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This is a guide to help parents like you
stay informed and make the best
healthcare decisions for yourself and
your new family.
Your health is in your hands.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Safe Pregnancy Guide
Before Pregnancy
Pre-Pregnancy Actions
Prenatal Testing
Food Allergies & Intolerances
Uncover & Treat Yeast, Bacteria, & Viral Infections
Live a Non Toxic Lifestyle
During Pregnancy
Diet, Nutrition and Supplements
Lifestyle Changes
Vaginal Delivery vs. C-Section
Supplements, Nutrition, and Constipation
Post Delivery Topics
Vitamin K, Eye Ointment, & Cord Clamping at Birth
Vaccines Following Delivery
Breastfeeding & Early Nutrition
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Safe Pregnancy Guide
In the United States, developmental disorders affect as many as 1 in 6
children.1 Not surprisingly, prevention of developmental disorders is paramount
for parents. This guide aims to arm you with the knowledge and tools to do so to
the greatest extent possible.
The most concerning developmental disorder for most parents today is autism,
which is characterized by a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms.
In fact, because of the wide variety of symptoms and severity, it is now referred
to as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In spite of shared symptoms, no two people
with an autism spectrum disorder will present the exact same way.
Although the cause of Autism is still not well understood, the prevailing thinking
is that it is caused by a genetic predisposition and an assault on the immune
system either during gestation or after birth. Prevention, therefore, begins
before conception. Through a protocol of eliminating environmental toxins,
strengthening the immune system and understanding your family history the
risk of autism can be minimized.
More specific autism risk factors include parental and sibling history of autism,
ADHD, OCD, some psychiatric illnesses, genetic disorders, allergies, asthma, poor
immune system (either hyper-immune or low-immunity), learning and language
difficulties, advanced maternal age, poor nutrition, low essential fatty acids,
chronic infections, poor periodontal hygiene, before conception and during
pregnancy exposures to toxic metals through environment, fish and
Given the severity of developmental disorders, there is a lot of information to
consider before, during and post pregnancy to be used as resources and guides
for parents.
Boyle, Coleen et. al. (2011). Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997-2008. Pediatrics, 127: 1034-1042. doi:10.1542/peds.
Laake, D. (2009). Comprehensive Prenatal Nutrition. Defeat Autism Now Conference (pp. 131-142). Dallas: ARI, Autism Research Institute.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Before Pregnancy
Planning for a healthy baby occurs well before a family is ready to
conceive. Those who are considering pregnancy should
investigate up to one year in advance the steps needed to ensure
the healthiest possible pregnancy.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Pre-Pregnancy Actions
A parent’s medical history can be a significant indicator of Autism risk. Many
studies indicate that individuals with a history of autoimmune disorders,
diabetes, infections or allergies are at a greater risk of having a child on the
autism spectrum.
In one study, 46% of families with autistic children have two or more of their
family members with autoimmune diseases. These diseases consisted of Type 1
diabetes, adult-onset rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism and lupus.3 Most
autoimmune diseases cause inflammation and controlling inflammation can
help prevent possible damage to the fetus.
Medical history is a critical component to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and the
future child’s health. In addition, the parent’s medical history should be shared
with the pediatrician to identify symptoms that may indicate problems with the
newborn's immune system.
There are many types of medical providers for expecting parents ranging from
OBGYN, Nurse Practitioner, and Certified Nurse Midwife to a Licensed Midwife.
To find the right fit research should include a background check, speaking with
former clients (if available) and interviews. It’s also possible to form a team of
providers across all disciplines. A recommended and vetted listing of medical
professionals is available at
Obesity in pregnancy can carry multiple risk factors that endanger the baby.
Women should try to have a BMI of 21-29 prior to conception. It is not
Comi A, Zimmerman A, Frye V, et al. Familial clustering of autoimmune disorders and evaluation of medical risk factors in autism. J Child Neurol 14:388-394,
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
recommended to diet directly before conceiving but to work with a nutritionist
or registered dietitian (RD) well in advance to lose the weight in a healthy,
nutrition building fashion.4
Discontinue use of the contraceptive pill at least 3 months before pregnancy
because it can interfere with absorption of Vitamin B6 and Zinc. A deficiency in
B6 can cause anemia, neuritis, depression, dermatitis, renal calculi and possibly
convulsions. Zinc is helpful in cell development, bone growth, wound healing,
protein metabolism and unlocks stored vitamin A. Zinc requirements increase
over 30% during pregnancy. Inadequate Zinc intake can increase severity of
morning sickness and their babies can have low birth weight, born premature
and have impaired immunity. With adequate Zinc levels the risk of stillbirth due
to deficient nutrition decreases.5
Prenatal Testing
These tests can be performed by a healthcare provider or purchased via an
online lab test provider, such as Online providers liaise with
local doctors to verify the lab tests and provide prescriptions for testing. Results
are available in a secure online environment with the ability to fax to your
chosen doctor or get medical advice from a doctor or nurse on call.
Genetic testing, TORCHS panels (detection of toxoplasmosis, rubella,
cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex, HIV and syphilis) and obstetric exam is part of
a regular prenatal visit with your physician or other medical professional.6 This
testing should not replace good prenatal care.
Burden & Jones (2011). Preconception Care. In S. Macdonald & J.Magill-Cuerden (Eds.), Mayes' Midwifery 14th Edition(Chapter 20). London, UK: Bailliere Tindall
Burden & Jones (2011). Preconception Care. In S. Macdonald & J.Magill-Cuerden (Eds.), Mayes' Midwifery 14th Edition(Chapter 20). London, UK: Bailliere Tindall
Laake, D. (2009). Comprehensive Prenatal Nutrition. Defeat Autism Now Conference (pp. 131-142). Dallas: ARI, Autism Research Institute.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
These suggested Prenatal Testing Panels were designed to help find and target
illness and nutritional deficiencies that could create complications during
pregnancy. Testing is for the father and mother including blood type, nutritional
deficiencies, thyroid status, and exposures to toxins/medications. These tests can
be done anywhere between 3 months to 1 year before conception.7
▪ Journal of Neurological Sciences, Roman 2007 talks about Thyroid Deficiency
in Pregnancy: "transient intrauterine deficits of thyroid hormones result in
permanent alterations of cerebral cortical architecture reminiscent of those
observed in brains of patients with autism" which suggested that the
“current stage of autism could be related to transient maternal
hypothyroxinemia resulting from dietary and/or environmental exposure to
antithyroid agents.” These agents include mercury, fluoride, coal derivatives
and PCB's. 8
▪ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Hollis and Wagner’s 2006 editorial
discusses Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy as an "ongoing epidemic" that
isn't linked just to bone formation. Studies have shown that "vitamin D is
linked to fetal “imprinting” that may affect chronic disease susceptibility later
in life as well as soon after birth". This vitamin D deficiency has also been
linked to several autoimmune diseases like MS and rheumatoid arthritis. To
correct a deficiency the nutritional intake of vitamin D must reach equal to
or greater than 2000 IU/d.9
For Both Mother and Father Pre-conception (3 months to 1 year prior):
▪ CBC, Chem Panel
▪ Serum Ferritin
▪ Serum Iron
▪ Vitamin D3 25 hydroxy
▪ Blood type ABO/Rh
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Roman, G. (2007). Autism: Transient in utero hypothyroxinemia related to maternal flavonoid ingestion during pregnancy and to other environmental
antithyroid agents . Journal of Neurological Sciences, 262(1-2), 60-70.
