Download Quadrilaterals - Pacoima Charter School

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Related Standard of Learning
Students explore characteristics of triangles and quadrilaterals and
discover the sum of the measures of the angles of triangles and
The student will identify the sum of the measures of the angles of any triangle or quadrilateral.
Materials needed
A copy of the “Quadrilaterals” worksheet for each student
Instructional activity
1. Review the proper procedure for measuring angles.
2. Have students draw any type of triangle. Ask students to measure the interior angles of their triangle
and to determine the sum. (180)
3. Allow students to share their results, leading them to understand that the sum of the angles of any
triangle is 180.
4. Draw a picture of a square on the board or overhead. Ask students to identify the shape.
5. Demonstrate to students how to divide the square into two triangles.
6. Ask students whether they could use what they know about the sum of the angles of a triangle to figure
out the sum of the angles of a square. Allow students to share their ideas, leading them to realize that
the sum of the angles of a square is 360.
7. Ask students to predict if all quadrilaterals would have the same angles sum. Have students write their
predictions along with an explanation.
8. Distribute the “Quadrilaterals” worksheet. to students, and have them identify each shape based on its
9. Explain to students they will use the sheet to find the measures of the angles.
10. Allow students to work with a partner to complete the worksheet.
11. Once the worksheet is completed, have students revisit their predictions to determine if they were
12. Allow students to share their results.
13. Have students complete a journal entry on quadrilaterals, including types, descriptions of each type, and
finding the sum of the measures of the angles of a quadrilateral. Ask them to include in their entry an
easy way to always remember that the sum of the measures of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360.
Sample assessment
Informally assess students as they complete the activity.
Use the journal entry as a formal assessment.
Divide each quadrilateral into triangles and determine the sum of the measures of the angles of each
quadrilateral. Record the results on the space provided.
Name of quadrilateral: _____________
Sum of measures of angles: _________
Name of quadrilateral: _____________
Sum of measures of angles: _________
Name of quadrilateral: _____________
Sum of measures of angles: _________
Name of quadrilateral: _____________
Sum of measures of angles: _________
Name of quadrilateral: _____________
Sum of measures of angles: _________