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Nour Al-Maaref International School
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
S.Y 2016-2017
2nd Term Final
Revision Sheet
 Students Name: __________________________________________
 Grade: 10-A/B
 Subject: Social Studies
Teacher Signature
Nour Al Maaref International School
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
End-Term Social Studies Revision Sheet
Grade 10
Name _______________
Date ____________
Q1) Answer the following questions:
1. How was cuneiform first used in Sumer?
2. How did Sumerians used the plow?
3. What was the basic Sumerian building material?
4. Explain how cylinder seals were used by Sumerians.
5. What steps did city-states take to protect themselves from their rivals?
6. Why did the pharaohs of the First Dynasty wear double crown?
7. Why were priests so influential in ancient Sumerian society?
8. Why were pyramids so important to the people of ancient Egypt?
9. What were the two regions that made up ancient Egypt?
10. Why the Pharaoh’s authority was never questioned?
11. What is the basic responsibility of men and women in Sumer society?
12. Write any 3 achievements of Sumerians?
13. Why flood was important for Ancient Egypt?
14. Explain what you know about ancient religion in Egyptian life?
15. What was the role of Priest in Sumerians society?
16. What was Sumerian first used cuneiform?
Q2) Define the following Terms:
1. Dynasty:
2. Mummies:
3. Delta:
4. Nobles:
5. Engineering:
6. priests:
7. city state:
8. scribe:
9. Old Kingdom:
10. Ziggurat:
Q3) Summery 0f Chapter 3 Section 2 and 3:
1. What is rural?
It means countryside. Most people of Sumer lived in these areas and were called
2. What is urban?
This means a city area. Some of Sumer’s cities had over 100,000 inhabitants.
3. What is a city-state?
A city-state consisted of a city and all the countryside around it.
The amount of countryside depended on the military strength, fighting each
for more farmland.
4. Who was Gilbamesh?
Gilgamesh was one of Uruk’s kings around 2700 BC Uruk was a city-state of
To many, he was a mythological demigod, 2/3’s god 1/3 man.
He had the famous walls of Uruk built.
He became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature.
5. Who were the Akkadians?
They were a group of people who lived north of Sumer and were not Sumerians.
They had a different language and lived in peace with the Sumerians for many
6. Who was sargon?
Sargon was an Akkadian king who ruled from 2334-2279 BC. He was a king who
like to go to war to capture neighboring kingdoms. It was said that his army
defeated Gilgamesh and tore the walls of Uruk down.
He was king of the very first empire.
7. What is an Empire?
An empire is land with different territories and peoples under a single rule.
Sargon was said to be the first king to create a multi-cultural, centrally ruled
empire that lasted for 56 years.
8. What is polytheism? It is the worship of many gods.
Sumerians worshipped many gods.
Each city-state worshipped one god as its protector.
9. Who are priests?
Priests are people who performed religious ceremonies. They had high social
status in Sumer. People relied on them to help gain god’s favor. They also
interpreted the wishes of the gods.
10. What is social hierarchy?
Social hierarchy is the division of society by rank or class including: Kings,
Priests/Priestesses, Skilled craftspeople, merchants, traders, Farmers and laborers,
Peasants/Slaves, Traders, farmers and laborers made up the large working class.
11. What were the roles of men and women in Sumer?
Men held political power and made laws.
Women took care of children and the home.
Some upper class women were educated and were priestesses in the temples
and helped shape Sumerian culture.
12. What is cuneiform?
Cuneiform is the oldest known written language.
Sumerians made one of the greatest cultural advances in history.
Used sharp tools called styluses to make wedge-shaped symbols on clay tablets.
13. What are pictographs?
They are picture symbols used to communicate ideas or words.
What is a scribe? A scribe is a writer who would be hired to keep track of
records. They were men who went to school to learn to read and write. Not all
people could read or write.
15. What are epics? Epics are long poems that tell the stories of heroes. A
famous epic poem was written about Gilgamesh, who was a legendary
Sumerian king.
16. What was one of the most important inventions?
One of the most important developments the Sumerians invented was the wheel
17. What is architecture?
It is the science of building. Kings lived in great palaces, and the wealthy lived in
two story homes with as many as 12 rooms. Others lived in houses made of mud
18. What is Ziggurat?
A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped temple tower and place of worship that rose
above each city. Sumerian kings claimed to be chosen by the gods. Each citystate worshipped one god as its protector.
19. What are cylinder seals?
Cylinder seals are Sumer’s most famous work or art. These were carved in stone
by people and then rolled into wet clay. They were used to sign documents or
decorate other clay objects because not all people could read or write.
People loved music and dance.
Q4) Choose the correct answers:
1. The southern part of ancient Egypt was called ______________________.
(Lower Egypt/Upper Egypt)
2. Branches of the Nile fanned out to form a _________________a triangle shaped
area of soil deposited by a river. (delta/cataract)
3. Egyptians believed that a person’s _________________ left the body and
became a spirit after death. (sarcophagus/ka)
4. The Egyptians began to build pyramids during the ______________________.
(Old Kingdom/Middle Kingdom)
5. _______________________ reunited the Middle Kingdom around 2050 BC.
(Ahmose of Thebes/Mentuhotep II)
6. ________________________ wrote and copied religious and literary texts.
7. The ______________________ helped historians understand hieroglyphics.
(Rosetta Stone/Temple of Karnak)
8. In Egyptian art, _______________________ were usually drawn realistically.
9. Egyptians began building the smooth-sided pyramids we usually see around
BC. (700/2700)
11. Other than priests and government officials, no one in Egypt was more
honored than _______________________. (architects/scribes)
Q5) Fill in the blanks:
1. Earlier written communication had used _____________________.
2. The Egyptian built _________________________all over the Kingdom.
3. Slaves were at the ___________________________.
4. At the top of Egyptian society was the _____________________.
5. Enheduanna was the daughter of ______________________________.
6. The Egyptian belief in afterlife stemmed from their idea of ________________.
7. Sumerians invented a _________________________ that used falling water.
8. Uruk’s King ______________ became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature.
9. The largest pyramid named ___________________________ near Giza.
10. Most Sumerian rulers lived in ______________________________.
11. _____________________ called “Egypt the gift of the Nile”.
12. The armies of ________________ invaded and took control of Lower Egypt.
13. The ______________________ from the Nile made the soil ideal for farming.
14. ________________________ was the first ruler to have a permanent army.
15. Only royal and elite class people could afford to have ______________ made.
16. Hostile tribes from the east raided and captured __________________.
17. __________________________ was goddess of love and war.
18. The sun and moon were represented by the gods ________________and
19. Most people in Sumer were ______________________________.
20. _________________________was the god of wisdom.
21. _______________________ is the first known as female writer in history.
22. ________________________ calculated the area of rectangles and triangles.
23. _____________ is considered to be the first Pharaoh, the title used in Egypt.
24. The First dynasty lasted for about ___________________________ years.
25. __________________ long poems that tell the stories of historical heroes.
26. Sumerian’s most important development was the ___________________.
27. City centers were dominated by their temples, _____________________.
28. __________________ specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth.
29. The Sumerian practiced ________________the worship of many gods.
30. _______________ the huge stone buildings with four triangle shaped walls.
31. By 3500 BC, a city-state known as ___________ had become quite powerful.
Q6) Explain the following terms:
1. Re or Amon Re,
2. Pyramids
3. Isis
4. Osiris
5. Horus.
6. Polytheism
7. Nekhen