Hollis & Wagner (2006).Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic. Am J Clin Nutrition, 84(2), 273.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
▪ If diabetes risk: HbA1C, GGT
▪ If cardiac risk: CRP
For Mother Pre-conception (3 months to 1 year prior):
▪ Thyroid, Free T3, Free T4, TSH
▪ Vaccine Titers: Rubella, Varicella
▪ Genetic testing is done thru your physician according to state
▪ Hep B, Syphilis, HIV
▪ Blood Type ABO Rh
▪ Diabetes screen HbA1c
Nutrition Testing Pre-pregnancy
▪ Zinc
▪ Organic Acid Test (OAT)
▪ Comprehensive Stool
▪ Food Allergy IgG, IgE
▪ Celiac Blood Panel
▪ Porphyrin Urine
▪ Serum A, D, E, K
▪ RBC mineral panel
▪ Opiate Peptide Urine
▪ Adrenal profile for cortisol and DHEA
Food Allergies & Intolerances
Allergies are sensitivities to one or more substances that can be eaten touched
or inhaled and are often times referred to as allergens. Allergies are inherited or
a predisposition to an allergen is passed down from the parent to the child. The
more allergic a parent, the sooner the onset of the symptoms of allergies.
Studies have shown that if the parents are allergic to a substance, the child will
have a 75 to 100 percent chance of having the same allergy. If neither parent has
allergies the chanced of the child having allergies drops to 10 percent.10
Nambudripad, D. (2002). Say Goodbey to Illness, A Revolutionary Treatment for Allergies & Allergy Related Conditions (3rd ed.). Buena Park, CA: Delta
Publishing Company.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
In some cases the child still has severe allergies with both parents having no
history or allergic reactions. This can be explained by several factors. The parents
had an illness or disease, the mom was exposed to poor nutrition, drugs or
alcohol, radiation, contracted a virus or bacterial infection or suffered from
severe stress. These factors can cause the genes to mutate instead of developing
normally, so what should have been a low allergy genetic code was changed
into an imbalanced genetic code that creates high rates of allergies, sensitivities
that can lead to a variety of other disease states.11
Allergies occur because the immune system has been weekend at some point in
utero or after birth. There are multiple studies showing that certain vaccines can
alter the immune response causing an allergic reaction response to increase.12
Testing and treating allergies can be accomplished prior to conception. A
healthcare provider can perform a food allergy IgG, IgE panel for common food
allergies. Once allergens are known, eliminating allergies from the diet can be
accomplished. A nutritionist or other health care provider can also create a plan
to eliminate allergies from the diet while treating with NAET. Removing allergic foods from the diet will decrease the amount of inflammation
leading to a healthier mother. NAET, Nambudripads Allergy Elimination
Techniques, is a non–invasive allergy elimination technique that uses all avenues
of medicine, from all over the world to reduce inflammation, improve health and
can reduce or eliminate food allergies or intolerances if done correctly by a
qualified NAET certified practitioner. As with any treatment, outcomes are dependent on the skills of the provider, the
compliance of the patient and many other variables. Research and information
along with providers can be found on Nambudripad, D. (2002). Say Goodbey to Illness, A Revolutionary Treatment for Allergies & Allergy Related Conditions (3rd ed.). Buena Park, CA: Delta
Publishing Company.
Imani, F. & Kehoe, K. (2001). Infection of human B lymphocytes with MMR vaccine induces IgE class switching. Clinical Immunology, 100(3), 355-361.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Recently NAET was published in Integrative Medicine Vol. 10, No. 5 Oct/Nov
2011 issue about a research study showing the success of recovery in allergy
induced autism.13
Another good resource for elimination diets is Julie Matthews, a Certified
Nutritionist, books and prenatal seminars found at
After determining the allergens and foods that need to be eliminated based on
the results of the IgG and IgE allergy panels, as well as knowing vitamin and
supplement deficiencies, a good nutrition plan should be implemented. Food choices vary by person, and nutrition plans will vary, but all will include
eating a "clean" diet, free of chemicals and preservatives, organic fruits and
vegetables and grass-fed meats. Most will also limit fish due to mercury content.
Consider consulting with a nutritionist and or Registered Dietician (RD) as they
are very important in this phase of prevention. A great nutrition course, called
Nutrition for Pregnancy by Julie Matthews focuses on prevention of autism is
available online here:
In addition to a good nutrition program, a supplement protocol should also be
considered. Necessary amounts vary by patient and health history and a
consultation with a medical practitioner is highly recommended.
Prentatal Vitaimins:
Prenatal Vitamins, a vegan/organic source is best. They are usually free from food
dyes, wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, toxins and other allergens. A multi-dose option
(1 capsule 2 times per day or 1 capsule 3 times per day read the label), helps to
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD; Devi S. Nambudripad, MD, PhD, DC, LAc; Yvonne Tyson, MD; Ming Chen, MD; Robert
Prince, MD; Mala M. Moosad, RN, LAc, PhD; Laurie Teitelbaum, MS. (2011) Improving Communication Skils in Children with Allergy Related Autism Using
Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Techniques A Pilot Study. Integrative Medicine, 10(5), 36-43.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
absorb the water soluble vitamins better and the levels stay more consistent in
your system.14
Calcium and Magnesium:
Calcium and Magnesium are very important in bone growth and hormone
regulation. Magnesium in general can help with sulfation and detoxification
while eliminating constipation and muscle fatigue or cramping.15
Fish Oils
Fish Oils, Omega 3's or essential fatty acids (EFA's) contribute to brain cell
function, hormones and healthy neurotransmitters like serotonin.16
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is good for bone formation, hormone regulation, immune modulation
and prevention of allergy and other inflammatory conditions. Additional vitamin
D should be supplemented with prenatal vitamins because the RDA of 400IU is
generally too low to maintain healthy levels.17
Powerful Probiotics of at least 50 to 100 billion CFU's help to build healthy
bacteria to increase immune defense.18
Zinc can help with digestion, cognitive function and immune regulation. Zinc is
often thought of as "No Zinc, No Think". 9In addition, Zinc is important in
preventing viral replication.19
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A
Disorders. New York: Ballantine Books.
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A
Disorders. New York: Ballantine Books.
Hollis & Wagner (2006).Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic. Am J Clin Nutrition, 84(2), 273.
