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Ecobase GmbH AUSTRIA Study Overview – Zeolite
PMA® as Complement to Oncological Treatment
Date: October 2012 Page: 2 of 30 TABLEOFCONTENTS
I Description and Importance of Zeolite Clinoptilolite PMA .............................................................................3
II The Invention – What's Behind the Activation of the Mineral?.....................................................................6
III Overview on the Working Mechanisms and Applications of Activated Zeolite PMA.............................7
IV Medical Devices: Multizeo MED and MED PLUS....................................................................................................9
V Studies on Prophylaxis and Support in Cancer Therapy................................................................................10
5.1 A Measurement of The Antioxidant Action of Zeolite in the Body – Reduction in the Presence of Free Radicals in the Blood..............................................................................................................10
5.2 Many Years of Practical Human Studies Showed that Activated Zeolite Offers Side‐Effect‐ Free Support in Combination with Chemotherapy........................................................................................11
5.3 In Vivo Studies in Mice and Dogs Showed a Reduction in Tumour Size with the Use of Activated Zeolite........................................................................................................................................................16
5.4Zeolite Particles Can Cause Changes in Gene Expression of Cells, thereby Affecting Tumour Formation and Growth...........................................................................................................................16
5.5 Cellular Effects in Cancer Treatment Induced by Activated Zeolite PMA.............................................16
5.6Activated Zeolite Induced an Immune‐Stimulating and Antimetastatic Effect in Mice.....................17
5.7 Treatment with Activated Zeolite Showed Significant Immune Response via an Elevation of Lymphocytes and Increased Phagocytosis................................................................................18
5.8 Zeolite Influences the Microcellular Environment of Cancer Cells at Transcriptional Level via EGF‐R, PKB/Akt and NF‐Kb...................................................................................................................19
5.9 Antioxidant Effect of Zeolite Beneficial in Patients with Malignancy.....................................................19
VI Recommended Dosage...........................................................................................................................................24
6.1 Chemotherapy and Induced Neuropathy........................................................................................................25
6.2 Acute Arthritis, Brain Tumours, Brain Metastases.......................................................................................26
6.3 Zeolite in Case of Diarrhoea, Short Bowel Syndrome, Colostomy...........................................................26
6.4 Specific Severe Illnesses........................................................................................................................................26
VII Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................................28
Study Overview – Zeolite
PMA® as Complement to Oncological Treatment
Date: October 2012 Page: 3 of 30 I DescriptionandImportanceofPMA®ZeoliteClinoptilolite Zeolite is a volcanic rock which has proven to be a practical bioregulator for many medical purposes. Since ancient times this mineral has been known for its cleansing effects, and this is now being applied in the world of medicine to improve health and also to increase bone density. Under normal conditions, the channels which crisscross the mineral are filled with water molecules and alkaline (basic) ions (Fig. 1). Figure 1: Zeolite crystalline lattice structures of SiO4 and AlO4. Microporous volcanic zeolite is crisscrossed with a fine lattice of crystal canals (diameter of about 0.4 nm)1. Natural zeolite, in comparison to artificial zeolite, is characterised by its high thermal stability and resistance to corrosive substances (e.g. acids, ionising radiation)2. Ion‐loaded natural zeolites do not act on the body as ion‐robber in the digestive tract like their artificially synthesised copies; naturally occurring zeolites only bind heavy metals and ammonium ions from their surroundings, while at the same time the alkaline ions contained in the crystal lattice are released (Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, Na+). Loaded with harmful substances, the zeolite is then excreted via the gastrointestinal tract without interfering with the body’s metabolism. 1Hecht K 2
Tsitsishvili GV Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 4 of 30 Studies have shown the outstanding pollutant binding and health promoting properties of this aluminium silicate which is activated through a special THE MEDICAL DEVICE micronisation process. In the next chapter (II) the activation of zeolite will be discussed in more detail. For medical uses, the following characteristics of zeolite are of particular importance 3:  Molecular sieve function – The pore size of the cavity system of zeolite is 4 Å (0.4 nm); this allows for the separation of certain molecules depending on their size and shape.  Selective ion exchange – The mineral‐specific crystalline structure of zeolite in the organism has the capacity to bind to toxic substances such as ammonia, heavy metals, free radicals, toxins, radionuclides; they are then excreted via the digestive system. • Adsorbents functionality – Via the adsorption of bioactive substances, an activation of enzymes and thus a catalyst function is achieved. Adsorbents have doubly positive effect in that they are able to increase the bioavailability of supplied minerals, and thereby can guarantee bioequivalence. In Chapter III, further modes of action are listed in section V, and then outlined in several studies. The results of these studies are also presented and discussed in Chapter V. 3
Hecht K Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 5 of 30 An Overview of the Working Mechanisms of Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS (100% PMA zeolite clinoptilolite) 
The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS is non‐toxic and does not cause side effects – this has been confirmed through extensive toxicological tests carried out according to OECD standards4.  The metabolic network of the body is not influenced because zeolite is not systematically absorbed. It is a medical product and not a drug.  The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS primarily works in the gastrointestinal tract, serving as an active filter.  The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS does not interact with other medications (including immunosuppressants). 
