Download Simon Leek Unit 14 APUSH Feb 2017 482 Disarmament and Peace

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Simon Leek
Unit 14 APUSH
Feb 2017
482 Disarmament and Peace-​Repub attempts at getting countries to de-arm themselves
● Washington Conference-​attempt at decreasing naval power
○ 5 power treaty-5​US, 5GB, 3Japan, 1.67Fr, 1.67Italy (the ratio of battleships they had to
not go over
○ 4 power treaty-​US, Fr, GB, Japan will not try to take each other’s territory in Pacific
○ 9 power treaty-​(ones from 5 power)+Belgium, China, Netherlands, Portugal agree to
respect Open Door Policy (not mess w/China)
● Kellogg-Briand Pact
○ Led by Jane Addams (Hull House?), women’s movement to outlaw wars
○ Most nations signed pact, which was against nations using force to achieve nationalistic
■ (ineffective bc didn’t mention defensive wars or using force on someone who
violated the agreement)
483 Business and Diplomacy
● LA-​Amer oil comp were worried about Mex taking their resources in the area, treaty was
○ Troops stayed in Nicaragua + Haiti, left DR
○ People invested more in LA in the 20s
● Middle East-​US made moves to take control of some oil wells in the Middle East
● Tariffs-​High tariffs in the 20s helped the US then, but slowed Europe’s recovery from WW1
○ Caused a small tariff war (everyone raises tariffs)
518 Herbert Hoover’s Foreign Policy
● Isolationism
○ US not get involved in foreign affairs
○ Practiced by Herbert Hoover
● Japanese Aggression in Manchuria
○ Japan attacked Manchuria
■ Against LON + against Open Door Policy
■ LON did nothing
● Discredited them
○ 520 Stimson Doctrine
■ US will not recognize the new Manchukuo territory taken
○ Latin America
■ Hoover tried to get on LA best side
FDR’s Policies
● Good-Neighbor Policy
○ Better relations w LA
○ No reason for dollar diplomacy when businesses didn’t have money
○ Pan-American Conferences
■ 1933 US would not intervene in LA
■ Would consult before responding to Eur action
○ Cuba
■ 1934 US nullified Platt Amendment
○ Mexico
■ 1938 Mex took US corp’s oil prop, FDR did not take action and asked for
521 Economic Diplomacy (decisions made for econ reasons)
● 1933 London Econ Conference
○ FDR pulls support from global plan bc he thinks it could get in the way of his recovery
● Recognition of Soviet Union
○ FDR recognized SU to increase trade (and econ) of US
● Philippines
○ Granted Phil. independence by 1946 to cut down on cost
● Reciprocal Trade Agreements
○ 1934 Congress gives pres power to lower tariffs in special cases where the other country
would lower them for US goods too
522 Events Abroad: Fascism
● Italy-​Benito Mussolini took power in Italy by force (w/a large following)
● Germany-​Adolf Hitler anti-Semitic scapegoat platform, takes control of Germany in 1933
● Japan-​Nationalists use force to invade other parts of Asia for resources
American Isolationists
● Revisionist Hist of WW1-​US believed WW1 was a mistake and happened bc of US greed
● 523 Neutrality Acts
○ 1935 Act-​pres can stop arms shipments and stop US citizens from using ships from
nations at war
○ 1936 Act-​US can’t give loans to nations at war
○ 1937 Act-​US can’t ship arms to Spain during their civil war
● Spanish Civil War-​Fascists (Gn. Francisco Franco) vs. republican Loyalists
● America First Committee-​1940 spread an Anti-US involvement in WW2 message
Prelude to War
● Appeasement by Britain and France
○ 1935 Ethiopia-Mussolini used military to take Ethiopia
○ 1938 Rhineland-Hitler defies treaty of Versailles by militarizing the Rhineland
○ 1937 China-Japan attacked China and bombed US’ ​Panay by accident
■ US accepted apology
○ 1938 Sudetenland-Br+Fr meet w/Hitler and agree to let him take the Sudetenland
● 525 US Response-​FDR wanted to take action but Amer isolationist popular feeling overturned
his attempts
● Preparedness-​FDR did convince US to increase arms in case of invasion
From Neutrality to War 1939-1941
● Outbreak of War in Europe
Br+Fr would attack G if G attacked Poland
■ Hoped for Stalin’s support but Stalin+Hitler sign non-aggression pact
● Agree to split poland between them
○ Invasion of Poland-​G invaded Poland, Br+Fr declared war on G (and so also Italy and
Japan, the other Axis Powers)
● Blitzkrieg(lightning war)-​Poland loses to G bc of new tactics of increased plane bombing + v
fast tanks
○ Spring 1940 G attacks Scandinavia and France
■ Denmark+Norway surrender in days
■ France surrenders in a week
Changing U.S. Policy
● Amer opposed Hitler, but many still opposed involvement in War
● 526“Cash and Carry”-​US allowed countries to buy US arms if they used their own ships+paid
in Cash(?)