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Korant, B., Kaurer, J., & Butterworth, B. (1974). Zinc ions inhibit replication of rhinoviruses Nature, 248 (5449), 588-590 DOI: 10.1038/248588a0
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Some supplements should be avoided during pregnancy. Please consult with
your medical practitioner on the following:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is very important for the health of the mother and the baby but
should be limited to no more than 8000IU – 10000IU per day.20
Any medications that contain sources of A like retinols (acne treatments) should
be discontinued. Talk to your medical professional about all of your medications
and supplements you are taking to make sure they are safe before, during and
after pregnancy.
Visit the Teratology Society to learn more about possible side effects and
Uncover & Treat Yeast, Bacteria, & Viral Infections
Consult a medical practitioner to discover and treat any infections at least six
months to a year before conceiving.
The body's inflammatory process should be evaluated before pregnancy with a
simple stool test for yeast, bacteria and parasites. In addition with an immune
panel blood test that looks for any present viruses and parasites. A healthcare
practitioner will build a treatment regime based on the panel results.
Yeast is commonly seen as a vaginal yeast infection, but yeast can be in all parts
of the body causing damage and inflammation. Yeast overgrowth in the
gastrointestinal tract can cause "leaky gut syndrome" which hinders the body's
ability to digest foods correctly causing malabsorption, food intolerances, and
nutritional deficiencies.21
(1987) Teratology Society Position Paper: Recommendations For Vitamin A Use During Pregnancy TERATOLOGY 35:269–275
Prescott. (2010) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69, 366-372
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
The Central Nervous System communicates with the GI tract via nerves sending
important messages using neurotransmitters. Some research shows that 90% of
serotonin (a very important neurotransmitter) is located in the GI tract.
Serotonin maintains a balanced mood and enhances the sleep cycle as a
precursor to melatonin. Yeast, bacteria and other infections may damage nerves
regulating serotonin causing mood destabilization that may result in
depression, aggression and anxiety. With 80% of the immune system in the
gastrointestinal tract yeast overgrowth can lead to autoimmune conditions.22
A yeast fighting plan usually consists of 1) A candida fighting diet such as the
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (not to be used during pregnancy, just while fighting
yeast) 2) Anti-fungal medications (either Rx or naturals) 3) Replenish the GI tract
with a powerful probiotic at least 50-100 Billion cfu's.
When treated, yeast may release toxins during "die-off" and can be
uncomfortable at times including loose stools, headaches, body aches, vomittig,
and stomach pains. To help prevent this, slow down the yeast control program.
Maternal bacterial infections such as a UTI or infection of the placenta can cause
an inflammatory response in the mother. Damage to the placenta can harm the
fetal brain and can cause subsequent fetal mortality or neurodevelopmental
defects.23 24 25
Treating any underlying bacterial infections present in a stool test before
pregnancy is very important. During pregnancy the immune system is lowered
so that the body does not reject the baby. While protecting the fetus, this may
lead to complications for the mother if she has unresolved infections. Bacterial
DeFelice, K. (2006). Enzymes: Go with Your Gut, Nore Practical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes. Bound, Minnesota:ThunderSnow Interactive.
Shalak, L.F. et al. (2002). Clinical chorioamnionitis, elevated cytokines and brain injury in term infants. Pediatrics, 110, 673-680
Back, S.A. (2006). Perinatal white matter injury:the changing spectrum of pathology and emerging insights into pathogenetic mechanisms. Mentally Retarded
Developmentally Disabled Res. Rev.,12, 129-140.
25 Volpe,
18 Claire,
J.J. (2009). Brain injury in premature infants: a complex amalgam of destructive and developmental disturbances. Lancet Neurology, 8, 110-124.
R., Martin, J. & Taylor, T. (2012). Fight Autism and Win, Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!. Rochester, NY: JRT Publishing.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
infections may be treated with antibiotics or natural remedies, such as
Similar to other infections, parasites can be very dangerous to the fetus and
one's general health.
There are a variety of parasites that can be found on a comprehensive stool test.
Treatment is laid out according to type of parasite. Natural anti-parasitic
medications like Humaworm, Wormwood or eating a Garlic Clove.27
A parasite called toxoplasma gondii causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Most that
become infected don't even know it because their immune system keeps them
from showing side effects. This disease can be acquired anywhere in the world
by eating undercooked meat, cat stool transmission, from child to parent.
The CDC recommends testing before becoming pregnant. A positive test prior
to pregnancy indicates previous infection and no further treatments or testing
needs to be done for toxoplasmosis. If the test is negative, precautions such as
hand washing, avoiding cat litter box cleaning, cooking foods to safe
temperatures, washing fruits and vegetables well, avoiding raw fish, wearing
gloves during gardening and having younger children wash their hands well
may prevent infection.
Toxoplasma testing is part of a routine prenatal blood test panel. Treatment is
not usually needed before pregnancy, as it will clear on it's own. A doctor will
treat toxoplasmosis during pregnancy only when a positive blood test is found
with a prior negative result.28
One proposed etiology for autism is prenatal or early infantile viral infections.
The Central Nervous System (CNS) is not fully developed at birth and is more
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Claire, R., Martin, J. & Taylor, T. (2012). Fight Autism and Win, Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!. Rochester, NY: JRT Publishing.
Center of Disease Control. (2013). Parasites Toxoplasmosis General Information. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.giv/parasites/toxoplasmosis/gen_info/faqs.html
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
susceptible to viral damage.29 Viruses have been shown to hinder the
development of the CNS in fetuses.
"Viral infections in pregnancy are major causes of maternal and fetal morbidity
and mortality.”30
These viruses can infect the fetus via the placenta during gestation, during the
birthing process from blood or other secretions and from breast milk after the
baby is born. The infection risk is related to the virus itself and the age when the
baby was exposed, indicating the need for testing.31
There are routine viral panels to test for these diseases. Preventing viral
infections is complicated. Hand washing, diligent testing and good immune
status can help. Speaking with a medical professional about ways to find, treat
and prevent viral infections is recommended.
Live a Non Toxic Lifestyle
Achieving a non-toxic life in today's world is almost impossible. Understanding
what is toxic, how the particular toxins are harmful and how to avoid toxins will
help reduce toxic intake. Reasonable home health improvements include: non-toxic paints, carpets,
bedding, cleansers, aluminum free deodorants, soaps, non-aluminum cooking
utensils and pans, stainless vs. plastic water bottles, decrease electronic
frequencies that contain radiation (EFMs) no cell phones next to bed or in your
pocket, and decrease electronics in the bedroom.32 Use common sense, read
labels and research the ingredients.
