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Ch. 26 The Conservative Revolution
After decades of federal government expansion and social and cultural change, a conservative
movement gained strength during the 1970’s. In 1980, it brought Ronald Reagan to power.
Roots of the New Conservatism
A. In 1932 Ronald Reagan voted for Franklin Roosevelt, but by the 1950’s Reagan was
attacking big government and regulations on business.
B. Reagan’s political career began with winning the 1966 California governor’s race.
C. Conservative criticized the New Deal and Great Society for having expanded the size of
the federal government. The government grew significantly under the Presidencies of
Eisenhower, Johnson, and Nixon.
D. The election in 1980 was especially significant because it showed the conservatism
controlled the nation’s agenda.
Ronald Reagan worked to boost the nation’s pride and prosperity by cutting taxes, and shrinking the
federal government, and increasing defense spending. In his first term Reagan moved aggressively to
put his principles into action.
The Reagan Revolution
A. President Reagan’s economic program was based on the theory of supply-side
B. Reagan wanted to reduce government regulations because he felt like they stifled
C. Reagan ordered a huge military buildup, to defend American interest during the Cold
D. The recession of 1981-1982 reduced the inflation rate.
After a decisive reelection victory in 1984, Reagan continued his conservative policies on economic and
social issues. In domestic and foreign affairs, the administration had key success but also some serious
Reagan’s Second Term
A. In 1981 Sandra Day O’Conner became the first female justice on the Supreme Court.
Late Reagan nominates Antonin Scalia, another conservative.
B. Critics of Reagan charged that his policies created a larger gap between the rich and the
C. In the 1980’s the campaign for homosexual rights faced growing resistance.
D. Reagan’s policy of deregulation led to the S&L Crises. Bad loans from these banks cost
the American tax payer billions of dollars.
E. During Reagan’s second term the US relationship with the USSR improved.
1. When Reagan first came to office he adopted a “get tough” policy toward the USSR.
2. He supported the rapid buildup of military forces and nuclear weapons.
3. During his second term, Reagan developed a close relationship with the USSR’s
leader Mikhail Gorbachev. This lead eventually to new nuclear arms reduction
Ch. 26 The Conservative Revolution
pg. 2
George H.W. Bush achieved notable foreign policy success. Unfortunately a failing domestic program
eroded his public support.
The George H. W. Bush Presidency
A. During the presidential campaign of 1988, George Bush promised that he would not
raise taxes.
B. While in office Bush raises taxes to help reduce the government spending deficit. This
hurt him when he runs for election in 1992.
C. The end of the Cold War is Bush’s greatest foreign policy achievement.
1. In the late 1980’s a series of anti-Communist revolts break out in Eastern Europe.
2. Communism collapses in Eastern Europe and in the USSR.
3. The USSR is disbanded, and the US is left as the world’s only superpower
D. The Persian Gulf War began when Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait.
E. Bush’s nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court angered many moderates
and liberals.