The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS provides active cell protection (anti‐aging effect) by reducing the formation of free oxygen species (ROS) in the gastrointestinal tract as it neutralises transition metals. The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS works as adjuvant in chemotherapy and radiation treatment and as a roborant in cases of severe illness. 
The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS binds to the pollutants present in the gastrointestinal tract (such as toxins, free radicals, heavy metals and ammonium ions). They are then passed in the stool. In this way, The Medical Device Multizeo Med PLUS cleans up harmful substances on a surface with an area of approximately 400 m2 (thus relieving strain on the liver). The harmful substances stored in the adipose tissue flow slowly through the circulatory and the lymphatic system. 4
Pavelic K Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 6 of 30 II TheInvention–What'sBehindtheActivationoftheMineral?
The natural zeolite used in THE MEDICAL DEVICE products is crushed using a process that is unique in the world today. It was shown that the biophysical properties of natural active ingredients could be multiplied through a special micronisation process that is accomplished via the generation of controlled collisions between the zeolite particles. The micronisation machines used – also known as activators – have been researched, designed and produced by an independent team of scientists. They are fundamentally counter‐rotating pin mills which are very effective in micronising zeolite. The activation takes place via the acceleration of zeolite particles which collide with one another at high speed. Through micronisation, both the contact surface of the particles as well as their negative surface charge are multiplied. Thus the surface area of activated zeolite is increased from 3 square meters per gram to about 1,000 square meters per gram. This yields better ion exchange effect and more effective molecular filtering with activated natural zeolite in comparison to a “raw” natural zeolite. Attracted by the negative charge, the positively charged toxins are bound even more strongly. The greater surface area of the activated particles makes the molecular sieve more efficient as with the same quantity of ingested zeolite, much greater effect can be realised. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 7 of 30 III OverviewontheWorkingMechanismsandApplicationsof
The ability of zeolite to support chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and to act as a roborant in case of severe illness, is based on the following zeolite characteristics: 1. Hydrophilic Properties: Due to its high water‐binding capacity of about 39 %, zeolite can be useful in cases of severe burns, cold sores, shingles, swelling caused by sprains, fistulae, open ulcers, periodontitis, swelling of the buccal mucosa, inflammation and acne pustolosa. One gram of activated zeolite powder equates to a surface area of approximately 1,000 square meters. Because of its high binding capacity, activated zeolite can be also used to treat diarrhoea. 2. Ion exchange and adsorption capacity of zeolite: In the gastrointestinal tract, zeolite induces an exchange between ammonium ions, heavy metal ions and possibly present transitional metal ions which result from the digestion of proteins and the free cations embedded in zeolite, to which zeolite has a higher affinity (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+). Furthermore, zeolite acts as a molecular sieve and adsorbs low molecular weight compounds (such as hydrocarbons, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) and mycotoxins. 3. Absorption of gases and odours: Zeolite is useful in taking up odours and secretions, for example in cases of malodorous metastatic breast carcinomas, ulcerated cutaneous metastases as well as flatulence following chemotherapy. 4. Reducing cellular stress (primary antioxidant action of zeolite): Due to its non‐
enzymatic antioxidant action, zeolite can be used as a support in cancer treatment (prevention of genetic mutations). Other applications of this free radical scavenger are neurodegenerative diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes and damage to the joints, and as a possible countermeasure against massive cell membrane damage (via lipid peroxidation). 5. Positive Influence on cartilage and bone formation: Silicates play a crucial role in building cartilage and bone. Hyperacidity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation and overload of the liver while contributing significantly to the development of osteoporosis. Preliminary studies have shown that zeolite is highly effective as a bioregulator in bone Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 8 of 30 formation, and it has also been shown to induce a reduction of already existing osteoporosis. By positively influencing pH balance and reducing oxidative stress, body acidification can be counteracted. 6. Positive effect on chemotherapy‐induced neuropathy: Based on observations in 40 documented cases, the intake of zeolite yielded a reduction in pain symptoms or a complete elimination of pain could be achieved (especially during chemotherapy with platinum derivative medications, taxanes or Epirubicin). 7. Positive impact on liver function: By taking up endotoxins and exotoxins, zeolite has a positive effect on fatty liver and cirrhosis, binds ammonia bases and accelerates liver regeneration after chemotherapy. 