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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
What were African Civilizations and Their Roles? Global History & Geography th 10 Grade Boys & Girls Al-Madinah School 13 January 2017 Africa Second Largest Continent Varied Geography – Mostly high Plateau in the interior, smooth coast line, rivers with rapids and falls, great rift valley Sahara, Savanna, and Rainforests People had village governments, lived in extended family of kinship networks, had animistic beliefs. Nature of African States 1. Trading Empires in the West A. B. C. 2. Kush Axum, city-states in East Africa 1. 2. 3. Ghana Mali Songhai Trading empire of East Africa: A. B. 3. 4. Mogadishu Kilwa Sofala Stateless societies in Southern Africa • Zimbabwe States of East Africa Kush • • • • • • Grew in Nubia around 2000 B.C. Controlled by Egypt until 1000 B.C. 750 B.C. Kushites Conquered Egypt. Their capital was meroë. Mainly exported iron products. Other exports included: Ivory, gold, ebony and slaves. • Declined with the rise of Axum Axum Located in Present day Eritrea, & Ethiopia • Created by a mixed population of African farmers and Migrants from the Arabian peninsula • Christianity was official religion Introduced by the Shipwrecked Syrians • Became a center of thriving trade network because of the Red Sea. West African Trading Empires Traded gold for salt with North African Berbers and Arabs Needed Salt for dehydration & preservation of food. Three became most famous • Ghana • Mali • Songhai Ghana Around C.E. 800 some farming villages united in the savanna to create the kingdom of Ghana • • • • • • Kumbi Saleh was capital Traded with Muslim traders in the North Became rich The king maintained a large army to keep peace. Adopted Muslim Military technology & political ideas. Muslims settled in the Kingdom, but most people remained animists. Mali A Powerful Kingdom that emerged around 1200. Conquered Ghana Started their capital at Timbuktu Rulers were called Mansas Under Mansa Musa became very rich and powerful Mansa Musa ruled according to Islamic Shari‘ah City of Timbuktu became center of learning and trade. Decline of Mali & Rise of Songhai After Mansa Musa civil war broke out and Mali gradually declined. The empire was divided in 1359 C.E. In its place rose a new Empire – Songhai. Songhai kingdom began in Gao around 1009 C.E. A ruler called Kossi converted to Islam and Songhai became an Islamic Kingdom. Songhai The largest West African trading Empire Sunni Ali Conquered Timbuktu and Jenne Controlled the city of Timbuktu and trans-Saharan caravan routes Muhammad Ture later removed Sunni Ali’s son and founded Askia Dynasty. He ruled according to Islamic Shari’ah and had an effective organization of the state. After Muhammad Ture Songhai declined. Later destroyed by infighting and Moroccan invasion. Other West African States Benin • Grew south of Savanna in the rainforest. • Famous for its wood curving. Congo • Further south in the rainforest was another Kingdom called Congo. Homework: Questions 4, 5, 6 & 7 on page 234 Smaller States in West Africa Hausa City-States • Existed in present Nigeria • Famous for cotton textile and leatherworks • Traded with North and West African empires Benin: • Existed in the rain forests of Guinea • Ivory, pepper and slave trade • Well known for bronze and brass casting. East African City States Mogadishu, Kilwa, & Sofala were major city-states in the east Traded with Arabia, Persia, India and Southeast Asia. Created a unique culture, known as Swahili – a mixture of Arab and Bantu African culture. Aspects of African Society Relationship Between Royalty and Commoners • Mostly informal • Merchants had special favor from the king Family & Lineage • People lived in Extended families of Kinship Network • Elders had much power The Role of Women • Generally subordinate to men • Some societies were matrilineal Community Education • From mothers boys and girls learned language, family history & songs • Mothers continued to teach their daughters about the ways of women • Sons then learned from father about fishing, Hunting, farming • The whole community played role in bringing up children Aspects of African Society Slavery: • Slaves included captives of war, debtors or criminals • Worked as domestic servants and farmhands or soldiers • They could win their freedom Religious Beliefs: • Animism, Christianity and Islam Homework Questions 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 on page 241