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ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
CR : Juliette Phélip
10 pages
Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
Plan :
Chapter 3 : Staff and tools
A. Equipment
B. Containers
C. Types of medications
D. The patient's room
E. Surgery
F. Equipment in theatre
G. Places in hospital
H. People in the hospital
Chapter 2 : The passive
A. The preposition sticks to the verb
B. Have something done (causatif)
Chapter1 : The Medic's survival kit
A. What is the scientific name of these diseases ?
B. Can you make out singular from plural words of Latin or Greek origin ?
C. What are the adjectives for the following names ?
D. Suffixes and meaning
E. Give the name for...
Chapter 3 : Staff (personnel) and tools (instruments)
A. Equipment
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
Scissors : ciseaux (4)
Needle : aiguille (3)
Forceps : ciseaux a bout incurve (10)
Thermometer (14)
Examination light (19)
Catheter (9)
Scalpel (2)
Medicine pot : pot de medicaments (5)
Weighing scales : pese-personne (12)
Cotton wool : bande de coton/ouate (17)
Vaginal speculum (15)
Tourniquet : garrot (6)
Tongue depressor : abaisse langue (1)
Latex gloves : gants en latex (18)
Syringe : seringue (7)
Adhesive tape : ruban adhesif (13)
Kidney dish : haricot (20)
Intravenous canula (8)
Stethoscope (11)
Dressing pack : pansements (16)
B. Containers
Les mots suivants indiquent la matiere du contenant : Jar : en porcelaine / Tin : en metal / Box : carton
1. A tube of ointment (pommade)
8. A packet of gauze swabs (compresses)
2. A jar of cream
9. A roll (rouleau) of tape (bande)
3. A bottle of solution
10. A soap dispenser (distributeur de savon)
4. A box of plasters (pansements)
11. A bar of soap (une barre de savon)
5. A vial (fiole) of glucagen injection
12. A bag of cotton wool (ouate)
6. An ampoule of vaccine
13. A cartridge (cartouche) of insulin
7. A tin (boite) of lozenges (pastilles pour la gorge)
14. A sachet of crystals (ampoules)
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
C. Types of medications
1. Caspules (gelules)
2. Injection / shot (seringue)
3. Ointment
4. Paste
5. Suppository (suppositoire)
6. Powder (poudre)
7. Solution
8. Spray
9. Pessary (ovules)
10. Syrup
11. Tablets (gelules)
12. Inhaler (inhalateur pour la ventoline par exemple)
Ointments are greasier than creams and have a thicker texture. This makes them adhere to the affected area
longer. Creams are more acceptable cosmetically and tend to be used on the face as they are less visible. Pastes
are stiffer preparations which contain more powdered solids. Lotions are liquid and used in areas such as the
scalp where an ointment or cream would adhere to the hair.
Les pommades sont plus grasses que les cremes et ont une texture plus epaisse. Cela leur permet d'adherer a la
zone la plus touchee. Les cremes sont plus acceptees dans les cosmetiques et ont tendance a etre utilisees sur le
visage comme elles sont moins visibles. Les pates sont des preparations plus compliquees qui contiennent plus
de solides en poudre. Les lotions sont liquides et utilisees sur le cuir chevelu ou une pommade ou une creme
adhererait aux cheveux.
D. The patient's room
Ward : service hospitalier, chambre du malade
1. For flowers : vase
2. The patient uses it to call the nurse : the call
button (bouton d'appel)
3. For identification, is worn by patients around
their wrist : the name band (bracelet
4. To rest one's head on : the pillow (l'oreiller)
5. Wash your hands here : the bassin (lavabo)
6. A mechanical device for lifting loads and
people : the hoist (monte charge)
7. This covers the bed to keep off the dust : the
bedspread (couvre-lit)
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
8. A patient confined to bed will have to use this to urinate and defecate : the bedpan (bassin hygienique)
9. A narrow bed for transporting patients : the trolley (lit sur roulettes)
10. Two of these are straightened regularly and washed every few days : sheets (draps)
11. Drawn around a patient's bed to provide some privacy : the curtain (rideau)
12. Meals are brought on this : the tray (plateau)
13. They keep the patient warm : the blanket (couverture)
14. Male patients use this to urinate if they can't get up from bed : the urine bottle
15. Suspended above the bed, it can used by patients to pull themselves up : the monkey pole (poignee au
dessus du lit)
16. Patients lie on this. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's soft : the mattress ( matelas)
17. It supplies (fournir) oxygen : oxygen point
18. A patient with a broken leg will need 2 of these to walk around : the crutch(es) (bequilles)
19. Patients can be transported in one of this : wheel chair (fauteuil roulant)
20. Intravenous fluid bags are suspended on this : the drip stand (pied de perf / potence )
21. The patient's condition is recorded here : the observations/temperature chart (grille d'observation, de
E. Surgery
Vocabulary :
- general anaesthetic, local anaesthetic, anaesthetist, to anaesthetize
- surgery, heart surgery, major surgery, exploratory surgery, surgeon, heart surgeon
- surgical gloves, surgical instruments
- operate, operation, operating table, operating theatre
- consultant, A and E department (CR : = Accident and Emmergency department), ambulance, accident,
scalpel, incision, scrub up
« Surgery » peut avoir 3 sens :
« subject of surgery » (la Chirurgie) ;
« operation »
« consulting room » (cabinet medical)