Studies have shown genes that each parent gives to the baby in the first early
days of development, during "genomic imprinting" can be changed by
Prescott. (2010) Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69, 366-372
Marino, Medscape Reference. (2012). Viral Infections and Pregnancy. Retrieved from
Marino, Medscape Reference. (2012). Viral Infections and Pregnancy. Retrieved from
Evironmental Working Group. (2009). Pollution in Minority Newborns: 11 Healthy Pregnancy Tips. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.giv/parasites/toxoplasmosis/
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
environmental factors, altering the function of the gene for the fetus. This is
called epigenetics. Epigenetics is when a gene in our body is altered by an
environmental factor that changes the function of the gene but not the actual
DNA sequence. 33
Genes can be changed due to a toxic environment, stressors, infections and
other factors. Thus meaning it is not always the parent's genetic make-up that
influenced the predisposition to autism or other developmental delays, it could
be many other controllable factors. 34
In the 1950's there were many papers on the role of early development,
pregnancy, birth and it's effects on mental health, development and behavior of
the child through their lifetime. These ideas weren't used again until the late
1990's where they showed a link between prenatal environment and metabolic
and cardiovascular disorders.35
Additional information can be found on the following websites: The Environmental Working Group is the nation’s most effective environmental
health research and advocacy organization. They offer information on the latest
research in the fields of environmental health as well as listings for families to
make safer choices in skincare, foods and household items.
Healthy Child Healthy World is a nonprofit organization that empowers parents
to take action and protect children from harmful chemicals. They offer easy
steps and resources towards healthier living.
Studies have shown that risks for potential off gassing and toxic chemicals may
be linked to overall health issues, that concern led the makers of Intellibed to
create a nontoxic mattress and pillows including the IntelliGEL technology. To
learn more and read the research visit
Bressan FF, et al., (2009). Unearthing the Roles of Imprinted Genes in the Placenta, PlacentaJournal doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2009.07.007
Groom A, Elliott HR, Embleton ND, et al. (2010). Epigenetics and Child Health Basic Principles. Archives of Diseases in Childhood doi:10.1136/adc.2009.165712
Barker, D.J., (1995). The fetal origins of adult disease. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 262, 37–43.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
There is a lot of focus on mercury and its role in autism and other developmental
disorders. Reasons for this are clear: Mercury has detrimental effects on the
immune system, internal organ function and the brain. This has been proven in
several instances including Pink's Disease caused by mercury based tooth
powder. 36
Mercury is the world's second most neurotoxic element. Mercury is naturally
occurring in the environment, but also occurs in man made sources such as the
preservatives in vaccines, mercury in fish and dental amalgams. During our
history mercury was not properly disposed and it is now present in the soil and
the ocean.
Mercury that cannot successfully be discarded by the body accumulates in fatty
tissue and disrupts many of the body's natural functions. Symptoms of mercury
toxicity range from sensory disorders, speech and hearing problems, cognitive
issues, and unusual behaviors.37 Avoidance of all known sources of mercury is vital prior to conception. It’s often
suggested to avoid fish, any new dental amalgams with mercury or improper
removal of them. Removal of amalgams should be done at least one year before
Mercury chelation can be done a few years in advance of becoming pregnant.
Mercury chelation done safely and effectively in low-doses with proven
medications that have documented half-lives (the time the medication stays at
the same level in the body) is not a quick and easy process.
For more information and to talk with an expert in the field of chelation, go
to Dr. Cutler will work with any medical doctor or other
medical professional to help clarify treatments and help achieve safe and
accurate removal.
Claire, R., Martin, J. & Taylor, T. (2012). Fight Autism and Win, Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!. Rochester, NY: JRT Publishing
Cutler, A. (1999). Amalgam Illness diagnosis and treatment, What you can do to get better, How your doctor can
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
For a listing of safe dentists go to
The influenza vaccine has been shown to be ineffective in a large study of
pregnant women.39 In an ongoing study published in 2009 and updated this
year entitled "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults," scientists said
they found no plausible substantiation that the flu vaccine prevented death or
hospitalization from flu-related complications and only marginally reduced the
number of days of lost work attributed to the illness.40
Many integrative medical practitioners recommend avoiding the flu shot for at
least a year prior to getting pregnant.41
Research for yourself and make an informed decision. Safe Minds created a good
resource for vaccine information awareness:
In the 1940's and 50's fluoride was added to drinking water believing it would
help prevent tooth decay. Modern research has since proven that fluoride has
minimal benefit when taken internally and its ability to fight cavities when
applied to teeth is being questioned. In fact, it has been shown to cause multiple
problems including reducing intelligence in children, causing tooth defects
called dental fluorosis and transporting other toxins such as lead from the water
pipes across the blood brain barrier.42
Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor and can cause reduction in thyroid function in
many individuals.43 A study demonstrated that "transient" thyroid deficiency in
pregnancy can result in permanent changes in the brain similar to those seen in
Black SB, Shinefield HR, France EK, et al. (2004). Effectiveness of the influenza vaccine during pregnancy in preventing hospitalizations and outpatient visits for
respiratory illness in pregnant women and their infants. 21:333-339
39 (2013). Vaccine Decisions to Make During Pregnancy. Retrieved from
Autism Research Institute. (2013). Minimizing Risks. Retrieved from
Xiang Q, et al. (2003a). Effect of fluoride in drinking water on children’s intelligence. Fluoride 36: 84-94; 198-199.
National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. p. 189-224
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
autistic brains. The study goes on to suggest that the rise in autism cases could
be linked to hypothyroidism of the mother due to environmental exposure of
thyroid toxic agents.44
Not only does fluoride damage teeth it can harm the nervous system, thyroid
and multiple body systems. Use filtered water and find a fluoride free
Read more about fluoride on these links:
Roman, G. (2007). Autism: Transient in utero hypothyroxinemia related to maternal flavonoid ingestion during pregnancy and to other environmental
antithyroid agents . Journal of Neurological Sciences, 262(1-2), 60-70.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such a vulnerable and exciting time for families. It is
also a time to be vigilant about toxin exposure, lowered stress,
good nutrition and adequate rest. It is important to continue the
pre-pregnancy protocol during pregnancy.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Diet, Nutrition and Supplements
Continue to forgo known allergic foods from the diet according to the IgG and
IgE allergy panels, plus what vitamins and minerals you are deficient in, while
maintaining a good nutrition plan. Food choices vary by person, and nutrition plans will vary, but all will include
eating a "clean" diet, free of chemicals and preservatives, organic fruits and
vegetables and grass-fed meats. Most will also limit fish due to mercury content.
Consider consulting with a nutritionist and or Registered Dietician (RD) as they
are very important in this phase of prevention. A great nutrition course, called
Nutrition for Pregnancy by Julie Matthews an Autism Nutrition Consultant
focuses on prevention of autism is available online here: http://
In addition to a good nutrition program, a supplement protocol should also be
considered. Actual amounts needed vary by patient and condition and
consultation with a medical practitioner is recommended.
Increase caloric intake as the baby develops according to individual needs. It is
important to not take in empty calories but make each one count. Weight gain
depends upon the mother's diet, amount of activity she engages in, what types
of foods are available to her, blood sugar status or diabetes status and whether
she has been ill or having multiples.
