Download 1914-1918 Militarism Germany becomes aggressive Seven Weeks

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ƒ Militarism
ƒ Germany becomes aggressive
ƒ Seven Weeks War (1866)
ƒ Prussia defeats Austria to dominate Germanic
St t
ƒ Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871)
ƒ Germanic states unite under King Wilhelm I
and his Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck
ƒ Germany easily defeats Napoleon III and
ƒ Buildup of Armies and Navies by all of Europe
ƒ French conscription increased to a 3 year
commitment from 2
ƒ Creation of War Colleges all over Europe
ƒ Increased
d sizes
off artillery
ƒ “Big Bertha”
ƒ Shot a 1800lbs shell
ƒ German and British Naval buildup
ƒ 69 new “dreadnaughts” built in ten years before
ƒ Alliance system
ƒ Triple Alliance (central powers 1882)
ƒ Austria-Hungary
ƒ Germany
ƒ Italy (left in 1915)
ƒ Ottoman Empire
ƒ Triple entente (allies 1907)
ƒ France
ƒ Great Britain
ƒ Russia
ƒ United States (1917)
ƒ Imperialism
ƒ Conflict over African colonies
ƒ Berlin Conference of 1884
ƒ Nationalism
ƒ Creation of Italy
ƒ Victor Emmanuel is proclaimed monarch 1861
ƒ Creation of Germany
ƒ Under Prussian leadership in 1871
ƒ Wilhelm II leader during WWI
ƒ Breakup of Ottoman Empire
ƒ Egypt independence in 1801
ƒ Greek independence in 1832
ƒ Syrian independence in 1840
ƒ Pan-Slavic movement in 1878
ƒ Breakup of Austria-Hungary
ƒ Lost control over Italy 1861
ƒ Lost Seven Weeks War 1866
ƒ Dual Monarchy in 1867
ƒ Formation of Triple Alliance
ƒ Serbian Nationalism
ƒ Part of Pan-Slavic Movement to break away from
Ottoman Empire
ƒ Assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand
ƒ killed by Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip while on a
formal visit to Sarajevo. Princip shot Ferdinand at
point blank range while the Arch-Duke was travelling
in his car
ƒ Princip was a part of Black Hand
ƒ The main objective of the Black Hand was the creation, by
means of violence, of a Greater Serbia
ƒ Schlieffen Plan
ƒ plan of the Germans to attack France quickly so they
could focus on the Russians
ƒ Aug. 1914 Germany invades Belgium to get to France
ƒ Aug. 1914 Tannenberg Forrest
ƒ Destruction of an entire Russian army
ƒ Sep. 1914 1st Battle of the Marne
ƒ Will establish first trench lines around Paris and
ƒ Ends any chance of a quick victory for the Germans
ƒ Oct. 1914 1st Battle of Ypres
ƒ British kept Germany away from Dutch naval ports
ƒ Creation of another line of trench warfare
ƒ Feb. 1915 Opening
g of Gallipoli
p Front
ƒ Plan created by 1st Lord of the Admiralty Winston
ƒ British invasion of Turkey
ƒ Apr. 1915 2nd Battle of Ypres
ƒ First use of Poison Gas by Germans on the French
ƒ Dec. 1915 Evacuation of Gallipoli
ƒ British no longer attempt to invade Turkey
ƒ May 1916 Battle of Jutland
ƒ Largest
Naval Battle of WWI
ƒ Britain remains in control of the waters around Europe
ƒ Jul. 1916 Battle of the Somme
ƒ Holds the one day record for casualties for a single
ƒ British lost 58,000 in one day
ƒ Jul 1917 Arab Revolt
ƒ T.E. Lawrence a British soldier lead the revolt
ƒ Nov. 1917 Battle of Cambrai
ƒ First use of the Tank in warfare
ƒ Spectacular British victory
ƒ Nov. 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
ƒ Communist government in Russia under Lenin
ƒ Lenin takes Russia out of the war
ƒ Dec. 1917 Fall of Jerusalem
ƒ British take Jerusalem and control the Middle East
ƒ Jun. 1918 Battle of Chateau Thierry
ƒ First major
j American Victory
ƒ Jul. 1918 2nd Battle of the Marne
ƒ German disaster that leads to the Germans
ƒ Machine gun nests
ƒ snipers
ƒ No man’s land
ƒ Land between the trenches
ƒ Barbed wire
ƒ Shelling by artillery
ƒ Living in trenches
ƒ Lice, frogs, rats
ƒ Trench foot
ƒ Trench cycle
ƒ 70 days on, 120 days in reserve
ƒ Air war
ƒ Observation
ƒ Find trenches to set up artillery
ƒ German use of Zeppelins
ƒ French and British used planes
ƒ Fighters
ƒ Biplanes and tri-planes armed with machine guns
ƒ Germany’s Red Barron most famous German pilot
ƒ Eddie Rickenbacker was America’s top ace
ƒ Bombers
ƒ German Zeppelins dropped bombs on London
ƒ All countries used planes to drop bombs on the
ƒ Poison Gas
ƒ Used to clear trenches before an offensive
ƒ Gas mask technology by 1918 made gas attacks
ƒ Tank
ƒ Successfully broke the stalemate of trench warfare for
the allies
ƒ Submarine
ƒ German U-boat
ƒ Germany’s attempt to take Great Britain out of the war
through stopping all aid from reaching the British Isle
ƒ At first successful, but by 1917 convoy tactics made U-boats
ƒ Trade with Great Britain ultimately puts the U.S.
on the side of the allies
ƒ Sinking of the Lusitania
ƒ U-boat activity
y against
the U.S. made the U.S. g
involved militarily
ƒ Germany knew it could not fight France, Britain,
and the U.S. combined
ƒ Reduction in unemployment worldwide during
the war
ƒ America gets rich selling to both sides, but
y to allies
ƒ Total War
ƒ The economies of European countries stop
manufacturing everything but war materials
ƒ Civilians become targets during war
ƒ Most European economies ruined by end of war
ƒ Wilson’s 14-point plan
ƒ His plan was used except Wilson did not want
Germany to pay reparations
ƒ The Big Four
David Lloyd George
Woodrow Wilson
Vittorio Orlando
Georges Clemenceau
ƒ Germany pays war damages
ƒ Causes economic collapse of Germany
ƒ German people want revenge for unfair peace treaty
ƒ Leads to Nazism
ƒ Creation of buffer states
ƒ satisfy the demands for self-determination by ethnic
ƒ Czechoslovakia
ƒ Yugoslavia
ƒ Poland
ƒ Estonia
ƒ Latvia
ƒ Lithuania
ƒ Austria-Hungary looses more territory than any
other central power
ƒ League of Nations
ƒ Ap
political body
y created after the war to help
p keep
ƒ America refused to join
ƒ Leads to its failure