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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________ Mark: ______/45
Chapter 13 Excretion Review Assignment
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
In the diagram above, the peritubular capillary network is numbered
a. 2.
b. 4.
c. 8.
d. 9.
2. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
In the diagram above, the site where glucose is reabsorbed is at location
a. 5.
b. 6.
c. 7.
d. 8.
Name: ________________________
3. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
At which numbered location does pressure filtration occur?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
4. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the following substance is found at location 2 but not at location 1?
a. urea
b. glucose
c. amino acids
d. white blood cells
5. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the numbered locations is most influenced by the secretion of ADH?
a. 5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
6. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the following substance is normally found at location 1 but not at location 7?
a. urea
b. glucose
c. proteins
d. white blood cells
7. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
What factor is responsible for determining whether a specific substance enters structure 2?
a. pH
b. ion charge
c. molecular size
d. osmotic gradient
8. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the following substances is excreted at location 6?
a. glucose
b. penicillin
c. red blood cells
d. white blood cells
Name: ________________________
9. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the following conditions is accomplished by the process shown?
a. Active transport of sodium creates hypertonic urine.
b. Active transport of sodium creates hypertonic blood.
c. Passive transport of sodium creates hypertonic urine.
d. Passive transport of sodium creates hypertonic blood.
____ 10. Which of the following rows correctly matches the part of the nephron with its excretory function?
Structures of the Nephron
passive transport of solutes
collecting duct
reception of glomerular filtrate
descending loop of Henle
active reabsorption of sodium ions
proximal convoluted tubule
active reabsorption of glucose molecules
____ 11. The amount of salt that is reabsorbed or excreted in urine is controlled by the release of
a. urea.
b. glucose.
c. thyroxin.
d. aldosterone.
____ 12. Which of the following structures has both a urinary and reproductive function in males?
a. ureter
b. urethra
c. nephron
d. urinary bladder
Name: ________________________
____ 13. Use the diagram above to answer the next question
Which region temporarily holds urine from collecting ducts?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 14. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which region is most responsible for the production of concentrated urine in a hypertonic environment?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 15. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which component is responsible for carrying urine to the urinary bladder?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 16. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
In which region does filtration of the blood occur?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Name: ________________________
____ 17. Use the diagram above to answer the next question
Which comparison of the blood in vessel 1 and 2 is correct?
Vessel 1
Vessel 2
lower urea and glucose
higher urea and glucose
higher urea and glucose
lower urea and glucose
lower urea/ higher glucose
higher urea/lower glucose
higher urea/lower glucose
lower urea/higher glucose
Name: ________________________
____ 18. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
In which region would cells contain the most mitochondria?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 19. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
In which region does an osmotic gradient cause reabsorption of the most water?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 20. Which of the following processes occur in the Bowman’s capsules?
a. filtration of blood
b. active secretion of hydrogen ions
c. active reabsorption of sodium ions
d. passive reabsorption of chloride ions
____ 21. Molecules such as glucose and amino acids are generally transported
a. out of the blood by active transport at the distal convoluted tubule.
b. back to the blood by active transport at the distal convoluted tubule.
c. out of the blood by active transport at the proximal convoluted tubule.
d. back to the blood by active transport at the proximal convoluted tubule.
Name: ________________________
____ 22. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Which of the following substances formed at the liver, is a by-product of the metabolic breakdown of this
a. urea
b. creatinine
c. ammonia
d. creatinine phosphate
____ 23. Which of the following is not a function of the excretory system?
a. homeostasis
b. lipid metabolism
c. regulation of blood pH
d. filtration of body fluids
____ 24. Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by means of
a. osmosis.
b. diffusion.
c. peristalsis.
d. active transport.
____ 25. Which is not a function of the urinary system?
a. produces glucose
b. secretes hormones
c. maintains acid-base balance
d. maintains water-salt balance
____ 26. Water enters the blood from the collecting duct by the process of
a. osmosis.
b. diffusion.
c. active transport.
d. facilitated diffusion.
____ 27. The pH of blood is generally
a. 4.5.
b. 7.4.
c. 8.0.
d. a range of 7 to 9.
Name: ________________________
____ 28. Which of these substances is not normally found in urine?
a. urea
b. glucose
c. uric acid
d. creatinine
____ 29. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
The process of urine formation occurs at
a. structure 2.
b. structure 3.
c. structure 7.
d. structure 9.
____ 30. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
The structures that transport urine are numbered
a. 2 and 3.
b. 3 and 9.
c. 4 and 5.
d. 7 and 10.
Name: ________________________
____ 31. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
If the substance above is detected in urine, which of the following processes occurred?
a. Urine formed normally.
b. Selective reabsorption was insufficient.
c. Tubular excretion was greater than normal.
d. The tonicity of the renal medulla was lower than normal.
____ 32. Use the following graph to answer the next question.
The graph shows relative concentrations of solutes in the fluids at four different locations within the kidney.
Which region is likely the collecting duct?
a. W
b. X
c. Y
d. Z
____ 33. Under which of the following conditions would the largest quantity of H + be excreted?
a. low blood pressure and low blood pH
b. low blood pressure and high blood pH
c. high blood pressure and low blood pH
d. high blood pressure and high blood pH
Name: ________________________
____ 34. Which of the following processes was affected if blood in the renal vein contain lower than normal amounts
of glucose?
a. urea formation
b. tubular excretion
c. pressure filtration
d. selective reabsorption
____ 35. Which of the following organelles are found in large numbers in cells lining the loop of Henle?
a. cilia
b. Golgi bodies
c. mitochondria
d. rough endoplasmic reticulum
____ 36. Which of the following changes will result from secretions produced in the adrenal cortex?
a. raised blood pH
b. lowered blood pH
c. increased blood volume
d. decreased blood volume
____ 37. Which of the following changes will result from increased secretions from the posterior pituitary?
a. decreased pH of urine
b. decreased pH of blood
c. increased solute concentration in urine
d. increased solute concentration in blood
____ 38. Which of the following conditions would result if solute concentration in the renal medulla was lower than
a. low blood pH
b. high blood pH
c. low urine volume
d. high urine volume
____ 39. Which of the following homeostatic responses will create urine that is more hypotonic than usual?
a. suppression of antidiuretic hormone
b. increased secretions from hypothalamus
c. stimulation of secretion from adrenal cortex
d. increased secretions from posterior pituitary
____ 40. When a person is dehydrated which of the following responses is likely to occur?
a. Bowman’s capsule will become less permeable to water.
b. Bowman’s capsule will become more permeable to water.
c. The collecting duct will become less permeable to water.
d. The collecting duct will become more permeable to water.
____ 41. Which of the following mechanisms normally prevents hypertension?
a. As solute concentration increases, ADH is secreted.
b. As solute concentration decreases, ADH is secreted.
c. As solute concentration increases, ADH is no longer secreted.
d. As solute concentration decreases, ADH is no longer secreted.
Name: ________________________
____ 42. Which of the of the following structures would likely perform poorly if blood pressure was 90/65?
a. glomerulus
b. loop of Henle
c. proximal convoluted tubule
d. peritubular capillary network
____ 43. During which of the following processes do nutrients and waste move in the same direction?
a. tubular excretion
b. pressure filtration
c. reabsorption of water
d. selective reabsorption
____ 44. At which of the following locations do nutrients leave the nephron?
a. glomerulus
b. collecting duct
c. distal convoluted tubule
d. proximal convoluted tubule
____ 45. Use the diagram above to answer the next question.
Under which of the following conditions would the movement of materials occur as shown?
a. when urine is too basic
b. when blood is too basic
c. when urine is too acidic
d. when blood is too acidic