1. Special room in a hospital where surgeons carry out operations : operating theatre.
2. The patient was taken to hospital in an ambulance and underwent an operation. (underwent = undergo
au preterit)
3. Department in a hospital which deals with accident and emergency cases : A and E department.
4. Surgical operations involving important organs in the body : major surgery.
5. Doctor who specializes in surgery : surgeon.
6. Substance which removes the feeling in a certain part of the body only : local anaesthetic.
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
7. Senior specialized doctor in a hospital : consultant (chef de service).
8. Surgical operation to remedy a condition of the heart : heart surgery.
9. To wash hands and arms carefully before and operation : to scrub up. (to scrub = recurer)
10. Surgical operation or the act of cutting open a patient's body : surgery.
To carry out / perform an operation : realiser/effectuer une operation
F. Equipment in theatre :
1. This equipment keeps the patient breathing during surgery → the respirator.
2. This allows the surgeon to move the lights easily into position → the swivel arm (bras pivotant)
3. This shows the anaesthetist the quantity of nitrous oxide or oxygen which is being given → the flow
meter (debitmetre)
4. The operating table has no legs. It stands on a … → pedestral
5. These are placed over wounds at the end of the operation → dressing material (materiel de pansement)
6. Equipment is put in this to remove all germs → sterilizer
7. Sterile instrument are placed and carried in this → tray (plateau)
8. This equipment monitors heart activity → electrocardiograph
9. These are attached to the patient's body to pick up heart activity → electrodes
10. These are worn by surgeons and nurses in theatre → theatre gowns
11. This is inserted to drain urine from the bladder → catheter
12. The patient and trolleys in theatre are covered in sterile... → drapes
13. The … nurse provides instruments for the surgeon and assists when necessary during an operation →
14. This equipment is used to draw off any blood and body fluids during surgery → suction
15. These instrument hold open the site of operation during surgery → retractors (ecarteurs)
G. Places in hospital
1. All medical files, letters and reports : Medical Records (dossier medical, to record : archiver)
2. Women having babies : Labour Ward (salle de travail, salle d'accouchement)
3. Where surgery is being performed : Operating theatre (bloc operatoire)
4. Patients right after undergoing surgery : Recovery area (salle de reveil)
5. Seriously ill people receiving specialist nursing : Intensive care (soins intensifs, la rea)
6. On a stretcher after a crash : Accident and emergency (les urgences)
7. People who have had a heart attack : Coronary care unit
8. Specimens being analysed : Laboratory
9. Nurses going from one room to the next : Corridor (le couloir)
10. Drugs being dispensed : Pharmacy
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
11. Stored blood : Blood bank
12. Staff and visitors eating : Canteen
13. People that have recently died : Mortuary (morgue)
14. Patients being moved from floors : Lift (ascenseur) or Hoist (monte charge)
15. Elderly patients : Geriatric ward
H. People in the hospital
Speech therapists (orthophonistes) - assist patients who have difficulties speaking
Porters (brancardiers a l'hopital, appariteur a la fac, concierge dans un immeuble) - move patients on beds,
trolleys and wheelchairs
Chiropodists (podologue) - look after people’s feet
Dieticians - work out special meals and give advice on the most appropriate food
Pharmacists - are responsible for, prepare and dispense medicine
Paediatricians (Pediatres) - specialized in children
Consultants (Specialiste ou chef de clinique selon le contexte) - senior medical people who give expert advice
and are responsible for final decision-making
Physiotherapists (Kines) - give massage and exercise to restore specific bodily functions
Plastic surgeons (chirurgiens plasticiens) - operate on patients to repair skin damage or improve a patient’s
Laboratory officers - work in the departments which are responsible for specimens
Department head (chef de service) - are responsible for running and organizing a ward or department
Social workers - work together with medical personnel in hospital and try to deal with a patient’s problems at
Laundry staff (personnel de blanchisserie) - clean and organize bed linen
General practitioners, « GP » (generaliste) - refer their patients to hospital to see a specialist or to receive
specialist care
Occupational therapist (ergotherapeutes) - work in rehabilitation and assist people who are recovering from
or suffering from illness
Radiographers (manipulateur radio) - operate equipment in the X-ray department
CHAPTER 2 : Passive
A. The preposition sticks to the verb.
Dans ce cas la, il faut garder la préposition avec le verbe. Le verbe et sa préposition sont inséparables.
Exemples :
They laugh at you → You will be laughed at you.
Nobody had slept in this bed for ages → This bed hadn't been slept in for ages.
Speak only when somebody speaks to you → Speak only when you are spoken to.
