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Gram-Positive Bacteria
Coryneform Plant Pathogens
M. J. Davis and A. K. Vidaver
The term coryneform (28, 30) refers to a diverse group of plelomorphic bacteria from
various habitats that include some plant pathogens. In complex media, these bacteria usually
occur as irregular shaped rods that vary considerably in size and shape, and include straight, bent,
curved, wedge-shaped and club-shaped forms. Angular cell arrangements, frequently
V-formations, are usually present. Mycelia are usually not formed but rudimentary branching
may occur. In stationary phase cultures, cells are often less irregular in shape and shorter, and
coccoid cells may occur in various proportions. The cells may be motile or non-motile.
Endospores are not formed. These bacteria are Gram-positive, but may decolorize easily and
exhibit uneven staining. They are not acid-fast. The phytopathogenic coryneform bacteria
generally fit this description and in addition, but not exclusively, are all strict aerobes,
catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, and often contain metachromatic granules.
Until recently, the phytopathogenic coryneform bacteria were all classified in the genus
Corynebacterium, primarily based on their morphological and staining characteristics.
Classification of these bacteria in the genus Corynebacterium is now deemed generally
inappropriate on the basis of physiological, numerical taxonomic and chemotaxonomic studies (7).
Furthermore, insufficient differences were noted between some of these pathogens to warrant
ranking them as separate species (2,20). Proposals to reclassify the phytopathogenic coryneform
bacteria in other described genera and two new genera have been published (3,4,11,24, 40, 51).
We have chosen to use the nomenclatural combinations in Table 1. Prior combinations with
Corynebacterium as the designated genus are also valid for the pathogens presently classified in
the genera Arthrobacter, Clavibacter, andRhodococcus (2,43). The genus Rathayibacter was
proposed for some species in the genus Clavibacter (40, 51), but we have chosen not to use these
new combinations, in part, because a clear concept of the separation between species and genera
has not yet been reached. A proposal has been published that, in effect, would reclassify all the
subspecies of Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens in the genus Curtobacterium as pathovars of
Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens (3). Although we generally agree with the placement of these
pathogens in the genus Curtobacterium, we would prefer that their subspecies rank be retained,
and therefore, we have chosen not to use this proposed classification. We will refer to
coryneform species as listed in Table 1.
The plant pathogenic coryneform bacteria cause a variety of diseases with symptoms that
include galls, gummosis, and wilts (8,47,48). In nature, all of these pathogens, except for
Rhodococcus fascians, and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, have been found
associated with only a single genus of host plant. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis
also is limited in host-specificity in that it only infects solanaceous hosts, principally
tomato and pepper. The phytopathogenic coryneform bacteria are relatively easy to identify when
isolated from young lesions of a known host with characteristic symptoms because of their cell
morphology and Gram-stain characteristic. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus is
often difficult to isolate from potato tubers because of the presence of other microorganisms.
However, a semiselective medium (NCP-88, see 5), p. 222) has been used with relative success
(17). Secondary identifying traits are colony morphology, pigmentation on complex media, and
the presence or absence of motility. Colony formation requires 3-21 days, depending on the
pathogen. The fastest growing pathogens are C. flaccumfaciens, the slowest are the C. xyli
Table 1. Species and diseases caused by coryneform plant pathogens.
Arthrobacter ilicis
Clavibacter iranicum
Clavibacter michiganensis
subsp. insidiosus
subsp. michaganensis
subsp. nebraskensis
subsp. sepedonicus
subsp. tessellarius
Clavibacter rathayi
Clavibacter tritici
Clavibacter toxicus
Clavibacter xyli
subsp. cynodontis
subsp. xyli
flaccumfaciens pv. betae pv.
