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Cain’s Seed (Part 1)
The Seed of Cain
1. In previous program we see that Cain’s seed introduced things to world in opposition to God.
2. One of his descendants, Lamech introduced polygamy.
3. One of his sons, Tubal-Cain, was named after his infamous ancestor.
4. Cain (Heb. Kayin) means, “to acquire.” Tubal means “proceeding forth from” or “issue.”
5. Thus, Tubal-Cain means to “issue forth from Cain.” - He is Cain’s seed personified.
6. Tubal-Cain introduced metallurgy.
“And as for Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every
craftsman in bronze and iron.” – Genesis 4:22 (NKJV)
7. The question is, what was he making? His family no longer farmed.
8. What would cursed people do with tools they couldn’t use?
9. It was something the world had not seen before.
10. Tradition says he was the inventor or bronze and iron weapons.
11. One translation renders the above scripture as:
“Tubal-Cain, hammering all kinds of cutting things in brass and iron.”
12. Josephus writes that Tubal-Cain had great strength in military affairs.
a. Taught men way of melting metals and making armor.
b. One source says name means, “son of the lance,” the lance being Cain.
13. Implication is Tubal-Cain improved upon what Cain started.
a. Taking something meant for good and using it for evil.
b. Cain took farming tool and turned it into a weapon.
c. Serpent took truth and mingled it with falsehood resulting in lie.
14. Theory that Romans took the name Tubal-Cain and transformed it into Vulcan.
a. Omitting tu and “b” into “v” which is common in Hebrew.
b. Val-Cain becomes Vulcan, Roman god of fire (volcano).
c. Vulcan is the smith-god – maker of weapons.
15. Vulcan’s Greek counterpart is called Hephaestus.
a. Created a woman from clay and called her Pandora.
b. Pandora opened a jar and released evil spirits upon mankind.
c. Only bring this out because Tubal-cain had a sister named Na’amah.
d. Tradition says he had incestuous relationship with her releasing confusion and evil.
e. Tradition argues that it is with the offspring that sons of God mingled (Gen. 6:2).
16. The question then becomes, what was the purpose of those weapons?
a. To strike at the righteous seed?
17. The word for bronze is n’choshet  coming from the root nachash or serpent.
18. Tubal-Cain was manufacturing the serpent’s weapons – world’s first WMDs.
19. We have a promise where these weapons are concerned.
“Behold, I have created the blacksmith who blows the coals in the fire, who
brings forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the spoiler to
destroy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue
which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage
of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from me, says the
LORD.” – Isaiah 54:16-17 (NKJV)
Arabian Night
1. Considering the information we have covered, can we discern:
 What the Adversary is doing in these days?
 Who is he using in these days?
2. Here is what we need to look for:
 They will embrace a different seed – holy book.
 Display fruit that is hostile toward fruit of God’s Word.
 Yet, it will have the appearance of being “good.”
 Exhibit hostility toward Israel.
 Have a Babylonian mindset with goal of conquering Jerusalem subjugating Israel.
 Will be a mixed or mingled people with mixed ideology.
3. Furthermore, will display characteristics we see in Cain, who is seed of serpent in beginning.
4. This is one of the reasons Cain was marked in the beginning – to know what to look for.
 Murderers
 Robbers
 Polygamists
 Cursed
 Liars
 Nomads and Vagabonds
 Warriors – transform something meant for good into weapons
 Marked
5. May sound foolish, but they will not be noted for farming skills.
a. Ground will not produce for them because ground was cursed due to Cain.
b. They will live in barren, desolate regions (desert).
c. Or they will live in cities – Cain built a city.
d. It may even be a combination of the two.
6. Let’s examine the first scenario – barren, arid regions bearing the fruit of the serpent.
7. One of the biggest regions on earth that qualifies is the Arabian peninsula and, to some degree,
surrounding areas.
8. The Hebrew word for mixed is  arav or “arab”; also the word for those who live in Arabia.
9. In Daniel 2, the word  m’arav (describing the feet with ten toes) can be “from” or “out
of” Arav or the region of Arabia.
a. Commentator Ibn Ezra concluded the last kingdom of Dan 2 would be Islamic.
b. Those coming from Arabia were considered “mixed.”
c. Modern DNA research confirms Arabs are not from one race of people.
d. To be fair, that would apply to a number of people groups.
