills, which are morphologically and biochemically adapted for ion transport. The enzyme can be specifically localized to gill lamellae which contain large populations of salt transporting chloride cells. Enzyme activity in the posterior gills of species having the ability to regulate blood ion concentrations increases when these organisms are acclimated to environmental salinities in which they ion regulate. In stenohaline, ion conforming species branchial CA activity is uniformly low, being only 5—10% that in regulating species. Studies on the blue crab, Calhnectes sapidus, using the specific CA inhibitor acetazolamide have shown that the enzyme is indeed important in blood ion regulation. Blood Na+ and Cl~ concentrations are both severely lowered in drug-treated animals acclimated to low salinity, while they remain virtually unaffected in animals acclimated to high salinity, in which the animal is an ion conformer. High salinity acclimated crabs treated with acetazolamide do not survive transfer to low salinity, and mortality is related to a breakdown in the ion regulatory mechanism. Branchial CA most likely functions in the hydration of respiratory CO2 to H+ and HCO,~, which serve as counterions for the active uptake of Na+ and Cl~, respectively. In terrestrial species the role of CA is unclear and merits further investigation. INTRODUCTION Since its discovery in 1932 by Meldrum and Roughton, the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) (E.C. 4-2-1-1) has been the subject of intense study. Most of the work, however, has been concentrated on the mammalian erythrocyte enzyme. As a result, much is known about the physiological, biochemical and physical-chemical properties of red cell CA (for reviews see Maren, 1967; Lindskog etai, 1971;Nahas and Schaefer, 1974; Wyeth and Prince, 1977; Bauer et ai, 1980). Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the reversible hydration/ dehydration reaction of CO2 and water, as shown below (for a detailed discussion of the reaction mechanism see Coleman, 1980). CA CO2 + H2O ~ H+ + HCO 3 ^ ^ H2CO3*^ In the red cell the enzyme functions primarily in CO2 transport and excretion, as 1 From the Symposium on Cellular Mechanisms of Ion Regulation in Arthropods presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, 2730 December 1982, at Louisville, Kentucky. 2 Present address: Department of Zoology, 101 Cary Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849. shown in Figure 1. CO2 from respiring tissue enters the plasma and diffuses into the red cell where it is rapidly hydrated to H + and HCO3". The H+ ion is buffered by intracellular hemoglobin while HCO 3 " is transported back to the plasma in exchange for Cl~. Thus the bulk of CO2 transported by the blood is in the form of plasma HCO3". At the site of gas exchange, the lung, the series of reactions takes place in reverse and CO2 is excreted in the gas form. Erythrocyte CA thus allows the large pool of otherwise slow reacting plasma HCO3" to be utilized in CO2 excretion. This well-known scheme is inapplicable to the arthropods, however, for the reason that with one known exception (the larval form of Chironomous is unique by having both CA and a respiratory pigment in its blood) (Roeder, 1953), these organisms (and most other invertebrates as well) lack both circulating erythrocytes and blood CA activity (Levenbrook and Clark, 1950; Buck and Friedman, 1958; Waterman, 1960; Burnett et ai, 1981; Henry and Cameron, 1982a). But because the products of the hydration reaction are charged ionic species it has long been recognized that carbonic anhydrase could play an important role in various ion transport processes: that of 241 242 RAYMOND P. HENRY HMHCO; • 3 (fast) ;co9 * This review will deal with the potential contribution of carbonic anhydrase to ion transport processes in arthropods, specifically the crustaceans and insects. The distribution of the enzyme and its biochemical properties will be discussed in relation to its function in ion regulation. Also, more direct evidence from physiological studies using CA inhibitors will be presented. DISTRIBUTION OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE FIG. 1. Carbonic anhydrase-catalyzed CO2 reactions in the vertebrate erythrocyte. generating counterions (i.e., H + and HCO3~) for the ionic species being transported. Ion transport mechanisms in the arthropods have been