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Grade 6 Science Class Outline
Unit 1 : The Nature of Matter
Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
Section 1-1: What is Science?
Vocabulary: science, scientific theory, scientific law, system, life science, earth science,
physical science, technology
1. Learning About the World
a. Scientific Theories
b. Scientific Law
2. Systems in Science
a. Parts of a System Interact
b. Parts of a Whole
3. The Branches of Science
a. Life Science
b. Earth Science
c. Physical Science
d. Careers
e. Science and Technology
Section 1-2: Science in Action
Vocabulary: hypothesis, infer, controlled experiment, variable, independent variable,
dependent variable, constant
1. Science Skills
a. Science Methods
i. Figure 8
Questioning and Observing
Taking a Guess
The Hypothesis
Analyzing Hypothesis
Making a Prediction
Testing the Hypothesis
Organizing Your Findings
2. Drawing Conclusions
a. Communicating Your Findings
3. Experiments
a. Variables and Constants
Section 1-3: Models in Science
Vocabulary: model
1. Why are models necessary?
2. Types of Models
a. Physical Models
b. Computer Models
c. Idea Models
3. Making Models
4. Using Models
a. Models Communicate
b. Models Test Predictions
c. Models Save Time, Money, and Lives
5. Limitations of Models
a. Models Change
Section 1-4: Evaluating Scientific Explanation
Vocabulary: critical thinking, data
1. Believe it or not?
a. Critical Thinking
2. Evaluating the Data
a. Are the data specific?
b. Take Good Notes
c. Your Science Journal
d. Can the data be repeated?
3. Evaluating the Conclusions
Chapter 2: Measurement
Section 2-1: Description and Measurement
Vocabulary: measurement, estimate, precision, accuracy
1. Measurement
a. Describing Events
2. Estimation
a. Using Estimation
3. Precision and Accuracy
a. Degrees of Precision
b. Accuracy
c. Rounding a Measurement
d. Precision and Number of Digits
e. Using Precision and Significant Digits
f. Following the Rules
Section 2-2: SI Units
Vocabulary: SI, meter, volume, mass, kilogram, weight, Kelvin, rate
1. The International System
i. Table 1 SI Base Units & 2 SI prefixes
2. Length
a. A Long Way
3. Volume
a. Volume by Immersion
4. Mass
a. Weight
5. Temperature
6. Time and Rates
Section 2-3: Drawings, Tables, and Graphs
Vocabulary: table, graph, line graph, bargraph, circle graph
1. Scientific Illustrations
a. Drawings
b. Photographs
2. Tables and Graphs
a. Line Graph
b. Bar Graph
c. Circle Graph
d. Reading Graphs
Chapter 3: Matter and Its Changes
Section 3-1: Physical Properties and Changes
Vocabulary: physical property, matter, physical change, density, states of matter, melting
point, boiling point
1. Using Your Senses
2. Physical Properties
a. Color and Shape
b. Length and Mass
c. Volume and Density
d. Same Volume, Different Mass
3. States of Matter
a. Moving Particles
b. Changes of State
c. Melting and Boiling Points
4. Metallic Properties
a. How do metals look?
b. Use of Metals
5. Using Physical Properties
a. Sorting and Separating
b. Everyday Examples
c. Narrowing the Options
Section 3-2: Chemical Properties and Changes
Vocabulary: chemical property, chemical change, law of conservation of mass
1. Ability to Change
2. Common Chemical Properties
a. Common Reactions
b. Heat and Light
3. Something New
a. Signs of Change
b. Is it reversible?
c. Classifying According to Chemical Properties
4. The Law of Conservation of Mass
a. Mass is Not Destroyed
b. Where did the mass go?