10. It is associated with the idea of twilight – evening.
a. Day is mixing with night and light is mingling with darkness.
b. In Hebrew this is called  erev, spelled identically.
c. That occurs in the West, thus the Hebrew word  ma’arav, identical to Dan. 2
d. It alludes to “setting sun” thus west is a derogatory term.
11. Moving westward is seen as moving away from God’s instructions.
a. Gen 11 when the “journeyed from the east” to “land of Shinar.”
REFERENCE: Genesis 11:2
12. Overall, arav is negative term because it is “mixed” or “mingled.”
a. This concept opposes the character and attribute of the Creator – holy, set apart.
13. This should not be understood that all Arabs are bad – not at all.
a. Anyone who calls upon the LORD is then considered to be Israel!
b. Nevertheless,  arav is a term to describe something mixed or mingled.
Cain’s Seed (Part 2)
Arabian Night (cont.)
1. The term  arav is a derogatory term because it is “mixed.”
a. Mixed opposes the purity of the Creator – He is “holy” kadosh.
2. In some passages, the term is used to designate “desert” or “people of the desert.”
3. This is important to us because Cain:
 Would dwell in arid regions because the ground was cursed.
 Was to be a wanderer or “nomad.”
4. Arab peoples tend to believe that people emigrated FROM Arabia to other regions of Levant.
5. Evidence shows that Arabians are traced ethnically to people outside of the Peninsula.
a. Their forebears ventured INTO Arabia – they were wanderers.
6. Biblically speaking, to be  arav is to be from mingled seed and to be nomadic.
7. Most Arabs consider themselves to be descendants of Ishmael through his twelve sons.
a. Ishmael was offspring of Abraham’s union with Hagar the Egyptian.
8. Other tribes are believed to be part of Arabic ancestry:
 Midianites
 Sabeans
 Kenites
9. Interestingly, the Kenites are called, in Hebrew,  ha’Keini.
a. The root of this term is same word from which we get Cain.
10. Hebrew language and history confirm Arabs are a mixed race whose ancestors were nomads.
a. Those ancestors were closely related to Israel.
b. Nevertheless, they traditionally were antagonists to Israel, the Hebrews.
c. Though “brothers” in flesh and blood sense, diametrically opposed.
d. Cain and Abel brothers but of two different seeds.
11. Once again, necessary to point out that, though negative term, doesn’t mean all are evil.
a. Become part of Israel when come to Y’shua.
Arav and Avar
1. In respect to the familial relationship between Arab and Hebrew need to mention the
similarities between the two words for each.
2. The two words are identical except for one distinction.
3. Having elaborated on the word  arav, look at the meaning of  avar.
4. This word can mean, “to impregnate” – noun form is word for “embryo.”
a. Thus, it hints at “life,” seed and fruit.
5. The most common use is “to cross over.”
6. Intended to speak of “crossing over” from land not producing to land that does produce.
a. In other words, it is an agricultural term.
b. Which would make it opposite of arav – “mixed” which hints at desert.
c. i.e. no fruit – land that doesn’t produce.
7. From this root word is derived the word  ivri or “Hebrew.”
a. As in, “He is a Hebrew.”
b. The word for Hebrew language is  ivrit.
8. The first ivri was Abraham; he crossed over the Jordan from a land of idolaters.
a. In fact, he “came out of” land that would become Babylonia.
9. The land he entered was to be given to him and his seed – forever.
a. A land that is fruitful.
10. However, in an effort to bring about God’s promise, had relations with Hagar.
a. Result is Ishamel – antagonist toward him and father of a race antagonistic to Israel.
b. Doesn’t seem to have been God’s plan but He lets them “grow up together.”
c. Is this tares being sown among the wheat?
11. Arav “mixed” comes from failing to receive God’s Word and by default receiving another.
a. Consequently, what sprouts from other seed is not good fruit and not good seed.
12. The two words look almost identical, but are not; meaning are completely different.
a. That small difference in appearance makes all the difference in the world.
b. To untrained eye, wheat and tare look identical.
c. One is sown by owner and produces the desired good fruit.
d. Other is sown by adversary and produces a degenerate fruit.
13. They both struggle for the same light, water, nutrients and same piece of ground.
14. Source of contention in Middle East (involving the world) is over ground given to Abraham.
a. Given also to his seed.
b. Two groups fighting for same piece of ground.