Blight of American holly
Inflorescence gummosis of grains
Alfalfa wilt
Tomato canker
Blight and wilt of corn (Goss's wilt) Wilt and
tuber rot of potato (ring rot) Mosaic-like
syndrome on wheat Inflorescence gummosis
of grains Inflorescence gummosis of grains
(wheat) Inflorescence gummosis of grains
(rye grass)
Bermudagrass stunting
Ratoon stunting disease of Sugarcane
Vascular wilt and leaf spot of red beet
Vascular wilt of beans (Phaseolus species and
Glycine max)
pv. oortii
pv. poinsettiae
Vascular disease and leaf and bulb spot of tulips
Rhodococcus fascians _____ Leaf spot and stem canker of poinsettia
Leafy gall and fasciation of numerous plant species
Gram stains (Plate 1, Fig. 1) should be performed on young cultures using both a positive
and a negative control (see b, p. 7). Some species stain unevenly, depending on culture age,
growth medium, and strain. To determine cell morphology, young cultures (24 - 72 hrs old)
should be observed. Colony morphology ranges from small (approx. 1-3 mm, except for those of
C. xyli which are 0.1-1 mm), circular and convex to large (approx. 5-8 mm), irregular, and fluidal.
Pigmentation is usually in shades of yellow to orange on nutrient rich media, with non-pigmented
species in the minority. Intracellular granular pigmentation by indigoidine is usually produced by
C. michiganensis subsp. insidiosus, and extracellular purple pigment is produced by some strains
of C. flaccumfaciens subsp. flaccumfaciens. Motility is predominant among strains of
Curtohacterium and Arthrobacter species. Young cultures should be observed; a droplet put on a
clean slide, with coverslip, is generally adequate for observation with phase-contrast microscopy.
For most accurate results, the preparation should be examined immediately. Alternatively,
hanging drop preparations may be examined if there is doubt about motility. In this procedure, a
drop of culture is put on a coverslip; a depression slide is gently put over the drop, and the slide
and coverslip are quickly turned over together so as to retain the droplet in place. Further details
on motility procedures and precautions can be obtained in reference 21.
It is strongly recommended that known coryneform bacteria be used for comparative
studies with unknowns, preferably using type cultures.
A nutrient-broth yeast extract medium (NBY) is recommended as a medium of choice for
growth, pigmentation, and colony differentiation (Plate 5, Fig. 3), except for C. xyli, which will
grow only on special media (SC medium, see b, p. 225). Other satisfactory general media can be
used (37).
a. Plant Material
Material should be washed with tap water and gently blotted dry with paper
toweling. Surface sterilization is usually not necessary and may be detrimental in isolating
R. fascians. Tissues from young lesions, freshly infected material, or the margins of
decayed areas should be sought. Direct puncture from fresh tissue by use of a sharp,
sterilized dissecting needle onto agar should be successful, as should be streaking or
plating of comminuted tissues after serial dilution. It may be necessary to inoculate peas or
other hosts with crude material to enrich for R. fascians, with subsequent isolation from the
newly infected host. A selective medium has not been developed for C. xyli subsp. xyli;
therefore, surface sterilization of plant material and precautions to avoid other
microorganisms are necessary when isolating this pathogen on SC medium (10).
b. Soil
Aqueous suspensions (0.1 % w/v) of soil samples should be diluted in 10-fold
series to 10"5 and 0.1 ml from the last three dilutions spread over the surface of solid
medium with a sterile L-shaped glass rod. Selective media may be useful or even
necessary. Medium D2 (29) can be used for isolation of some coryneform bacteria.
Medium CNS (25) allows better selection and faster growth of some coryneform bacteria.
Furthermore, the color of the colonies on CNS (Plate 5, Fig. 4) is similar to the color of
the colonies on NBY agar (Plate 5, Fig. 3). Medium SCMS can be used to isolate C. xyli
subsp. cynodontis (9) and SCM agar is very helpful for isolating C. michiganensis subsp.
michiganensis (21) (Plate 5, Fig. 5). A modified SCM is best for tomato seeds (50) (Plate
5, Fig. 5).
Recipes for selective media.
Medium CNS (25) (Plate 5, Fig. 4)
Nutrient broth, Bacto
Yeast extract, Bacto
Autoclave together (after autoclaving the pH is 6.9), cool to
about 50°C, then add the following ingredients:
Nalidixic acid
Polymyxin P sulfate* (8000 USP units/mg)
Magnesium sulfate, anhydrous
2.0 ml *
1.25 ml **
1.6 ml"***
30.0 ml****
2.5 g
62.0 mg
Swirl flask to mix well and pour.
