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Elementary Education Student Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Reading, Language
and Child
Not Observed
Not Observed
Does not meet
Makes serious mistakes
in use of English
language arts and do not
understand or use the
concepts from reading,
language, and child
development to teach
reading, writing,
speaking, viewing,
listening and thinking
skills or to help students
successfully apply their
developing skills to
many different situations,
materials and ideas.
Makes some mistakes in
use of English language
arts. With guidance
know, understand, and
use the concepts from
reading, language and
child development, to
teach reading, writing,
speaking, viewing,
listening, and thinking
skills and to help students
successfully apply their
developing skills to many
different situations,
materials and ideas.
Demonstrate a high level of
competence in use of
English language arts and
they know, understand, and
use the concepts from
reading, language and child
development, to teach
reading, writing, speaking,
viewing, listening, and
thinking skills and to help
students successfully apply
their developing skills to
many different situations,
materials and ideas. Uses
Science – physical
life, earth and space
Not Observed
Makes serious mistakes
in use fundamental
concepts in teaching the
subject matter of science
– including physical, life,
and earth and space
sciences – nor concepts
in science and
technology, science in
personal and social
perspectives, the history
and nature of science, the
unifying concepts of
science, and the inquiry
processes scientists use
in discovery of new
knowledge to build a
base for scientific and
technological literacy.
Makes some mistakes in
science concepts but with
guidance create learning
opportunities using
fundamental concepts in
the subject matter of
science – including
physical, life, and earth
and space sciences – as
well as concepts in
science and technology,
science in personal and
social perspectives, the
history and nature of
science, the unifying
concepts of science, and
the inquiry processes
scientists use in discovery
of new knowledge to
build a base for scientific
and technological
Know, understand, and use
fundamental concepts in the
subject matter of science –
including physical, life, and
earth and space sciences –
as well as concepts in
science and technology,
science in personal and
social perspectives, the
history and nature of
science, the unifying
concepts of science, and the
inquiry processes scientists
use in discovery of new
knowledge to build a base
for scientific and
technological literacy.
Shows strong knowledge,
creativity, consistency and
considerable flexibility in
use of English language arts
and they consistently know,
understand, use the concepts
from reading, language and
child development, to teach
reading, writing, speaking,
viewing, listening, and
thinking skills and
consistently help students
successfully apply their
developing skills to many
different situations,
materials and ideas.
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency and
considerable flexibility in
the use of fundamental
concepts in the subject
matter of science –
including physical, life, and
earth and space sciences –
as well as concepts in
science and technology,
science in personal and
social perspectives, the
history and nature of
science, the unifying
concepts of science, and the
inquiry processes scientists
use in discovery of new
knowledge to build a base
for scientific and
technological literacy.
Elementary Education Student Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Not Observed
Not Observed
Curriculum: Social
Not Observed
Does not meet
Does not create learning
opportunities that
demonstrate knowledge,
understanding, and use
of the major concepts,
procedures, and
reasoning processes of
mathematics that define
number systems and
number sense, geometry,
measurement, statistics
and probability, and
algebra relationships that
can represent
phenomena, solve
problems and manage
Does not create learning
opportunities that
demonstrate knowledge,
understanding, and use
of the major concepts
and modes of inquiry
from the social studies –
the integrated study of
history, geography, the
social sciences, and other
related areas – to
promote elementary
students’ abilities to
make informed decisions
as citizens of a culturally
diverse democratic
society and
interdependent world.
Makes some mistakes in
mathematical concepts
but with guidance create
learning opportunities
using the major concepts,
procedures, and reasoning
processes of mathematics
that define number
systems and number
sense, geometry,
measurement, statistics
and probability, and
algebra relationships that
can represent phenomena,
solve problems and
manage data.
Know, understand, and use
the major concepts,
procedures, and reasoning
processes of mathematics
that define number systems
and number sense,
geometry, measurement,
statistics and probability,
and algebra relationships
that can represent
phenomena, solve problems
and manage data.
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency and
considerable flexibility in
use of major concepts,
procedures, and reasoning
processes of mathematics
that define number systems
and number sense,
geometry, measurement,
statistics and probability,
and algebra relationships
that can represent
phenomena, solve problems
and manage data
Makes some mistakes in
social studies concepts
but with guidance create
learning opportunities in
the use of the major
concepts and modes of
inquiry from the social
studies – the integrated
study of history,
geography, the social
sciences, and other
related areas – to promote
elementary students’
abilities to make informed
decisions as citizens of a
culturally diverse
democratic society and
interdependent world.
Know, understand, and use
the major concepts and
modes of inquiry from the
social studies – the
integrated study of history,
geography, the social
sciences, and other related
areas – to promote
elementary students’
abilities to make informed
decisions as citizens of a
culturally diverse
democratic society and
interdependent world.
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency and
considerable flexibility in
use of major concepts and
modes of inquiry from the
social studies – the
integrated study of history,
geography, the social
sciences, and other related
areas – to promote
elementary students’
abilities to make informed
decisions as citizens of a
culturally diverse
democratic society and
interdependent world.
Elementary Education Student Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Curriculum: The
Not Observed
Not Observed
Does not meet
Does not create learning
opportunities that
demonstrate knowledge,
understanding, and use
of the content, functions,
and achievements of
dance, music, theater,
and the several visual
arts as primary media for
communication, inquiry
and insight among
elementary students.
Curriculum: Health
Not Observed.
Physical Education
Not Observed.
Does not create learning
opportunities that
demonstrate knowledge,
understanding and use of
the major concepts in the
subject matter of health
education to create
opportunities for student
development and practice
of skills that contribute
to good health.
Does not create learning
opportunities that
demonstrate knowledge,
understanding and use of
human movement and
physical activity as
central elements to foster
active, healthy life styles
and enhanced quality of
life for elementary
Makes some mistakes in
the Arts but with
guidance use the content,
functions, and
achievements of dance,
music, theater, and the
several visual arts as
primary media for
communication, inquiry
and insight among
elementary students.
With guidance create
learning opportunities.
Makes some mistakes in
health education but with
the use of the major
concepts in the subject
matter of health education
to create opportunities for
student development and
practice of skills that
contribute to good health.
Know, understand and use –
as appropriate to their own
understanding and skills –
the content, functions, and
achievements of dance,
music, theater, and the
several visual arts as
primary media for
communication, inquiry and
insight among elementary
students. Create learning
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency and
considerable flexibility in
use of content, functions,
and achievements of dance,
music, theater, and the
several visual arts as
primary media for
communication, inquiry,
and insight among
elementary students.
Know, understand and use
the major concepts in the
subject matter of health
education to create
opportunities for student
development and practice of
skills that contribute to good
Makes some mistakes in
physical education but
with guidance create
learning opportunities
using human movement
and physical activity as
central elements to foster
active, healthy life styles
and enhanced quality of
life for elementary
Know, understand, and use
– as appropriate to their own
understanding and skills –
human movement and
physical activity as central
elements to foster active,
healthy life styles and
enhanced quality of life for
elementary students.
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency and
considerable flexibility in
the use of the major
concepts in the subject
matter of health education to
create opportunities for
student development and
practice of skills that
contribute to good health.
Shows strong knowledge,
understanding, creativity,
consistency, and
considerable flexibility in
the use of human movement
and physical activity as
central elements to foster
active, healthy life styles
and enhanced quality of life
for elementary students.
NOTE: Detailed explanations of each of these categories may be found in the ACEI Elementary Education Standards at