8. Positive influence on blood fats, cholesterol and LDL: The detoxification by the liver through ammonia reduction is closely associated with the activation of lipid metabolism. Specific research has shown that relieving strain on the liver through taking zeolite led to lower concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol and LDL in the blood. In a broader sense, this also implies the prevention of a related angiopathy. 9. Haemostasis: This is achieved through the high water retention capacity of this mineral and its ability to deliver calcium ions in a very bioavailable form. 10. Wound healing: To support wound healing, zeolite promotes and stimulates the growth of macrophages. In this way wound healing is improved through enhanced capillary development. 11. Positive influence on acid‐base balance: With improper nutrition, excessive athletic training or severe illness, the result can be acidification of the body. The use of zeolite can re‐establish the proper cell milieu (according to Prof. Pischinger), a basic regulatory system and thus restore a balanced pH level. Activated zeolite, via ionic exchange, can work against acidification. It should be noted that harmful substances have to be eliminated. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 9 of 30 IV
MULTIZEO MED PLUS is designed to support recovery from long‐term illness or drug treatments as well as chemotherapy and radiation treatment by reducing oxidative stress and ammonia adsorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This is achieved in a purely physical manner. Oxidative metabolism is energy to the cell, but conversely the involvement of oxygen also leads to the formation of free oxygen radicals (reactive oxygen species or ROS) which cause damage to biological structures. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between exposure to free radicals and antioxidant protection mechanisms and is a co‐factor in the development of a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis (thus relatedly heart attack and stroke), diabetes, cataracts, rheumatism, premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases, malignant tumours and many more. To a certain extent, free radicals are formed in all human bodies. Increased release of ROS is caused by environmental toxins (air pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides), UV radiation, a diet high in fat, luxury foods and beverages of all kinds (including tobacco and alcohol), inadequate physical exercise and even the metabolisation of various drugs (e.g. oral contraceptives). The site of action of zeolite is in the gastrointestinal tract, and as zeolite is not absorbed it reduces oxidative damage here by free radicals (e.g. reduction of lipid peroxidation) via its microporous structure and cation‐binding capacity by physical means. As further explained in the “Study of the Antioxidant Activity of The PMA zeolite clinoptilolite ” by Dr. Peter M. Abuja, lipid peroxidation is probably the most important free radical process leading to oxidative stress. The increased postprandial (after eating) organic lipid peroxides are absorbed in the small intestine and are excreted into the bloodstream. The Medical Device causes a reduced formation of organic lipid oxidation products in the gastrointestinal tract. Even though the specific mode of action and the precise location of zeolite action is evaluated to be slightly differently for various researchers, they all agree that in research on the use of zeolite, the resulting reduced formation of free radicals is not caused by a chemical reaction with the radical but is based on a physical mechanism. The benefit for the user is the reduction of free radicals; this is clearly shown in all approaches. Since free radicals are highly unstable and are not accessible for quantitative measurement (or are extremely difficult to access) the extent of damage by free radicals can only be assessed through the determination of lipid peroxidation. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 10 of 30 V
Several general studies have been carried out regarding the effect of activated zeolite as a support in cancer therapy and the treatment of severe disease, wherein the wide range of zeolite application was demonstrated. In the experiments noted below, the treatment efficacy of zeolite has been specifically investigated in practical human studies and further analysed in connection with cell signal transduction and apoptosis, proliferation of tumour cell lines in vitro and tumour growth in vivo. Beginning in the year 2000, activated zeolite was administered to hundreds of patients under medical supervision in a collaborative effort between medical practitioners and the Villach Private Hospital; this led to a significant and noticeable improvement of vitality and general health in the majority of patients within a few days, and this in turn was associated with a significant reduction in the measured normal level of free radicals. 5.1 AMeasurementofTheAntioxidantActionofZeoliteintheBody–
As a part of the “Clinical Observation” by Chief Physician Dr. Thoma, a quantitative determination has been carried out of organic peroxides in capillary blood with the Free Radical Analytical System (FRAS) for the determination of oxidative stress in 33 individuals. The studies showed that the quantity of free radicals measured when taking zeolite was drastically reduced. The known antioxidant vitamins C and E showed no equivalent effect as compared to zeolite 5. 5
Thoma F Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 11 of 30 5.2 ManyYearsofPracticalHumanStudiesShowedthatActivatedZeolite