studied in relation to primarily two physiological processes. Aquatic species (crustaceans) which can invade estuarine waters of low salinity possess the ability to regulate blood ion concentrations significantly above those in the ambient medium (reviewed by Kirschner, 1979). Na+ and Cl~, which make up over 90% of the total blood ions, are actively transported from the medium against an electrochemical gradient to the blood by the gills. There is a large body of evidence supporting the hypothesis of Na + /H + (or NH4+) and C1VHCO3~ exchange across the branchial epithelium, and thus there is good reason to suspect that gill CA may be involved. The second process occurs in terrestrial arthropods which are faced with an entirely different problem, that of combatting water loss. Ion transport in relation to water reabsorption has been more thoroughly studied in the insect species (reviewed by Phillips, 1981) although terrestrial crustaceans appear to have equally efficient mechanisms (Bliss, 1968). The reabsorption of water in the insect hindgut and rectum is accomplished by the active transport of Na + , K+ and Cl" from the urine. Again, H + and HCO 3 " generated from the catalyzed hydration of CO2 and water could function as counterions. Carbonic anhydrase was initially discovered in arthropods almost 50 yr ago (Ferguson et at., 1937) and since that time the enzyme has been found in a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial species. A summary of much of the purely documentary work, including the species, the tissue where the enzyme was detected and the assay method used, is presented in Table 1. Carbonic anhydrase appears to be fairly ubiquitous, being found in a number of different tissue types. Among the insect species CA activity has been found in ion transporting epithelia as well as in other tissues. The presence of the enzyme has also been documented histochemically in Malpighian tubules of two species of praying mantis (Polya and Wirtz, 1965). Despite the relatively large number of species examined, information on the distribution of CA in the insects remains rather superficial. There are a number of reasons for this. First, although many species have been examined, the work has been concentrated on only a few tissues. Some of the earlier research was done on general body parts such as head and abdomen, with no attempt made to separate individual tissues. Second, a good deal of the data on enzyme activity has been obtained using the manometric "boat" assay; this technique was abandoned quite some time ago because of lack of sensitivity resulting from the reaction being limited by diffusion of CO2 and not by the catalyzed production of CO2 (see Davis [1963] for a detailed discussion of CA assay methods). Furthermore, most of the data on insects in Table 1 was originally reported in a semi-quantitative manner (as the ratio of the catalyzed to the uncatalyzed CARBONIC ANHYDRASE FUNCTION IN ARTHROPODS 243 reaction rates) making it difficult to com- species are only about 5% of the maximum pare levels of enzyme activity either among values in C. sapidus (Table 2). The heterdifferent species or among different tissues ogenous distribution of branchial CA is also within a single species. Given these facts, seen in a terrestrial crab, G. lateraiis. The it would be useful for the distribution of smaller anterior-posterior difference, carbonic anhydrase in insects to be reex- which is due to the anterior gills having amined in a systematic, quantitative man- higher enzyme activity than those in C. ner under standard conditions of temper- sapidus, is correlated with the presence of ature, pH, ionic strength and buffer chloride cell patches in all of the gills; the capacity, all of which affect the CO2 reac- posterior gills having larger patches (Copetion. land, 1968). Branchial carbonic anhydrase activity can The distribution of CA in the crustaceans is somewhat similar to that in insects be further localized in C. sapidus as a result insofar as enzyme activity appears to be of a unique feature of the fifth gill pair. In found in a variety of tissues, but seems to low salinity acclimated animals the postealways be present in high levels in those rior lamellae of the fifth gill possess a large tissues responsible for ion transport (i.e., patch of chloride cells which is absent from gills, Table 1). Recent work by Henry and