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China’s Policy Responses to
the Global Financial Crisis
Yu Yongding
Richard Snape Lecture
25 November 2009
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An appropriate citation for this paper is:
Yu, Y. 2009, China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis, Richard Snape
Lecture, 25 November, Productivity Commission, Melbourne.
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China’s policy responses to the global financial crisis
The features of China’s growth pattern
China’s policy responses to the global economic crisis
The long-term impact of the stimulus package and
expansionary monetary policy
The rebalancing of the Chinese economy and the safety of
China’s foreign exchange reserves
Concluding remarks
Productivity Commission
Richard Snape Lecture series
China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
Professor Yu Yongding
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Latin America in the Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
Vittorio Corbo
Governor of the Central Bank of Chile 2003–2007
Economic and Regulatory Reforms in Europe: Past Experience and
Future Challenges
Patrick Messerlin
Director, Groupe d’Economie Mondiale
Institute d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
The World Economy in the New Millennium: A New Golden Age?
Deepak K. Lal
James Coleman Professor of Development Studies
University of California Los Angeles
Will Asian Mercantilism Meet its Waterloo?
Martin Wolf
Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Spreading Prosperity and Resisting Economic Divergence:
The Significance of Richard Snape’s Academic Legacy
Anne O. Krueger
First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
40 Million Aussies? The Immigration Debate Revisited
Professor Max W. Corden
Emeritus Professor of International Economics
Johns Hopkins University
Richard Snape capped a long and distinguished career as Professor of Economics at
Monash University with a new and accomplished career at the Industry
Commission, and then as Deputy Chairman of the Productivity Commission. In the
eight years that he spent at the Commission before his untimely death in October
2002, he played a pivotal role in overseeing our research program, as well as
participating in major public inquiries.
This is the seventh in a series of lectures in memory of Richard Snape. With
Richard’s own interests and high standards in mind, the lecture series elicits
contributions on important public policy issues from internationally recognised
figures, in a form that is accessible to a wide audience.
We are fortunate to have Professor Yu Yongding as this year’s lecturer. Professor
Yu’s distinguished career includes appointments as Director-General of the Institute
of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China, and
member of the National Advisory Committee of the 11th Five Year Plan for
National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China. The
theme of Professor Yu’s presentation — China’s policy responses to the global
financial crisis — provides timely insight into what is perhaps the most significant
economic challenge of the post-war era.
I am grateful to Professor Yu Yongding for agreeing to come to Australia to present
the Richard Snape Lecture for 2009.
Gary Banks AO
November 2009
RICHARD SNAPE 1936 – 2002
Richard Hal Snape was Deputy Chairman of the Productivity Commission and Emeritus
Professor of Monash University. He was a Board Member of the Australian Research
Council, Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and a Distinguished
Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia.
Yu Yongding was until recently Director-General of the Institute of World
Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing,
where he is a Professor at the Post-Graduate School. He is President of the China
Society of World Economics, Editor of China & World Economy, and Associate
Editor of Asian Economic Policy Review.
Professor Yu was formerly a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the
People’s Bank of China, and a member of the National Advisory Committee of the
11th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s
Republic of China. He has authored, co-authored and edited a dozen books, and
published numerous papers and articles. His main research interests are in
macroeconomics and the world economy.
China’s policy responses to the global
financial crisis
Yu Yongding
Since reforming and opening up its economy, China has created an economic
miracle. Its average annual rate of GDP growth over the past three decades was 9.8
per cent. This unprecedented growth vastly improved the living standards of the
Chinese people. In the period 2002–2007, China registered an average annual
growth rate of 10.5 per cent, while the inflation rate was kept under 2 per cent. This
period can be said to be the best period over the past three decades as far as
macroeconomic performance is concerned.
In 2007, China’s GDP growth rate was 13 per cent. In 2008 China’s GDP growth
fell gradually at first, and then after the Lehman Brothers fiasco, fell in a dramatic
fashion. In the first half of 2008 China was still able to manage an annual growth
rate of 10.4 per cent. In the third and fourth quarters, the rate fell to 9 per cent and
6.8 per cent respectively. In the first quarter of 2009, the growth rate fell further to
6.1 per cent.