15. Interesting that the two words look almost identical and yet are entirely distinct.
a. Consider the world (untrained eye in spiritual matters) can’t discern the difference.
b. In these two similar words (seeds), it is as if the DNA has been arranged differently.
16. The differences appear miniscule but when the fruit appears, distinctions are drastic.
a. Offspring of each hate one another.
b. When fruit time comes (end of the age) will be a climactic battle.
c. One or the other must give ground the superior force.
17. Prophetically speaking, the sun is setting – light mingling with darkness –  erev.
18. Therefore we must:
“Must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is
coming when no one can work.” – John 9:4 (NKJV)
Examining the Fruit
1. Once again must point out that, though  arav a negative term, God cares for all people.
2. One point we’ve tried to make over and again is judgment never determined by bloodline.
a. Justification has never been determined by genealogies.
3. Always been a matter of faith or the lack thereof.
4. That God used Hebrew culture to disseminate His seed (Word) doesn’t guarantee:
 That those born of that culture are necessarily good seed.
 That those who assimilate into Hebrew culture are necessarily good seed.
5. Must receive and reproduce the Good Seed.
6. Likewise, just because Adversary uses  arav to disseminate his seed to the world:
 Doesn’t mean those born in Arab or any other culture are not necessarily bad seed.
 Anyone who calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
7. It is still true that God and the Adversary have worked through flesh and blood.
a. Can’t escape the negative reality of  arav.
b. Must also face the reality of  avar.
8. Consider  avar being synonymous with Good Seed.
a. From this seed the Hebrew (biblical) culture was born.
b. To be of this culture is not determined by ethnicity but by faith.
c. Enjoys a land of “milk and honey.”
d. Its inhabitants “crossed over” in order to produce good fruit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no
law.” – Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)
9. In next program will compare the other culture to see, though seemingly closely related, they
are worlds apart.
Cain’s Seed (Part 3)
A. Examining the Fruit (cont.)
1. If the term  avar is denote the Good Seed, then  arav is the other seed.
2. If avar is the seed that gave birth to Hebrew or Biblical culture arav defines another culture.
a. i.e. another seed, another word, another holy book.
3. The Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, was born in Arabia and was spawned by the culture.
a. Whereas the Scripture defined biblically Hebraic culture.
4. To be categorized with this culture, whether ethnically or not, is to be mixed or mingled.
a. Also considered to be nomadic.
5. Some may consider this could be speaking of America.
 Our ancestors wandered in from other lands.
 We are a mingled people – a melting pot of ethnicities and cultures.
6. All true but consider that, in spite of our many flaws:
 The ground has been fruitful in literal sense.
 Not a nation of polygamists.
 Has not traditionally shown violent attitude toward Israel
 Historically have embraced the Word of God
7. Nevertheless, there is something to consider about the West as it relates to  arav.
a. Mainly, because west is synonymous with arav.
b. We’ll come back to this later.
8. The “ground” of this “mixed” culture is unproductive when it comes to spiritual fruit.
a. In a literal sense, Arabian Peninsula is a vast desert.
c. Centuries of extreme heat and cold and intense windstorms have resulted in barrenness.
9. Still, just as Torah produces “fruit after its kind,”  arav does as well.
a. Interesting to consider that both of these cultures “claim” to serve same god.
b. Both “claim” the same man as father (Abraham); Cain and Abel.
c. It would seem they are brothers.
10. Do they produce the same fruit?
11. In relation to brotherhood, Y’shua said this:
“For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister
and mother.” – Matthew 12:50 (NKJV)
12. Producing the fruit of the Word of God, as defined by Scripture, determines brotherhood.
13. Your brother may be the last person on earth you would suspect.
a. The Good Samaritan
14. Your enemy may be living under the same roof.
15. The fruit determines the seed; only one of the two can be the Good Seed.
a. That means, by default, the other is the Serpent’s seed.
b. Not by relations between serpent and woman.
c. But by whose “word” has been embraced.