The following text contains a description a long‐term practical study of activated zeolite in more than 2,000 patients in the form of documented medical cases over a period of 10 years (carried out by Dr. Triebnig, MD). 150 representative patients with different types of tumours and various chemotherapy treatments were evaluated over an observation period of 10 years. The reference value used was the known medical benchmark regarding subjective criteria in terms of the common side effects of cancer therapy (chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment) and the corresponding laboratory findings. A major problem with chemotherapy is the occasional occurrence of side effects which can vary greatly in intensity. This ranges from moderately tolerable up to total exhaustion causing forced interruption or even discontinuation of chemotherapy. This can bring the success of chemotherapy into question. If the doctor has the possibility to care for patients with such adjuncts as activated natural zeolite clinoptilolite from the beginning on, this can result in an improved situation for everyone involved along with increased quality of life for the patient as well as reduced psychological and physical stress for the patient. 5.2.1 ZeoliteWorkingMechanismsinDetail,inRelationtoPracticalObservations
As was briefly mentioned in Chapter III, here you will find the details of the working mechanisms of zeolite based on the long‐term practical observations of Dr. Ilse Triebnig.‐being
Firstly the hydrophilic effect is noteworthy. Just by flushing the mouth after chemotherapy there are positive effects: counteraction of any swelling in the mouth, stomatitis and minimising pain when eating. The same effect also occurs with gastritic complaints. After chemotherapy, some patients suffer with diarrhoea and thus lose excessive fluids and electrolytes leading to dehydration and weakness. Fatigue is the common result. Patients who have undergone colostomy are especially affected. Here not only the hydrophilic component comes into play but also the ability of the activated natural zeolite to take up ions to the body. The ion exchange takes place in the intestines, i.e. toxic contaminants are absorbed by activated zeolite and the body receives important ions such as Mg, Ca, K, Na. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 12 of 30 This helps to detoxify the liver cells which aids in supporting liver function – this means less nausea, less vomiting, reduced fatigue and less lack of appetite for the patient. Activated zeolite is also able to bind with ammonium compounds; again, this can be beneficial for the liver. Patients having excessive NH4+ can experience dizziness, vertigo, general symptoms of poisoning and poor concentration. With activated zeolite as an additional therapy, patients are able to engage in physical activity: going for walks, participating in sports, enjoying some fresh air. They can eat and drink normally, have more regular digestion and are better able to sleep – in short they are able to recover more in the interval between chemotherapy cycles and fight their disease with a more rested mind, body and soul. They are able to enjoy life more. Physical activity in an oxygen‐rich environment is known to be very important for cancer patients. Unfortunately, patients sometimes take medical advice too late. As a clear example one can consider ulcerated, putrid, suppurative and foul‐smelling breast carcinomas, which is noticeable to other people; this can lead to the isolation of patients. Zeolite lessens or eliminates the odour and absorbs the secretions at the same time, making it possible to enhance the quality of life of some patients. Similarly, with the help of activated zeolite, the difficult procedure of changing dressing in cases of ulcerated skin metastases in the thoracic region – en cuirasse cancer – can be better handled. Initially this can be both painful and difficult as by removing dressing, bleeding in the area results which can be a further strain for the already weakened patients. With activated zeolite powder, wound bleeding usually stops immediately ‐ the hydrophilic effect and zeolite as a Ca2+ donour have a supportive effect and thus reduce patient suffering.
The liver is not only crucial in our metabolism, it is also noteworthy in that it possesses a very special ability: regeneration. During the monthly laboratory monitoring of patients, the rapid onset of positive effects of activated zeolite on liver health was clear. A main task of the liver is to maintain the viability of all other organs – to handle the elimination of NH4+ and to control lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism. If the body is overloaded with toxins, making the detoxifying function of the liver no longer sufficient, a fatty liver results; this is the first developmental stage of pathology. With appropriate therapy, a fatty liver can recover. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 13 of 30 Even if there is already a developing liver cirrhosis, regeneration of the liver cells is still possible. In long‐term practical studies done by Professor Greilberger, it was determined that a combination of activated zeolite with α‐ketoglutaric‐acid quickly delivered amazing improvement in the liver. The toxin‐binding zeolite activity directly occurring in the intestines and improved cellular respiration seem to be the key to success. It is recommended that chemotherapy patients begin using activated zeolite immediately after the discontinuation of the use of chemotherapeutic substances in order to accelerate the excretion of toxic waste products and to protect the liver.