● Selective Service Act 1940-​Draft + training of new men
● Destroyers-for-bases deal-​FDR wanted to give Britain naval destroyers but could not because of
○ Made a trade to give britain old US destroyers in exchange for getting to build some mil
bases on British caribbean islands
The Election of 1940
● Roosevelt runs again for a third term
● Wendell Willkie​-Republican nominee who mostly just agreed w/FDR but disagreed w/him
running a third time
● Results-FDR wins in 1940
527 Arsenal of Democracy
● 1941 Four Freedoms-​US should lend money to Br because US must defend the countries that
believe in freedom of speech, of religion, from fear, and from want
● Lend-Lease Act-​let britain buy arms on credit (like lending a neighbor a garden hose to put out a
● Atlantic Charter-​w/Churchill, a document of peace objectives post war
● Shoot-on-sight-​FDR ordered US ships to escort Br ships all the way to Iceland, and to attack
German ships
528 Disputes w/Japan
● US econ action-​FDR cut Japan off from US steel, oil, scrap iron and other materials
● Negotiations-​failures at negotiation from both sides
● Pearl Harbor-​surprise attack by Japan on US base in Pacific
○ Partial surprise-​amer people were shocked but gov was not
○ Declaration of War-​US declares war on Japan, and so G and Italy declare war on US
WW2: The Home Front
● Industrial Production​-1942 War Production Board est in US to make war stuff
○ Office of War Mobilization (set priorities + control of materials used for weapons)
○ US ind finally had enough demand again to produce a lot
■ Incredibly huge ind + very efficient
○ 530 Wages prices and rationing
■ Office of Price Admin regulated prices and rationed commodities
○ Unions-​agreed on no strikes, but did a few strikes because of frozen wages from comp
■ Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act of 1943 gave gov power to take control of a
business necessary for the war effort if threatened by a strike
○ Financing the War
■ Increased income tax
■ Selling war bonds
The War’s impact on Society
● African Americans-​a lot of AA left the south for N or W during war
○ A lot fought in the war as well
■ “Double V” (victory abroad and victor at home over equality)
○ NAACP grew
● Mexican Amer-​large migration from Mex, race war in LA after influx of Mex
● Native Amer-​>half NA did not come back to reservation after leaving to aid US in WW2
● Japanese Amer-​suspected bc of nationality
○ West coast Japanese put in internment camps (upheld by SC)
● Women-​took vacant pos that had been filled by men
○ Helped w/war effort
● Propaganda-​was all over US, Office of War Info tailored media to inspire pro-war views
532 The Election of 1944
● FDR ran again (w/Truman as VP) vs Thomas Dewey
○ FDR won his 4th election (died w/in 3 months)
World War 2: The Battlefronts
● Fighting Germany(major victory was Stalingrad)
○ Defense at sea attacks by air-​Br+US want to be beating German subs and start bombing
German cities
■ “Battle of the Atlantic”-naval warfare in WW2
○ N Africa to Italy-​allied forces driving back germany from N Afr + Mediterranean
■ Took N Africa in 1943
■ Took Italy by May 1945
● D Day => Victory in Eur
○ Biggest sea invasion ever, allied forces came into France and pushed back Germans until
France was liberated and eventually of Europe
○ German surrender + Holocaust
■ Hitler kills himself, Nazi armies surrender w/in a week
■ US troops discover jewish genocide the Germans had been committed
Fighting Japan
● Japan doing well in war against US, gaining control of large parts of E Asia
● Turning point 1942-​Battle of the Coral Sea stopped Japanese invasion of Aus
○ Battle of Midway US took down 4 carriers and 300 planes
534 Island-hopping-​US moved closer towards Japan by taking strategic islands to corner Japan
Major battles-​Battle of Leyte Gulf 1944 US destroyed Japanese navy, Japan used kamikaze
○ Battle of Okinawa Japan used kamikaze again but ultimately US gained control of
● Atomic bombs-​Truman told Japan to surrender or face destruction
○ Drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, devastating effects on Japan
● Japan surrenders-​Agreed to surrender to US if US would allow emperor to retain fake power
Wartime Conferences
● 535 Casablanca-​FDR+Churchill decide to invade Sicily and to go for unconditional surrender
from Axis powers
● Teheran-​Big Three decide Br + Amer to invade france while Soviets invade Germany and enter
into war w/Japan to help US
● Yalta Conference
○ Germany divided into occupation zones
○ Free elections in soviet bloc countries
○ Soviets needed to enter war w/Japan
○ Soviets get control of some pacific terr + part of Manchuria
○ United Nations would be formed later
Death of FDR-​FDR died suddenly, shocked the nation, directly after Yalta conference
Potsdam-​Truman, new Br PM, Stalin agree to tell Japan to surrender and hold war-crime trials for Nazis
The War’s Legacy
● 536 Costs-​Very large loss of human life, very large war debt to pay off
● UN-​US willing to enter United Nations, charter drafted and ratified by Oct 1945
● Expectations-​people believed the now top dog US would have a peaceful and prosperous future