With hindsight, the turning point of China’s growth happened in September 2008,
after the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy. The monthly growth rate of industrial
products better reflects the changing fortunes of the Chinese economy. In August
and September 2008, the growth rate of industrial products was 14.7 per cent and
11.4 per cent respectively. It dropped to 8.2 per cent and 5.4 per cent in October and
November 2008. In February 2008, China’s CPI hit 8.7 per cent, the highest in more
than a decade. But the CPI index fell to 2 per cent in November and has remained
negative since then, though sequential CPI growth has turned positive recently. The
fall of the Producer Price Index since August 2008 was even more dramatic.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the single most important impact of the global
financial crisis on the Chinese economy came from the fall in global demand which
reflected China’s extremely high export dependency. Indeed, China’s export
dependency is the highest among the major world economies. China’s export to
GDP ratio in 2007 was 35 per cent. In November 2008 exports shrank by 2.2 per
cent over the year, compared with a positive growth rate of 25 per cent in
September. The fall of exports may have cut GDP growth 3 by percentage points. If
its indirect impact is included, it may have shaved more than 5 percentage points off
China’s 2008 growth rate.
The features of China’s growth pattern
China’s high export dependency is a result of China’s export promotion policy,
which has been in place for decades. However, from the macroeconomic point of
view, China’s high export dependency is, to a certain extent, attributable to China’s
overcapacity caused by over investment.1 This is especially true over the past five
years or so.
Fixed asset investment (FAI) and exports were the two most important engines of
China’s growth during the period 2002–2007. In this period, the average annual
growth rate of exports and FAI were 29 per cent and 24 per cent respectively
(figure 1). In 2007, the combined contribution of FAI and net exports to GDP
growth was more than 60 per cent. Both China’s investment rate and export to GDP
ratio are strikingly high. These are the two most important characteristics of China’s
growth pattern.
Figure 1
Growth rates of exports and investment (current prices)
Export growth
Investment growth
Data source: Statistical Year Book, various issues, Statistics Bureau of PRC.
FAI has long been the single most important factor contributing to China’s
economic growth, because of its high growth rate as well as its sizable share in
1 The reason why China has been running current account and capital account surpluses is
discussed in detail in Yu, Y. 2007, ‘Global imbalances and China’, Australian Economic
Review, vol. 40, no. 1, March, pp. 1–21. The paper is based on the David Finch Memorial
Lecture presented by Yu Yongding at the University of Melbourne on 17 October 2006.
GDP.2 A noteworthy phenomenon in the past decade or so is that the growth rate of
FAI has been consistently higher than that of GDP and, hence, the investment rate
has been increasing persistently since 2001 (figure 2).
Figure 2
China’s investment rates
Data source: Zhongjing Net data bank
The persistent rise in the investment rate means that growth of the Chinese economy
is in a non-steady state. By definition, a steady state means that (1) aggregate
demand is equal to aggregate supply (and so are their growth rates); (2) the growth
rates of all components of aggregate demand are equal; (3) the shares of all
components of aggregate demand are constant; (4) a growth process in a steady
state is sustainable. Our question here is that, in a non-steady state, characterized by
a constant rising investment rate, how is China’s growth drama being played out?
Let me set out a framework of analysis first.
If the initial steady state is disturbed by an external shock in the form of a
sudden acceleration in the growth rate of FAI, the investment rate of the
economy increases.
Starting from the initial steady state and equilibrium, an increase in the
growth rate of FAI means aggregate demand is greater than that of supply
and hence overheating occurs.
2 There have been controversies about the FAI real growth rate statistics. However, despite the
inaccuracy, it is difficult to deny the fact that the growth rate of FAI in real terms has been
consistently higher than that of real GDP.