Obesity in pregnancy, a body mass of 30 or more is associated with diabetes,
hypertension, infection, bleeding risk and fetal abnormalities. Most of which are
known risk factors for autism.45
Foods to avoid that may cause infections during pregnancy are non-pasteurized
milk, soft cheeses, pates of meat or veggies, undercooked frozen 'ready to eat'
meals, raw eggs, partially cooked meats, eggs or mayonnaise.46
Autism Research Institute. (2013). Minimizing Risks. Retrieved from
46 Tiran,
D. (2011). Nutrition. In S. Macdonald & J.Magill-Cuerden (Eds.), Mayes' Midwifery 14th Edition(Chapter 17). London, UK: Bailliere Tindall Elsevier.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Prentatal Vitaimins:
Prenatal Vitamins, a vegan/organic source is best. They are usually free from food
dyes, wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, toxins and other allergens. A multi-dose option
(1 capsule 2 times per day or 1 capsule 3 times per day read the label), helps to
absorb the water soluble vitamins better and the levels stay more consistent in
your system.47
Calcium and Magnesium:
Calcium and Magnesium are very important in bone growth and hormone
regulation. Magnesium in general can help with sulfation and detoxification
while eliminating constipation and muscle fatigue or cramping.48
Fish Oils
Fish Oils, Omega 3's or EFA's essential fatty acids contribute to brain cell
function, hormones and healthy neurotransmitters like serotonin.49
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is good for bone formation, hormone regulation, immune modulation
and prevention of allergy and other inflammatory conditions. Additional Vitamin
D should be supplemented in additional to prenatal vitamins because the RDA
of 400 iu is too low to help most people maintain healthy levels.50
Powerful Probiotics at least 50 to 100 billion CFU's help to build healthy bacteria
to increase immune defense.51
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A Disorders. New
York: Ballantine Books.
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A Disorders. New
York: Ballantine Books.
Hollis & Wagner (2006).Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic. Am J Clin Nutrition, 84(2), 273.
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Zinc can help with digestion, cognitive function and immune regulation. “No
Zinc, No Think.”52 Zinc is also important in preventing viral replication.
Some supplements should be avoided because they could be dangerous for the
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is very important for the health of the mother and the baby but
should be limited to no more than 8000iu – 10000iu per day.53 Any medications that contain sources of A like retinols (acne treatments) should
be discontinued. Talk to your medical professional about all of your medications
and supplements you are taking to make sure they are safe before, during and
after pregnancy.
Visit The Teratology Society to learn more about birth defects research. http://
Lifestyle Changes
Stress has been shown to alter the hormones in the body, which can affect
development of an unborn baby. Acupuncture, Yoga or some quiet time can
make a world of difference in the health of a pregnancy.
What the newest studies have shown is that stress among other common risk
factors like smoking, drugs, alcohol, poverty, poor nutrition, can influence the
mental health, development and behavior throughout the child's lifespan.54
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A Disorders. New
York: Ballantine Books.
(1987) Teratology Society Position Paper: Recommendations For Vitamin A Use During Pregnancy TERATOLOGY 35:269–275
54 W.
Schlotz, D.I. W. Phillips. (2009). Fetal origins of mental health: Evidence and mechanisms.Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 23 905–916
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
With the danger of toxic adjuvants in the vaccines and the downgraded state of
the mother's immune system during pregnancy, vaccines are generally not
"The flu shot has the highest levels of Thimerosal of all vaccines—as much as 25
micrograms of mercury, more than 10 times the safe limit for an infant. Its
package insert has this disclaimer, “It is also not known whether influenza virus
vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman...” These
blatant inconsistencies in our public “health” policies are frightening.”55
The influenza vaccine has been shown to be ineffective in a large study of
pregnant women.56
In an ongoing study published in 2009 and updated since entitled "Vaccines for
preventing influenza in healthy adults," scientists said they found no plausible
substantiation that the flu vaccine prevented death or hospitalization from flurelated complications and only marginally reduced the number of days of lost
work attributed to the illness.57
Research for yourself and make an informed decision. Safe Minds created a good
resource for vaccine information awareness:
AVOID MERCURY & DETNAL AMALGAMS There is a lot of focus on mercury and it's role in autism and other
developmental disorders. Reasons for this are clear: Mercury has detrimental
effects on the immune system, internal organ function and the brain. This has
been proven is several instances including Pink's Disease caused by mercury
based tooth powder.58 55
Ohm, J. (2009). Common Obstetrical Procedures and Their Link to Autism. Pathways Magazine, Pregnancy Issue 21.
Black SB, Shinefield HR, France EK, et al. (2004). Effectiveness of the influenza vaccine during pregnancy in preventing hospitalizations and outpatient visits for
respiratory illness in pregnant women and their infants. 21:333-339.
56 (2013). Vaccine Decisions to Make During Pregnancy. Retrieved from
Claire, R., Martin, J. & Taylor, T. (2012). Fight Autism and Win, Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!. Rochester, NY: JRT Publishing.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Mercury is the world's second most neurotoxic element. Mercury is naturally
occurring in the environment, but also occurs in man made sources such as the
mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, and mercury in fish and dental
amalgams. Historic mercury use was not properly disposed and it is now
present in the soil and the ocean.
Mercury that cannot successfully be discarded by the body accumulates in fatty
tissue and disrupts many of the body's naturally functions. Symptoms of
mercury toxicity range from sensory disorders, speech and hearing problems,
cognitive problems, and unusual behaviors.59
Avoidance of all known sources of mercury is vital prior to conception, during
pregnancy and when breastfeeding. Avoid fish, High Fructose Corn Syrup,60 61
vaccinations, getting any new dental amalgams with mercury or improper
removal of them. Removal of amalgams should be done at least one year before
Do not have ANY dental work done to disturb the mercury during pregnancy if
you have silver amalgams.62
Dental amalgams (silver fillings) consist of 50% mercury along with a
combination of other metals. Mercury vapor from amalgams can vary from 1 3 micrograms/day to 27 ug/day. According to the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration with continuous exposure at the higher level it is
extremely unhealthy. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the
exposure to mercury vapor can increase to over five times those levels when you
add in teeth grinding, gum chewing, and drinking sodas.63
Cutler, A. (1999). Amalgam Illness diagnosis and treatment, What you can do to get better, How your doctor can help. (1st ed.). Sammamish, WA:
Green Right Now, Sustainable Living. (2009). List: Foods with Detectable Mercury. Retrieved from
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. (2009). High fructose corn syrup's not-so-sweet surprise: mercury!. Retrieved from
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Levine, J. The Doctor Oz Show. (2013). Toxic Teeth: Are our dental amalgams safe?. Retrieved from
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Common sense actions you can take to decrease these levels are using a softer
toothbrush, ceasing to chew gum, and using a straw when drinking acidic foods
or carbonated beverages.
For a listing of safe dentists go to
For more information on vaccine content go to or
download our Safe Vaccine Guide at
In the 1940's and 50's fluoride was added to drinking water believing it would
be beneficial to preventing tooth decay. Modern research has since proven that
fluoride has minimal benefit when taken internally and its ability to fight cavities
when applied to teeth is being questioned. In fact, it has been shown to cause
multiple problems including reducing intelligence in children, causing tooth
defects called dental fluorosis and transporting other toxins such as lead from
the water pipes across the blood brain barrier. 64
Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor and that it can cause reduction in thyroid
function in many individuals.65 A study demonstrated that "transient" thyroid
deficiency in pregnancy could result in permanent changes in the brain similar
to those seen in autistic brains. The study goes on to suggest that the rise in
autism cases could be linked to hypothyroidism of the mother due to
environmental exposure of thyroid toxic agents.66
Not only does fluoride damage teeth it can harm the nervous system, thyroid
and multiple body systems. Use filtered water and find fluoride free toothpaste.