the anterior lamellae (Aldridge, 1977; Cameron (1982a) has shown that not only Henry and Cameron, 1982a). From a crude do the gills possess the bulk of CA activity dissection along the midline of the fifth in the animal, but also that enzyme activity gill, separating the anterior and posterior is distributed heterogenously among the lamellae, Henry and Cameron (i982a) individual gill pairs, and it is dependent showed that the posterior lamella contains upon environmental salinity (Table 2). In about 75% of the total CA activity in the crabs typically having from 7 to 9 gill pairs, gill (Table 3). the posterior 2 to 3 gill pairs have substanThe pattern of distribution of branchial tially more CA activity than do the anterior CA is remarkably similar to that of another gills. Among the species examined this dif- gill enzyme which is known to be important ference occurs only in those organisms in ion transport: the Na + /K + -ATPase capable of regulating blood ion concentra- (Towle, 1981). In the blue crab ATPase tions. The gills in such species (e.g., C. sapi- activity is also found to be concentrated in dus) are morphologically distinct; the pos- the posterior gills, and activity increases terior gills possess dense populations of salt proportionally more in these gills during transporting "chloride cells" which are the animal's transition from ion conforabsent in the anterior gills (Copeland and mity to regulation. Furthermore, this Fitzjarrell, 1968; Aldridge and Cameron, enzyme has also been localized to the area 1979). The anterior gills are believed to of the lamellae containing dense patches function strictly in gas exchange while the of chloride cells (Neufeld et ai, 1980). posterior gills have a mixed respiratory and The distribution of CA in arthropod tision regulating function. Pequeux and Gilles sues suggests that the enzyme is indeed (1981), using isolated perfused gills from involved in ion transport process. Its presthe crab Enocheir sinensis, demonstrated ence in ion transporting tissues such as this functional difference by showing that insect midgut epithelium and Malpighian Na+ fluxes in the anterior gills were entirely tubules, and crustacean gills is a strong passive, while those in the posterior gills indication that the enzyme plays a role in were responsible for net Na+ influx. blood ion regulation. In crustaceans carbonic anhydrase has The anterior-posterior difference in branchial CA activity is greatest when C. been found in greatest abundance in the sapidus is osmo- and ion regulating. It is of specific gills believed to be responsible for interest to note that this difference is not ion transport, and CA activity has been found in a stenohaline osmo- and ion con- correlated with the presence of salt transforming species (L. emarginata), and the porting chloride cells in the lamellae. values for branchial CA activity in this Enzyme activity increases to a greater K3 TABLE 1. Spei les Tissue Catimiis mnenas Paih\giapsit\ aas.sipes Cuticle Gills Whole body Mantle Gills Muscle Gills Muscle Muscle Gills Gills Gills Branchial epithelium Gills Muscle Heart Antennal gland Branchial epithelium Stomach mucosa Gills Gills Muscle Heart Antennal gland Branchial epithelium Gills Muscle Heart Branchial epithelium Bdlttnu\ wiprm'isu.s Hinmirih ameriianu.s Limiilus pohphemus l.ihiiua rmarginata C.nrdiMima mrnifex C.tndisnma guaiihitmi (.illline/tes snpidus Ct'Kircnius late rails Carbonic anhydrase activity in various tissues of selected arthropod species. CA Activity Method Reference 1.5 mmol COj/min mg Pro. 8.1 E.U./mg Pro.' 3.6 E.U. 2.3 E.U. 65 E.U./g 20 E.U./g 325 E.U./g 150 E.U./g 8 E.U./g 45 E.U./g 0.05 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.27 E.U./mg Pro. 0 E.U./mg Pro. Manometric boat Electrometric ApH Colorimetric ApH Colorimetric ApH Manometric boat Manometric boat Manometric boat Manometric boat Manometric boat Manometric boat pH Stat Manometric boat Manometric boat Giraud, 1981 Burnett el al., 1981 Costlow, 1959 0.8 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.02 mmol CO 2 /min mg Pro. 0.04 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.06 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. pH pH pH pH Henry and Cameron, 1982o 0.05 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. pH Stat 54 E.U./g Manometric boat 0 E.U./g 0.9 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.15 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.12 mmol COj/min mg Pro. 0.09 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. Manometric boat pH Stat pH Stat pH Stat pH Stat 0.03 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. pH Stat 0.7 mmol COj/min mg Pro. 0.2 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.3 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. 