Provided that there is no change in the capital-output ratio, a higher
investment rate means a higher potential growth rate of the economy in the
However, in the periods immediately following, if growth rates of the other
components of aggregate demand remain unchanged, the excess demand
caused by the initial rise of the growth rate of FAI, which disturbed the initial
equilibrium, will persist until the gap of excess demand narrows gradually to
zero. However, the new equilibrium is temporary. Because the growth rate of
FAI is higher than that of other components of aggregate demand, the
investment rate and hence the potential growth rate will continue to rise. As a
result, excess demand (overheating) will shift to overcapacity. Equilibrium is
just a transitional stage between the overheating and overcapacity. The
specific point in time of the turning point from overheating to overcapacity
depends on initial conditions.3
It should be emphasized that equilibrium between aggregate demand and
supply does not imply a steady state, because growth rates of different
components of aggregate supply are different. In other words, the growth is
imbalanced. Here, the growth rate of FAI is higher than those of other
components of aggregate demand.
If the growth rate of components of aggregate demand other than FAI as a
whole fail to rise4, overcapacity can only be absorbed by a further rise in the
growth rate of FAI. As a result, the investment rate will rise further and so
will the potential growth rate.
With both a higher investment rate and a higher potential growth rate, the
growth rate of FAI must be increased further and further in subsequent
periods so as to absorb overcapacity. Correspondingly, the investment rate
will rise further and further and so will the potential growth rate. This
implies that although a steady increase in the growth rate of FAI can help the
economy achieve equilibrium (aggregate demand = aggregate supply)
temporarily, it will worsen the balance of growth of different components of
aggregate demand, with investment occupying an increasingly higher share
of GDP, and ever widening overcapacity.
3 For example, if the growth of FAI is maintained at the given higher rate after the one-off
disturbance, the growth rate of potential GDP will rise gradually in the subsequent periods. At a
certain point in time, when the growth of potential GDP has reached a certain rate, which is
higher than rates of the rest of the components of aggregate demand but lower than that of FAI,
the macroeconomic situation will shift from excess demand to overcapacity.
4 We assume that there is no endogenous mechanism to ensure that the growth rates of these
components of aggregate demand increase so as to catch up with FAI growth.
Obviously, the growth rate of FAI cannot accelerate forever. Sooner or later
the growth rate of FAI will hit a ceiling imposed by social, environmental,
natural resources, ecological or other constraints.
Even if the growth rates of all components of aggregate demand, including
FAI, become constant, owing to the fact that the growth rate of FAI is higher
than those of the other components of aggregate demand, the investment rate
will continue to rise and so will overcapacity. This is an unsustainable
process. Under the pressure of overcapacity, eventually, deflation will set in
and the growth process of the economy will break down.
10. To prevent the breakdown of the growth process, either the growth rate of
FAI can be lowered, or the growth rates of the other components of
aggregate demand can be raised, so that balanced growth of all components
of aggregate demand is restored.
11. If the growth rate of FAI is lowered, the immediate result will be worsening
of the overcapacity. However, as a result of the fall of the growth rate of
FAI, the investment rate will fall and so will the growth rate of potential
GDP. If the growth rate of FAI continues to fall, balance can be restored
when the growth rate of FAI is equal to that of the other components of
aggregate demand as well as that of GDP.
12. If the growth rate of other components of aggregate demand is raised, not
only will overcapacity be reduced, but growth of all components of
aggregate demand will become more balanced. The feasibility of this policy
of adjustment depends on external constraints on the potential growth rate.
13. The balance of growth of all components of aggregate demand, or more
precisely, the equality of the growth rate of FAI and that of other
components of aggregate demand, is a necessary and sufficient condition for
staying at a steady state and maintaining sustainable growth. Government
policy should be aimed at pulling the economy back to the steady state
following one deviation after another, while recognizing that the steady state
itself can be variable, owing to changes in exogenous conditions.
These dynamics can be simulated by numerical examples (figure 3).
