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AP Environmental Science
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
— Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
AP Environmental Science is a rigorous, inter-disciplinary course focusing on the application of
scientific concepts and principals to the understanding and solution of environmental problems and issues. As
an college-level class, this course includes lecture, laboratory and field components. The lecture component
will occur twice a week, with the other days designated to laboratory and field study. Both laboratory and field
components of the course will allow students to learn about environmental issues through observation and
experimentation, while allowing them to develop critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.
The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles,
concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and
analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with
these problems and to examine the alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Three primary goals
that will also be expressed to students
1. Prepare them for our environment today and the future
2. Prepare students for the academic demands of a college student
3. Prepare students to confidently take and pass the APES exam in the spring
Each week of class will be divided between three activities used to present class material. One day a
week, students will engage with content from the textbook and primary source documents during the class
period. Apart from helping the students learn the material; this practice will aid college-bound students for
whom textbook reading skills will become essential in the coming years. Roughly two days a week will be used
for formal lectures in which the teacher will present information to the class using any number of various
methods, including PowerPoint presentations, video clips, demonstrations, etc. For both lectures and reading
assignments, students will be expected to take notes. The final two days of the school week will be used for
hands-on laboratory procedures and independent projects which allow students to personally engage with the
class content. This schedule is a rough approximation and will change week to week as need requires.
Labs and activities will be used on a daily basis to supplement the information presented from the book
and during lectures. Students will be required to complete each lab and the corresponding data sheets. Four
long-term labs will occur throughout the year (one per 9 week grading period); students will be required to write
formal lab reports for these four long-term labs. Each student will be given specific instructions regarding
writing formal lab reports.
APES in the News:
Environmental science is frequently changing and evolving field of study. To promote well-read and
informed students, each one is required to participate in the ―APES in the News‖ assignment. Once every
grading period, each student must find a newspaper or magazine article relating to environmental science, read
through the article, and write a one-page (double-spaced) reflection. Additionally each student will be required
to produce an ―APES in the News‖ assignment during fall break and spring break. A total of six APES in the
News articles must be completed by the end of the school year. One of the six articles must come from a
newspaper clipping from a different state/country. No repeat articles allowed.
APES Blog:
Students are required to create and maintain a blog page through an internet source. Students will be
instructed on how to set up a blog account from Students will then be directed to visit the class
blog page to read questions that correspond to that particular week’s lecture/topic. Student will then be required
to post a response to the question on their blog page.
Environment: The Science Behind the Stories. Withogott, Jay and Scott Brennan. 3rd edition, 2008,
Pearson Education Inc.
Supplemental Resources:
Although the textbook will remain the central source of information, the class will also use supplemental
resources such as additional textbooks, lab manuals, periodicals, case studies and internet resources when
deemed appropriate by the instructor. This course syllabus was influenced by Kevin Bryan, APES teacher from
California, which I met while at the AP summer institute, Myra Morgan, APES teacher from Connecticut, who
has acted as a mentor for this course and Caleb Mathis, former teacher of this course prior to the 2010-2011
school year.