Modern therapies have been shown to be of little effect against the polyneuropathic symptoms brought on by chemotherapy. The descriptions provided by an affected colleague were decisive in including activated zeolite in a study. The observations were based on 40 cases, ranging in effect from symptom reduction to complete disappearance of pain. The sooner activated zeolite was used at the beginning of the chemotherapy, the more rapid the improvement. Sometimes tingling occurred again after the next chemotherapy treatment, but this only last for 3 to 4 days and then stopped again completely. Longer term damage – such as after the completion of chemotherapy – often requires several months of treatment. As a result of chemotherapy, there seem to be deposits, which cause the irritation of the nerve, and this causes unpleasant to painful polyneuropathic side effects. If these deposits are reduced or even prevented from forming, as evidently occurs with the use of activated natural zeolite clinoptilolite, the quality of life and well‐being of the patients are significantly improved. This encourages them to engage in physical activity, which is also very important, especially in tumour patients. OxidativeStress
A certain degree of oxidative stress is normal and vital. In our modern world, pollution levels are unfortunately on the rise, and this in turn leads to the formation of excessive free radicals – so many that our bodies are no longer able to properly process them. Activated zeolite is an extremely powerful non‐enzymatic primary antioxidant, which through the absorption (neutralisation) of stress‐inducing catalysts (transition metals which cause the Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 14 of 30 formation of free radicals), greatly reduces the new formation of free radicals. The body is thus protected from damage resulting from the oxidative chain reaction. Resulting damage can cause the formation of free radicals on biological molecules: 
Gene mutations that can cause tumour formation Premature aging Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease Pulmonary emphysema, especially in smokers due to increased NO (nitric oxide) formation Massive cell membrane damage through lipid peroxidation, as is the case in arteriosclerosis Damage to the joints through negative effects on the synovial membranes and much more Oxidative stress on the body can be displayed and measured both by laboratory testing as well by assessing heart rate variability. People with high stress levels suffer from insomnia and the inability to concentration, they feel exhausted and rushed and they’re constantly running at full speed; this means that the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is severely disturbed. Ultimately, this condition can lead to total exhaustion, even to collapse, as is experienced by patients after years of chemotherapy treatment and even by improperly trained athletes. The sympathetic prevails and resting phases are missing. The use of activated zeolite can help here. EffectsonLipidMetabolism
Lipid metabolism disorders are the cause of diseases that are closely linked to our lifestyles and are the most common diseases in the world today – obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, arteriosclerosis – these can also be contributing factors in heart attack and stroke. Experiments in animals have shown how zeolite is able to bring high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL back to normal levels. In humans, an equally positive effect can also be observed. There is an exception: patients who have inherited their hypercholesterolemia; despite physical activity and healthy eating, they still suffer from progressive atherosclerosis. The aim of the Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 15 of 30 administration of activated zeolite in this case is the prevention and delay of vascular calcification. Existing atherosclerosis cannot be reversed. Bones,SkinandHair
Silicates play a special role in cartilage and bone formation. Also nails, hair and skin benefit from the intake of activated zeolite. In the science of cosmetics, silicates have been known to be beneficial for thousands of years. Except for occasional constipation in cases of insufficient fluid intake, no side effects were observed. A comparison of conventional methods clearly supports the use of pure, natural activated minerals to medication (for maintenance or regeneration of the liver with no known drug interactions). SummaryofObservationalStudiesonHumanPatients In summary, after 10 years of observational studies including more than 2,000 patients and an evaluation of the data gathered, it can be claimed that the general condition, the laboratory results, the sonographic findings of liver examination and the Karnofsky index (scale with symptom‐related activity limitation, self sufficiency and self determination)6 show a significant difference between patients with and without application of activated zeolite. In all cases, the application of activated zeolite led to improved quality of life, to increased drug tolerance and to reduced damage and side effects in cases of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. 6Karnofsky DA Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 16 of 30 5.3InVivoStudiesinMiceandDogsShowedaReductioninTumourSize
It was observed that zeolite inhibits cancer cell division (metabolic rate) and leads to the increased binding of metabolites (e.g. HNE, 4‐hydroxynonenal) to albumin which result from oxidative stress. Within this study, it could additionally be shown that a combined therapy with Doxorubicin and zeolite causes a marked reduction in pulmonary metastasis7. 5.4
Direct interaction of zeolite particles with cells has been identified and described in research8. Cell treatment with zeolite led to the activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) which regulates cellular activities such as gene expression, mitosis, differentiation, proliferation and cell survival/apoptosis9. Important transcription factors such as activator protein 1 and NF‐