The vertical axis and horizontal axis represent the excess demand gap and periods
of time, respectively. The positive figures represent a positive excess demand gap to
GDP ratio, and the negative figures represent overcapacity (negative excess demand
gap to GDP ratio). The shape of the excess demand gap to GDP ratio is determined
by various assumptions such as the initial shares of each component of aggregate
demand, the initial growth rate, the growth rate of FAI after the initial shock, the
Excess demand gap
Figure 3
Data source: Drawn by Dr. Xu Qiyuan.
government’s reaction to overcapacity, enterprises’ responses to the
existence of the excess demand gap and so on. In figure 3, it is assumed that,
initially, all components of GDP grow at a rate of 8 per cent, and the shares of FAI
and consumption in GDP are 40 per cent and 60 per cent respectively — hence,
there are only two components of aggregate demand. The capital–output ratio is
assumed to be 5. Provided that, as a result of an external shock, the growth rate of
FAI jumps to 10 per cent, then in the next period, despite the increase in supply as a
result of the higher investment rate in the preceding period, the increase in
aggregate demand as a result of the increase in FAI more than offsets the increase in
aggregate supply, and the excess demand gap appears. Assuming in the following
periods, the growth rates of FAI and consumption remain unchanged at 10 per cent
and 8 per cent respectively, the excess demand gap will increase until the 7th period
and then the gap will decrease. After the 17th period, overcapacity will appear.
If overcapacity is absorbed by increases in FAI in the current period, the
overcapacity gap will increase further in the next period.5 Obviously, this process is
not sustainable.
5 In this analysis, the question of how prices will react to changes in the excess demand gap to
GDP ratio has not been discussed.
Over the past three decades, overheating and overcapacity occurred in tandem in
China. During this process, the fluctuation of the growth rate of FAI has played a
pivotal role. Since the turn of the century, the growth rate of FAI has begun to
accelerate and surpassed that of GDP, owing to the expansionary fiscal and
monetary policies implemented since the Asian financial crisis. As a result, the
investment rate has risen since 2001 (figure 2) and overheating (excess demand) has
surfaced gradually since 2002. As we have mentioned, a sudden acceleration of the
growth rate of FAI will create excess demand immediately afterwards for a period
of time, and then after the investment rate reaches a certain level, the economy will
shift from overheating to overcapacity. The turning point seems to be 2004, when
signs of overcapacity began to surface. The Government tried to clamp down on the
launch of new investment projects. The Chinese Government’s clamp down on
investment in the steel industry was a case in point. In 2004, China’s steel
production capacity was about 400 million tons. Worrying about overcapacity, the
Government started to clamp down on building new steel mills. The Government
used administrative methods to ban unapproved construction of steel mills.
Perpetrators even got jail terms. However, due to strong demand for steel,
attributable to the real estate development fever and strong export demand, new
steel mills were mushrooming exponentially. China’s steel production rose to more
than 600 million tons in 2007 (figure 4).
Figure 4
China’s steel production capacity
(unit: 10 thousand tons)
Clamp down
Data source: Collected by Dr Zhang Bin.
Despite the fact that China’s investment rate was increasing steadily, which implies
that overcapacity pressure was building up, until the onset of the US financial crisis,
the surfacing of overcapacity was postponed by a further rise in the growth rate of
FAI and the accelerating growth rate of exports. Growth was sustained at the
expense of a widening imbalance between growth of investment and exports and
that of consumption. Due to the investment fever and strong external demand from
the middle of 2007, China’s inflation rate worsened rapidly.
Since the turn of the century, the Chinese economy has become more and more
reliant on external demand, and the share of the current account surplus (mainly the
trade surplus) in GDP has been rising rapidly. In 2007 the contribution of the trade
surplus to GDP growth was almost 10 per cent of GDP (figure 5). The strong
external demand delayed the surfacing of overcapacity for many years.
The trouble is that export demand is highly unstable. More importantly, when the
Chinese economy was relatively small, increasing exports to absorb excess capacity
was not a big deal. However, as a result of the expansion of the Chinese economy, it
has become increasingly difficult for the global market to absorb China’s excess
capacity. Again, the steel industry is a case in point. China has already become the
world’s number one steel producer. In 2007, 37 per cent of global crude steel was
provided by China. It is easy to see that if external demand collapses, overheating
caused by strong investment demand and strong export demand will turn into
overcapacity, and inflation into deflation, immediately. In the second half of 2008,
export demand collapsed due to the global financial crisis. Long-postponed
overcapacity surfaced suddenly.6 The rapidity of the shift from overheating to a
sudden loss of speed, and from inflation to deflation, in September to October 2008
was truly stunning.