c. Before and After
Chapter 4: Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table
Section 4-1: Structure of Matter
Vocabulary: matter, atom, law of conservation of matter, electron, nucleus, proton, neutron
1. What is matter?
2. What isn’t matter?
3. What makes up matter?
a. An Early Idea
b. Lavoisier’s Contribution
4. Models of the Atom
a. Dalton’s Atomic Model
b. Sizes of Atoms
c. Discovering the Electron
d. Thomson’s Model
e. Rutherford – The Nucleus
f. Positive Center
g. Discovering the Neutron
5. Improving the Atomic Model
a. The Modern Atomic Model
b. The Electron Cloud
c. Further Research
Section 4-2: The Simplest matter
Vocabulary: element, atomic number, isotope, mass number, atomic mass, metal, nonmetal,
1. The Elements
a. One Kind of Atom
2. The Periodic Table
a. Charting the Elements
3. Identifying Characteristics
a. Number of Protons and Neutrons
b. Isotopes
c. Atomic Mass
4. Classification of Elements
a. Other Elements
Section 4-3: Compounds and Mixtures
Vocabulary: substance, compound, mixture
1. Substances
a. Compounds
b. Compounds Have Formulas
2. Mixtures
a. Separating Mixtures
b. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous
Unit 2 : Interactions of Matter
Chapter 5: Motion, Forces, and Simple Machines
Section 5-1: Motion
Vocabulary: average speed, instantaneous speed, velocity, acceleration
1. Speed
a. Average Speed
i. Speed equation
b. Instantaneous Speed
c. Constant Speed
d. Calculating Distance
i. Distance equation
2. Velocity
3. Acceleration
a. Calculating Acceleration
i. Acceleration Equation
b. Graphing Speed
Section 5-2: Newton’s Laws of Motion
Vocabulary: force, Newton’s laws of motion, friction, inertia
1. Force
a. Force and Acceleration
b. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
c. Combining Forces
2. Newton’s Laws of Motion
3. Newton’s First Law
a. Friction
b. Inertia and Mass
4. Newton’s Second Law
a. Mass and Acceleration
i. Newton’s Second Law Equation
5. Newton’s Third Law
a. Force Pairs Act on Different Objects
b. Examples of Newton’s Third Law
Section 5-3: Work and Simple Machines
Vocabulary: work, simple machine, compound machine, mechanical advantage, pulley, lever,
inclined plane
1. Work
a. Effort Doesn’t Always Equal Work
2. Calculating Work
i. Work equation
3. What is a machine?
a. Mechanical Advantage
i. Mechanical Advantage Equation
b. Work In and Work Out
c. Increasing Force
4. The Pulley
i. Figure 17
5. The Lever
a. The Wheel and Axle
i. Figure 18
ii. Figure 19
6. The Inclined Plane
a. The Wedge
b. The Screw
Chapter 6: Energy
Section 6-1: Energy Changes
Vocabulary: energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, law of conservation of energy
1. Energy
a. What is energy?
2. Forms of Energy
a. Energy of Transformations
b. Using Energy Transformations
3. Kinetic Energy
a. Mass, Speed, and Kinetic Energy
b. Transferring Kinetic Energy
4. Potential Energy
a. Increasing Potential Energy
i. Figure 7
5. Converting Potential and Kinetic Energy
a. Energy Changes in Falling Water
i. Figure 8
6. Conservation of Energy
a. Following the Energy Trail
i. Figure 10
Section 6-2: Temperature
Vocabulary: temperature, heat, conduction, convectioin, radiation
1. Temperature
a. Temperature and Kinetic Energy
2. Measuring Temperature
a. The Fahrenheit Scale
b. The Celsius Scale
3. Heat
4. Heat and Temperature
a. Lakes and Air Temperature
5. Heat on the Move
a. Conduction
b. Bumping Along
c. Conductors
d. Insulators
e. Feeling the Heat
f. Convection
g. Examples of Convection
h. Radiation
Chapter 6: Energy
Section 6-3: Chemical Energy
Vocabulary: endothermic reaction, exothermic reaction, catalyst
1. Chemical Reactions and Energy
a. What is a chemical reaction?
