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Copyright 0 1983 by the Genetics Society of America
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Manuscript received August 3,1981
Revised copy accepted February 23,1983
Phenethyl alcohol inhibits the growth of many microorganisms. It is believed
that the growth inhibition is mediated by its effect on the cell membrane.
Differences between sensitive and resistant strains are suggested to be due to
alterations in membrane structure. We report that, in some strains, an unexpected relationship exists between auxotrophy for tryptophan, tyrosine and
phenylalanine and sensitivity to phenethyl alcohol.
testing several of our strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the
ability to grow on media containing phenethyl alcohol (PEA;
we observed that all of our trp5 mutants (tryptophan synthetase deficient) were
sensitive to PEA. This observation was surprising since to our knowledge no
previous studies of the effects of PEA had shown any correlation between the
biosynthesis of tryptophan and resistance to PEA, PEA is a growth inhibitor of
many microorganisms (LESTER1965; YURA and WADA1968; TAKAHASHI
et al. 1976) and has been postulated to primarily affect the cytoplasmic
and WENDT1967). Strains resistant to PEA have been
membrane (SILVER
reported in Escherichia coli (YURAand WADA1968; WADAand YURA1974) and
in S . cerevisiae (TAKAHASHI
1972). In E. coli (YURAand WADA1968), a comparison of PEA-resistant and -sensitive strains showed a difference in permeability
for potassium ions between the strains, and it was suggested that an alteration
in membrane structure was responsible for the difference between resistant and
sensitive strains.
In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of sensitive
mutants from resistant strains and of resistant mutants from sensitive strains of
S. cerevisiae. We have found that many genes, including those required for
aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, are involved in the expression of the wildtype level of resistance to PEA.
Strains: The four principal strains of S . cerevisiae used in this study are: X2180-1A (a gal2),
X2180-1B (a go&), XP300-26C (a thr4 his6 lysl ga12) and XP300-29B (a trp5-18 ade2-1 his6 lysl gal2).
Current address: Cetus Corporation, 600 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, California 94710.
Genetics 1Q4:235-240 June, 1983.
Media: The following standard culture media were used in these experiments.
YEPAD: Difco yeast extract, 10 g/liter, Difco Bacto-Peptone, 20 g/liter; dextrose, 20 g/liter;
adenine, 80 mg/liter; agar, 20 g/liter.
MV (minimal + vitamins): Difco yeast nitrogen base without amino acids and ammonium sulfate,
1.45 g/liter; ammonium sulfate, 5.2 @liter; dextrose, 20 g/liter; agar, 20 &liter (after WICKERHAM
1946). For some experiments MV was supplemented as follows: adenine (ade), 30 mg/liter; Lhistidine (his), 20 mg/liter; L-lysine (lys), 40 mg/liter; L-phenylalanine (phe),50 mg/liter; L-threonine
(thr), 150 mg/liter; L-tryptophan (trp), 30 mg/liter; or L-tyrosine (tyr) 20 mg/liter.
MB (minimal + biotin): dextrose 20 @liter; agar, 20 &liter; ammonium sulfate, 5 g/liter; potassium
phosphate monobasic, 1g/liter; magnesium sulfate, 0.5 g/liter; sodium chloride, 0.1 g/liter; calcium
chloride, 0.1 g/liter; biotin, 20 mg/liter, boric acid, 500 pg/liter; copper sulfate, 40&liter; manganese
sulfate, 400 pg/liter; molybdic acid, sodium salt, 200 pg/liter; and zinc sulfate, 400 pg/liter.
Unless stated otherwise, phenethyl alcohol (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, New York) was added
to the media at a concentration of 0.3% (v/v). Indole was added to the media at a concentration of
10 mg/liter.
Genetic methods: All mutants were isolated by plating appropriately diluted samples of yeast
cells on agar medium, irradiating with ultraviolet radiation from a 15-watt GE germicical lamp for
17 s at a distance of 26 cm and, after 2 days of growth, replica plating to an appropriate test medium.