China’s investment-driven and export-led growth pattern is not sustainable. The
investment rate cannot increase forever. The growth rate of China’s exports cannot
remain persistently higher than that of the global economy. With or without the
global financial crisis, overcapacity will surface and correction is inevitable. The
global economic crisis exposed the vulnerability of China’s growth pattern in a
dramatic fashion.
6 Contractionary monetary policy aimed at containing investment fever and asset bubbles began
to take effect in 2008, which also contributed to the slowdown of FAI growth.
Figure 5
Share of the current account surplus in GDP
As a share in GDP (%)
Current Account Surplus / GDP
Data sources: CEIC, UBS estimates.
China’s policy responses to the global economic
The stimulus package
Faced with the dramatic fall of GDP growth, the Chinese Government took action
swiftly. In November 2008, the Government introduced a Rmb4 trillion stimulus
package for 2009 and 2010. The prescribed dosage of the stimulus is very large, at
14 per cent of GDP in 2008. In March 2009, the People’s Congress approved the
Government’s new budget for 2009. According to this budget, in 2009, total
government expenditure (central plus local) would be 7.635 trillion Yuan, up 22.1
per cent over the previous year. In 2009, the total government deficit would be 950
billion Yuan (US$139 billion), the highest in six decades, compared with 111
billion Yuan in 2008. The Central Government deficit will be 750 billion Yuan, 570
billion Yuan more than last year. The State Council will allow local governments to
issue 200 billion Yuan worth of government bonds through the Ministry of Finance.
The expected budget deficit will be about 3 per cent of GDP in 2009. The
expansionary fiscal policy has been a great success, and it played a pivotal role in
stabilizing and reviving the economy. However, the success of China’s stimulus
package is not surprising at all. I have been very confident all along that China will
be able to achieve a growth rate as high as 8 per cent. The reason is very simple —
China has a very good fiscal position. As long as the Government so wishes, China
can spend its way out of the slowdown, as long as it is affordable for the country.
China can afford such an expansionary fiscal policy. Over the past decade, China’s
budget deficit was very low, and in 2007 and 2008, it ran a small budget surplus and
a small budget deficit of 0.4 per cent of GDP respectively. As a result, China’s debt
should only be about 20 per cent of GDP even after the stimulus. It is easy to see
that there is plenty of room for the Chinese Government to use expansionary fiscal
policy to supplement the lack of demand caused by the fall in export demand and, to
a lesser degree, the fall in non-governmental investment demand.
The Central Government finances one-quarter of the 4 trillion RMB package, in the
form of direct grants and interest rate subsidies. In the case of a Central
Government-sponsored project, with the approval of the National Development and
Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Finance provides all the funding for
the registered capital. Bank credit is the second most important source of finance for
the stimulus package. Local governments proposed their own stimulus packages of
18 trillion Yuan. The Central Government will issue 200 billion Yuan in
government bonds on behalf of local governments. Commercial bank credit is
expected to be the most important source of finance for the local-governmentproposed projects.
Monetary expansion
Since 2009, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has adopted a very expansionary
monetary policy to support the expansionary fiscal policy. In the first half of 2009,
bank credit increased by 7.3 trillion RMB, which was above the official target for
the full year. Credit growth was surprisingly high, and the same was true of the
broad money supply, M2, which grew at a record rate relative to GDP. As a result,
the inter-bank money market has been inundated with liquidity. In contrast, the
annual increases in bank credit in 2006 and 2007 were 3.18 trillion Yuan and 3.63
trillion Yuan respectively. Previously, corresponding to the rapid increase in
liquidity caused by the PBOC’s intervention in the exchange market, which was
aimed at offsetting the appreciation pressure on the RMB created by the persistent
trade surplus (and capital account surplus), the PBOC sold a large amount of central
bank bills to mop up the excess liquidity. Since the fourth quarter of 2008, the
PBOC has almost stopped selling more bills. As a result, liquidity has inundated the
inter-bank money market, and once even made the interest rates in the inter-bank
market lower than interest on deposits with commercial banks with the same terms
of maturity. This phenomenon was described in China’s banking circles as ‘flour
being more expensive than bread’.
