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Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and educational implications.
參考文獻 陳秀如 20061003
Kim, Y. (2003). Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and
educational implications. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference
on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2003
(pp. 2229-2236). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
隨著多媒體學習的普及化,教學代理人(pedagogical agent)啟發了一個新
With the growing popularity of technology-mediated learning, pedagogical
agent-based learning environments suggest a new paradigm for instruction.
(Baylor, 1999; Kearsley, 1993)
Baylor, A. L. (1999). Intelligent agents as cognitive tools for education. Educational
Technology, 39(2), 36-40.
Kearsley, G. (1993). Intelligent agents and instructional systems: Implications of a
new paradigm. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 4(4),
Pedagogical agents are animated life-like characters (Johnson, Rickel, & Lester,
2000), designed to facilitate learning through various pedagogical strategies
emphasizing social interaction in computer-based learning environments. ( Kim,
Johnson, W. L., Rickel, J. W., & Lester, J. C. (2000). Animated pedagogical agents:
face-to-face interaction in interactive learning environments.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 11,
Kim, Y. (2003). Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and
educational implications. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education 2003 (pp. 2229-2236). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and educational implications.
參考文獻 陳秀如 20061003
Researchers recommended that desirable pedagogical agents be human-like and
have a persona to promote learner-agent interaction and thus to create a social
context for learning. (Erickson, 1997; Laurel, 1990; Lester et al.,1997; Mulken,
Andre, & Muller, 1998)
Erickson, T. (1997). Designing agents as if people mattered. In J. M. Bradshaw (Ed.),
Software Agents (pp. 79-96).Menlo Park, CA: MIT Press.
Laurel, B. (1990). Interface agents: Metaphors with character. In B. Laurel (Ed.), The
art of human-computer interface design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Lester, J. C., Converse, S. A., Kahler, S. E., Barlow, S. T., Stone, B. A., & Bhoga, R.
S. (1997). The persona effect:affective impact of animated pedagogical
agents. Paper presented at the CHI'97 Human Factors in Computing Systems.,
Atlanta, GA.
Mulken, S. V., Andre, E., & Muller, J. (1998). The Persona Effect: How Substantial
Is It? Paper presented at the HCI-98, Berlin.
Conventional intelligent tutoring systems might suggest an agent as a tutor to
teach learners expert domain knowledge (Koedinger & Anderson, 1997).
Koedinger, K. R., & Anderson, J. R. (1997). Intelligent Tutoring Goes To School in
the Big City. International Journal of Artificial Iintelligence in Education,
8, 30-43.
Recognizing the instructional potential of pedagogical agent-based learning
environments, researchers have suggested and developed pedagogical agents
with different images, roles, and functionalities: expert or tutor (Johnson et al.,
2000), motivator , mentor , and learning companion .( Kim, 2003)
Johnson, W. L., Rickel, J. W., & Lester, J. C. (2000). Animated pedagogical agents:
face-to-face interaction in interactive learning environments. International
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 11, 47-78.
Kim, Y. (2003). Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and
educational implications. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education 2003 (pp. 2229-2236). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and educational implications.
參考文獻 陳秀如 20061003
根據 Bandura 一個偉大的心理模組發現學者可以看著每天發生的相關事情
A pedagogical agent as a learning companion adopts a peer metaphor and is a
simulated peer in computer based learning . According to Bandura (1997),
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H.
‘Effects of technology’”科技的作用”取得科技的技巧導致要使用科技來學習。
‘Effects with technology’“科技的影響"認知的改變要從學習者使用電腦軟體。
In addition, Salomon (1999) argues for two types of cognitive effects which
children could attain in computer-mediated learning. ‘Effects of technology’ are
the acquisition of cognitive skills resulting from the use of technology for
learning. ‘Effects with technology’ are cognitive changes occurring while the
learner is working with computer software.
Piaget recognized the importance of peer interaction in the intellectual
development of children (Piaget,1962).
Piaget, J. (1962). Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. New York: Norton.
Perspective-taking is one of the key advantages of peer interaction. ( Kim, 2003)
Kim, Y. (2003). Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and
educational implications. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education 2003 (pp. 2229-2236). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Learning and development are interrelated from the very beginning of a child’s
development (Vygotsky,Cole, John-Steiner, Scribner, & Souberman, 1978).
Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and educational implications.
參考文獻 陳秀如 20061003
The essential capacity of humanness is to exercise control over the nature and
quality of one’s life (Bandura, 2001).
Baylor, A. L. (2001). Permutations of control: Cognitive guidelines for
agent-based learning environments. Journalof Interactive Learning
Research, 12(4), 403-425.
Research on peer interaction shows that diverse structures and modes of peer
conversations and arguments relate to cognitive changes ( Kim, 2003)
Kim, Y. (2003). Pedagogical agent as learning companion: Its constituents and
educational implications. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education 2003 (pp. 2229-2236). Chesapeake, VA: AACE
Whatever technology may be used for learning, there will always be needs for
social interaction and supports, which can be provided by agent learning
companions. (Rowell, 2002; Soller, Lesgold, Linton, & Goodman, 1999; Yarrow
& Topping, 2001).
Rowell, P. M. (2002). Peer interactions in shared technological activity: a study of
participation. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 12,
Soller, A., Lesgold, A., Linton, F., & Goodman, B. (1999). What makes peer
interaction effective? Modeling effective communication in an intelligent
CSCL. Paper presented at the AAAI Fall Symposium, Cape Cod, MA.
Yarrow, F., & Topping, K. J. (2001). Collaborative writing: the effects of
metacognitive prompting and structuredpeer interaction. British
Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 261-282.
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