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Human Anatomy — Biology 255
Exam #3
Please place your name and I.D. number on the back of the last page of this exam. You
must answer all questions on this exam. Because statistics demonstrate that, on average,
between 2-5 questions on every 100-point exam are ambiguous enough to come out “aberrant” on
an item analysis, the total number of points possible on this exam is 104. However, grades will
be calculated out of a possible 100 points, assuming that 2—3 questions on this exam are
Section 1:
Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the shoulder. Place the most correct answer in the space
provided. (2 points each)
1. An intrinsic muscle of the shoulder is defined by which set of characteristics?
a. Intrinsic muscles of the shoulder arise from the axial skeleton and insert onto either the
bones of the pectoral girdle or the humerus. These muscles are concerned with
movements of the arm at the shoulder joint.
b. Intrinsic muscles of the shoulder arise from the axial skeleton and insert onto either the
bones of the pectoral girdle or the humerus. These muscles are concerned with
movements of the scapula and therefore function to maximize range of motion of the arm
at the shoulder joint.
c. Intrinsic muscles of the shoulder arise from the pectoral girdle and insert onto the
humerus. These muscles are concerned with movements of the arm at the shoulder joint.
d. Intrinsic muscles of the shoulder arise from the pectoral girdle and insert onto the
humerus. These muscles are concerned with movements of the scapula and therefore
function to maximize range of motion of the arm at the shoulder joint.
2. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins on the external
occipital protuberance of the skull, spines of vertebrae C7 to T12, and the ligamentum nuchae;
insertions on the clavicle, acromion process of the scapula, and the spine of the scapula; actions
of elevation, upward rotation, retraction, depression and downward rotation of the scapula;
innervation by the spinal accessory nerve
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
3. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origin on the upper 8, 9 or
10 pairs of ribs (varies from individual to individual); insertion on the medial border of the
scapula; actions of abduction and upward rotation of the scapula; innervation by the long
thoracic nerve.
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
4. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the thoracodorsal nerve?
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
5. Which of the following muscles inserts onto the coracoid process of the scapula? ?
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
6. Which of the following muscles has an attachment (either origin or insertion) on the
thoracolumbar fascia of the back? ?
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
7. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins on the sternum,
clavicle and costal cartilages of ribs 2 to 6; insertions onto the greater tubercle and
intertubercular sulcus of the humerus; actions of adduction, medial rotation, and flexion of an
extended humerus; innervation by the medial pectoral nerve. ?
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. levator scapulae
d. rhomboids major and minor
e. pectoralis major
f. pectoralis minor
g. serratus anterior
8. Which of the following muscles has an attachment (either origin or insertion) on the acromion
process of the scapula?
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
9. Which of the following intrinsic muscles of the shoulder is the principle (most important) lateral
rotator of the humerus?
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
10. Which of the following intrinsic muscles of the shoulder is the principle (most important)
abductor of the humerus?
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
11. Which of the following intrinsic muscles of the shoulder inserts onto the lesser tubercle of the
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
12. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origin is on the scapula;
insertion is on the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus; actions are extension and medial
rotation of the arm at the shoulder; innervation is the lower subscapular nerve.
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
13. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the upper and lower subscapular nerves?
a. deltoid
b. supraspinatus
c. infraspinatus
d. subscapularis
e. teres major
f. teres minor
Section 2:
Muscles of the arm. Place the most appropriate letter in the space provided. (2 points each)
14. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins are on the
supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula (long head of the muscle) and the coracoid process of the
scapula (short head of the muscle); insertion is on the radial tuberosity; actions involve flexion
of the arm at the shoulder, flexion of the forearm at the elbow, and lateral rotation of the radius
around the ulna; innervation is the musculocutaneous nerve.
a. biceps brachii
b. brachialis
c. coracobrachialis
d. triceps brachii
15. Which of the following muscles flexes and adducts the arm at the shoulder?
a. biceps brachii
b. brachialis
c. coracobrachialis
d. triceps brachii
16. Which of the following muscles only flexes the forearm at the elbow?
a. biceps brachii
b. brachialis
c. coracobrachialis
d. triceps brachii
17. Which of the following muscles originates from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and from
two locations on the humerus?
a. biceps brachii
b. brachialis
c. coracobrachialis
d. triceps brachii
Section 3:
Muscles of the anterior compartments of the forearm: Place the most appropriate letter in the
space provided. (2 points each)
18. Which of the following muscles originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and
inserts onto the 2nd and 3rd metacarpals?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
19. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins on the radius and
the interosseous membrane; insertion on the thumb; action is flexion of the thumb; innervation is
the median nerve?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
20. Which of the following muscles originates on the shaft of the ulna, coronoid process of the ulna,
and the interosseous membrane?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
21. Which of the following muscles inserts onto the pisiform, hamate and 5th metacarpal?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
22. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origin is the medial
epicondyle of the thumb; insertions are the flexor retinaculum and the palmar aponeuroses;
action is flexion of the wrist; innervation is the median nerve?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
23. Which of the following muscles is innervated by both the median and ulnar nerves?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
24. Which of the following muscles originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the
coronoid process of the ulna?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
25. Which of the following muscles originates from the shaft of the ulna, the olecranon of the ulna,
and the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
26. Which of the following muscles is innervated only by the ulnar nerve?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
27. Which of the following muscles originates on the ulna and inserts onto the radius?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor digitorum profundus
g. flexor pollicis longus
h. pronator quadratus
Section 4:
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm. Place the most appropriate letter in the
space provided. (2 points each)
28. Which of the following muscles inserts onto the styloid process of the radius?
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
29. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origin on the lateral
epicondyle of the humerus; inserts onto the 2nd metacarpal; actions are extension of the wrist and
abduction of the wrist; innervation is the radial nerve.
