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Week of: December 12-16
Week 1 of 2
Weekly Stories:
“Starry Night”; “Mr. Putter & Tabby See the Stars”; “Day to Night”
Fiction Spelling p.58
i-ready 25min Grammar Skills: “Present, Past, Future-Tense
Verbs”-Example: Watch-Watched-Will Watch
Ch. Test Today
i-ready math 25min *Review using commas in a series
Vocabulary Strategy: “Compound Words”-A word
made up of two smaller words. PB p. 157-158
*Review Contractions with “not”
Comprehension Strategy: “Reread”-rereading
PB p. 159-160
helps students better understand information and
words they come across.
Comprehension Skill: “Sequence”-The order in
PB p. 161-162 which events in a story happen.
Spelling &
Grammar p.59 PB p. 163-164
i-ready math 25min
Tests Today
i-ready 25min Tests Today
i-ready 20min Spelling p.57 &
Grammar p. 56
Long i
light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, adventure, delighted,
dry, try, lie, hay, steak, begin, those, dreamed, enjoyed,
grumbled, moonlight,
neighbor, nighttime
without, hundred, which, either,
places, also, those, apart, begin,