kB (nuclear factor kB) were also activated by zeolite intake and the expression of inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL 1α, IL‐6) and tumour necrosis factor α were increased10. It is assumed that NF‐
kB plays an important role in oncology as in research it could be shown that it is important in the regulation of the immune response, cell proliferation and cell death. Thus, via the biological action of zeolite, a control of gene expression has been proven whereby it is possible to influence tumour development. 5.5 CellularEffectsinCancerTreatmentInducedbyActivatedZeolite
In the following studies, the effect of zeolite on a cellular level was examined in relation to cancer, both in vivo and in vitro. Observable influences of zeolites on cancer were varied and ranged from a normalisation of biochemical parameters to the extension of life expectancy and decrease in tumour size. The best results with zeolite were obtained in the treatment of skin cancer in dogs. The addition of activated zeolite to tissue cells influenced both cell proliferation as well as the survival rate of various cancer cell lines (Fig. 2). 7Zarkovic N 8 Tsuda T Lim Y 10 Simeonova P 9
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Date: October 2012 Page: 17 of 30 Figure 2: Immunohistochemical analysis of a tumour suppressor (p27) in HeLa cancer cells (cervical cancinoma). (A) Control, non‐treated HeLa cells, (B) HeLa cells treated with zeolite: treatment with activated zeolite showed an expression of p27 in the cancer cells and thus greater inhibition of these cells. Aluminosilicate particles interact directly with specific cells and modify their intracellular metabolic pathways leading to the regulation of gene expression. Specifically, zeolite inhibited proliferation in a concentration‐dependent induction of cyclin‐dependent kinases, inhibition of protein kinase B (c‐Akt), expression and induction of programmed cell death11. Cyclins are proteins that play an important role in the cell cycle (mitosis) in which improper regulation can lead to cancer development12. Protein kinase B has multiple effects on cell homeostasis and regulates survival, apoptosis, proliferation and metabolism13. In summary, it can be said that using activated zeolite as an anticancer agent, therapy has been successful both in in vivo animal studies and in vitro cell lines14. 11
Pavelic K Galderisi U 13
Manning G 14
Pavelic K 12
Experiments in mice injected with melanoma cells have shown a significant reduction of melanoma metastases through treatment with activated zeolite. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 18 of 30 Because this antimetastatic effect of zeolites depends on the number of tumour cells injected into the mice, a further study was performed at the immunological level. Mice were injected with melanoma cells and then treated with different concentrations of activated zeolite (via intubation). After 28 days of feeding the mice with activated zeolite, an increase in “lipid‐bound sialic acid” (LSA, tumour, and tumour and inflammatory marker), and a reduction in the number of melanoma metastases were detected. The lymphocytes of the lymph nodes of these mice caused a significantly higher allogeneic graft‐versus‐host disease (GVH) in comparison to untreated control mice (Fig. 3). Both studies clearly demonstrate the anti‐metastatic and immuno‐stimulatory effects of zeolite15. Figure 3: Effect of the activated zeolite in the allogeneic graft‐versus‐host disease (GVH). This reaction of the lymph nodes in mice is divided into three groups after both 21 and 28 days: (i) control group – white, (ii) feed supplement of 0.5 g of zeolite – grey, (iii) feed supplement of 1 g of zeolite – black. After 28 days, a significant increase in the GVH could be detected in mice treated with zeolite. Pavelic K
5.7 TreatmentwithActivatedZeoliteShowedSignificantImmuneResponse
The effect of natural zeolite was researched in a study on the immune systems of patients suffering from immune deficiency. The addition of zeolite in a 6 to 8 week course of therapy led Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 19 of 30 to a significant increase in B lymphocytes (CD19+), T helper cells (CD4+) and activated T lymphocytes (HLA‐DR+). Furthermore, a slight increase in the concentration of all T lymphocytes (CD3+) was detected, but at the same time a reduction in the number of NK (natural killer) cells (CD56+) resulted. Along with the laboratory results, the general health and well‐being of patients also improved16. In searching for a general immune and nutritional stimulant to enhance disease resistance in pigs, activated zeolite was added to their feed. Using various methods such as flow cytometry, immunohistology and morphometry, an increase in immune parameters in the blood could be measured. Furthermore, the group that was fed with zeolite was less susceptible to diarrhoea. Specifically, a higher incidence of CD45+ lymphocytes, CD4+ helper T‐lymphocytes and CD21+ B lymphocytes could be measured. T‐lymphocytes and B‐lymphocytes together represent an adaptive immune response. Additionally significantly increased phagocytosis was observed, another important part of the body’s defense mechanism, through which pathogenic microorganisms can be absorbed. Thus it can be concluded that with alternative strategies, such the addition of zeolite, the administration of antibiotics to the feed can be avoided and at the same, decreases in meat production can be reduced17. 16 Ivkovic S 17
Valpotic I 5.8 ZeoliteInfluencestheMicrocellularEnvironmentofCancerCellsat
In a study, the effect of zeolite on the resistance of tumour cells was tested, analysing the activity of key proteins for cell division, stress response and survival. Through the addition of zeolite to the cell medium, it was found that a reduction in the activity of transcription factors, which play a crucial role in the regulation of the immune response, cell proliferation and cell death as well as the rate of apoptosis was increased. Here a positive effect on the micro‐cellular milieu of cancer cells via the adsorptive and ion‐exchange characteristics of the material has been shown18. 5.9 AntioxidantEffectofZeoliteBeneficialinPatientswithMalignancy