Complementation was scored by a test employing replica plating. Cultures were mixed on
YEPAD, incubated overnight to permit mating, and then replica plated to the appropriate test
Association of sensitivity to PEA with a requirement for tryptophan: An
examination of the ability of four of our strains to grow in the presence of
various concentrations of PEA (Table 1)yielded results similar to those reported
(1972). Although none of the strains could grow on a medium
with 0.4% PEA, XP300-29B was more sensitive than the rest in that it could not
grow at 0.3% PEA. We examined the segregation of sensitivity (no growth at
0.3% PEA) and resistance (growth at 0.3%PEA) in spores from tetrads previously
isolated from crosses of XP300-29B with XP300-26C or with strains related to
XP300-26C and observed a 2 2 segregation pattern indicative of a single nuclear
gene. In all of the tetrads, sensitivity to PEA segregated with the trp5-18 allele
(PD = 173, NPD = 0, TT = 0). We then tested 47 independent trp5 mutants
which had previously been isolated from X2180-1A, X2180-1B or strains isogenic
to these two strains for their sensitivity to PEA. All of the trp5 mutants, in
contrast to their parent strains, were sensitive to PEA. Therefore, sensitivity to
PEA can be correlated with mutations at the TRP5 locus. Examination of five
Effect of PEA on growth of several yeast strains
Growth in presence of various concentrations of PEA
other mutants that had been isolated from X2180-1A or X2180-1B, representing
the other four TRP loci, showed that they were also sensitive to PEA. Complementation tests showed that both sensitivity to PEA and auxotrophy for
tryptophan are expressed as recessive traits.
The TRP5 gene contains the genetic information for an enzyme that catalyzes
the last three reactions in the production of tryptophan. Strains containing
mutations in any of the genes coding for earlier steps in the tryptophan
biosynthetic pathway (TRPI-TRP4) and those trp5 mutants that can still convert
indole plus L-serine to L-tryptophan are able to grow on minimal medium if it is
supplemented with indole. We, therefore, examined the trp mutants to see
whether the sensitive strains could be made resistant to PEA by the addition of
indole to the medium. We found that, if a mutant could utilize indole to make
tryptophan, it could grow in the presence of 0.3% PEA when indole was also
present in the medium. The presence of tryptophan in the media in concentrations up to 90 mg/liter did not alter the sensitivity of trp mutants to PEA even
when proline replaced ammonium sulfate as the sole nitrogen source; under
these conditions, the general amino acid permease is not repressed (GRENSON,
To determine whether other genes besides those required for tryptophan
biosynthesis are needed for expression of resistance to PEA, we isolated from
the PEA-resistant strain XP300-26C two classes of mutant strains. First, since
tryptophan biosynthesis shares several common steps with phenylalanine and
tyrosine biosynthesis, we wanted to determine whether only those steps necessary for the production of tryptophan were essential for resistance to PEA or
whether the genes required for tyrosine or phenylalanine were also involved.
Second, to determine whether other genes besides those required for aromatic
amino acid biosynthesis might be involved, we isolated mutants based on their
sensitivity to PEA.
Isolation of aro mutants: Twenty-five mutants unable to make one or more of
the aromatic amino acids (aro mutants) were isolated. Their specific requirements were determined by replica plating to MV supplemented with various
combinations of amino acids. The ability of these mutants to grow on media
containing PEA or PEA plus indole was also determined. These results show
that a mutation in any of the genes for aromatic amino acid biosynthesis can
make a strain sensitive to PEA. Further, the ability to make a sensitive strain
resistant by the addition of indole to the medium was confined solely to certain
mutants that require only tryptophan. Complementation analysis of these aro
mutants with strains obtained from the yeast Genetics Stock Center (Berkeley,
California) showed that our mutants contained mutations in AROI, AR02,
AR07, TRP3 or TRP5.
Isolation of mutants sensitive to PEA: We isolated 19 mutants that were
unable to grow on medium with 0.3% PEA and determined their growth
requirements (Table 2). In addition to aro mutants, we found that 13 of the
mutants had no new auxotrophic requirement since they grew on MV + lys +
his + thr. Since these 13 mutants could have mutations in one or more of the
aro genes affecting only the gene product’s response to PEA while leaving its
PEA-sensitive mutants isolated from XP300-26C"
No. of mutants
New requirement
tyr and phe
trp, tyr, and phe
Nineteen mutants were identified among 2.35 X lo4 surviving cells that formed colonies (55.3%
One of these mutants will grow on a medium containing PEA and indole.
biosynthetic function intact, we crossed each of these 13 mutants with strains
containing mutations in TRPI, TRP2, TRP3, TRP4, TRP5, AROZ, AR02, AR07
or TYRI. All of the resulting diploids were tested for their growth response to
PEA. Whereas all of the haploid strains were sensitive, all of the diploids were
resistant to PEA. Therefore, we conclude that these 1 3 mutants represent
additional genes distinct from those required for aromatic amino acid biosynthesis. These complementation results also indicate that in all of these strains
sensitivity to PEA is recessive to resistance.
