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PDF 3rd Sept. 2016
It may be unfair, or at least much too premature (असाम यक), to suggest that Philippines
President Rodrigo Duterte’s strongman rule is a throwback to the brutal ( ू र / नदय)
dictatorship (तानाशाह ) of Ferdinand Marcos. But the fact is that after a period of sustained
(अनवरत / बनाये रखना) and often spectacular (शानदार/
ाभशाल ) economic growth, even if
there has been little of the trickle-down effect, the country has suddenly become a political hot
spot under the rule of what global investors describe as a wild card President. Hopes that his
landslide win in May would influence the brusque (अ श ट) -mannered maverick to moderate
his populist rhetoric have been belied as Mr. Duterte seems determined to carry out his pledge
(संक प /
त ा) to kill 100,000 criminals to bring security to the country. Official figures state
that about 1,800 people have been killed by the police and in extrajudicial ( यायालय के सामने
न क हु ई) (murders committed by vigilante (सतकता स म त सद य) groups in pursuit (ल य /
पीछा ) of Mr. Duterte’s so-called war on drugs since he assumed office in July. He has also
threatened to restore the death penalty to root out crime and drugs. In fact, in a brazen display of
his alleged complicity (सहापरा धता) in criminal conduct, Mr. Duterte once quipped that the
death squads he backed had in fact eliminated more than twice the number that human rights
groups claimed. His reign has struck such terror among the people that some 600,000 potential
suspects have thought it better to simply turn themselves in to the authorities.
Mr. Duterte’s abrasive style is apparently fettered (रोक लगाना) neither by respect for the
religious sensibilities in his majority Catholic country nor the diplomatic niceties ( यौरा / ववरण)
expected of a nation’s leader. He resorted to an expletive to vent his ire at the traffic snarl
(उलझन / उलझना) during the visit of Pope Francis. On another occasion, he lashed out against
the United Nations for criticising the human rights situation in the Philippines, saying that his
country would quit the organisation. Mr. Duterte is evidently unmindful of the jarring ( ववा दत)
note his remarks strike; as many as 10 per cent of Filipinos are resident overseas, contributing
substantial remittances ( े षत) to the domestic economy. Mr. Duterte’s shrill rhetoric is,
perhaps quite predictably, prompting comparisons among activists and commentators with the
equally pugnacious (तु नक मजाज़ / ववाद ) U.S. presidential nominee, Donald Trump. But there
is a larger long-term significance for any society from the electoral success of a rabble-rouser
political figure such as Mr. Duterte. This is the imperative of timely intervention to contain and
correct the social and political damage that inevitably results from economic growth, if it is not
inclusive or sustainable. The mandate handed to Mr. Duterte was not out of the way for large
sections of the people that were impatient for more. Change was what they yearned for; what
shape it would take was perhaps beyond their grasp.
1. Premature (असाम यक)
Synonyms: Untimely, Precocious, Timeless, Ratheripe
Antonyms: Delayed, Late,
2. Brutal ( ू र / नदय)
Synonyms: Ruthless, Ferocious, Fierce, Outrageous, Relentless
Antonyms: Gentle, Kind, Generous
3. Dictatorship (तानाशाह )
Synonyms: Authoritarianism, Tyranny
Antonyms: Democracy
4. Sustained (अनवरत / बनाये रखना)
Synonyms: Constant, Continuous, Uninterrupted
Antonyms: Interrupted, Discontinuous
5. Spectacular (शानदार/ भावशाल )
Synonyms: Discernible, Illustrious, Stately
Antonyms: Unimpressive, Inferior
6. Brusque (अ श ट)
Synonyms: Impolite, Uncivil, Lewd, Rude
Antonyms: Polite, Civilized
7. Pledge (संक प /
त ा)
Synonyms: Assurance, Guarantee, Promise
Antonyms: Breach, Break
8. Pursuit (ल य / पीछा)
Synonyms: Chase, Aim, Destination
9. Complicity (सहापरा धता)
Synonyms: Cahoot, Involvement, Intrigue
Antonyms: Noninvolvement, Innocence
10. Fettered (रोक लगाना)
Synonyms: Hinder, Restrict, Restrain
Antonyms: Aid, Encourage, Allow
11. Snarl (उलझन / उलझना)
Synonyms: Implicate, Draw In, Entrap
Antonyms: Order, Simplicity, Order
12. Jarring ( ववा दत)
Synonyms: Brawl, Dispute, Controversy
Antonyms: Harmony, Undisputed,
13. Remittances ( े षत)
Synonyms: Dispatched, Consignment
Antonyms: Retain, Halt
14. Pugnacious (तु नक मजाज़ / ववाद )
Synonyms: Truculent, Aggressive, Finicky
Antonyms: Easy Going, Calm, Spartan
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