The Fruit of Islam
“And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for
Allah.” (Sura 8:39, 2:193)
1. Quote from the Qur’an is to help us understand something accepted by Islam for centuries.
2. Muhammad’s most enduring legacy is that there is only two lands:
 Land of peace (dar al-Islam)
 Land of war (dar al-Harb)
3. Islamic objective is to bring the globe under teachings of Qur’an and Arab culture.
4. In times past, to identify with Islam was to connect with Arabia and culture to the extent:
 Convert would be bound to associate with one of the tribes
 To take an Arab name (Cassius Clay comes to mind a.k.a. Muhammad Ali)
 Remove all traces of past and become arab – “mingled.”
5. Holy war, jihad, is methodology to expand dar al-Islam and influence of Arab culture.
a. Not to mention establish the kingdom of Allah on earth.
6. This methodology translates into this:
 People must submit of their own accord and convert.
 Those who don’t convert may pay tribute.
 Those who resist will die by the sword of Islam.
7. To kill and murder in the name of Allah seems to be an acceptable attribute of the faithful.
“It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land.”
(Sura 8:67)
8. Other Islamic writings suggest that killing Jews and Christians is especially acceptable if not
altogether mandatory.
9. Muhammad exposes his hatred of Jews in Qur’an and the Hadith claims that stones will aid
Muslims against Jews.
“O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him… We have put enmity and hatred
amongst them till the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari 52:177)
10. In the book, The Sword of the Prophet, author Serge Trifkovic infers that this will to murder
is an inherent trait of Arabic culture.
“Robbery and murder outside the protective confines of one’s clan were not deemed bad
per se, they were judged by the results as a means to an end. The respect of one’s neighbor
was strictly contingent on his power and his means.” – The Sword of the Prophet, p. 17
11. To some this seems overtly biased and racist, yet, here are the facts:
 In last 20 years, over 2 million have died in conflicts involving Muslim communities.
 Muslim “extremists” carry out the majority of the worst acts of terrorism.
12. When you think of a “terrorist” do you think of McVeigh or bin Ladin?
13. From Islam’s point of view, Torah is “barbarous” and stands opposed to truth of Qur’an.
14. The Qur’an places Ishmael, not Isaac, upon the altar on Mt. Moriah which is an example of
taking truth and mingling a falsehood – it has the ring of truth but certain points are changed.
15. Despite claims by Christians and Muslims that Allah and God are one and the same:
“Allah begets not and was not begotten, and no one is like him.” (Sura 112:2-3)
16. Which means God has no son and there is no Son of God.
17. Which defines, according to John’s writings, the spirit of Antichrist.
“Who is a liar but he who denies that Y’shua is the Messiah? He is antichrist
who denies the Father and the Son.” - 1 John 2:22 (NKJV)
Cain’s Seed (Part 4)
A. Spirit of Antichrist
1. Islam denies that God has a son and that He doesn’t manifest Himself in flesh.
2. According to our Bible, that defines the spirit of Antichrist.
3. Furthermore, Islam believes that Isa (Y’shua) did not die on the tree – someone else did.
4. In the last days he will return to confess that he lied and he is not the Son of God.
5. If this were true, and Allah and God are the same, then we would have to conclude that:
 Either God is schizophrenic.
 Or the Bible is a lie.
 Or the Qur’an is a lie.
“Who is a liar but he who denies that Y’shua is the Messiah? He is antichrist
who denies the Father and the Son.” - 1 John 2:22 (NKJV)
6. It should be obvious what we are dealing with. It is more than:
 A difference of opinion.
 A different way to pray.
 A different path to the same goal.
7. It is a fundamental question that goes back to the beginning: “Is man in need of a Redeemer?”
8. To deny that he is, is to deny that Y’shua is Messiah and God manifest in the flesh.
a. That, by definition, is the spirit of antichrist.
9. Yet, that is what Islam espouses: Y’shua did not accomplish atonement for our sin.
10. A Muslim obtains “salvation” by spending entire life trying to obtain God’s favor.
a. In Allah wills, then the person will be rewarded in heaven.
b. If Allah doesn’t, then que sera sera.
“(Allah) forgives whom he will, and he chastises whom he will.” (Sura 5:18)
11. In short, Islam denies the need for the blood of the Lamb.
a. Perhaps more than anything else this is what identifies the seed of Cain.
b. Perhaps this is the “mark of Cain.”
12. Cain was guilty of this and it led to the murder of his brother Abel.
a. Abel acknowledged the need for the blood of a lamb, Cain did not.