Chorismic acid, in addition to being the central metabolite in the pathway of
aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, is the branch point for biosynthesis of paminobenzoic acid, vitamin K and ubiquinone. To determine whether any of
the 13 mutants that grew on MV + his + lys thr required one or more of the
vitamins normally supplied in MV, we examined the ability of these mutants to
grow on MB + his + lys + thr, a minimal medium supplemented with biotin.
Twelve of the 13 mutants grew on MB. Preliminary studies with the one strain
that did not grow on MB indicate that it probably requires two or more of the
vitamins normally supplied by MV (calcium pantothenate, folic acid, inositol,
niacin, riboflavin, p-aminobenzoic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride and thiamine
hydrochloride). Whether the sensitivity to PEA and the new multiple vitamin
requirements are due to mutation of a single gene or represent two independent
mutations has not been determined.
To determine the number of additional genes represented by these 13 mutants,
we crossed them with strains of a mating type, sporulated the diploids and
isolated a strains containing the mutation of PEA sensitivity. Nine of the
mutations were successfully crossed into a strains, but we were not able to
isolate a strains for four mutants due to problems with poor sporulation and
poor spore viability. Complementation tests were made between the nine a
PEA-sensitive strains and the 13 mutants. Every diploid combination, except
those in which the diploid was formed between an a strain and its corresponding
a mutant, was able to grow on YEPAD + PEA. Therefore, there are at least ten
complementation groups represented by these 13 mutants. TAKAHASHI
has identified one gene conferring resistance to PEA (PEAZ); this allele has
personal communication). Since PEA1 has been
since been lost (T. TAKAHASHI,
mapped on chromosome 111distal to THR4 and none of our mutants map in this
region, we will designate the wild-type resistant alleles in our strains PEA2 to
Isolation of PEA-resistant mutants from a sensitive strain: To determine
whether a sensitive strain could be made resistant by additional mutations,
other than back mutations, we isolated 23 PEA-resistant strains from XP30029B. Among the 23 strains, we found that ten still required tryptophan. The
change from PEA sensitive to PEA resistant in these ten mutants has resulted
from a recessive mutation in one gene. Complementation tests were made
between these ten mutants and an (Y trp5 strain. In all cases the diploids were
sensitive to PEA, indicating that the mutation for resistance carried in these ten
mutants is expressed as a recessive trait. Three of the ten resistant strains were
crossed with XP300-26C and sporulated, and asci were dissected. The new
mutations conferring resistance to PEA segregated as a single gene and showed
no linkage to the trp5-18 marker. Two a strains containing the PEA-resistant
allele and the trp5-18 allele were used for complementation tests with the ten
mutants. All of the diploids were resistant to PEA. We tested these PEAresistant mutants to determine whether they might be resistant to a higher
concentration of PEA than the other resistant strains but found that they also
grew on media with 0.3% but not 0.4% PEA.
To determine whether this mutant allele suppresses PEA sensitivity only for
this trp5 mutation or whether its suppression is more general in action, we
crossed a strain containing the sensitivity suppressor with six PEA-sensitive
strains. The diploids were sporulated, asci were dissected, and the spores were
tested. The suppressor was found to suppress PEA sensitivity of a different
trp5 allele and also a trp3 mutation. It did not suppress a tyrl mutation nor
three of the PEA-sensitive mutations that had no new auxotrophic requirement
(pea2, pea3 and pea4).
All of the yeast strains used in our study are, in a strict sense, sensitive to
PEA, since none of them can grow on media containing 0.4% PEA. However, if
we examine the growth of our strains on media containing 0.3% PEA, we can
operationally divide them into two groups, resistant and sensitive. The 13 PEAsensitive mutants we isolated that had no new auxotrophic requirement are not
surprising. These mutants may have altered cell membranes or membrane
proteins and be similar to some mutants isolated in E. coli. What was surprising
was finding that a relationship existed between auxotrophy for tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan and sensitivity to PEA. This sensitivity was not
reversed by the presence of these amino acids in the media, but the sensitivity
of certain trp mutants could be reversed by the addition of indole to the medium.
Also, a recessive suppressor mutation was isolated that made the trp mutants
resistant to PEA while having no effect on other mutants. At this point we are
unable to speculate on the mechanism by which aro mutants are made sensitive
to the effect of PEA.
This research was supported by grant GM-19175 awarded by the Public Health Service.
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Corresponding editor: E. JONES