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Physical Science EOCT Review
Milton High School
Atomic number – number of protons; identifies the element
Atomic mass – number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the
nucleus of atom (protons + neutrons)
Protons = positive charge
Neutrons = no charge
Electrons = negative charge
You can know the number of electrons because in neutral atom the
number of electrons is the same as the number of protons
If the atomic number for
arsenic is 33 and the atomic
mass is 75 then:
How many protons does arsenic
How many neutrons can you
find in the nucleus of the
How many electrons in
arsenic’s electron cloud?
What is an isotope?
Isotopes = atoms with
different number of neutrons
Fusion or Fission
Fusion = joining together two nuclei; example the Sun
Fission = splitting apart of atoms; such as in nuclear reactor plants
Phase change – occur as a result of energy
being added or taken away from matter
As temperature rises, matter moves to a more rapid state
Force = mass x acceleration
F = ma
If F = 100 N and
m = 50 kg;
what is the dog’s
100 N = 50kg (a)
100 N /50kg = a
2 m/s2 = a
Mass vs. Weight
Weight = mass x gravity
Newton’s First Law of Motion
An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion
will remain in motion unless acted on by an outside net
force; objects tend to keep doing what they are doing
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
change of
velocity, or
is related to
the mass of
the body and
the force
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
For every action, there is an equal and opposite
Work = Force x Distance
If the blonde boy does not make the rock
move is he doing any work?
NO…you need distance
More Physics
• Speed = distance/time
• Velocity is speed in a particular direction
• Acceleration is change in velocity/time elapsed
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic waves do not need to travel through a medium
Long wavelength = low frequency
Short wavelength = high frequency
Speed of Sound – depends on the
medium it passes through
Sound cannot pass
through a vacuum
– no molecules
Sound waves travel faster at higher
temperatures and density
Sound travels
faster through a
solid and slower
through a gas
Angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection
Refraction – bending of waves due to a change
in speed
Diffraction- bending of waves around a
barrier (all waves can be diffracted)
Interference – when two waves meet while
traveling through the same medium
(a) Constructive
(b) Destructive
•Electricity – flow of electrons
•Voltage – amount of energy available to move
•Current – rate of electron flow
•Resistance – hindering electron flow
• Voltage = current x resistance
V = IR
More turns of copper wire = stronger magnetic field