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 Grade Six: Plate Tectonics
6.7 Plate Tectonics
Lesson Concept
Land changes at plate boundaries three ways: transform boundary,
convergent boundary, and divergent boundary.
Lesson 6.6 established evidence of changes in the crust through
sea floor spreading. This lesson provided the final piece of the
puzzle explaining what was happening at plate boundaries. Lesson
6.7 demonstrates three different processes at the boundaries.
120 -160 minutes (This can be divided into sessions as long as the
order is maintained.)
Whole class
Chart paper and/or white board
Overhead projector or document camera
Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift handout (side one and two)
made into transparency
Per Group (list grouping, e.g., groups of 4, groups of 2)
Science Text section on Plate Boundaries (pgs. 116 – 119, SBSD
Colored pencils
(H1) “Plate Boundaries on the Move” chant handout
(H2) Plate Boundaries note-taking booklet
(H3 and H4) Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift handout (side one
and two)
(H5) Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift Quiz
Duplicate copies of:
(H1) “Plate Boundaries on the Move” chant handout (H1)
6.7 Plate Tectonics: Plate Tectonics Science Matters 1 (H2) Plate Boundaries note-taking booklet (H2)
(H3 and H4)Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift handout (side
one and two)
(H5) Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift Quiz (H4)
Make transparency of Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift handout
(side one and two)
(10 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
Looking at the Seismic News map, talk to a partner about what you think plate
boundaries are.
Share ideas as a whole class.
Explore/ Explain 1 (45 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
Distribute (H2) Plate Boundaries note-taking booklet handout.
Ask students to:
a. Fold handout in half horizontally/ “hotdog” style.
b. Cut on the dotted lines to the fold in the paper.
Ask students to scan pages on plate boundaries (pages 116-119 in SBSD).
Discuss with a partner what will be in this section of text. Share with class. Chart.
Ask students to read the entire text with a partner.
Ask students to confirm what information was in the text. Note on chart.
Ask students to add information on boundary types to the chart: divergent,
transform, and convergent.
Ask students to flip up each section of the booklet:
a. Draw a picture on the top portion of each boundary section.
b. Write a description below the picture.
10. Have students reread with a partner and complete all three sections of the booklet.
Complete each section with a picture and a description of divergent, transform and
convergent boundaries.
Explore/ Explain 2 (5 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
11. Distribute “Plate Boundaries on the Move”. Lead the students in the chant.
12. Ask students to work with a partner to practice reading words.
13. Teach chant and hand movements. Chant together multiple times while doing
hand movements.
6.7 Plate Tectonics: Plate Tectonics Science Matters 2 Explore/ Explain 3 (30 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
14. Distribute (H 3 & H4) Plate Tectonics ~ Continental Drift handout to each student.
15. Guide students in filling out worksheet.
Teacher Note: Use document camera or make transparency of handout to guide
students in filling out handout.
16. Ask questions such as:
• What continent is this? (pointing to Asia)
• What continent is this? (pointing to Europe)
17. Ask students to summarize what is happening to Asia and Europe.
Teacher Note: Punchline is for student’s to conclude that… “together they form the
Eurasian Plate.”
18. Lead a discussion regarding use of arrows at plate boundaries. Convergent,
divergent, and transform boundaries have arrows pointing in specific directions.
How would the plates move?
(15 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
Teacher Note: This may be done for homework or finished as homework.
19. Ask students to label the larger map on side two of (H3) Plate
Tectonics~Continental Drift handout.
a. Ask students to use the plate names from side one of the handout to write
the plate names on side two of their handout.
b. Ask students to take out three different color colored pencils. On the Plate
Tectonics-Continental Drift handout (H3a) as a class answer all questions.
Highlight each boundary on questions 2, 3, and 4 using a different color.
Use the same color to highlight the arrows that represent convergent,
divergent, and transform boundaries on the map at the top of the handout
Teacher Note: Throughout the week: Practice Chant, Review plate names and
boundaries as a whole group, have students study for Plate Tectonic Quiz as homework
(20 minutes) Land changes at plate boundaries in 3 ways.
20. Distribute Plate Tectonic Quiz (plates and letters have been changed for Quiz
version of handout).
Teacher Note: Optional: Write the names of the plates and/or boundaries on the white
board or have available for the students to assist students.
21. Students will take quiz individually by writing in the name of each plate and
6.7 Plate Tectonics: Plate Tectonics Science Matters 3 H1 PLATE BOUNDARIES
Plate boundaries on the move
Plate boundaries on the move
All 3 are ways tectonic plates move
CONVERGENT collide together
(show with hands)
DIVERGENT spread apart
(show with hands)
TRANSFORM slide past like the San Andreas
(show with hands)
Plate boundaries on the move
Plate boundaries on the move
All 3 are ways tectonic plate move
6.7 Plate Tectonics: Plate Tectonics Science Matters 4