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Genetics Review for USMLE (Part 1)
Useful websites with sample questions
Chromosomal abnormalities and Cytogenetics
Chromosomal abnormalities are the result of microscopically visible alterations in the number
or structure of chromosomes, and when inherited or acquired shortly after fertilization, are
responsible for a large proportion of miscarriages, congenital malformations, and mental
retardation. In contrast, simple mutations can involve base substitutions or small scale
insertions or deletions that are not visible by microscopy.
Acquired chromosomal abnormalities can occur in somatic cells. Acquired chromosomal
abnormalities are often observed in cancer cells.
Clinical cytogenetics is the study of microscopically visible changes in chromosome number or
structure and their inheritance.
Chromosomes are usually studied in cells that have entered prometaphase or metaphase, when
chromosomes are near maximally or maximally condensed. At his stage, each chromosome has
replicated, but the resulting sister chromatids have not yet separated.
The Giemsa staining method is most commonly used to identify human chromosomes in clinical
laboratories. The staining procedure produces a series of dark and light bands. The number of
bands observed depends on the degree of condensation of the chromosome. Metaphase
chromosomes (most condensed) produce a total of about 450 bands. Prometaphase
From left to right, X chromosome
ideograms and photomicrographs at
metaphase, prometaphase and prophase.
(From Thompson and Thompson, Genetics in Medicine,
Chapt. 9)
Idiogram (right) showing G-banding patterns for human chromosomes at metaphase, with about 400
bands per haploid karyotype. Human chromosomes are characterized as metacentric (central
reveal 550(off-centered
to 850 bands.centromere, or acrocentric (centromere at the end of one
arm). The short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes (chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22) have a
short mass of chromatin connected to the centromeric region by a narrow stalk. Each stalk contains
many repeated copies of ribosomal RNA genes. (From Thompson and Thompson, Genetics in Medicine, 6th ed.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization involves hybridizing fluorescent labeled DNA probes to
denatured chromosomal DNA and viewing the results by fluorescence microscopy. A mixture
of probes directed against an entire chromosome is termed chromosome painting,
Whole chromosome X paint
(red) and whole chromosome 4
paint (green) is used to detect a
translocation between the two.
Chromosome painting shows a
parital trisomy in 4 and a partial
monosomy in X.
Chronic myeloid leukemia results from a
t(9:22) reciprocal translocation generating a
gene fusion between the ABL oncogene at
9q34 and the BCR gene at 22q11.
Hybridization with labeled probes for ABL
(red) and BCR (green) is shown to
metaphase chromosomes from a patient. The
overlapping signals in the translocation
der(9) and der (22) chromosomes appear
yellow. The blue background is produced by
the DAPI stain for chromosomes.
Abnormalities of Chromosome Number (occurs in about 1/25 to 1/30 pregnancies and
about 1/160 live births
Aneuploidy, the presence of a greater or lesser number of chromosomes than 46, is the most
common and clinically significant type of human chromosome disorder. Most common cause
is meiotic nondisjunction, usually during meiosis I.
Aneuploidy involving autosomes (From Thompson and Thompson, Genetics in Medicine, Chapt. 10).
Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) – Affects 1 in 800 children. Incidence rate increases with
maternal age above age 35. 95% of cases due to meiotic nondisjunction, 4% due to robertsonian
translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21 (see next section on abnormal chromosome
structure) and 1% due to mosaicism. Tissue specific mosaicism can complicate diagnosis.
Mosaicism affecting predominantly germ cells can lead to multiple recurrences involving an
otherwise normal carrier. Clinical features include:
• Mental retardation
• Flat facial profile
• Prominent epicanthal folds (redundant skin of the inner eyelid)
• Palm of hand shows a single deep flexion crease (simian crease) – 50%
• Structural defects of the heart (40%)
• Gastrointestinal obstructions (3%)
• Early onset Alzheimer’s disease
• Increased risk of ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) – Observed in 1/6,000 to 1/7,500 births. Clinical features
• Mental retardation
• Severe malformation of the
Heart (e.g ventricular septal
• Prominent occiput (back part
of head)
• Receding jaw
• Low-set, malformed ears
• “Rocker-bottom” feet or
left-sided clubfoot
• Characteristic clenched fists
• Death usually within the first
year. Survivors have significant developmental disabilities
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) – Observed in about 1/10,000 births. Clinical features include:
• Oral-facial clefts
• Extra digits on hands and/or feet
• Characteristic clenched fist as in trisomy 18
• “Rocker bottom” feet as in trisomy 18
• Severe central nervous system malformations
Such as in holoproencephaly
• Ocular abnormalities
• Congenital heart and urogenital defects
Aneuploidy involving sex chromosomes (Taken from Tables 10-3 and 10-4 and text from Thompson &
Tompson, Genetics in Medicine)
47, XYY
Phenotype and Clinical Signs
Tall stature (after puberty), hypogonadism
(infertility), breast development (30%),
learning disabilities, diminished intelligence
(10-15 points below average), psychosocial
problems. XXXY males are more severely
Caused by paternal nondisjunction. No
obvious abnormal phenotype. However, males
tend to be taller, and some have learning
disabilities associated with reduced IQ scores
(about 10-15 points below average).