13. Because they share contempt for the Redeemer it unites them in murderous tendencies.
14. Also consider that the bas’mallah – In the name of Allah – represents this belief.
a. It is worn on head and right arm.
15. The alarming fact is that devout Muslims obviously believe they are right and we’re wrong.
16. Devout believers in Y’shua have the same position concerning our faith.
a. Therein lies the conflict.
b. This conflict is destined, according to Scripture, to involve the entire world.
17. Consider this observation by author Serge Trifkovic:
“The problem of Islam, and the rest of the world with Islam, is not the remarkable career
of Muhammad per se. . . . It is the religion’s claim that the words and acts of its prophet
provide the universally valid standard of morality as such, for all time and all men.”
– Sword of the Prophet, p. 53
18. In other words, because they believe Islam is the only way and the Qur’an is God’s word,
they will never rest until Islam is universal.
19. It is the “word of Allah” – this other seed – that provokes them to action.
a. The aggressive nature among the devout is a reflection of the seed within.
Who is Allah?
1. Long before Muhammad, tribes of Arabia worshiped over 300 deities at Ka’aba in Mecca.
2. The most dominant was moon god, Hubal.
3. This name used less than others but corresponds to Babylonian ba’al or bel - chief of gods.
4. Different variations of Hubal whose title was al’ilah shortened to allah.
a. This was long before Muhammad was born.
5. Allah was the moon god, thus the waning crescent is the emblem of Islam.
6. Muhammad’s tribe revered this deity as the chief god in the Ka’aba.
a. It would seem Muhammad incorporated this into his revelation.
7. Some sources claim that, though Muhammad preached one god, he referred to all the idols of
the Ka’aba as allah.
a. In effect merging them all into one – mixing.
8. Why would one God give mankind two different and contradictory revelations?
a. Why would He liken himself to one of the heavenly bodies He created?
b. Would He share His glory with other idols of wood and stone?
“I am the LORD, that is my name; and my glory I will not give to another,
nor my praise to carved images.” - Isaiah 42:8 (NKJV)
9. Despite what many are trying to claim, God of the Bible is not the same as Allah.
10. If Bible is Word of God, and there is only one Word, then anything else is not.
11. If Word of God is truth, then anything else can’t be the truth.
a. If not the truth, then what is it?
b. It is not the Good Seed, then what is it?
12. If there is only one God and one Truth, as believers we can’t be tolerant.
a. We must be set apart – holy.
13. That is not going to over well with the dedicated of Islam.
a. It will not go over well with most of the world who live in a mingled mindset.
14. Lately, the desert winds have been carrying this other seed around the world.
a. It has been sown in every nation and every society.
b. It has germinated and now is beginning to bear its fruit.
c. It is finding a many willing to relax their positions to accommodate.
15. Examples of how this is being disseminated and accepted:
 Call for sharia law in the United States goes almost ignored.
 Laws already being ignored that would constrain Islam in deference to it.
 Calls for all people to call “god” allah for the sake of brotherhood.
 The church in Bartlett TN.
16. Thus, we can clearly see we are living in perilous times.
REFERENCE: 2 Timothy 3:1
17. The Qur’an quotes Allah as saying:
“I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye about their necks and smite
all their finger tips of them.” (Sura 8:12)
18. The world is faced with a time that Y’shua called:
“For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may
be fulfilled.” – Luke 21:22 (NKJV)
Cain’s Seed (Part 5)
War on Terror
“I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye about their necks and smite
all their finger tips of them.” (Sura 8:12)
1. Qur’an makes it clear that Allah does not love the unbelievers (Sura 3:32).
2. According to Islam anyone who doesn’t accept the Qur’an as word of God is infidel.
3. This is the very reason, coupled with Islam’s view that the West is dying, is why the world is
faced with the War on Terror.
4. Throughout the centuries, Islam has been intent of ridding the world of “undesirables.”
a. At the very least, many have been made to pay heavy tributes.
b. Some have lived in an awkward truce with Islam never sure when that would change.
5. One of the favored methods for execution of enemies was and is beheading.
6. On one occasion when the head of one enemy was cast before him, Muhammad exclaimed:
“The gift surpassed that of the choicest camel in Arabia.”
7. Interestingly, the anti-Messiah will share this obsession with beheading.
“And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to
them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their
witness to Y’shua and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast
or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their
hands. And they lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years.”