China’s financial conditions have been very different from those in the United
States and Europe during the global financial crisis. China had just completed
overhauls of its banking system by writing off non-performing loans and injecting a
large amount of capital. Its banking system was relatively safe and sound when the
Western banking system was on the edge. As a result, there was no liquidity
shortage, no credit crunch, and the monetary multiplier in China has not fallen as
dramatically as in the United States. Therefore, the dramatic increase in liquidity in
the inter-bank money market has been duly translated into a rapid increase in bank
credit and broad money.
The long-term impact of the stimulus package and
expansionary monetary policy
The very expansionary fiscal and monetary policies have succeeded in arresting a
fall in growth. However, the medium and long-term impacts of the expansionary
policies are worrying.
First, the most important feature of China’s growth pattern is investment overdrive.
China’s investment rate has been increasing steadily since 2001. The rate has
increased from 25 per cent in 2001 to 50 per cent as a result of the stimulus package
that is centered on FAI. This means that China’s overcapacity will become more
serious in the future.
Second, China’s investment efficiency has been falling as a result of the stimulus
package. The Government knows very well that the Chinese economy has been
suffering from overcapacity. Therefore, government-financed investment in the
stimulus package is concentrated in infrastructure, rather than new factories.
However, there are still problems with an infrastructure-centered stimulus package.
With an investment rate of 50 per cent and a GDP growth rate of 8 per cent, the
incremental capital–output ratio will be as high or more than six. In comparison,
Japan’s incremental capital–output ratio was about three. From 1991-2003, China’s
incremental capital–output ratio was 4.1. The fall of investment efficiency will have
an important negative bearing on China’s long-term growth.
Third, infrastructure investment is long-term investment and will take a long time to
create revenue streams. Furthermore, despite the fact that investment in
infrastructure has the virtue of avoiding overcapacity, investment in infrastructure
without accompanying investment in manufacturing capacity means investment in
infrastructure will not bring returns. Where will tolls come from, if there is no
traffic in an eight-lane highway? To make things worse, due to the hasty and undersupervised implementation, waste in infrastructure construction is ubiquitous. All
this means not only low efficiency but possibly also a significant increase in
nonperforming loans in the future.
Fourth, the over-enthusiasm of local governments for local investment may worsen
China’s fiscal position in the future in an unexpected and dramatic way. On top of
the Central Government’s stimulus package, provincial governments were
encouraged to raise money to launch their own complementary stimulus packages.
The total amount of planned stimulus packages announced by local governments
was 18 trillion Yuan. The bulk of the local stimulus packages will be financed by
commercial loans guaranteed by local governments. A small portion of the finance
is raised by selling bonds issued by the Central Government on behalf of local
governments. As a result of the particular institutional arrangements in China, local
governments have an insatiable appetite for grandiose investment projects.
Investment led by local governments is likely to lead to a sub-optimal allocation of
resources. More importantly, the Central Government’s contingent liabilities may
shoot up in the future.
Finally, as already mentioned, China’s monetary policy is too loose. There is no
need for China to drop the benchmark interest rate to such a low level. Interest rates
are an important screening device in developing countries. The rapid expansion of
credit and money supply was, to a certain extent, the result of non-market
interferences. There are no sound economic rationales for supporting such a
dramatic expansion. If commercial banks had been allowed to make decisions based
purely on economic considerations, growth of credit and money supply would not
have been so fast. And there would have been less need to worry about the
possibilities of a rising nonperforming loan ratio, a worsening economic structure
and resurgent asset bubbles. Actually, anecdotal evidence shows that a large chunk
of excess liquidity has entered stock markets and real estate markets. Asset bubbles
are returning with a vengeance. The huge gap between the growth rate of M2 and
nominal GDP implies very large inflation pressure in the future. With near zero
interest rates, small and middle-sized private and innovative enterprises will be
discriminated against vis-à-vis state-owned monopolistic enterprises. The progress
made in enterprise reform may suffer retreat.