0.15 mmol CO2/min mg Pro. pH pH pH pH Ferguson et al., 1937 Ferguson et al., 1937 Ferguson et al., 1937 Henry and Cameron, 1982o Randall and Wood, 1981 50 •< Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat o z D y x Sobotka and Kami, 1941 Henry and Cameron, 1982n Henry and Cameron, 1982o TABLE 1. Species Hdlo/ilioin rernpia'' Aglnis urticae'' Pietis bmssicae*' Vanessa u> h Phaleta bitcrphnln*' Cosmotnche patona1' Mauduca ie.xla'' Musca miisca Musfu (lomeslmi Papilla japonira Penplanetn amerirana Scolopendm sp. Tissue Midgut epithelium Midgut epithelium Midgut epithelium Midgut epithelium Midgut epithelium Midgut epithelium Fat body Midgut Integument epithelium Head Abdomen Total body Abdomen Abdominal contents Head Fat body Gut Coxal muscle Body segments Poison claw Midgut CA Activity Continued Method Reference 2.1 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 0.2 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 0.7 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 0.5 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 0.4 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 0.5 E.U./mg Pro. pH Stat Turbeck and Foder, 1970 2 W.A. units 2 W.A. units 2 W.A. units Electrometric ApH Electrometric ApH Electrometric ApH Johnston and Jungreis, 1979 4.6 E.U./g 18 E.U./g 2.1 E.U. 5.5 E.U./g 18 E.U./g Manometric boat Manometric boat Electrometric ApH Manometric boat Manometric boat Sobotka and Kann, 1941 2.1 E.U. 1.3 E.U. 1.8 E.U. 0.9 E.U. 0.28 E.U./g 1.25 E.U./g 28 E.U./g Electrometric ApH Electrometric ApH Electrometric ApH Electrometric ApH Manometric boat Manometric boat Manometric boat Anderson and March, 1956 > CS O Z n z i •< D Anderson and March, 1956 Sobotka and Kann, 1941 73 C Z n 0 z H X O "0 Sobotka and Kann, 1941 ' E.U. (enzyme unit) usually expressed as (Vc —Vu)/Vu where Vc = the catalyzed reaction rate and Vu = the uncatalyzed rate. For the specific assay conditions of pH, temperature and assay media see the original references. h Larval stage of development. 0 D 246 RAYMOND P. HENRY TABLE 2. Carbonic anhydrase activity in three species of crustaceans from various habitats.* Environment mM Species C. sapidus Gills (anterior) Gills (posterior) Backfin muscle Antennal gland C. sapidus Gills (anterior) Gills (posterior) Backfin muscle Antennal gland L. emarginata Gills (anterior) Gills (posterior) C. laterahs Gills (anterior) Gills (posterior) Cheliped muscle Blood mM mOsm Na* Cl- mOsm Na* ci- 865 426 489 882 443 449 CA Activity (pmol COj/ mm mg Pro.) 150 ± 45 230 ± 13 85 75 250 116 131 665 353 338 255 ± 15 838 ± 82 120 80 950 — 551 978 — 556 48 ± 10 59 ± 10 Terrestrial 769 381 378 ± 22 613 ± 37 200 Data summarized from Figures 4—8 in Henry and Cameron, 1982a. extent in the ion regulating gills under environmental conditions in which blood ion concentrations are regulated. In contrast, branchial CA activity is very low and distributed uniformly among the gills of a stenohaline, osmo- and ion conforming species. PROPERTIES OF ARTHROPOD CA Very little work has been done on the biochemical characteristics of arthropod CA even though such information would undoubtedly shed more light on the enzyme's physiological importance. A review of the few studies on arthropod CA indicates that not only may there be fundamental differences between it and the well-known vertebrate erythrocyte enzyme, T A B L E 3. Localization of carbonic anhydrase activity m anterior (respiratory) and posterior (ion- and osmoregulatory) lamellae of gill number 5 of low salinity (250 mOsm) adapted C. sapidus.