Units and Lab Procedures:
I: Earth Systems and Resources
Unit 1 – 4 weeks (August)
A. Earth Science Concepts – chapter 7
(Geologic time scale; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar intensity)
B. The Atmosphere – chapters 17, 18
(Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect;
atmosphere–ocean interactions; ENSO)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Geologic Time Line – students will create a geologic time line, illustrating the length of geologic
time as well as plotting important geologic events upon their time line. (one class period)
2. Plotting Volcanic Activity – using USGS data, the students will plot recent seismic activity on a world
map, displaying which portions of the world see the most seismic activity and revealing the location of
the ―Ring of Fire.‖ (one-two class periods)
3. Plotting the movement of the Hawaiian Islands (one class period)
4. Video: How Do We Get Seasons? – video clip reveals that many Harvard graduates do not correctly
understand why different seasons occur. Demonstration using flashlights, cooking thermometers, and
globes (one class period)
5. Article and Group Discussion: The Science of Controlling the Weather – students will read articles in
regards to science’s attempt to control the weather and the possibility of weather as terrorism. The
students will then discuss humanity’s role in this evolving branch of science. (one class period)
Unit 2 – 4 weeks (September)
A. Global Water Resources and Use – chapters 15, 16
(Freshwater/saltwater; ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic use; surface and
groundwater issues; global problems; conservation)
B. Soil and Soil Dynamics – chapters 7, 9
(Rock cycle; formation; composition; physical and chemical properties)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Video: Water for Life – students will view video documentary detailing the effects of the global
water crisis on Africa. (one class period)
2. Solving the Global Water Crisis – after viewing the documentary, the students will assume the role
of Washington policymakers, writing bills and determining our governments’ role in ending the
global water crisis. (two class periods)
3. Salinization Lab - students will test the effect of salinization on crop yield by growing plants at
differing concentrations of salt water. Students will quantify the results the compare the height of
these plants and the length of their leaves. (two-three weeks) Formal Lab Report Required.
4. Physical and Chemical Weathering of Rocks – students will investigate the effects of both physical
and chemical weathering on various rock types, understanding that soil is composed mostly of
weathered rock segments. (one-two weeks)
5. Students will bring in various soil samples and conduct physical and chemical properties such as PH,
density, composition, N, P, and K
6. Identifying Soil Type and Quality – students will bring in a sample of soil, determining what type of
soil it is using the soil texture triangle, as well as testing for the presence of various nutrients
(phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen) in order to establish soil quality. (one week)
II: The Living World
Unit 3 – 4 weeks (October)
A. Ecosystem Structure – chapters 5, 6, 7
(Biological populations and communities; ecological niches; interactions among species;
keystone species; species diversity and edge effects; major terrestrial and aquatic biomes)
B. Energy Flow – chapters 4, 6, 7
(Photosynthesis and cellular respiration; food webs and trophic levels; ecological pyramids)
C. Ecosystem Diversity – chapters 2, 4, 5
(Biodiversity; natural selection; evolution; ecosystem services)
D. Natural Ecosystem Change – chapter 18
(Climate shifts; species movement; ecological succession)
E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles – chapter 7
(Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water, conservation of matter)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Schoolyard Ecology Lab – students will study biodiversity in terms of cars found in the student and
faculty parking lots; lab groups must classify the diversity, determine the species richness and evenness
and calculate the Shannon-Weiner index. (one class period)
2. Bottle Biology - students will study interrelated systems by creating an elaborate ecosystem within a
series of interconnected plastic cola bottles. Students will monitor the ―health‖ of these ecosystems
through direct observation and a number of tests over the course of a few weeks. Formal Lab Report
Required (two-three weeks)
3. Owl Pellet Investigations – students will dissect owl pellets, using the recovered bones to create a
―model‖ of the ingested prey. Students will use the information to make conjectures regarding food
chains and ecological pyramids. (one class period)
4. Complex Food Web – working in groups of four, students will create a complex food web for a
biome/ecosystem of their choice. The students must show all levels (producer – tertiary consumer,
decomposers, etc.) and trace the movement of energy through the ecosystem. (two class periods)
5. Biogeochemical Cycle Presentations - student groups will present/teach the class information related to
biogeochemical cycles and the conservation of matter. Each student group will determine how they
choose to present the information and each lesson must include an ―activity‖ to help their fellow
classmates reach a deeper level of learning regarding the subject. (three class periods)
III: Population
Unit 4 – 4 weeks (November)
A. Population Biology Concepts – chapter 5
(Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship)
B. Human population dynamics – chapter 8
(Historical population sizes; distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling times;
demographic transition; age-structure diagrams)
C. Population size – chapter 8
(Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies)
D. Impacts of population growth – chapter 8, 10
(Hunger; disease; economic effects; resource use; habitat destruction)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Using Local Cemetery To Study Life Tables and Demographics - students will collect data from
two graveyard populations (a historic one and a modern one), using the data to construct life tables,
survivorship curves and compare mortality rates. Comparisons of the populations will allow the
students to make conjectures regarding changes in mortality rates, etc. (two class periods)