Read more about fluoride on these links:
Xiang Q, et al. (2003a). Effect of fluoride in drinking water on children’s intelligence. Fluoride 36: 84-94; 198-199.
National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. p. 189-224.
Roman, G. (2007). Autism: Transient in utero hypothyroxinemia related to maternal flavonoid ingestion during pregnancy and to other environmental
antithyroid agents . Journal of Neurological Sciences, 262(1-2), 60-70.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
In January of 2009, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy published a
listing of several foods used by many Americans that showed 17 out of the 55
foods that contained High Fructose Corn Syrup also contain the neurotoxin
This included Coca Cola Classic, Nutrigrain Cereal Bars and multiple other
common foods. Since then, Yoplait yogurt has removed their content of High
Fructose Corn Syrup.
Read labels, if a product is questionable, call the manufacturer, research any
testing that has been done on the product. Labels are not just for calories
anymore. Knowledge of the ingredients listing is very important in keeping a
clean, nutritious diet.67 68
Limit the number of Ultrasounds to those that are medically necessary. Some
studies have shown a reason to believe that ultrasounds can interfere with brain
development and may lead to speech issues. The safety and efficacy remains
unknown. Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says, “While
ultrasounds have been around for many years, expectant women and their
families need to know that the long-term effects of repeated ultrasound
exposures on the fetus are not fully known.” 69
The Rhogam shot works by stopping the production of antibodies to the Rh
positive blood of a baby. If these were not blocked then the antibodies would
cross the placenta into the baby's bloodstream and damage the blood cells,
which can be fatal.
Green Right Now, Sustainable Living. (2009). List: Foods with Detectable Mercury. Retrieved from
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. (2009). High fructose corn syrup's not-so-sweet surprise: mercury!. Retrieved from
Ohm, J. (2009). Common Obstetrical Procedures and Their Link to Autism. Pathways Magazine, Pregnancy Issue 21.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Rh incompatibility occurs when the mother is a negative blood type such as O
Negative or A Negative and the developing baby has a positive blood type such
as O Positive or A Positive. This happens when the father is a positive blood type.
If the father is a negative blood type then the baby cannot have a positive blood
type or Rh incompatibility so you won't need the Rhogam injection. If the
mother has a negative blood type and the husband is positive, then the mother
must get the Rhogam injection.70
The Rhogam formula no longer contains mercury in the United States but in
other countries please read the label to check for Thimerosal. When mercury was
in the Rhogam it usually had at least 25mcg of mercury per shot, if you had
multiple pregnancies through the years, that is a considerable amount of
mercury intoxication for the mother and the fetus that is trying to grow critical
brain cells.
If getting a Rhogam injection, be sure check the injection packaging information
to confirm it is mercury free.71
Pitocin, an artificial form of the labor hormone oxytocin can be used during
labor. It has been shown to increase blood pressure in both mother and baby
and decrease the blood supply to the placenta due to strong overlapping
contractions. There are many in the medical field that believe it is a potential risk
for autism.72 Vaginal Delivery vs. C-Section
Cesarean sections (c-sections) vs. vaginal labor: Studies have shown the benefits
of vaginal labor go further than just being an easier recovery for the mother.
Kendrion Biopharma. (2013). Understanding Rh-Negative. Retrieved from
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Ohm, J. (2009). Common Obstetrical Procedures and Their Link to Autism. Pathways Magazine, Pregnancy Issue 21.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Often times a c-section is associated with higher risk of allergies, diabetes,
gastrointestinal problems, asthma and leukemia.73 74
Labor helps the baby transition successfully from inside to outside the womb by
"triggers lung-liquid re absorption" which helps with air breathing after birth.75
This process activates the innate immune response in the newborn making
labor "immunologically beneficial to the newborn.”76
Cardwell CR, Stene LC, Joner G, Cinek O, Svensson J,Goldacre MJ, et al. (2008)Caesarean section is associated with an increased risk of childhood-onset type 1
diabetes mellitus: ameta-analysis of observational studies. Diabetologia, 51, 726–35.
Pistiner M, Gold DR, Abdulkerim H, Hoffman E, Celedon JC. (2008). Birth by cesarean section, allergic rhinitis, and allergicsensitization among children with a
parental history of atopy. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 122, 274–9.
Olver RE, Walters DV, Wilson SM. (2004). Developmental regulation of lung liquid transport. Annu Rev Physiol, 66, 77–101.
Chung-Min Shen, Shih-Chang Lin, Dau-Ming Niu, Yu Ru Kou. (2009). Labour increases the surface expression of two toll-like receptors in the cord blood
monocytes of healthy term newborns. Acta Paediatrica, 98(6), 959-962.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Supplements, Nutrition, and Constipation
Nutrition guidelines are similar to when pregnant. Continue to forgo known
allergens from the daily diet according to the IgG and IgE allergy panels.
Continue to take the vitamins and minerals in which you are deficient, while
maintaining a good nutrition plan.
If breast-feeding, it is important to increase daily caloric intake over pregnancy
levels. The number of total calories per day will depend on post pregnancy
weight and other factors. Consult with your medical providers, nutritionists or
registered dietician, as they can help establish a solid nutrition plan that can
help maintain milk supply and consistent energy levels.
The following supplements can be helpful: VITAMINS
Prentatal Vitaimins:
A vegan and organic source is best. Free from food dyes, wheat, gluten, milk,
eggs, toxins and other allergens. A multi-dose option (1 capsule 2 times per day
or 1 capsule 3 times per day) helps to absorb the water-soluble vitamins better
and the levels stay more consistent in your system.77
Calcium and Magnesium:
Calcium and Magnesium are important in bone growth and hormone
regulation. Magnesium in general can help with sulfation and detoxification
while eliminating constipation and muscle fatigue or cramping.78
Fish Oils
Fish Oils, Omega 3s and essential fatty acids contribute to brain cell function,
hormones and healthy neurotransmitters like serotonin.
McCarthy & Kartzinel. (2009). Healing and Preventing Autism, A Complete Guide. New York, NY: Dutton.
Bock, K., & Stauth, C. (2008). Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, The Ground Breaking Program for the 4-A Disorders. New
York: Ballantine Books.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is supports bone formation, hormone regulation, immune
modulation and prevention of inflammatory conditions. Vitamin D should be
supplemented in addition to prenatal vitamins because the RDA of 400iu,
typically found in prenatals, is too low to help most people maintain healthy
levels. 79
Powerful Probiotics at least 50 to 100 billion CFUs help to build healthy bacteria
to increase immune defense.
