Download Meditation Piece Liner Notes

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Hello All,
As many know, the JH'ers had a recording session during the JHYM Music Retreat
in Westport, MA. My objective was for us to put together a piece of music for
meditation. Although you could certainly meditate to the 8 minutes of music, the piece
that I composed may be better described as “ambient music.” The definition of Ambient
Music is-
Noun ambient music
A style of instrumental music with electronic textures and no persistent
beat, used to create or enhance a mood or atmosphere.
Although all the material we recorded was played on acoustic [not electronic]
instruments, I’ve added electronic elements in the process of “mixing” our acoustic
performances. I should note that not all the “tracks” have been altered electronically. In
fact, some of the more electronic sounding tracks are just as we recorded them. I also
feel our “singing” was more like adding an instrument or color.
All the material for the piece was recorded in two sessions at the Westport Friends
Meeting House except for one. I’ve added some pedal tone notes of a pipe organ in
honor of the organ [sometimes referred to as “The Devilʼs Pipes”] that called the
meeting house home for many years. The instruments recorded in Westport include
Dylan’s soulful soprano sax, our own glorious voices, and over 30 percussion
instruments from around the globe.
Our talented JHYM performers include Malcolm, Heather, Roy, Julian, Elizabeth, Harriet
K., Jonathan, Tyler, Quinn, Emily, Elijah, Wyatt and Rufus. Staff members Dylan, Dave,
and Marion also joined the session and performed brilliantly. Dylan gets extra credit for
playing so beautifully and tuning the crystal glasses!
Arranging or composing this piece was very much like painting. In place of oils or
watercolors was the pallet of sounds recorded at the meeting house. These can be
mixed, layered and arranged in limitless ways to create a piece of music. If you have
the tools [a computer and the software “garageband”] you are set to “paint” your own
piece with our recordings. If you want a copy of the “raw” recordings to “re”compose
your own piece, email a request to Gretchen, and she’ll get it to me.
Finally, I also keep referring to the “piece.” We clearly need to come up with a title. I
would love your suggestions! Maybe we can decide together at the next retreat. In any
case, feel free to send comments, requests and suggestions to my email. I hope you