2. Power of the Pyramids – students will research and create a population pyramids for one nation
using census data – one pyramid will represent the 2009 population, the other the projected 2030
population. They will also investigate their country’s population data, including infant mortality, life
expectancy, etc. (one class period)
3. Nation Report – using the same country from the ―Power of the Pyramids‖ activity, every student
will construct and present a poster detailing the environmental condition of their country, including
population density, major environmental challenges, major energy sources, etc. (two-three class
IV: Land and Water Use
Unit 5 – 4 weeks (December)
B. Forestry – chapter 12
(Tree plantations; old growth forests; forest fires; forest management; national forests)
C. Rangelands – chapter 9
(Overgrazing; deforestation; desertification; rangeland management; federal rangelands)
D. Other Land Use
1. Urban land development – chapter 13
(Planned development; suburban sprawl; urbanization)
2. Transportation infrastructure – chapter 13
(Federal highway system; canals and channels; roadless areas; ecosystem impacts)
3. Public and federal lands – chapter 12
(Management; wilderness areas; national parks; wildlife refuges; forests; wetlands)
4. Land conservation options – chapter 5, 6
(Preservation; remediation; mitigation; restoration)
5. Sustainable land-use strategies – chapter 12
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Video: The Meatrix – students will view a short animated film detailing the inherent problems
within the meat industry and learn about the need for sustainable farming practices. Students will
write a personal response to the film, including ideas as to how they can encourage sustainability.
(one class period)
2. Land-Use Planning Project – given a map of an area, student groups will determine the best use for
the land, which should include power plants, residential and commercial areas and nature preserves.
The students must then write a short summary explaining their land-use plan. (one week)
Unit 6 – 4 weeks (January)
A. Agriculture
1. Feeding a growing population – chapters 9, 10, 12
(Human nutritional requirements; types of agriculture; Green Revolution; genetic engineering
and crop production; deforestation; irrigation; sustainable agriculture)
2. Controlling pests – chapter 14
(Types of pesticides; costs and benefits of pesticide use; integrated pest management; laws)
E. Mining – chapter 19
(Mineral formation; extraction; global reserves; relevant laws and treaties)
F. Fishing – chapter 16
(Fishing techniques; overfishing; aquaculture; relevant laws and treaties)
G. Global Economics – chapter 3
(Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Radiated Seeds – students will examine the effects of varying degrees of radiation on the
germination of radish seeds; students can relate this information to the use of pesticides. (one week)
Formal Lab Report Required
2. Cookie Mining / Strip-Mining Lab – students will attempt to ―strip-mine‖ the chips from a chocolat
e chip cookie, using this lab as a basis for understanding the effects of mountain top removal. (one
class period)
3. Tragedy of the Commons Lab - working in groups of four, students will run a simulation showing
how over use of a common resource can lead to its depletion. This simulation is specifically geared
to target the practice of overfishing. (one class period)
V: Energy Resources and Consumption
Unit 7 – 4 weeks (February)
A. Energy Concepts – chapter 4
(Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermo dynamics)
B. Energy Consumption
1. History – chapter 19
(Industrial Revolution; exponential growth; energy crisis)
2. Present global energy use – chapters 19, 20
3. Future energy needs – chapters 20, 21
C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use – chapter 19
(Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and
global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/ disadvantages of sources)
D. Nuclear Energy – chapter 20
(Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types;
environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health; radioactive
wastes; nuclear fusion)
E. Hydroelectric Power – chapter 20
(Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts)
F. Energy Conservation – chapter 19
(Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit)
G. Renewable Energy – chapter 21
(Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale
hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Home and School Energy Audits – students will determine how much energy they use in their
personal lives as well as how much energy is used by the school. Students will research and present
ways to lower their energy consumption and the consumption of the school. (one week)
2. Who Killed The Electric Car?: Documentary and Student Response – students will view and
respond to a documentary highlighting the apparent obstruction of electric cars by oil companies and
governing bodies. (one class period)
3. Alternate Energy Report – student groups will research alternative energy possibilities, presenting
their findings to the class. Students will teach their classmates the essential information relating to
each type of alternative energy, including both positive and negative aspects of each. (one week)
VI: Pollution
Unit 8 – 4 weeks (March)
A. Pollution Types
1. Air pollution – chapter 17
(Sources—primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid
deposition—causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution;
remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other relevant laws)
2. Noise pollution – handouts
(Sources; effects; control measures)
3. Water pollution – chapter 15
(Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution; maintaining
water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other
relevant laws)
4. Solid waste – chapter 22
(Types; disposal; reduction)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Collecting and Testing Acidity of Rainwater – throughout the year students will collect rain water
and test its pH. A running tabulation will be kept within the classroom; students will postulate
reasons for pH fluctuations throughout the year. (continuous throughout the year)
2. Air Pollution of Cars - students will investigate air pollution as a result of incomplete combustion
within car engines. A sock will be used to collect particulates coming from a various car’s tailpipes.