b. Chemical Bonds
2. Energy in Reactions
a. Energy-Absorbing Reactions
b. Photosynthesis
c. Energy-Releasing Reactions
d. Rate of Reaction
e. Changing the Rate of Reaction
Unit 3 : Earth’s Changing Surface
Chapter 10: Forces Shaping Earth
Section 10-1: Earth’s Moving Plates
Vocabulary: inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, lithosphere, plate, fault, subduction
1. Clue’s to Earth’s Interior
a. Waves
b. Rock Clues
2. Earth’s Layers
a. Inner Core
b. Outer Core
c. Mantle
d. Crust
3. Earth’s Structure
4. Earth’s Plates
5. Plate Boundaries
a. Plates That Move Apart
i. Figure 6
b. Plates that Collide
c. Plate Subduction
d. Plates That Slide Past
6. Why do plates move?
a. Ridge-push and Slab-pull
Section 10-2: Uplift of Earth’s Crust
Vocabulary: fault-block mountain, folded mountain, upwarped mountain, volcanic mountain,
1. Building Mountains
a. Age of a Mountain
b. Fault-Block Mountains
c. Models of Mountain Building
d. Folded Mountain
e. Unwarped Mountain
f. Volcanic Mountain
i. Figure 15,16
g. Underwater Volcanic Mountains
2. Other Types of Uplift
a. Adjusting to Gravity
Chapter 11: Weathering and Erosion
Section 11-1: Weathering and Soil Formation
Vocabulary: weathering, mechanical weathering, chemical weathering, soil, topography
1. Weathering
2. Mechanical Weathering
a. Ice Wedging
b. Plants and Animals
3. Chemical Weathering
a. Natural Acids
b. Plant Acids
c. Effect of Oxygen
4. Soil
i. Table 2
Parent Rock
The Slope of the Land
Section 11-2: Erosion of Earth’s Surface
Vocabulary: Erosion, Mass Movement, creep, slump, deflation, abrasion, runoff
1. Agents of Erosion
2. Gravity
a. Creep
b. Slump
c. Rock Slides
d. Mudflows
3. Ice
a. Glacial Erosion
b. Effects of Glacial Erosion
c. Glacial Deposition
4. Wind
5. Water
a. Sheet Flow
b. Rills and Gullies
c. Streams
d. Shaping Earth’s Surface
6. Effects of Erosion
Chapter 13: Oceans
Section 13-1: Ocean Water
Vocabulary: salinity, photosynthesis, thermocline
1. Importance of Oceans
2. Formation of Oceans
3. Composition of Ocean Water
a. Salinity
i. Figure 3
b. Dissolved Gases
4. Water Temperatures and Pressure
Section 13-2: Ocean Currents and Climate
Vocabulary: surface current, density current, upwelling
1. Surface Currents
a. Cause of Surface Currents
b. Gulf Stream
c. Climate
d. Cold Surface Currents
2. Density Currents
a. Cold and Salty Water
b. Density Currents and Climate Change
3. Upwelling
a. El Nino
Chapter 13: Oceans
Section 13-3: Waves
Vocabulary: wave, tide
1. Waves Caused by Wind
a. Parts of a Wave
i. Figure 11, 12
b. Wave Motion
c. Breakers
2. Tides
a. Cause of Tides
3. Wave Erosion
a. Beach Erosion
Section 13-4: Life in the Oceans
Vocabulary: plankton, nekton, ecosystem, produces, chemosynthesis, consumer,
decomposer, food chain
1. Types of Ocean Life
a. Plankton
b. Nekton
c. Bottom Dwellers
2. Ocean Ecosystems
a. Producers
b. Consumers and Decomposers
c. Food Chain
3. Ocean Nutrients
a. Coral Reefs and Nutrient Recycling
Unit 4 : Beyond Earth
Chapter 14: Exploring Space
Section 14-1: Radiation from Space