* Specific activity (percent of total) Crab Anterior Posterior 1 23.8 18.5 33.0 26.2 25.3 ± 3 76.5 81.5 67.0 73.8 74.7 ± 3 2 3 4 Mean ± SF * Data from Henn and Cameron, 1982«. but there may also be differences between insect and crustacean CA as well. Branchial CA from two species of crustaceans (C. sapidus and G. lateralis) is inhibited by increasing concentrations of NaCl and activity of the dehydration reaction is inversely related to pH. The enzymes show a temperature optimum of about 25°C, approximately the temperature at which the animals are most active (Henry and Cameron, 1982). In contrast, carbonic anhydrase from the midgut epithelium of the larvae of the insect Hyalophora cecropia is stimulated by low concentrations of K2SO4, KC1, KNO3, KI and KBr (Turbeck and Foder, 1970). Also, CA from the midgut of Manduca sexta (clarva) appears to be stimulated by choline chloride and KC1, while the enzyme from fat body tissue and the integument seems to be insensitive (Johnston and Jungreis, 1979). Finally, a substantial amount of carbonic anhydrase from the midgut epithelium of H. cecropia appears to be particulate in nature (Turbeck and Foder, 1970). A complete biochemical characterization of crustacean gill CA is currently in progress in my laboratory. CARBONIC ANHYDRASE FLNCTION Crustacean gill CA was originally thought to be important in CO2 excretion by virtue CARBONIC ANHYDRASE FUNCTION IN ARTHROPODS 247 of its being found in high concentrations 700 in the respiratory organ (Ferguson et al., 1937), and this idea still persists. The crus'. ^50 tacean gill, in addition to being the organ 600 of O 2 and CO2 exchange, is also the site of blood osmo- and ion regulation and blood ° 550 acid-base balance (Smith and Linton, 1971; 500 Mangum and Towle, 1977; Cameron, 1978a, b; Truchot, 1978, 1979). Carbonic anhydrase has been studied in relation to _- 35 0 all three physiological functions, the most 300 6 common approach taken involving the use o 250 of one of the highly specific sulfonamide inhibitors (e.g., acetazolamide, or Diamox). 2 Data from such studies appear to support a role for branchial CA in the processes of 350 blood ion and acid-base regulation. -• 300 In C. sapidus acclimated to 250 mOsm salinity inhibition of branchial carbonic 6 250 anhydrase by acetazolamide disrupts the ° ZOO animal's ability to maintain blood Na+ and ft 2 4 6 12 24 48 96 Cl~ concentrations at normal values above TIME I hr) those in the ambient medium (Fig. 2). The reduction in blood ion concentrations (and FIG. 2. Prebranchial blood osmolality, Na+ and Cl" therefore total blood osmolality) is depen- concentrations in C. sapidus acclimated to 250 mOsm to and after an injection of acetazolamide. Open dent upon the dose of inhibitor used; the prior circles/dashed lines represent saline-injected conmaximum effect was seen after 24 hr of trols. Closed circles represent drug-treated animals, exposure to the inhibitor at which time with concentrations of acetazolamide shown in the blood Na+ and Cl" concentrations were figure. Mean ± SE, n = 6. T = 22°C. From Henry depressed by 115 and 192 mM, respec- and Cameron, 1983. tively. The time course of blood ion reduction and recovery corresponds very nicely to that of branchial CA inhibition; follow- unaffected by the drug in animals accliing an injection of acetazolamide maximal mated to full strength seawater (Burnett et inhibition is achieved between 12 and 24 al., 1981). hr, with 100% of enzyme activity being When C. sapidus acclimated to 865 mOsm recovered by 96 hr (Henry and Cameron, are transferred directly to low salinity (250 1983). By 96 hr blood ion concentrations mOsm) blood ion concentrations reach new are also restored to pre-injection control steady-state values by about 24 hr (Fig. 4). values. High salinity acclimated animals treated 4 In contrast, acetazolamide has virtually with acetazolamide (10" M) fail to survive no effect on blood osmolality and ion con- the transfer to low salinity, with about 80% centrations in blue crabs acclimated to high mortality occurring by 48 hr, and 100% by salinity (865 mOsm) at which the animal is 96 hr (Henry and Cameron, 19826). The a conformer. Blood Na+ and Cl" concen- failure to survive the transfer can be related trations are lowered by less than 5% of to a breakdown in+ the ion regulatory procontrol values, and total osmolality is not cess, as blood Na and Cl" concentrations in low salinity. By 48 hr significantly altered (Fig. 3). The same decline steadily + results were also observed in another eury- blood Na is 147 mM below control values haline crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes treated and blood Cl" is 162 mM lower (Fig. 4). with Diamox. Blood Cl" concentrations There is no effect of acetazolamide on were lowered between 40 and 75 mAf in either O2 uptake or CO2 production in C. low salinity acclimated animals, but were sapidus (Henry and Cameron, 1983) which 6 s 248 RAYMOND P. HENRY 900 9 800 700 7.80 600 7 500 X Q. -J 70 480 uT 4 70 5 460 400 j E ^ 490 480 470 300 460 200 400 o 800 E R 2 4 6 '2 TIME 24 48 96 ( hr) FIG. 3. Prebranchial blood ionic and acid-base parameters for C. sapidus acclimated to 865 mOsm prior to and after an injection of acetazolamide (10~5 M in blood). Open circles/dashed lines represent controls. Mean ± SE, n = 6. T = 22°C. From Henry and Cameron, 1983. 