The LiCl is transiently toxic to freshly isolated C. michiganensis subsp.
nebraskensis, hence it can either be omitted from the medium or plating of
plant specimens (in buffer containing sodium) can be delayed for 1-2 hours
Polymyxin P sulfate preparations can vary, hence the medium should be pretested to determine recovery effectiveness.
*1 g/100 ml deionized distilled (dd) water. Store at 4°C.
**0.1g in 7 ml dd water plus 3 ml 1 N NaOH. Store at 4°C.
***1 g/100ml dd water. Store at 4°C.
****1.2 ml/58.8 ml or 0.2 ml/9.8 ml dd water. Store at
room temperature. (Active ingredient is
tetrachloroisophthalonitrile.) 2)
D2 Medium (29)
Casein hydrolysate
Yeast extract
Tris [tris (hydroxymethyl) amino methane]
10.0 g
4.0 g
2.0 g
1.0 g
0.3 g
5.0 g
1-2 g
15.0 g
Adjust to 7.8 with HCl and autoclave. The medium is cooled to about 50° C
and polymyxin sulfate and sodium azide are added.
Polymyxin B sulfate*
Sodium azide
0.4 mg
2.0 mg
*Add a total of 300 USP units.
This medium should be freshly prepared since azide and polymyxin break
down with time.
3) SCMS Medium (9)
Add the following to 1 liter of SC agar (see b, p. 225).
50.0 mg
35.0 mg
Colistan methane sulfonate (1190 units/mg)
10.0 mg
Polymyxin B sulfate (7400 USP units/mg)
50.0 mg
All ingredients, except SC agar, are dissolved in 10 ml of water, filter
sterilized using a 0.22 //m-pore-size membrane filter, and added to
autoclaved SC agar cooled to about 50° C.
CMS (21) (Plate 5, Fig. 5)
10.0 g
0.1 g
2.0 g
0.5 g
0.25 g
1.5 g
Yeast extract
Boric acid
After autoclaving add:
100 mg nicotinic acid (dissolved in 20 ml sterile distilled water)
30 mg nalidixic acid (sodium salt, dissolved in 1 ml 0.1 m NaOH)
10 mg potassium tellurite (1 ml of 1% chapman tellurite solution from Difco)
200 mg cycloheximide (dissolved in 1 ml absolute methanol)
Useful for isolation of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis from soil and
tomato seeds.
5) m SCM (50) (Plate 5, Fig. 5).
Use mannose in place of sucrose and eliminate potassium tellurite.
Some strains of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis grow poorly in
presence of potassium tellurite. Best for isolating from tomato seeds.
6) NCP-88 (17)
23.0 g
2.0 g
2.0 g
0.5 g
5.0 g
5.0 g
Nutrient agar
Yeast extract
After autoclaving, add:
300 ul of polymyxin B sulfate (7,900 units/mg, 10 mg/ml stock) 800
ul of nalidixic acid, Na-salt (10 mg/ml in 10 mM NaOH) 2 ml of
cycloheximide (100 mg/ml in 75% ethanol)
Useful for isolation of C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus from potato
Phytopathogenic coryneform bacteria can be differentiated on the basis of the
characteristics given in Table 2. With experience, most species and subspecies can be
differentiated by colony characteristics on NBY or SC agar alone. Colonies are yellow or
yellow-orange, except those of C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus and C. xyli subsp. xyli,
which are white. Definitive identification may need to be confirmed by pathogenicity and/or
serological tests.
Acid Production"
Table 2. Differential characteristics of phytopathogenic coryneform bacteria.
broth (see d, p. 225) with yeast extract reduced to 0.1 g/L, and the test compound (0.5% w/v) replacing g
RSD broth as above, except the test compound at 0.1% w/v and bovine serum albumin omitted from the mediu
Corynebacterium species.
°SC medium (see b, p. 225) supplemented with 1% (w/v) casein or 0.1% (w/v) esculin and 0.05% (w/v) ferric c
casein or the development of a brown color in the medium with esculin indicates hydrolysis.
