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(pg 436-441– describe events of the early Cold War)
It was an intense rivalry between the United
States and Russia – between West and East
and between capitalism and communism that
dominated the years following WW II.
 Winston Churchill;
“Germany is finished. The
real problem is Russia. I
can’t get Americans to see
-- 1945
 It is called the “Cold” War because
there was never any direct attacks made
by the U.S. or Soviet Union on each
 FDR died on April 12, 1945
 Truman, his Vice President
for only a few months,
became the leader of our
 Americans: wanted democracy and economic
opportunities for the countries of Europe and
 Soviets: Wanted to rebuild their nation in
order to protect their own interests. They
wanted to establish satellite nations,
countries controlled by the Soviets along the
western boundaries of the Soviet Union.
Stalin wanted to overthrow capitalism around
the world and install Communist
Soviet Control Eastern Europe
Wartime Alliance Unravels/ Iron Curtain
The Truman Doctrine
Write a summary
about each topic.
Pg 436-441
Beginning of Cold War
Include important people,
terms, places
Must include in order what
Containment/ The Marshall Plan
The Berlin Airlift
The Formation of NATO/ Warsaw Pact
Soviet Control Eastern Europe
Despite Stalin’s promise to
allow their Eastern European
territories to establish their
own government all those
countries were still under their
control and had become
satellite states of the USSR.
Wartime Alliance Unravels/ Iron Curtain
Because Stalin refused to allow his
Eastern European countries to be
free the Cold War began between the
U.S. & the Soviet Union. Churchill
stated that an “iron curtain” had
fallen over Europe and that Stalin’s
communist oppressive regime would
spread if not stopped.
The Truman Doctrine
Truman offered Greece, and
Turkey aid when Communist
rebels threatened them. His
doctrine defined American
policy for almost 20 years.
“Truman promised to aid
nations fighting against
Beginning of Cold War
Include important people,
terms, places
Must include in order what
Containment/ The Marshall Plan
Kennan developed the idea of
containment or containing
communism. George Marshall
proposed aid be given to war-torn
European countries to help them
rebuild their economies. The
Marshall Plan gave aid to
Germany and Italy and other
European countries to help
increase trade and get them back
on their feet and was very
The Berlin Airlift
Stalin wanted to take West
Berlin and blockade the
city. In order to make sure
they were supplied the
U.S. & Britain airlifted
their goods to them for
over a year.
The Formation of NATO/ Warsaw Pact
The U.S., Canada and 12
Western European countries
formed NATO in 1949 on the
basis of collective security or
that each member would
defend the other if they were
attacked. The Soviet Union
responded by creating the
Warsaw Pact with its Eastern
European satellites in 1955.
 A phrase coined by Winston
Churchill in 1946 it refers to
the division between
Communist and nonCommunist nations
 Became symbol of division
between East and West