300 ZOO 12 TIME (hr) FIG. 4. Prebranchial blood osmolality and ion concentrations for C. sapidus acclimated to 865 mOsm and then transferred to 250 mOsm. Open circles represent controls; solid circles represent animals given an injection of acetazolamide (10~4 M) prior to transfer. Mean ± SE, n = 6. T = 25°C. From Henry and Cameron, 1982ft. reinforces the idea that the mortality resulted from the animal's inability to ion regulate. An interesting aspect of the effects of CA From these data a model of branchial inhibition on blood ion regulation is that CA function in ion transport and acid-base Cl~ concentrations appear to be lowered to regulation can be constructed (Fig. 5). The a greater degree than Na+ in both the acute enzyme is shown as functioning primarily stages of low salinity acclimation and in in the hydration of CO2 to H+ and HCO 3 ", fully acclimated blue crabs. In acclimated which serve as counterions in the uptake animals the maximum difference (Na+-Cl~) of Na+ and Cl~, respectively. The products is about 29 mM (Henry and Cameron, of the hydration reaction are continuously 1983). The increase in the Na+-Cl" differ- being drawn away and the enzyme is seen ence results in a relative increase in positive as scavenging respiratory CO2 as it diffuses charge in the blood, and probably reflects from the blood to the medium. The movean increase in the overall strong ion dif- ment of Na+ into the blood is believed to ference (S.I.D.) (Stewart, 1978, 1981). This occur via a basolateral Na + /K + -ATPase, increase in positive charge is partially offset while Cl" is believed to move down an elecby an increase in blood HCO3~ of 8 mM trical gradient across the basal membrane which results in a corresponding increase of the gill (discussed in detail by Kirschner, in blood pH of 0.25 units (Henry and Cam- 1979). According to this scheme inhibition eron, 1983). Thus, inhibition of branchial of gill CA would inhibit the ion uptake CA in the blue crab results in a breakdown mechanisms through the depletion of of the ion regulatory mechanism accom- counterions; passive diffusion of Na+ and panied by a blood alkalosis which is of non- Cl" from the blood to the medium would respiratory origin (blood Pco 2 remains be unaffected. constant during CA inhibition). Studies on ion movements in crustaceans CARBONIC ANHYDRASE FUNCTION IN ARTHROPODS Fie. 5. A model of branchial carbonic anhydrase function in the osmo-regulating blue crab. Dashed lines represent movement by diffusion; solid lines represent some form of coupled transport. From Henry and Cameron, 1983. have shown that acetazolamide affects Na+ and Cl~ fluxes differently. Net uptake of both ions is dramatically reversed by acetazolamide in the blue crab and the crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus (Ehrenfeld, 1974; Cameron, 1979). In both species Na+ influx is inhibited by about 70% while passive Na+ efflux is unaffected. The loss of blood Na+ most likely results from simple "leaking" of Na+ from the animal to the medium when the rate of Na+ influx is reduced to below that for passive efflux. Net loss of blood Cl" is, however, a result of over a doubling of Cl" efflux which swamps the relatively slight (30-40%) increase in Cl" influx in acetazolamide-treated animals. It has been suggested that when HCO3~ becomes limiting C1~/C1~ exchange substitutes for C1"/HCO3", resulting in both the higher influx and efflux rates (Ehrenfeld, 1974). Certainly more work is necessary before the exact mechanisms of Na+ and Cl~ transport are elucidated, but it appears that acetazolamide affects Na+ and Cl" transport differently, resulting in a proportionally greater loss of blood Cl". Very little work has been done on the Na+ and Cl" transport mechanisms in aquatic insects, but Stobbart (1971) suggested that the anal papillae of the larva of Aides aegypti are capable of active Na+ and Cl" uptake, in part by Na + /H + and C1~/HCO3" exchange. The role of carbonic anhydrase has not been investigated in any detail in aquatic insects, however, and must at this time remain speculative. 