Vocabulary: electromagnetic spectrum, refracting telescope, reflecting telescope, observatory,
radio telescope
1. Electromagnetic Waves
a. Light from the Past
b. Electromagnetic Radiation
c. Speed of Light
2. Optical Telescopes
a. Using Optical Telescopes
b. Hubble Space Telescope
c. Large Reflecting Telescopes
d. Active and Adaptive Optics
3. Radio Telescopes
Section 14-2: Early Space Missions
Vocabulary: rocket, satellite, orbit, space probe, Project Mercury, Project Gemini, Project
1. The First Missions into Space
a. Rockets
b. Rocket Types
c. Rocket Launching
d. Satellites
e. Satellite Uses
2. Space Probes
i. Table 1
b. Voyager and Pioneer Probes
c. Galileo
3. Moon Quest
a. Project Gemini
b. Project Apollo
Section 14-3: Current and Future Space Missions
Vocabulary: space shuttle, space station
1. The Space Shuttle
a. A Reusable Spacecraft
b. Work on the Shuttle
2. Space Stations
3. Cooperation in Space
a. The International Space Station
b. Phases of ISS
c. Living in Space
4. Exploring Mars
5. New Millennium Program
6. Exploring the Moon
7. Cassini
a. The Next Generation Space Telescope
b. Everyday Space Technology
Chapter 15: The Solar System and Beyond
Section 15-1: Waves
Vocabulary: rotation, orbit, revolution, lunar highlands, maria, eclipse, tides
1. Earth Moves
a. Earth’s Rotation
b. Earth’s Revolution
c. Seasons
2. Earth’s Moon
a. Orbiting Earth
b. Rotation and Revolution
c. Moon Phases
d. Light from the Sun
e. The Lunar Cycle
f. Solar Eclipse
i. Figure 5
g. Lunar Eclipse
i. Figure 6
h. Tides
i. Figure 7
The Sun’s Effect on Tides
i. Figure 8
Section 15-2: The Solar System
Vocabulary: solar system, astronomical unit, comet, meteroite
1. Distances in Space
a. Measuring Space
b. Astronomical Unit
2. Touring the Solar System
3. Inner Planets
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Earth
d. Mars
e. Asteroid Belt
4. Outer Planets
a. Jupitor
b. Saturn
c. Neptune
d. Dwarf Planets
5. Comets
a. Meteorites
Section 15-3: Stars and Galaxies
Vocabulary: constellation, supernova, galaxy, light-year
1. Stars
a. Constellations
i. Figure 19
b. Starry Colors
c. Apparent Magnitude
2. The Lives of Stars
i. Figure 21
b. Supergiants
3. Galaxies
a. Types of Galaxies
b. The Milky Way Galaxy
Unit 5 : Life’s Diversity
Chapter 16: Cells – The Units of Life
Section 16-1: The World of Cells
Vocabulary: bacteria, cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, organelle, nucleus, vacuole,
mitochondria, photosynthesis, chloroplast
1. Importance of Cells
a. Cell Theory
b. Microscopic Cell
c. Microscopes
2. What are cells made of?
i. Figure 3,4
b. Outside the Cell
c. Inside the Cell
d. Organelle
e. The Nucleus
f. Storage
g. Nature’s Solar Energy Factories
Chapter 16: Cells – The Units of Life
Section 16-2: The Different Jobs of Cells
Vocabulary: tissue, organ, organ system
1. Special Cells for Special Jobs
a. Types of Human Cells
b. Types of Plant Cells
2. Cell Organization
a. Tissues and Organs
b. Organ Systems
Chapter 17: Invertebrate Animals
Section 17-1: What is an animal?
