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U.S. History Mid-Term Study Guide 2017 (Mr. Hepner)
For each term, name or statement, write a sentence or more explaining its significance.
The West Chapter 5
Homestead Act
What influence did the railroads have in the cattle industry?
Federal Governments policy and treatment of the Plains Indians
Custer’s Last Stand / Battle of Little Big Horn
Plains Indians Culture and Life
Wounded Knee
What was the Dawes Act and why did it fail?
Long Drive
Crazy Horse
Sitting Bull
New Industrial Age, Immigration, Urbanization Chapter 6, 7
What is Urbanization? What groups of people contributed to it?
New technology
o Electricity
o Bessemer Process
o Types of transportation associated with Urbanization
Who were Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller
Describe their business practices
Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
George Pullman
Alexander Graham Bell
Samuel Morse
What Happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?
What were the results of the investigation?
Robber Baron
Social Darwinism
William Tweed
Thomas Nast
Eugene V. Debs
Standardized Time
Credit Mobilier
Haymarket Square
Yellow Journalism
Development of the department stores
What was a ‘company town’?
Labor Unions
Why were they formed?
What were the main goals of the Populist Party?
Laissez-faire economics
Pendleton Act
What was the Gilded Age?
Political Machine
Political Graft
What was the immigration trend that changed in the late 1800’s?
Jacob Riis
Chinese Exclusion Act
Gentlemen’s agreement
Immigration Act of 1924
Ellis Island
Angel Island
Why did the United States try to implement Imperialism?
What were the causes of the Spanish American War?
Who was Admiral Mahan and what did he want to accomplish?
Open Door Policy
Platt Amendment
Describe how the United States came to build the Panama Canal
Teddy Roosevelt
Nobel Peace Prize
Yellow Journalism
USS Maine
Boxer Rebellion
The Progressive Era
Muckrakers – Who were they and what did they write about?
What was the Progressive Movement?
Federal Reserve Act
The Square Deal
17th Amendment 18th Amendment 19th Amendment 20th Amendment 21st Amendment -
Election of 1912 – What were the short term and long term outcomes?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Upton Sinclair + The Jungle
World War I
When did it start? How long did it last?
What were the causes of World War I?
Who was president during WW1?
Why did the United States enter the fighting in WW1?
What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts and who did they target?
Why did Russia withdrawal from WWI before it was over?
Who were the “Big Four”?
What important countries leaders were excluded from the Treaty of Versailles peace talks?
Treaty of Versailles
What was included?
Why did the Unites States Senate not ratify it?
Schlieffen Plan
Unrestricted Submarine warfare
Trench warfare
New weapon technology of WW1
How did World War 1 affect people’s lives on the ‘home front’ (civilians in the U.S.)?
The Roaring 1920’s
Harlem Renaissance
Scopes Trial
Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s
The Red Scare
Installment plan
What inventions were led to the building of skyscrapers
Teapot Dome Scandal
The Great Migration
Describe Warren G. Harding as president
Borrowing on Margin
The Great Depression and The New Deal
Presidents of United States during the Great Depression? Political Party? Years in office?
Stock market Crash
Bonus Army
What were the practical effects of the depression?
What were the psychological effects?
Rugged Individualism
Fireside Chats
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Social Security Act
Huey Long