NBY agar (see c, p. 4) used for all pathogens, except SC agar used for C. xyli subspecies. Y, yellow; B, blue; O
purple; Vlf various pigments (occasional variants are pink, red, orange, and white or colorless); V2, occasional v
refer to those of non-diffusable pigments, except as noted. The blue pigment is intracellular indigoidine granul
yellow pigment. The purple is extracellular and occasionally found.
a. NBY medium (see c, p. 4)
b. SC medium (10)
8.0 g
15.0 ml *
15 g
0.5 g
0.2 g
17.0 g
10.0 ml ***
Phytone peptone or soytone
Bovine hemin chloride
Corn meal agar
L-cysteine (free base)
Bovine serum albumin fraction V
Ingredients are added and dissolved in water in the order given. The medium
components, except for glucose, cysteine, and bovine serum albumin, are autoclaved.
Glucose, cysteine, and bovine serum albumin stock solutions are filter sterilized and
added to the rest of the medium cooled to about 50° C. The pH should be 6.6-6.7
without adjustment.
**50% w/v aqueous solution.
10% aqueous solution.
**** 20% aqueous solution.
c. TTC medium (31)
5.0 g
10.0 g
1.0 g
17.0 g
Casamino acids (casein hydrolysate)
Autoclave in 200-ml portions and add 1.0 ml of a 1% aqueous solution of 2,3,5
triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (autoclaved separately) to each portion.
d. RSD broth medium (8)
1.0 g
10 g
15.0 ml *
1.0 g
Yeast extract
Bovine hemin chloride
L-cysteine (free base)
Bromthymol blue
MgS04 7H20
Bovine serum albumin fraction V
1.0 ml * *
0.2 g
0.2 g
2.0 g
Ingredients are added and dissolved in water in the order given. All
ingredients, except for bovine serum albumin, are mixed and the pH adjusted to 7.2
with 1.0 N NaOH or HC1 before autoclaving. The bovine serum albumin stock
solution is filter sterilized and added to the rest of the medium at room temperature.
The final pH should be 6.6-6.7.
0.8% w/v aqueous solution.
20% aqueous solution.
Other media have been evaluated for specificity of isolation, rapidity of
growth, colony morphology and pigmentation. These media are not included here
because of one or more deficiencies such as excess foaming, variation due to
differences in fresh potatoes, decreased pigmentation, or limited use to date.
Gram reaction, (see 1, p. 7)
Motility, (see d, p. 46) (21)
The following procedures can be used for most plant pathogenic bacteria. Variations
in temperature, liquid media, diluents, and agar media can be used equally well for certain
species. Using a sterile loop, remove a mass of cells of the bacterium from a fresh NBY
agar slant culture. Transfer the cell mass to a 125 or 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 50
ml of liquid NBY (see c, p. 4), medium 523 (see 1), p. 27), or nutrient broth (see a, p. 3), and
shake on a rotary shaker at 24-28° C. After 15 hours (overnight), remove 1.0 ml of the
suspension and add it to a fresh flask of broth medium as before and place on a rotary shaker.
Incubate for 4-6 hours until the culture reaches a turbidity reading of 0.08-0.1 optical units
at 640 nm with a spectrophotometer or 50 Klett units with a Klett-Summerson
photoelectric colorimeter (green filter). If the culture grows beyond the desired cell density,
adjust the concentration by dilution with the appropriate medium. Determine culture purity
and the actual number of colony forming units (CFU) by pipetting aliquots of ten-fold
dilutions in buffer, such as phosphate buffered (0.01 M, pH 7.1) saline (0.85% NaCl), onto
the surface of duplicate plates of 523 or NBY agar. A dilution should be chosen which
gives 50-200 CFU/plate. The inoculum should be spread evenly of an reshaped glass rod (a
turntable may be helpful), and the plates incubated 3-5 days at 24-28°C prior to counting. It
is very important to treat each inoculum preparation the same way,
because the viable cell concentration of cultures with similar absorbencies are not
necessarily the same. Qualitative tests may be performed by using 4-6 day old agar cultures
suspended in buffer as above.
Inoculum containing either of the C. xyli subspecies can be prepared by growing
heavily inoculated cultures on SC medium at 28° C for 2-3 weeks, removing the growth
with a spatula, and suspending it in phosphate buffer (0.01 M, pH 6.9). The concentration
of cells in the inoculum should be at least 108 cells/ml (A^^ 0.1). The CFU should be
determined by plating serial dilutions of the suspension on SC medium.