Vocabulary: symmetry, invertebrate
1. Animal Characteristics
a. Symmetry
2. Animal Classification
Section 17-2: Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, and Roundworms
Vocabulary: Cnidarians, polyp, medusa
1. Sponges
a. Filter Feeders
b. Body Support and Defense
c. Sponge Reproduction
2. Cnidarians
a. Body Forms
b. Cnidarian Reproduction
3. Flatworms
a. Tapeworms
4. Round Worms
Section 17-3: Mollusks and Segmented Worms
Vocabulary: mollusk, mantle, gill, radula, open circulatory system, closed circulatory system
1. Mollusks
a. Common Characteristics
b. Body Systems
2. Types of Mollusks
a. Gastropods
b. Bivalves
c. Cephalopods
3. Segmented Worms
a. Earthworms
i. Figure 14
b. Leeches
c. Marine Worms
d. Body Types
Section 17-4: Arthropods and Echinoderms
Vocabulary: Arthropod, appendage, exoskeleton, metamorphosis
1. Arthropods
a. Insects
b. Circulatory System
c. Metamorphosis
i. Figure 18
d. Arachnids
e. Centipedes and Millipedes
f. Crustaceans
2. Echinoderms
a. Water-Vascular System
i. Figure 23
Chapter 18: Vertebrate Animals
Section 18-1: Chordate Animals
Vocabulary: chordate, ectotherm, endotherm, cartilage
1. What is a chordate?
a. Vertebrates
b. Body Temperature
2. Fish
3. Types of Fish
a. Bony Fish
i. Figure 5
b. Jawless and Cartilaginous Fish
Section 18-2: Amphibians and Reptiles
Vocabulary: hibernation, estivation, amniotic egg
1. Amphibians
a. Amphibians Adaptation
b. Amphibian Characteristics
c. Amphibian Metamorphosis
2. Reptiles
a. Types of Reptiles
b. Reptile Adaptations
Section 18-3: Birds
Vocabulary: contour feather, down feather
1. Characteristics of Birds.
2. Adaptations for Flight
3. Functions of Feathers
a. Care of Feathers
Section 18-4: Mammals
Vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, monotremes, marsupial, placental
1. Mammal Characteristics
a. Mammary Glands
b. Different Teeth
c. Body Systems
2. Mammal Types
a. Marsupials
b. Placentals
3. Mammals Today
Chapter 19: The Human Body
Section 19-1: Body Systems
Vocabulary: skeletal system, melanin, muscle, nutrient, respiratory system, alveoli, capillary,
1. Structure and Movement
a. The Skeletal System
b. Joints
c. The Skin
d. The Muscular System
2. Digestion and Excretion
a. Organs of the Digestive System
i. Figure 5
b. Nutrients
c. Digested Nutrients
d. Other Nutrients
e. The Urinary System
f. Other Organs of the Excretory System
3. Respiration and Circulation
a. The Respiratory System
i. Figure 9
b. The Circulatory System
c. Blood
d. Blood Types
e. The Lymphatic System
f. Immunity
4. Control and Coordination
a. The Nervous System
i. Figure 12
b. The Endocrine System
Chapter 20: The Roles of Genes in Inheritance
Section 20-2: Genetics – The Study of Inheritance
Vocabulary: heredity, genetics, gene, variation, mutation
1. Heredity
a. Genes
2. What determines traits?
a. Dominant and Recessive Alleles
b. Expression of Traits
3. Passing Traits to Offspring
4. Differences in Organisms
a. Multiple Alleles and Multiple Genes
b. Mutatioins – The Source of New Variation
c. Selective Breeding
Chapter 21: Ecology
Section 21-1: What is an ecosystem?
Vocabulary: ecosystem, ecology, biosphere, biotic factor, abiotic factor
1. Ecosystems
a. The Study of Ecosystems
b. The Largest Ecosystems
2. Living Parts of Ecosystems
3. Nonliving Parts of Ecosystems
a. Soil
b. Temperature
c. Water
d. Sunlight
4. A Balanced System
Chapter 21: Ecology
Section 21-2: Relationships Among Living Things
Vocabulary: population, community, limiting factor, niche, habitat
1. Organizing Ecosystems
a. Groups of Organisms
b. Groups of Population
c. Characteristics of Populations
d. Population Density
e. Studying Population
2. Limits to Populations
3. Interactions in Communities
a. Eat or Be Eaten
b. Organisms That Live Together
4. Where and How Organisms Live
Section 21-3: Energy Through the Ecosystem
Vocabulary: producer, consumer, decomposer
1. It’s All About Food
a. Producers and Consumers
b. Decomposers
2. Modeling the Flow of Energy
3. Cycling of Materials