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
Practice :
1. Somebody broke into Jane's flat last week-end.
Jane's flat was broken into last week-end.
2. They'll operate on the child next week-end
The child will be operated on next week-end
3. They had sent for the doctor
The doctor had been sent for.
4. No-one has drunk out of this glass
This glass hasn't been drunk out of.
5. Nobody spoke to me like that.
I was never spoken to like that.
6. They showed him round the factory.
He was shown round the factory.
B. HAVE something DONE, causatif
On utilise « have something done » si quelqu'un est la pour nous faire quelque chose, ou bien pour parler de
quelque chose qui est arrivé a quelqu'un, souvent quelque chose de déplaisant.
Practice :
1. Jane asked someone to paint her door red.
Jane had her door painted red.
4. Gloria's driving licence was taken away for
Gloria had her driving licence taken away.
2. They'll ask someone to clean their carpets.
They'll have their carpets cleaned.
3. Paul's flat was burgled while he was away.
5. Our phone was cut off because we didn't pay the
We had our phone cut off.
Paul had his flat burgled.
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
C. Exercises
• Write sentences in the way shown
1. Lida didn't repair the roof herself. → She had it repaired.
2. I didn't cut my hair myself. → I had it cut.
3. They didn't paint the house themselves. → They had it painted.
4. John didn't build that wall himself. → He had it built.
5. I didn't deliver the flowers myself. → I had them delivered.
• Use the words in brackets (entre parentheses) to complete the sentences
1. We [the house / paint] painted at the moment. Answer : [are having the house]
2. I lost my key. I'll have to [another key / make] . → [have another key made]
3. When was the last time you [your haid / cut] ? → [had your hair cut]
4. [You / a newspaper / deliver] to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one ? → [Do you have
a newspaper delivered]
5. A : What are those workmen doing in you garden ?
B : Oh, we [a garage / build]. → [are having a garage built]
6. A : Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday ?
B : I'm afraid I [not / the film / develop] yet. → [haven't had the film developed]
7. This coat is dirty. I must [it / clean]. → [have it cleaned]
8. If you want to wear earrings, why don't you [your ears / pierce] ? → [have your ears pierced]
9. A : I heard your computer wasn't working.
B : That's right, but it's OK now. I [it / repair]. → [had it repaired]
In these items, use “ have something done” with its second meaning :
10. Gary was in fight last night. He [his nose / break]. → [had his nose broken]
11. Did I tell you about Jane ? She [her handbag / steal] last week. → [had her handbag stolen]
12. Did you hear about Pete ? He [his car / vandalise] a few nights ago. → [had his car vandalised]
• Enonces au passif, traduisez en francais
1. He is said to work hard. → On dit de lui qu'il travaille dur.
2. He was told to work hard. → On lui a dit de travailler dur.
3. He was said to have made an important discovery. → On dit de lui qu'il a fait une importante
4. He was told to take his temperature. → On lui a dit de prendre sa temperature.
→ Said : on dit de ...
→ Told : on impose quelque chose.
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
• Traduisez en anglais avec un passif dans chaque phrase
Méthode : Chercher le vocabulaire → Réfléchir a la grammaire → Réfléchir a la conjugaison
1. La cicatrice se voit encore. The scar can still be seen. (Avec des verbes qui indiquent la perception on utilise
« can ».)
2. Ils etaient en train de faire construire. They were having built.
3. Est ce qu'on s'occupe de vous ? Are you being attended ? / Are you being cared for ?
4. Enseigne-t-on l'anglais dans votre faculte ? Is english being taught in your college ?
5. Quand lui dira-t-on la verite ? When will he be told the truth ?
6. Pourquoi ne lui a-t-on rien demande ? Why wasn't he asked anything ? On met anything et pas nothing car
il ne faut pas qu'il y ait deux éléments négatifs dans la même phrase.
CHAPTER 1 : The Medic's Survival Kit (Medic = toubib)
A. What is the scientific name of these diseases ?
a cold → coryza (rhume)
flu → influenza (grippe)
chicken pox → varicella
hay fever → rhinitis (rhume des foins)
measles → rubeola (rougeole)
German measles → rubella (rubéole)
mumps → parotitis (oreillons)
whooping cough → pertussis (coqueluche)
B. Can you make out singular from plural, words of Latin or Greek origin ?
ANGLAIS - Staff and tools – The passive – Medic's survival kit
C. What are the adjective for the following names ?
Brain → cerebral
Back → posterior part
Front → anterior part
Heart → cardiac
Liver → hepatic
Lymph node → glandular
Spleen → splenic
Stomach → gastric
Skull → cranial
All these adjectives are derived from the latin.
D. Suffixes and Meaning
E. Give the name for
1. Ablation des amygdales : tonsillectomy
2. Fear of spiders : arachnophobia
3. Study the heart : cardiology
4. Inflammation of the colon : colitis
5. A deficiency of red blood cells : anemia
6. A cancer affecting muscle and bone : sarcoma
7. Branch of surgery concerned with bone repair or bone grafting : osteoplasty