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S1 - Block 1 KU Test Revision Answers
Waves and Electricity (Q1 to Q15)
1) The normal.
2) Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection. (i = r)
3) The parallel rays meet (converge) at a point called the focus.(This point will be found
along the middle ray of the three rays in parallel)
4) The parallel rays spread out (diverge) when they pass through the concave lens.
(The middle ray of the three rays does not change direction but the two outside rays
spread out.)
5) Refraction.
6) a) Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. (ROYGBIV)
b) The Visible Spectrum. (Rainbow is incorrect!!!!!!!)
7) a) Their body hairs will gradually stick out more and more.
b) The electrons (negative charges) at the top of the dome of the Van De Graaff
Generator are transferred to the person touching it. These electrons are
then transferred to all the extremities of the body. The body hairs will all stick out
as they are all repelling each other.(Like charges repel one another.)
9) a) Lamp (Bulb)  Electrical Energy to Light Energy
b) Electric Motor  Electrical Energy to Kinetic Energy
c) Buzzer  Electrical Energy to Sound Energy.
10) a) Conductors are usually Metals.
b) Copper, Gold, Silver, Aluminium, Lead or any other metal.
11) a) Insulators are non-metals.
b) Rubber, Plastic, Wood, Cloth, Glass, Cork or any other non- metal.
12) A battery and no gaps in the circuit.
13) a) An Ammeter.
b) Ammeters are connected in series.
c) Electrical Current is measured in Amperes.
d) The Electrical Current is the same at any point in a series circuit.
14) a) A Voltmeter.
b) Voltmeters are connected in parallel across the components in a circuit.
c) Voltage is measured in Volts.
d) The Voltage across each of the components in a parallel circuit will add up to the
Battery Voltage (or Supply Voltage).
15) a) The Electric Current from the battery will split up between each of the branches
in a parallel circuit.
b) The Voltage across each branch in a parallel circuit will be the same as the
Battery Voltage (or Supply Voltage).
Body Systems (Q16 to Q40)
16) Breathing is the process by which oxygen passes from the lungs to the
bloodstream and carbon dioxide passes from the bloodstream to the lungs.
17) Air enters through the mouth or nose.
It passes through the windpipe (trachea).
The windpipe splits into two Bronchi.
The bronchi split, again and again, into Bronchioles.
The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs, there are millions in each lung.
18) Oxygen is needed for the muscles to work and they need to get rid of
Carbon Dioxide.
19) The lungs take oxygen into the blood and they also remove carbon dioxide.
20) As a result of Emphysema the lungs are not able to exchange oxygen
with carbon dioxide efficiently.
21) The lungs are found in the chest cavity on either side of the heart and
they are protected by the ribcage.
22) When inhaling air:
a) The ribs move up and out
b) The diaphragm is down and
c) Chest Cavity gets bigger.
23) When exhaling air:
a) The ribs move in and down
b) The diaphragm is up and
c) Chest Cavity gets smaller.
24) Vital Capacity is the volume of air inhaled in one breath. This is the maximum
volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after breathing in as much as possible.
Tidal Volume is the volume of air your lungs hold during normal breathing.
This is the volume of air moved in and out of the body in one breath.
25) Smoking could cause any of the following health risks:
Cancer of the lungs
Cancer in other areas of the body
Heart disease
Damage to the respiratory system
Added strain on to the heart
Narrowing of the blood vessels and a possible stroke.
26) The three main food types are: (CPF)
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches)
27) Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) Pasta, rice, bread and potatoes.
Proteins  Meat, fish, lentils and eggs.
Fats  Dairy products such as milk and cheese.
28) Carbohydrates (sugars and starches)  Energy.
Protein  Growth and repair of tissue.
Fats  Insulation to keep heat energy in the body.
29) Our bloodstream acts as a transportation system to carry food around the body to
the places that it is needed.
30) Digestion is the breaking down of food before it can enter the bloodstream.
31) Mechanical Digestion  Breaking down the food with your teeth.
Chemical Digestion  Breaking down the food with the digestive juices.
32) a) The alimentary canal is a long tube that carries food all the way from the
mouth to the anus.
b) The associated organs produce digestive juices that are added to the food as it
passes along the alimentary canal.
33) Food moves along the alimentary canal by the contraction of muscles behind
the food and the relaxation of muscles in front of the food. This process happens
all the way along the alimentary canal to move the food from the mouth to the
34) The stomach is a bit like a muscular bag that contracts and relaxes to mix food
with the gastric juices that it produces.
The process that it undergoes is called churning.
35) a) The Liver, Gallbladder and the Pancreas are involved with digestion.
b) Liver  Produces bile.
Gallbladder  Stores bile.
Pancreas  Produces enzymes.
36) Male reproductive system
Testis  Produces sperm
Scrotum  Holds the testes
Sperm tube  Carries the sperm to the penis
Penis  Carries sperm out of the body.
Female reproductive system
Uterus (womb)  Where the baby grows
Ovaries  Produces eggs
Oviduct  Carries egg to the Uterus (womb)
Cervix  Opening to the Vagina
Vagina  Receives the sperm.
37) a) Zygote (fertilised egg cell)
b) The Zygote develops into an Embryo (foetus in humans).
38) The Gestation period is the number of weeks that the unborn offspring is
carried by the mother before birth.
39) a) A whale has a longer gestation period than a human.
b) The larger the mammal the greater the gestation period.
40) a) Umbilical Cord attaches the foetus to its food source.
b) The food source for the foetus is called the Placenta.
Substances and Uses (Q41 to Q60)
41) The PH scale measures the acidity and alkalinity of a substance in a solution.
42) PH meter, Universal Indicator and PH paper.
43) PH 0 to PH 14.
44) a) PH 0 to PH 6.
b) PH 8 to PH 14.
c) PH 7.
45) a) The PH decreases.
b) The PH increases.
Common household
Oven Cleaner
Dishwasher Tablets
Common household acids
Laboratory alkalis
Calcium Hydroxide
Ammonia Solution
Sodium Hydroxide
Laboratory acids
Nitric Acid
Hydrochloric Acid
Sulphuric Acid
Lemon Juice
48) Its PH increases.
49) Its PH decreases.
50) a) Acids PH 0 is deep red up to PH 6 which is yellow/green.
b) Alkalis PH 8 is green/blue up to PH 14 which is deep purple.
51) Neutralisation.
52) Oxides.
53) a) Non-metal oxides which can dissolve in water produce acids.
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide dissolve in water to form acid rain.
b) Acid rain damages buildings, soil, and plant and animal life.
54) Sulphur + Oxygen  Sulphur Dioxide
Nitrogen + Oxygen  Nitrogen Dioxide
55) Catalytic converters remove nitrogen dioxide gas from car exhaust fumes.
a) Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide  Sodium Chloride
b) Sulphuric Acid + Potassium Hydroxide  Potassium Sulphate
c) Hydrochloric Acid + Calcium Hydroxide  Calcium Chloride + Water
d) Nitric Acid + Magnesium Hydroxide  Magnesium Nitrate + Water
Orange Juice
58) a) Hydrochloric acid helps to break down the food in our stomach.
b) This is called chemical digestion which involves churning.
59) Acid rain will increase the acidity of the water (PH is lowered) in the river which
will kill the fish.
60) Acid rain will increase the acidity of the soil (PH is lowered) which will produce
less crops.