249 As mentioned above, terrestrial species of arthropods utilize ion transport as a means of conserving water in a dry habitat. In a fully terrestrial species of crab, G. lateralis, acetazolamide caused a dramatic increase in the concentrations of the major blood ions. Na+ and Cl" increased by 150 mM and 95 mM, respectively, while total osmolality increased by over 300 mOsm after 96 hr (Henry and Cameron, 1983). Mortality in these animals was high, 40% by 96 hr and 100% by 7 days, and although the conclusions are preliminary, it is possible that both the increase in blood ion concentrations and mortality resulted from the loss of tissue and hemolymph water. The bulk of the research done on ion transport in the terrestrial species has been performed on insects with the aim of explaining the mechanisms of water reabsorption used to prevent desiccation. It is beyond the scope of this discussion to review in detail all the existing data on insect ion regulation; rather this section will focus on data pertinent to carbonic anhydrase function while relying heavily on a recent review by Phillips (1981) for general background information on ion transport. Blood ion concentrations are controlled by selective reabsorption from the urine. Primary urine is formed by secretion in the Malpighian tubules, and although some ion reabsorption can occur in the lower sections of the tubules and the anterior hindgut, the rectum is the principal site of ion transport (Goh and Phillips, 1978; Phillips, 1981). Between 80 and 95% of Na+ K+ and water is recovered by the rectum and hindgut (Phillips, 1981). Water reabsorption occurs via osmosis which results from the transport of one or more of the following ions: K+, Na+ and Cl" from the urine into the rectal epithelium (Goh and Phillips, 1978; Phillips, 1981). Haskell et al. (1965) have presented evidence that CA is involved in active K+ transport by the midgut of the silkworm. High concentrations of the CA inhibitor cardrase (10"3 M) inhibited the potassium current by 23% and 36% depending on whether the drug was applied to the lumen or the blood side of the isolated midgut. 250 RAYMOND P. HENRY Another inhibitor, hygroton, was without effect even at 10"3 M; however, 10~4 M sodium sulfide (a competitive inhibitor of CA) caused a reversible 31% inhibition of the K+ current, and 10~3 M resulted in an 87% inhibition. The authors suggest that H + transport may play a role in the generation of the short circuit current by the midgut. These results are not conclusive; the concentration of cardrase needed for even a small degree of inhibition was 105 times the Ki for the drug, and the observed inhibition may have been an artifact of the non-specific action of high concentrations of sulfonamides (Maren, 1977). Other studies appear to confirm that H+ and/or HCO3~ transport is involved in generating the short circuit current. Williams et al. (1978) demonstrated that Na+, K+ and Cl" transport could not account for the short circuit current in the isolated locust rectum, and they proposed either the transport of H+ to the lumen or of HCO3~ to the hemolymph as being responsible. Carbonic anhydrase has been detected in the locust rectum, and acetazolamide (5 x 10~4 M) inhibits the short circuit current by 25-40% (Williams et al, 1978). CA in the rectal epithelium could be involved in generating H + for secretion, or in removing HCO 3 " that had been transported from the lumen, but the enzyme could not be involved in both processes simultaneously unless H + and HCO3~ transport occurred separately in distinct areas of the rectum. Regardless, it appears that the role of CA is not analogous to its function in branchial epithelia since Cl" transport in the insect rectum does not occur via C1~/HCO3" exchange (Phillips, 1981). The precise role of CA in the overall process of ion and water reabsorption in insects will only become more clearly denned through further research. of carbonic anhydrase in the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.). Can.J. Zool. 34: 68-74. Bauer, C, G. Gros, and H. Bartels. (eds.) 1980. Biophysics and physiology of carbon dioxide. 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