- Revelation 20:4 (NKJV)
8. Is this coincidence or an indication of what is to come if Islam obtains its goal?
9. The world is now contending with a situation that has been simmering for centuries.
a. The enmity between these two seeds – Good Seed and Serpent’s Seed.
10. Most people and most governments do not understand the spiritual nature of this contest.
a. They scoff at the notion that Islam seeks world domination.
b. To say such things is to be politically incorrect or to be a racist.
c. Tennessee lawmaker who wanted to ban sharia in TN was decried as a bigot.
d. It is extremely unpopular to say anything derogatory against Islam.
e. In fact, to do so may cost your life.
11. Militant, fundamentalist Islam is flexing its muscle to enforce their view on the world.
a. My concern is the fact that, in their eyes, I am an infidel.
12. It is no secret that the fundamentalists of Islam have spread out through the world in
anticipation of a final and decisive jihad.
a. One that would establish Islamic rule over all nations.
13. The last time Islam generated this much empirical fervor, Europe almost fell.
a. Europe is close to becoming dominated by Muslims now without a shot fired.
14. I need to point out that I believe most Muslims are probably just wanting to make a living
and live their lives in peace.
a. Would also argue they don’t truly understand the Qur’an.
15. Likewise, most Christians want the same thing and, likewise, don’t really know the Bible.
a. Most Christians know what they are told it says.
16. In other words, Usama bin Ladin is a good, devout Muslim; he believes the Qur’an.
a. He is faithful to the teachings of Muhammad.
b. He also exhibits the fruit of his “father.”
Islam’s End Time Scenario
1. Based on what Scripture says about Babylon, its relationship with serpent and hatred for God:
 Should we ignore that Babylon (Iraq) still factors prominently in the “war on terror”?
 It was a search for WMD’s that led us there coupled with desire to “seed democracy.”
 Should we ignore war started because of those whose faith was born in arav Arabia?
 Should we ignore their loftiest aspiration is to destroy Israel?
 Should we ignore the nomadic nature of those who birthed the religion?
 Should we ignore the lies, murder and robbery?
 Should we ignore the polygamist tendencies?
 Does the oil in the sands negate that nothing grows in these regions?
2. From the Bible’s perspective, all these attributes identify these as another seed.
a. These characteristics mirror those of the first nomad and murderer – Cain.
3. Yet, Islam believes it is their destiny to rule the world under leadership of their messiah.
a. He is referred to as the coming “guided one” – al Mahdi.
4. He will come in the end of days, riding a white horse accompanied by Isa (Y’shua) to convert
the world to Islam by volition or by the sword.
5. In the end, the entire world will become dar al-Islam, “land of peace” – kingdom of Allah.
6. Those who believe that allah hu-akhbar is “God is great” are wrong – greater!
a. Their declaration is blasphemous – a mark of blasphemy?
7. Somewhere in the Islamic world, I believe there exists another Cain, Esau or Nebuchadnezzar.
“Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the
sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on
his heads a blasphemous name.” - Revelation 13:1 (NKJV)
8. Out of the nations, this beast will arise possessing ten head and ten horns and will have a
“blasphemous name.”
a. Is it a “name” that is hailed as being “greater” than any other?
9. There is no other name by which men shall be saved – the name of the Messiah.
a. Yet Allah hu ahkbar says the name of Allah is greater.
10. It is therefore interesting to note that, in Hebrew,  alah is rendered many times “curse.
“Then he said to me, ‘This is the curse that goes out over the face of the
whole earth.” – Zechariah 5:3 (NKJV)
11. “The curse” is ha’alah; ha is the definite article “the.”
a. Spelling for the name allah is two lamed.
12. Anyone who has ever studied prophecy knows that Daniel 9 is required reading.
a. Notice that in Daniel 9:11
“Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to
obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of
Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have
sinned against Him.” - Daniel 9:11 (NKJV)
13. “Curse” is ha’alah but the implication is clear.
14. The reason this curse comes upon His people is because they do not keep His instructions.
15. They mingled with the nations and now something must occur to provoke them to repent.
16. Many times the reason a tyrant arises is because of God’s people.
 Pharaoh (Ex.1)
 Nebuchadnezzar was called “my servant” (Jer. 25:9)
 Hitler
17. While Islam is certainly a big problem, there are others much closer to home.