Female Turner
Female Trisomy X
(A) Phenotype of an adult male with 47,XXY
Klinefelter syndrome. Relatively small genetals, and
the body proportions (elongated limbs and somewhat
feminine body shape). Gynecomastia (enlarged
breasts), not present in this patient, is a feature seen
in some patients. (B) Section of a testicular biopsy
showing seminiferous tubules without germ cells.
(From Thompson & Thompson, Genetics in
Medicine, Chapt. 10)
Short stature, webbed neck, broad chest with
widely spaced nipples, increased incidence of
renal and cardiovascular anomalies, and
gonadal dysgenesis. Evidence of fetal and
lymphodemia often present at birth.
XXX females are phenotypically normal,
reduced IQ scores and learning problems
(70%), and transition from adolescence to
early adulthood may be accompanied by
behavioral problems. Increasing number of X
chromosomes as in 48,XXXX and 49,XXXXX
result in serious retardation in physical and
metal development
Phenotype of females with 45,X Turner syndrome.
(A) Newborn infant with webbed neck and
lympodema of the hands and feet. (B) A 13-year-old
girl showing classic Turner features, short stature,
webbed neck, delayed sexual maturation, broad,
shield-like chest with widely spaced nipples. (From
Thompson & Thompson, Genetics in Medicine,
Chapt. 10)
Abnormalities of Chromosome Structure (present in about 1/375 new borns)
These are microscopically observable changes in chromosome appearance. Balanced
rearrangements involve a reshuffling of genetic material without any significant loss or gain
(see diagram below). Carriers appear normal. Unbalanced rearrangements result from a loss
(deletion) or(less commonly) a gain of genetic material, and generally produce an abnormal
phenotype on transmission. Rearranged chromosomes are stable (transmitted through meiosis
and mitosis) if they retain normal structural features such as single functional centromere.
Examples of structural rearrangements that produce stable chromosomes
Origins of Translocations
Meiosis in carriers of balanced translocations can produce unbalanced offspring
Carriers of paracentric inversions produce balanced offspring, whereas carriers of pericentric
inversions can produce unbalanced offspring
Crossing over within inversion loops formed during meiosis I in carriers with paracentric and pericentric
inversions. In paracentric inversion (A), gametes at the end of meiosis II usually contain a normal copy of the
chromosome or are carriers of the parental, balanced paracentric inversion, because the dicentric and acentric
products are inviable. In pericentric inversion (B), gametes produced after the second meiosis may be normal,
balanced, or may carry an unbalanced duplication and deletion.
Autosomal Deletion Syndromes
Cytogenetically detectable deletions result in dysmorphic patients. Although the overall
incidence is about 1/7,000 live births, any given deletion is usually very rare. One well
described deletion syndrome is Cri Du Chat Sydrome, which involves deletion of much of the
sort arm of chromosome 5. Crying infants with this disorder sound like mewing cats. Other
features include severe mental retardation (accounts for 1% of all institutionalized mental
retardation patients), microcephaly, epicanthal folds, low-set ears, small jaws (micrognathia),
and widely spaced eyes.
Infant with cri du chat syndrome,
which results from deletion of part of
the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p).
From Thompson and Thompson,
Genetics in Medicine, Chapt. 10.
Microdeletion and Duplication Syndromes
These often result from unequal crossing over between misaligned sister chromatids or
homologous chromosomes containing highly homologous copies of a repeat DNA sequence.
Microdeletion or Contiguous Gene Syndromes Involving
Recombination between Repeated Sequences
Angelman syndromes
type I
DiGeorge syndrome/
Length (kb)
~50 - 400
Cat-eye syndrome
Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes are likely subjects of exam questions and will
be discussed in a later section.
Neurofibromatosis type I is a relatively common autosomal dominant disorder,
which often involves a deletion of part of a single large gene (NF1, 2,000 kb
located at 17q11.2). The disorder is characterized by numerous benign tumors
(neurofibromas) affecting the peripheral nervous system, but a minority of
patients also show increased incidence of malignancy, such as
neurofibrosarcoma, astrocytoma, Schwann cell cancers and childhood CML
(chronic myelogenous leukemia)
DiGeorge syndrome/velocardiofacial syndrome is among the most common
cytogenetic deletions (frequency of 1/2,000 to 1/4,000 births). It is associated
with craniofacial anomalies, mental retardation, and heart defects. This specific
deletion is thought to be associated with 5% of all congenital heart defects.
Sex Reversal caused by aberrant crossing over between X and Y chromosomes in the region
adjacent to the pseudoautosomal boundary.
In an otherwise normal genetic background, the region containing Sry gene acts in a dominant
manner to direct male specific differentiation.
46, XX
1/20,000 Caused by abnormal meiotic recombination leading
to the gain of the Sry (sex-determining region of the
Y chromosome) by the X chromosome during
1/20,000 Caused by abnormal meiotic recombination between
females X and Y chromosomes resulting in the loss of the
Sry region of the Y chromosome during
See pages 176 and 177 in Thompson and Thompson, Genetics in Medicine, 6th ed., for other
causes of female and male pseudohermaphroditism.