Zinc supports digestion, cognitive function and immune regulation. “No Zinc,
No Think.” Zinc is also important in preventing viral replication.
Post Delivery Topics
Constipation and Hemorrhoids
Constipation and hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy due to increased
progesterone production. Progesterone affects the smooth muscles
surrounding the intestines causing a slowdown in the bowels.
Constipation and hemorrhoids usually remain an issue after giving birth.
Increasing fluid intake, adding soft fiber, taking magnesium citrate and vitamin
C increase regularity. Consult a doctor or nurse about constipation and any
discomfort associated with hemorrhoids or incontinence.80 Additionally,
probiotics may help regularity during pregnancy and after birth.81
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a virus that affects the liver and may lead to liver cancer. The Hep B
virus is transmitted through blood, body fluids, contaminated needles, and
unprotected sex with Hep B-infected persons.
Hollis & Wagner (2006), Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic. Am J Clin Nutrition, 84(2), 273.
Mayes Midwifery, A Textbook for Midwives, 14th Edition (2011) Publisher: Elseivier
Mayes Midwifery, A Textbook for Midwives, 14th Edition (2011) Publisher: Elseivier
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
A Hep B positive mother can give Hep B to her baby. If the mom tests positive for
the Hep B surface antigen (HbsAg) within 12 hours after birth, current
recommendations are to administer the Hep B vaccine to the baby along with
the Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG). This prevents the baby from becoming
sick with the Hep B virus.
If the mother is Hep B positive, consult with a medical professional about only
giving the HBIG at birth instead of both the Hep B vaccine and HBIG. The vaccine
itself can be postponed and administered at a later date if warranted.
If the mother tests negative for the Hepatitis B surface antigen, or other Hep B
negative results then the baby does not need the Hep B vaccine after birth.
Please read the vaccine insert itself or in the post marketing report found on the
manufacturer’s website to further research the ingredients and possible side
For those wishing to vaccinate on an alternative schedule that doesn't include
the newer vaccines such as Hep B, visit to find information
and connections to medical professionals that use alternative vaccine
Vitamin K, Eye Ointment, & Cord Clamping at Birth
Along with the Hep B vaccine, there are three other interventions that are
generally given to every baby directly after birth. The Vitamin K injection, eye
ointment antibiotic, and immediate cord clamping. Each of these is a choice and
can be planned according to one's beliefs in advance of giving birth.
Vitamin K is the first injection that a nurse gives the baby directly after birth. It is
given to prevent an uncontrolled bleeding disorder called "hemorrhagic
disease" of the newborn. 1 in 100,000 are born with poor levels of vitamin K that
may lead to bleeding. The injection itself is either 0.5mg or 1mg of Vitamin K that
is administered into the thigh of the newborn. Studies have shown that the
amount of Vitamin K in this injection can increase the risk of leukemia.83
Ask Dr.Sears. (2013). Find a Vaccine Friendly Doctor Near You. Retrieved from
Golding J, Paterson K, Greenwood R, Mott M. (1992). Intramuscular Vitamin K and Childhood Cancer. BMJ; 305: 341-346
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Those who refuse the Vitamin K injection can request the waiver forms from the
nurse prior to birth and can be included as part of the birth plan. Vitamin K can
be supplemented as part of the diet (high sulfur foods like broccoli and
cauliflower). With the advice of your medical professional there are also vitamin
K drops that can be given in smaller doses to the newborn.
Additionally, an erythromycin antibiotic treatment is applied to the eyes to
protect from chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. Side effects do not usually
occur, however, the most important to be aware of are blurry vision, eye
irritation and or hindered eyesight in the newborn. Some parents may choose to
put breast milk in the eye as an antibiotic instead. As always, speak with medical
professionals and include all choices in your predetermined birth plan.84
Another procedure to research prior to giving birth is cord clamping.
Before birth, the cord and placenta “breathe” for the baby. Humans and all other
mammals have evolved over millions of years a very safe mechanism for closing
umbilical cords at birth without interrupting “breathing,” and ensuring optimal
survival of their offspring.85
Studies have shown that early cord clamping can lead to increased incidences of
brain impairment due to lack of oxygen from the hypervolemia and anemia.
More insight through studies on this topic needs to be accomplished before this
can be proven or disproven.86
Emerging research on the subject shows some benefit to delaying cord
clamping for a few minutes or until the cord has stopped pulsating.87
Alternatives to immediate cord clamping can be discussed with your medical
practitioner as they vary with each professional and medical facility guidelines.
McNinch C, et. Al. (1985). Plasma concentrations after oral or intramuscular vitamin K1 in neonates. Archives of Disease in Childhood; 60: 814-818
Morley, G. (2002) How the Cord Clamp Injures Your Baby’s Brain. Retrieved from
Linderkamp, O. (1982). Placental transfusion: determinants and effects. Clinics in Perinatology; 9: 559-592
McDonald SJ, Middleton P. (2008). Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping of term infants on maternal and neonatal outcomes. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews (2): CD004074.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Vaccines Following Delivery
Vaccines after delivery should be seriously discussed with your medical provider
and researched for all risks and side effects. Vaccines introduce live viruses to the
mother and if breastfeeding, they may pass on to the newborn.
Dr. Kartzinel said it best in his book Healing and Preventing Autism: "If the baby
is going to breastfeed, I would not want any of the live virus vaccines passed to
her child in her breast milk.”
In Mark and Hilary Butler's book Just a Little Prick, she states, "Some older
studies show that colostrum and breast milk carry specific IgG and IgA
antibodies to four organisms: whooping cough, Haemophilus B, Streptococcus
pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides.88
This is an educated choice that should be planned for months before giving
birth and included in the birth plan as discussed with a practitioner so the
proper actions are taken.
Breastfeeding & Early Nutrition
Breast milk is considered the "Gold Standard" for infant nutrition and immunity
support for newborns. Breast milk contains important nutrients of cholesterol,
Omega-3s and taurine,89 all of which are known to be deficient in autism.90
The colostrum in breast milk is uniquely tailored to help the newborn's
metabolism, giving it enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins, fats and
carbohydrates. Breast milk Lactoferrin helps decrease bacterial overgrowth by
limiting the nutrients bacteria need to flourish. Breast milk also promotes iron
absorption by the intestines.91
Butler, P. & Butler, H. (2006). Just a Little Prick. New Zealand: Robert Reisinger Memorial Trust.
Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. (2005). Breastfeeding: a guide for the medical profession (6th Ed). USA: Elselvier.
Pangborn, Baker, Rimland. (2005). Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments (Have We Done Everything We Can For This Child? Individuality In An Epidemic). San
Diego: Autism Reseach Institute.
Riodin, J. (2008). Breastfeeding and Human Lactation (4th Ed) Revised. Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
Breastfeeding is the best way to increase immunity for a baby. Studies have
shown that breastfeeding helps to shift a baby’s immune system to a more
protective, less inflammatory state. Breast milk may reduce gastrointestinal
infections and their severity with protective factors given to the baby's mucosal
surfaces. Breastfeeding may decrease the chance of infection caused by viruses,
protozoa and bacteria.92
Breast milk contains secretory IgA, which has anti-toxin, anti-allergic properties.
