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Robert B. Beecher, MS, CCC-SLP
Speech/Language Pathologist
PO Box 26264
Milwaukee WI 53226-0264
alveolus, pl. alveoli, pulmonary alveoli - small polyhedral outpouchings along the walls of the
alveolar sacs and alveolar ducts through the walls of which gas exchange takes place
between alveolar gas and pulmonary capillary blood.
apnea - cessation of breathing.
central - absence of respiratory effort.
obstructive - respiratory effort against an obstructed airway; often characterized by
mixed - initial central apnea with resumption of chest wall effort against an obstructed
periodic breathing - three respiratory pauses of 3 seconds or greater which are
interrupted by respirations for less than 20 seconds.
atresia - congenital absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ.
choanal a. - congenital bony or membranous occlusion of one or both choanae, due to
failure of the embryonic bucconasal membrane to rupture.
duodenal a. - congenital absence or occlusion of a portion of the duodenum,
characterized by vomiting a few hours after birth, cessation of bowel movements after
one to three days, and usually distension of the epigastrium - often associated with
Down syndrome.
esophageal a.- congenital lack of continuity of the esophagus, commonly associated
with tracheoesophageal fistula and characterized by excessive salivation, gagging,
vomiting when fed, cyanosis, and dyspnea.
pyloric a. - congenital membranous obstruction of the gastric outlet, characterized by
vomiting of gastric contents only.
bradycardia/brachycardia - slowness of the heart rate.
choana, pl. choanae - the paired openings between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx - also
called choanae osseae and posterior nares.
cyanosis - slightly bluish, grayish, slate-like or dark purple discoloration of the skin. This condition is
due to a deficiency of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood. The
condition is usually noted first under the nails, around the lips and/or around the eyes
in children.
dyspnea - difficult or labored breathing.
malacia - affected with softening or softness of a part or tissue. Also used with combining forms to
denote specific conditions, as in:
laryngomalacia - flaccidity of the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds, as in congenital
laryngeal stridor due to collapse of the structures into the laryngeal vestibule, usually
during inspiration.
tracheomalacia - softening of the tracheal cartilages, resulting in a collapse of the
weak portion of the trachea, usually during inspiration.
respiration - the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the cells of
the body. The process includes ventilation, the diffusion of oxygen from pulmonary
alveoli to the blood and of carbon dioxide from the blood to the alveoli, and the
transport of oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the body cells.
stenosis - narrowing or stricture of a duct or canal. Can be present in any of the structures listed
under atresia, the larynx, and the trachea.
tachypnea - excessive rapidity of respiration. A respiratory pattern characterized by quick, shallow
tachycardia - excessive rapidity in the action of the heart, usually indicates a rapid heart rate.
ventilation - the process of exchange (movement) of air between the lungs and room air, includes
inspiration and expiration.
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