Download (AC 73) ❖ What is one of the primary benefits of using a database

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(AC 73)
 What is one of the primary benefits of using a database management system?
 When you pose a question to Access or any other database management
system, the question is called a query. What is a query?
 How does Access display the answer to a query? (HINT: in which view)
(AC 73)
The capability to easily find _______________ to _______________ and requests is one of
the most important benefits from storing data in a database and using Access to
manage the database.
Requests from the Camashaly Design database (that we created together in Chapter
1) may include the following queries:
In addition to these questions, managers may need to find information about clients
located in a specific city, but they want to enter a different city each time.
Managers can use a ____________________ query to accomplish this task.
Camashaly Design managers may also want to summarize data in a specific way.
They can use a ____________________ query to present data in the desired form.
(AC 76)
Create queries using Design view
Use criteria in queries
Create and use parameter queries
Sort data in queries
Join tables in queries
Create reports and forms from a
Export data from a query
Perform calculations in queries
Create crosstab queries
(AC 76)
When posing a question to Access, you must design an appropriate query. To design a
query, you should follow these general guidelines:
(AC 94)
There are three special criteria you can use in queries.
(1) Use the _____ operator if you want to create a criterion involving a range of
values in a single field.
(2) Use the _______________ operator if you want to select values in a given range.
This is often an alternative to the AND operator.
(3) Use the _____ operator if you want to select values in a list.
(AC 94)
In some queries, order can be very important. To order the records in a query result in a
particular way, you sort the records.
The field(s) on which the records are sorted is called the ____________________.
When sorting multiple fields:
The more important field is called the _______________ key or the _______________
sort key.
The less important field is called the _______________ key or the _______________
sort key.
If the question being asked involves data from both tables (Client and Business Analyst,
for example), then you need to join the tables.
To join the tables means to find records in the two tables that have _______________
values in matching fields.
For example, the ________________________________________ field has the same value in
both the Client table and the Business Analyst table.
If you determine that a special calculation is required for a query, you then need to
determine whether the calculation is a(n):
____________________ Record Calculation
Example from Camashaly Designs:
____________________ Calculation
Example from Camashaly Designs:
A field that can be computed from other fields is called a _______________ field or a
computed field. This is an individual record calculation because each calculation only
involves fields in a single record.
 Create a Query in Design View (AC 78)
 Add Fields to the Design Grid (AC 79)
 Use Text Data in a Criterion (AC 80)
 Use a Wildcard (AC 83)
 Use Criteria for a Field Not Included in the Results (AC 85)
 Create and View a Parameter Query (AC 87)
 Use a Parameter Query (AC 89)
 Use a Number in a Criterion (AC 90)
 Use a Comparison Operator in a Criterion (AC 91)
 Use a Compound Criterion Involving AND (AC 92)
 Use a Compound Criterion Involving OR (AC 93)
 Clear the Design Grid (AC 95)
 Sort Data in a Query (AC 96)
 Omit Duplicates (AC 97)
 Sort on Multiple Keys (AC 98)
 Create a Top-Values Query (AC 99)
 Join Tables (AC 102)
 Change Join Properties (AC 105)
 Create a Report Involving a Join (AC 106)
 Create a Form for a Query (AC 109)
 Export Data (AC 111 – 114)
 Restrict the Records in a Join (AC 115)
 Use a Calculated Field in a Query (AC 116)
 Change a Caption (AC 118)
 Calculate Statistics (AC 119)
 Use Criteria in Calculating Statistics (AC 121)
 Use Grouping (AC 122)
 Create a Crosstab Query (AC 124)
 Customize the Navigation Pane (AC 127)