Download Biology Scope and Sequence Overview 2nd Nine

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Specialized Support Biology Scope and Sequence
2nd Nine Weeks Period
Units of Study:
Energy Conversions and Nucleic Acids
Essential Questions / Desired Outcomes
1. What are the different parts of a plant?
2. How do plants grow in different environments?
3. How does the flow of energy move through a food chain?
4. How do plants make and use energy?
5. How can the parts of the cells be compared to real life systems/units?
6. Why do we look different?
7. How are cells involved with our characteristics?
8. How does cancer affect people?
9. How does cancer form?
10. How can you help others?
11. What is the structure and function of DNA?
12. How is the process of mitosis different from the process of meiosis?
13. How is the genetic code common to all organisms?
14. What can we learn by studying DNA?
Classroom Elements
(part of every ALE
Biology classroom
district wide)
Use this timeline as a
guide. Implement the
elements on the chart by
the weeks indicated, but
no later than. Your
students’ progress and
readiness should
determine if things could
begin sooner.
Group 1
Energy: Photosynthesis &
Group 2
Nucleic Acids: DNA & Cell Cycle
Group 3
Nucleic Acids: Protein Synthesis
• Define energy transfer
• Describe how plants are similar to us
and need specific things to survive
• Explain photosynthesis
• Explain Respiration
• Examine roots, stems, and leaves of
• Analyze the structure of DNA
• Describe the components of DNA
• Illustrate how information specifying the
traits of an organism is carried on DNA
• Describe the roles of DNA and RNA
• Identify diseases that come from
disruptions of the cell cycle such as cancer
• Identify the cell cycle
• Describe the process of mitosis
• Analyze how life is based on the
same genetic code.
• Identify the two different types of
• Explain the processes of transcription
and translation
• Describe a gene
• Identify the components of that make
up the genetic code
North East Independent School District
Specialized Support Biology Scope and Sequence
Key Vocabulary
respiration, photosynthesis, energy,
homeostasis, synthesis, molecules,
energy transfer
heredity, sexual reproduction, asexual
reproduction, traits, genes, organelle,
ribosomes, DNA, RNA, mitosis
Procedures to teach, model & implement:
§ Visual tools/systems to organize student
§ Care and use of materials
§ Self-managing behaviors
§ How to request assistance
§ How to share materials
§ Clean-up and storage
§ Sharing of accomplishments
Key stations to implement:
§ Writing Station: journaling, graphing, webbing, illustrating, projects
§ Literacy Station: books, books on tape, vocabulary development, Book Worm, Step by Step,
Big Mack
§ Experiment Station: manipulative activities, lab,
§ Computer Station: web links, Start-to-Finish books, United Streaming Video, PowerPoint,
web quest
§ Independent Station: structured activities, extension activities
genetics, reproduction, inheritance,
allele, dominant, recessive, trait,
heredity, asexual, sexual, phenotype,
genotype, punnett square, Gregor
Mendel, Frances Crick, James Watson,
Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine,
proteins, molecule, nucleotide, bases,
phosphate, helix, deoxyribose sugar,
inherited, generation, purine,
pyrimidine nitrogen bases, amino acid,
replication, sequence, transcription,
• Biology4Kids Cell Structure & Functions:
• Cells Alive Interactive Model:
• Cells Who Wants to be a Millionaire Game:
• Cell Organelles: Students can test their knowledge of the functions of various cell organelles in a eukaryotic cell
with matching, flashcards, concentration, or word search.
• Cell Jeopardy:
• Helping Plants Grow Well:
• What is Your DNA Alias?
• DNA Workshop:
• Mitosis Vs. Meiosis:
• “Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules”:
• Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms:
North East Independent School District
Specialized Support Biology Scope and Sequence
DNA Workshop Activity:
Human Homeostasis:
The Cell Cycle and Cancer:
Data collection: work samples, anecdotal records, video tape, photographs, teacher made checklist
North East Independent School District