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Board Meeting
03 10 14
Open Session
Item 9
Protecting the Health of the Population
1. Actions Recommended
NHS Grampian Board is asked to consider and approve:
1. The Joint Health Protection Plan 2014-16.
2. The Infectious Disease Incident Plan.
2. Strategic Context
NHS Grampian works closely with Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and The Moray
Councils to protect the health of the Grampian population. Health Protection is the
term used to describe the surveillance, investigation, control and prevention of
communicable disease and environmental hazards to human health.
This third Joint Health Protection Plan sets out the priorities, provision and
preparedness for NHS Grampian, Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and The Moray
Councils as required by the Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008. Implementation
of the plan will promote the protection of the health of Grampian residents.
The Infectious Disease Incident Plan describes the actions to be taken to manage an
infectious disease incident that presents an actual or potential risk to the public in
any setting in Grampian. It has been prepared by the Public Health - Health
Protection Team in consultation with the Infection Prevention and Control Team
(NHS Grampian) and the Environmental Health Services Departments of Aberdeen
City, Aberdeenshire and The Moray Councils. Implementation of the plan will
promote effective investigation and control of single cases and outbreaks of
infectious disease, thereby contributing to the protection of the health of Grampian
3. Key matters relevant to recommendation
The plans have been prepared in collaboration with the Environmental Services of
Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and The Moray Councils and relevant clinical
4. Risk Mitigation
Risk 586: Partnership working with Local Authorities, third sector, independent
contractors and community: The Plan has been developed in conjunction with local
authority partners. A joint meeting of environmental health, vetinarians, infection
prevention control doctors and public analyst takes place on a monthly meeting to
review notified disease and any incidence.
Risk 1262 Evidence and Intelligence Informed Strategy: Active surveillance is
undertaken with weekly reports to Health Protection Scotland. Annual reports are
produced for consideration by the Board such as Gastrointestinal Infections.
Risk 851 Delivery of Strategies to meet the future health needs of the population: A
debrief is undertaken after every significant event and a report submitted to NHS
Grampian Clinical Governance Committee to ensure system learning.
5. Responsible Executive Director and contact for further information
If you require any further information in advance of the Board meeting please contact:
Responsible Executive Director
Professor Sir Lewis Ritchie
Director of Public Health
[email protected]
Contact for further information
Dr Diana Webster
Clinical Lead Health Protection Team
[email protected]
Date 18 September 2014
Additional supporting information
1. The Joint Health Protection Plan 2014-16.
2. .The Infectious Disease Incident Plan.