For most coryneform plant pathogens, dilute the freshly prepared broth
culture with water, buffer, or saline to 105 to 106 CFTJ/ml based on
spectrophotometer or colorimeter reading. If many inoculations are to be made, it is
good practice to keep the culture on ice until ready to use. Such cultures can be
used up to 4-6 hours. The inoculum is then introduced into the plant using
toothpicks, scalpels, needles, pressure injection devices, or knives. Control plants
should be treated similarly but with diluent only. One inoculation method that works
well with vascular pathogens is to wound an axillary bud by inserting a dissecting
needle approximately 4 mm deep, and then place 5-10 jA of bacterial suspension on
the wound. The suspension is usually taken into the transpiration stream in a few
minutes. It should also be noted that eggplant is a preferred host for testing C.
michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus and nematodes are necessary vectors for normal
transmission of and infection by C. tritici and C. rathqyi, as well as production of
"cauliflower" syndrome of strawberry by Rfascians.
Sugarcane and Bermudagrass can be inoculated as single-node cuttings with
either of the C. xyli subspecies by immersing cut surfaces of freshly prepared
cuttings into inoculum before planting.
Molecular techniques
For rapid identification of the individual pathogens, a number of polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) assays have been developed including a fluorogenic 5' nuclease
PCR assay using a real-time TaqMan detection system (Perkin Elmer) (41) (Table
3)See Appendix A for details.
Serological techniques
Immunodiagnosis of coryneform plant pathogens has been found to be
especially useful for those pathogens that are difficult to isolate in culture or cause
latent infections, especially when spread of the pathogen by vegetative propagation
is a major concern. In this respect, serological procedures are commonly used for
detection of C. xyli subsp. xyli in sugarcane stalks (6, 26) and C. michiganensis
subsp. sepedonicus in potato tubers (16,15, 33). Immunodiagnosis is also useful to
detect coryneform plant pathogens in true seed, such as C. michiganensis subsp.
insidiosus in alfalfa seed (38) and C. flaccumfaciens pv.flaccumfaciens in
mungbean seeds (18). Various serological methods have been used including
agglutination, latex agglutination, ELIS A fluorescent antibody staining, dot-blot,
and tissue-blot. Immunofluorescence assays have frequently been found to be the
most reliable, in part due to the combining of visual and immunochemical
recognition factors. An evaporative-binding ELISA (5) or modified stalk imprint
immunoassay (tissue-blot assay) are used most often for detection of C. xyli subsp.
xyli in multiple sugarcane stalk samples (13).
See Appendix B for details.
Commercial Techniques
Fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME)
Commercial analysis of cellular fatty acids can provide a rapid
presumptive identification of plant-pathogenic coryneform bacteria (27).
Commercially available kits such as the API ZYM test strips provide
standardized and rapid performance of many physiological tests, however,
they have not been found generally useful for differentiating coryneform
phytobacteria (14).
See Appendix C for details.
Young cultures streaked on slants of NBY agar or SC agar can be stored at 4°C for
several weeks. Strains can be stored at -80°C in broth medium with 10% (v/v) glycerol. For
long term storage, freeze drying of cells from young cultures that have been suspended in
sterile, 10% skim milk is recommended.
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Unless stated otherwise, all chemicals in this list were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co., P. O.
Box 14508, St. Louis, MO 63178.
Ammonium Chloride
Ammonium phosphate
Bromthymol blue
Bovine serum albumin
Bovine serum albumin fraction V (no, 4503)
Casamino acids (casein hydrolysate)
Colistan methane sulfonate
Corn meal agar
L-cysteine (free base)
Daconil 2787-F (tetrachloroisophthalonii
Fermenta Plant Protection Co., P.
O. Box 8000 Mentor, OH 44061
Ferric citrate
Hemin chloride (bovine)
Lithium chloride
Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate
Nalidixic acid
Pepton, Phytone or Soytone
Polymyxin B sulfate
Potassium phosphate, monobasic
Potassium phosphate, dibasic, trihydrate
Sodium azide
Sodium chloride
Sodium hydroxide
2-3-5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
Yeast Extract
Tachigaren, Sanko co., Ltd., Japan
BBL or Difco, respectively
Cal Biochem
BBL or Difco