A low secretory IgA is extremely common in autism and leads to greater
infections and lower immunity to viruses and other organisms.
Pediatricians recommend new mothers breastfeed for as long as possible for at
least 1 year or more. If that isn't possible due to work, time constraints and other
circumstances mothers may pump and store the breast milk so the baby will
have the benefits of the breast milk.
In the event that the mother cannot produce milk or there are complications
and the newborn is in intensive care, breast milk can be ordered through
Prolacta Bioscience. The milk is donated, screened and filtered. Breast milk banks
only donate to neonatal intensive care units through the recommendation of a
neonatologist. It is a viable option for a sick newborn when the mom cannot
breastfeed herself.93
Formula can also be considered. Choose a clean, organic, chemical-free formula
that contains high levels of DHA and ARA. If a newborn doesn't tolerate a
formula, an allergic reaction may be possible. Consider changing the formula to
an allergen-free version; there are GFCF formulas such as Neocate but it is cornbased and not organic, which can be problematic. Nutritionists can help create a
coconut milk, goat milk or other non-dairy source based formula as well. Talk
with a doctor or nurse for recommendations.94
If a child is showing allergic signs, a Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination
Technique (NAET) practitioner may help reduce or eliminate the allergy. Adding
Isaacs, C. (2005). Human Milk Inactivates Pathogens Individually, Additively and Synergistically. The Journal of Nutrition; 135, 5;1286.
Prolacta Bioscience. (2013). Milk Banking FAQs. Retrieved from
Nutricia Neocate. (2013). You are not the first to ask. Retrieved from
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
in a probiotic made for infants, DHA drops that contain essential fatty acids and
vitamin A may also assist with digestion. A charcoal based colic product like
"Colic Calm" can help with gas, bloating and upset stomach. 95
Whether one breastfeeds or formula feeds, good nutrition is essential while
watching for signs of intolerance, allergic reactions or a compromised immune
system. Discuss any interventions with a doctor or nurse for what is best for the
Fluoride is thought to have minimal benefit when taken internally and its ability
to fight cavities when applied to teeth has been questioned. Fluoride has been
shown to cause multiple problems including reducing intelligence in children,
causing tooth defects called dental fluorosis and transporting other toxins such
as lead from the water pipes across the blood-brain barrier.96
Delay grains in the baby's diet as long as possible. Some experts are suggesting
until the baby is almost two years old. Others say to wait until the baby has most
of her teeth, which almost always coincides with the 2nd birthday.
A baby's digestive system can tolerate fats and proteins much easier than
carbohydrates. Infants do not produce sufficient amylase enzyme necessary to
digest grains. One of the main enzymatic deficiencies in ADHD and Autism is
amylase and the ability to digest carbs.97
One way to check if a baby has proper digestion or may need some intervention
is to monitor if they frequently fall asleep directly after a meal even if they
weren't tired before or it wasn't close to bedtime.
Solid foods should be introduced at 6 months if there are known allergies in
family. This can help to prevent further allergic response by giving the child
Nambudripad, D. (2002). Say Goodbye to Illness: A Revolutionary Treatment for Allergies & Allergy Related Conditions (3rd ed.). Buena Park, CA: Delta Publishing
Xiang Q, et al. (2003). Effects of Fluoride in Drinking Water on Children’s Intelligence. Fluoride, 36, 84-94;198-199.
DeFelice, K. (2006). Enzymes: Go with Your Gut, More Practical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes. Bound, Minnesota: ThunderSnow Interactive.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
enough time to get a functioning GI tract that is capable of digesting solid foods
with the correct type of enzymes and normal flora. Start slowly with veggies and
work up to other foods.98
Probiotics are extremely important in the health of newborns and as they grow.
When choosing a probiotic, look for a product that is made for infants up to 2
years of age that dissolves well in liquid or foods and is free from allergens.
Breast milk supplies these normal flora (good bacteria found in the
gastrointestinal tract) but when the probiotic environment is disrupted with a
cold virus, ear infection, diarrhea, or shows signs of a yeast infection (diaper rash
or cradle cap) then a multi-strain probiotic should be used. They can be used
daily as well.
Klaire Labs and Jarrow brands both have infant formulas that work well. Both
contain Lactobacillus Strains (found in the small intestine) and Bifidobacterium
(found in the colon).
To find out more about probiotics: Visit and http://
Augmentin has been a popular antibiotic for ear infections since the 1980s. It
has worked wonders because of the ingredient clavulanate potassium that is
added to the amoxicillin. The clavulanate potassium makes it possible for the
child to be given the medication over time during multiple ear infections
without the bacteria becoming resistant to the amoxicillin.
During the process of making Augmentin, the fermentation process of
clavulanic acid involves massive amounts of ammonia. When a child ingests
ammonia it could injure the intestinal tract, brain, and nervous tissue. Ammonia
Cmablee-McBride. (2010). Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia, Revised and
Enlarged. United Kingdom: Mediform Publishing.
Copyright ©2017 Generation Rescue
has been shown in small amounts to cause brain inflammation or even
A study from 2005 implicated the antibiotic Augmentin TM as a possible trigger
in the formation of autism. This study looked at 206 children under 3 with an
autism diagnosis. They found that these children had a very high number of ear
infections as compared with the general pediatric population.
Each of these children were given 12 courses of antibiotics that totaled 2480
courses together. 893 of these courses were with the antibiotic Augmentin and
362 of those courses were given to children under the age of 1 year. The high
levels of ammonia from the doses of Augmentin could be another factor in the
increase in autism diagnoses.100 Further research needs to be undertaken to
determine if clavulanic acid in pharmaceuticals can cause neurotoxicity in
children and the effects that toxicity can bring.
High occurrence of ear infections can be a sign of poor immunity or immune
dysfunction in children. If your child has frequent ear infections, talk with your
practitioner about alternatives to prescription antibiotics that can disrupt
normal gut flora and cause ammonia toxicity, such as garlic oil used topically in
the ear, probiotics and other natural remedies to boost the immune system. Be
sure to use natural supplements and remedies under the care of a physician, as
even natural substances have toxic levels.101
Disclaimer: None of the information presented here should be considered medical advice or a "cure" for autism. The
information presented represents strategies for dealing with autism that have been reported as successful by
professionals and/or families with autism. While we believe this information to be accurate we are not in a position to
independently verify it and cannot guarantee that it will work in any particular case. No treatment for autism should
be attempted without prior consultation with a physician familiar with autism spectrum disorders.
Devaraj, S. (2013). Ammonia. MedScape. Retreived from
Fallon, J. (2005). Could one of the most widely prescribed antibiotics amoxicillin/clavulanate "augmentin™" be a risk factor for autism? Medical Hypotheses, 64(2),
Marks, D. (2010). Garlic. Retrieved from
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