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
30. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins on the ulna and
the interosseous membrane; inserts onto the thumb; actions are extension and abduction of the
thumb; innervated by the radial nerve.
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
31. The following statements apply to which of the muscles listed below? Origins on the radius and
interosseous membrane; inserts onto the thumb; actions are extension and abduction of the
thumb; innervated by the radial nerve.
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
32. Which of the following muscles inserts onto the trapezium and the 1st metacarpal?
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
33. Which of the following muscles inserts onto the first finger?
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
34. Which of the following muscles originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and also
from the ulna, and inserts onto the 5th metacarpal?
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
35. Which of the following muscles originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the
interosseous membrane?
a. extensor indices
b. extensor pollicis longus
c. extensor pollicis brevis
d. abductor pollicis longus
e. supinator
f. extensor carpi ulnaris
g. extensor digiti minimi
h. extensor digitorum (communis)
k. extensor carpi radialis longus
l. extensor carpi radialis brevis
m. brachioradialis
36. Enter your initials in the space provided to the left and collect two free points.
Section 5:
Agonists and antagonists. Place your most appropriate letter in the space provided. (2 points
37. Think about the actions of the extensor indices. Of the muscles listed below which would be an
antagonist to the actions of the extensor indices?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor pollicis longus
g. pronator quadratus
38. Think about the actions of the extensor digit minimi. Of the muscles listed below which would
be an antagonist to the actions of the extensor digiti minimi?
a. pronator teres
b. palmaris longus
c. flexor carpi radialis
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. flexor digitorum superficialis
f. flexor pollicis longus
g. pronator quadratus
39. The trapezius has several actions upon the scapula. Think about these actions and then choose
the one muscle from those listed below that would be an antagonist to at least one of the actions
of the trapezius upon the scapula.
a. latissimus dorsi
b. rhomboids major and minor
c. serratus anterior
d. pectoralis major
e. pectoralis minor
40. Which of the following muscles would be an antagonist to at least one of the actions of the
pectoralis minor upon the scapula?
a. trapezius
b. latissimus dorsi
c. pectoralis major
d. teres major
e. teres minor
41. Which of the following would be an antagonist to at least one of the actions of the teres major
upon the humerus at the shoulder?
a. subscapularis
b. supraspinatus
c. serratus anterior
d. pectoralis major
e. pectoralis minor
f. teres minor
42. Which of the following muscles would be an antagonist to all of the actions of the flexor carpi
a. extensor carpi radialis longus
b. extensor carpi radialis brevis
c. extensor digiti minimi
d. flexor carpi ulnaris
e. extensor carpi ulnaris
43. Sign your initials in the space provided and collect two free points.
Section 6:
Brachial plexus. Place the most appropriate letter in the space provided. If the statement is true
place a (+) in the space provided; if the statement is false place a (O) in the space provided.
(2 points each)
44. Damage to the ulnar nerve would either eliminate or reduce the ability to utilize two extensor
muscles of the forearm and most of the muscles of the hand.
45. Damage to the axillary nerve could be the result of damage to any of the roots involved in the
brachial plexus.
46. Damage to the radial nerve could be the result of damage to any of the roots involved in the
brachial plexus.
47. The musculocutaneous nerve is formed from the lateral cord, which arises from structures that
can be traced back to the roots of C5 to C7. This nerve innervates all of the flexors of the forearm.
48. The ulnar nerve innervates two extensor muscles in the forearm and most of the muscles of the
hand. This nerve arises from structures that can be traced back to the roots of C8 and T1.
49. The median nerve innervates most of the flexors of the forearm and some of the muscles of the
hand. This nerve arises from structures that can be traced back to the roots of C5 to T1.
50. In the formation of the brachial plexus the superior trunk is formed by the union of the roots of
C5 and C6; the inferior trunk is formed by the union of the roots of C8 and T1, while the middle
trunk is simply a continuation of the root of C7.
51. The medial cord of the brachial plexus forms the ulnar nerve and part of the median nerve. The
median nerve innervates only two flexors in the forearm and most of the muscles of the hand.
The ulnar nerve also supplies most of the muscles of the hand and two of the flexors of the arm.
52. Damage to the posterior cord of the brachial plexus would result in some reduction in the
functioning of the teres minor and deltoid muscles, as well as arm, forearm and hand extensors.