Via a DPPH (1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl) test19, the antioxidant properties of activated zeolite could be tested in vitro. After the addition of a radical generator (azo‐compound DPPH), the Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 20 of 30 capacity of zeolite to bind cationic peroxide radicals was tested (Fig. 4). The duration of the so‐
called lag phase (phase delay) depends on the concentration of the antioxidants and the intensity of the oxidative stress. Thus, additional antioxidants can intrinsically extend the lag phase or retard the rate of oxidation. In Figure 4 it can be clearly seen that with increasing concentration of zeolite, the lag phase could also be prolonged. This demonstrates the direct antioxidant effect of activated zeolite20. 18Katic M 19 Cuvelier ME
20Abuja PM Figure 4: Experiments with the free radical generator AAPH showed a prolongation of the lag phase with the addition of zeolite; this can be explained by its antioxidant effect. Experiments involving the detection of lipid peroxidation catalysed by Cu2+ ions have demonstrated an even greater delay in the oxidation lag phase (Fig. 7). The cation‐binding capacity of zeolite is also crucial here. Even low concentrations of zeolite are sufficient to bind with freely available copper. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 21 of 30 Figure 5: Cu2+ ions can lead to the formation of radicals from lipid hydroperoxides, whereby a lipid peroxidation is induced. The addition of activated zeolite to the reaction mixture resulted in the shown experiment in a significant extension of the lag phase. In a study on mice, the effect of micronised zeolite was examined in relation to lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity. To accomplish this, the concentration of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the homogenised liver and the total antioxidant status in the plasma was measured. SOD converts superoxide anions to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen and thus forms an important antioxidant defence for the cell. The addition of zeolite to the feed after 3 weeks could be shown to reduce peroxidation. In parallel, the concentration of SOD enzymes increased21. A study was initiated in healthy individuals and patients with malignancy and the impact of activated zeolite was examined. For this purpose, the total antioxidant status (TAS) was investigated in the body via detection of three enzymes22: (i) SOD, (ii), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR). 21Šverko V 22 Test System von Randox Laboratories Ltd, Crumlin, UK Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 22 of 30 The study showed that activated zeolite compared to other antioxidants has the highest antioxidant activity and therefore is a strong adjuvant in cancer therapy. In particular, through the use of activated zeolite, the proteins p21 and p27 can be activated which can lead to programmed cell death in tumour cells23. p21 and p27 are essential for the control of the cell cycle, as well as such activities as the suppression of the growth of cancer cells. It has been found that cancer patients, through administration of activated zeolite, greatly improved in general condition (Fig. 6). Both healthy patients and those who were seriously ill experienced the positive effects of zeolite on their general well‐being, including easier and more rapid recovery. In patients with malignancy, a greater response to zeolite treatment could be observed, and this correlated with the zeolite dose (2‐12 g, Figure 7). In Figure 8, all three groups (healthy subjects, patients with malignancy and a control group without zeolite treatment) are shown for a comparison with study participants who were treated with a 10 g dose of activated zeolite.
It can be concluded that treatment with zeolite in patients with severe medical conditions will improve quality of life by accelerating and increasing recovery. This could be demonstrated by determining the TAS (Total Antioxidant Status)24. 23Pavelić K 24Ivkovic S Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 23 of 30 Figure 6: Development of the health status of patients with severe disease after the 8 month intake of micronised zeolite. (i)
Above: brain tumour (n = 21) (ii)
Middle: lung cancer (n = 40) (iii)
Below: carcinoma of the digestive tract (n = 53) The diagrams show the arithmetic average of the health status during the 8 month administration of activated zeolite. The light grey graphs represent the logarithm of the variance and function (R) of the values. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 24 of 30 . Figure 7: Measurement of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in patients with malignancy (black) and in healthy individuals (white). Figure 8: Measurement of total antioxidant status (TAS) in patients with malignancy, in healthy subjects treated and not treated with activated zeolite. VI
Below you will find the recommended dosage (gleaned through the years of therapy experience of Dr. Ilse Triebnig MD) of The Medical Device Med PLUS : Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 25 of 30 6.1 ChemotherapyandInducedNeuropathy
In principle, the dose of double activated zeolite depends on the type of chemotherapy and the severity of side effects involved. In the administration of The Medical Device Med PLUS, liver parameters should be evaluated along with possibly occurring health complaints during chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting. It was found that a very early start of treatment with zeolite, induces a more marked effect. The administration in the form of powder or capsules depends on the needs and capabilities of the patient. For example, stomatitis patients benefit more from taking zeolite powder with tea while patients with swallowing difficulties find it to be more pleasant to take capsules. Dosage recommendations of The Medical Device Med PLUS before or after chemotherapy: • Powder – 2 to 3 times daily, 1 scoop (ML) • Capsules – 3 x 2 daily, in elevated liver function tests 3 x 3 capsules daily As a maintenance dose up to 2 years after the completion of chemotherapy, 3 x 1 capsule daily is recommended. Since the risk of recurrence or metastasis after this time is still significant, likewise an on‐going excretion of toxins and at the same time a stimulation of the macrophages, continued administration has been proven to be very useful. In chemotherapy‐induced polyneuropathy, a high dose is recommended: • 3 x 3 to 4 x 3 capsules per day with the additional administration of natural honey • 1 ML powder in the evening Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 26 of 30 6.2 AcuteArthritis,BrainTumours,BrainMetastases