The rebalancing of the Chinese economy and the
safety of China’s foreign exchange reserves
Before the global financial crisis, the critics of China’s imbalances in the form of
running twin surpluses mainly concentrated on the double-misallocation of
resources. As a developing country, China should use its resources for domestic
investment and improving people’s living standards. As an FDI-recipient country,
China should translate capital inflows into the current account deficit. After the
global financial crisis, more and more attention has shifted to the safety of China’s
foreign exchange reserves. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were on the brink of
bankruptcy, the issue of the safety of China’s foreign exchange reserves was
brought to the fore.
China is resigned to the fact that in essence it is borrowing with high costs and
lending the money back to the United States for low or zero return. More troubling
is that now, even the safety of China’s foreign exchange reserves is under threat.
And capital losses — let alone obtaining decent returns — seem inevitable. As
warned by Paul Krugman, China has fallen into a ‘dollar trap’. In terms of capital
losses, China is facing a triple whammy.
First, the devaluation of the dollar is inevitable, which will lead to capital losses in
China’s foreign exchange reserves. The bulk of China’s 2.3 trillion dollar foreign
reserve holdings are not held for the purpose of self-protection, rather they are
savings in the form of US Treasuries. China needs to preserve the value of its
savings. There is no question whatsoever that the US dollar will go south, which
started in April 2002 and, after a short interval, restarted in March 2009. Unless the
US economy is rebalanced, the dollar will fall. And unless the dollar falls, the US
rebalance will not be achieved. As a result, capital losses of China’s foreign
exchange reserves are inevitable.
Second, though inflation may not be an immediate threat, the US inflation rate
should be around 4 per cent according to US Federal Reserve officials. This would
mean that each year China’s purchasing power devalues by 4 per cent. Furthermore,
due to an extremely expansive monetary policy, the dollar has been debased. Unless
the Fed implements the exit strategy successfully, which is doubtful, the real value
of China’s foreign exchange reserves will be eroded. Finally, as a result of dropping
money from the sky by Helicopter Ben, serious inflation in the future cannot be
ruled out.
Third, due to the huge budget deficit and supply of bonds by the United States, there
is no guarantee that there will be enough demand for the US securities. As a result,
the price of US government securities will drop, and China’s US security holding
will suffer losses.
First of all, China should reduce its current and capital account surpluses. If it
cannot reduce the twin surpluses, it has to translate the surpluses into assets other
than US Treasuries, which include increasing outbound FDI, investing in strategic
resources, engaging in mergers and acquisitions and portfolio investment abroad,
lending to international organizations, selling panda bonds, engaging in currency
swaps, and providing aid to developing countries.
With regard to stocks, the US Government should offer more Treasury InflationProtected Securities — like financial instruments. This would allow China to
convert some of its holdings of US government securities into similar but safer
assets. China should be allowed to convert part of its foreign exchange reserves into
special drawing rights (SDR) — denominated assets. China should not rule out the
possibility of adjusting the composition of its foreign exchange reserves to mimic
the composition of SDR. If the US Government cannot safeguard the value of
China’s holdings of US government securities, the US Government should
compensate China in one way or another.
Concluding remarks
All in all, the negative impact of the measures taken as part of the efforts of crisis
management by the Chinese Government on China’s long-run growth can be
serious, if the Government fails to tackle structural problems head on. However, it
is also worth noting that the Chinese Government is well aware of the problems and
it has begun to take measures to put structural adjustment back high on the agenda.
Hopefully, the Chinese Government will not only succeed in reviving the economy,
but also in reversing the worsening of the structural problem, and lay a solid
foundation for China’s future economic growth.