The students will then be able to examine these particulates under a microscope. Students will also
learn about the effects of CO2 and CO on climate change. (two class periods)
3. Watershed Assessment – student groups will test various sections of the Elkhorn Creek in order to
determine the health of the water system. Tests include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrates,
nitrites, etc. Students will then compile the information and report it to the Clean Watersheds
Project, a nationwide website. Formal Lab Report Required. (two-three weeks)
Unit 9 – 4 weeks (April)
B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
1. Hazards to human health – chapter 14
(Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response relationships; air
pollutants; smoking and other risks)
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment – chapters 14, 17
(Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated
sites; biomagnification; relevant laws)
C. Economic Impacts – chapters 2, 3, 23
(Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability)
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Air Particulates at Home – students will create devices to catch air particulates within class; the
students will then take these devices home and hang them within their rooms. After a number of
days the students will bring the devices back to class, investigating, with microscopes, what air
particulates exist within their rooms. (three class periods)
2. LD-50 of Energy Drinks – through a number of tests, students will determine the LD-50 (the lethal
dose to 50% of a population) of a series of popular energy drinks. The students will use daphnia as
the test population. (one class period)
3. Exxon Valdez videos – students will compare and contrast two film’s response to the Exxon-Valdez
oil spill. One film (Outrage at the Valdez) presents the disaster from an environmentalist’s standpoint while another film (Scientists and the Alaska Oil Spill) presents the information from the
stand-point of Exxon. Students will then discuss the effect of ―spin‖ on new reporting in regards to
environmental issues. (one class period)
4. Bird Feather and Oil – simulating the effects of a major oil spill, students will examine feathers
under a stereoscope before and after submerging them in oil. Students will make conjectures as to
the dangers of major oil spills on wildlife and the surrounding environment. (one class period)
VII: Global Change – 4 weeks (May)
A. Stratospheric Ozone – chapter 17
(Formation of stratospheric ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of
ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties)
B. Global Warming – chapters 5, 18
(Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global warming;
reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties)
C. Loss of Biodiversity – chapters 6, 11
1. Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered and extinct species
2. Maintenance through conservation
3. Relevant laws and treaties
Associated Lab Procedures and Activities:
1. Ozone Testing – students will create and use test stripes to test for the presence of tropospheric
ozone; the class will compile the data to research the possibility of trends within the data set. (one
class period)
2. Six Degrees Video – students will view the documentary film, Six Degrees, which details the vast
environmental effects of climate change upon Earth. (one class period)
3. Invasive Species Project – students will research and create a ―wanted‖ poster for an invasive
species affecting our state. The poster must include how the species was introduced, what other
species it negatively effects, reasons for its success, etc. (three class periods)
Potential Special Events/Field Trips:
Kentucky State University Aquaculture Farm
Toyota Wastewater Treatment Plant
Freshwater Ecology Trip to Cane Run creek (Elkhorn Creek tributary)
Salato Wildlife Center