As a therapy for the above‐mentioned diseases, zeolite is recommended, combined with frankincense (boswellic acid), which has a good decongestant effect, especially in case of parallel treatment with cortisone. Dosage recommendations of The Medical Device MED in case of acute arthritis, brain tumours and brain metastases: 
Capsules – 3 x 3 or 2 x 1 ML powder daily 6.3 ZeoliteinCaseofDiarrhoea,ShortBowelSyndrome,Colostomy
In case of diarrhoea or other severe gastrointestinal conditions, activated zeolite has to be taken with the additional administration of probiotics and should not be taken at mealtime. Dosage recommendations of The Medical Device syndrome, colostomy: MED in case of diarrhoea, short bowel • 3 to 6 x 1 ML powder, not to be taken with meals 6.4 SpecificSevereIllnesses
In the table below, dosage recommendations (in general: Basic, Med, Med PLUS) for PMA zeolite clinoptilolite are listed: Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 27 of 30 Disease Zeolite recommended dose External use Skin inflammation apply zeolite powder several times daily Burns with blisters (Grade 2), labial herpes, herpes zos Zeolite powder 2 x daily Gingival inflammation and swelling after surgery, stomatitis rinsing with zeolite suspension in water or sage infusion/applied powder directly to painful area Pustular acne, iatrogenic acne zeolite cream, e.g. lanolin with a 30% proportion of wound care powder, apply thinly Exuding wounds, ulcers apply powder or cream very thinly and when the wound is dry Internal use Digestive problems, gall bladder disease administration of zeolite 2‐3 x 1 capsule / day Lack of energy zeolite 2 x 3 capsules / day Excess stress, acidosis, “burnout”, over‐training in athletes 3 x 3 capsules / day Helicobacter gastritis on an empty stomach for a period of at least 6 weeks, 2 x 3 capsules per day + at night 1 ML of powder dissolved in water, drink in sips Liver disease, liver cirrhosis zeolite powder 2‐3 ML zeolite / day Study Overview – Zeolite
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“A man is more than the sum of his cells and organs. The methods of natural science are lacking in recognising illness and death.”‐ W. Sandritter, 1962 ‐ The present studies show in a wide spectrum the positive effects of treatment with natural zeolite. The Medical Device activated zeolite offers a wide range of subjects as active working mechanisms (antioxidant, ion exchanger, molecular sieve) and can also be utilised for many serious illnesses. Observational studies of activated zeolite in humans have shown not only its immunostimulatory effect but also an improvement in general health and the quality of life. In cancer patients, a supportive effect in chemotherapy and radiation treatment could be achieved through a detoxification of the body. This could ensure a better tolerability of the therapy and thus a prolongation of life compared to the medical prognosis. This can primarily be ascribed to the ion exchange function of zeolite. After the often scarcely tolerable therapy for the patient , zeolite acts like a molecular sponge which binds heavy metals and then eliminates them in a natural way. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity in patients with malignancy provides a great support and a faster regeneration after therapy. In experiments on animals treated with activated zeolite added to the feed, an immuno‐
stimulant and anti‐metastatic effect has been shown to be present. After 10 years of observational studies including more than 2,000 patients and an evaluation of the collected data, it was observed that the general condition, the lab results, the sonographic examination of the liver and the Karnofsky index (scale with the symptom‐related activity limitation, self sufficiency and self determination)25 show a significant difference between patients treated and not treated with activated zeolite. In all cases, the use of activated zeolite has led to improved quality of life, increased tolerance of drugs and reduced damage and side effects after chemotherapy and radiation treatment. In summary, it can be said that the benefits of this natural product are expressed by a significant reduction in side effects in complementary treatment, cancer therapy and palliative care, and thus activated zeolite offers an important support to conventional medicine. Study Overview – Zeolite
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Date: October 2012 Page: 29 of 30 References
All references are stored in Panaceo GmbH database and are available upon request. The following physicians and institutions have participated in zeolite research in collaboration with Panaceo GmbH : Abuja Peter, Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften, Universität Graz Bachl Norbert, Univ.‐Prof. an der Abteilung für Sport‐ und Leistungsphysiologie Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft und Universitätssport, der Universität Wien Hecht Karl, Experimentelle und klinische Physiologie der Charité/Humboldt‐Universität Berlin Knapitsch Christian, Ärztlicher Leiter; Schmölzer Siegfried, Sportwissenschaftler, Sportmedizinische und Sportwissenschaftliche Ordination, Klagenfurt Lautenbacher Lutz‐Michael, Sachverständigenbüro, Analytik und Beratung, München Pavelic Krecimir, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka Thoma Wolfgang, Primar und Ärztlicher Direktor, Facharzt für Innere Medizin Privatklinik Villach Triebnig Ilse, Fachärztin für Chirurgie, Villach Vymazal Kurt, Zertifizierter Sachverständiger, Pharmazeut, metaplus, Wien