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Bacteria Questions.
Rigid protective structures around cells are
called cell walls. Bacteria are cells and
are surrounded by rigid protective
structures. So, bacteria have cell walls.
1. What are the rigid
protective structures
around bacteria called?
Bacteria Questions.
Genetic material in eukaryotic cells is
contained inside a nuclear membrane
making a nucleus. The genetic material of
prokaryotic cells is not in a nucleus.
Bacteria don’t have nuclei, so they are
prokaryotic cells.
2. What term describes bacteria?
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria are unlike eukaryotic cells in that
they don’t have a nucleus. Since bacteria
don’t have nuclei, they are prokaryotic
cells. Bacteria are like eukaryotic cells in
that they have ribosomes in their
cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is not a structure.
3. Compare and
contrast bacteria
to eukaryotic cells.
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria can go into a resting state if
conditions become unfavorable. Lack of
food, oxygen, or hash temperatures can
cause bacteria to form endospores.
Bacteria form endospores during extreme
conditions. Small ones can drift around.
4. How do bacteria respond to extreme
Bacteria Questions.
Sourdough bread, cheese and vinegar are
all produced with the help of bacteria.
Bacteria give the bread its sour taste.
Bacteria also change juices into vinegar
and milk into cheese or yogurt.
5. What gives sourdough bread its sour
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria produce energy using the process
of respiration. Sugar is broken down by
cells using the process of respiration to
produce energy. Bacteria are cells, so
bacteria produce energy using the
process of respiration.
6. What is it called when
bacteria breakdown sugar
to produce energy?
Bacteria Questions.
A decomposer breaks down large
chemicals into smaller ones. Bacteria are
decomposers, so they break down large
chemicals into smaller ones.
Decomposition by bacteria helps recycle
chemicals in dead organisms and can
help in environmental cleanup. This
shows not all bacteria cause disease.
7. What do decomposers do?
8. Do all bacteria cause disease?
Conjugation is the process by which
genetic material is passed from one
bacterial cell to another through cell to
cell contact. The bacterium that receives
the new genetic material is genetically
different after conjugation.
9. What process results in bacteria
becoming genetically different?
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria increase in number through binary
fission. Binary fission starts with one cell
and ends with two cells. The genetic
material of the two cells produced is
exactly alike. Binary fission is how
bacteria reproduce.
10. In bacteria, cells with identical genetic
material are produce by
what reproductive process?
Bacteria Questions.
Binary fission is the process bacteria use
to reproduce. One cell becomes two cells
through this process. The two resulting
cells are genetically identical.
11. How does the genetic material
compare between the two new cells
produced by binary fission?
Bacteria Questions.
Good Bacteria.
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria Questions.
Bacteria Questions.
Gum Bacteria – Gingivitis
Bad Bacteria
Virus Review.
Virus Review.
Virus Review.
Attachment: The virus’s antigenic surface
protein fits the cell’s receptors with a lock
and key fit.
Virus Review.
Virus Review.
Binary Fission
 Bacterium cell
DNA replication/copied
Cytokinesis –
cytoplasm is divided
Two cells from one
Virus Review. Active virus/ Retrovirus
Virus Review.