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Academy News
March, 2011
Upcoming Events
Usborne Book Fair
Parent Teacher Conferences
Inspirations Art Gallery
Snow Blitz
Dinner for Teachers/Early Out Day
HOPE Meeting, 8:45am
Snow Blitz
Talent Show Permission Slips Due
IB Assembly & Inspirations Awards
Buster Burgers’ Benefit Bash
Birthday Celebrations
Popcorn Friday
Talent Show Rehearsal
End of Quarter Dress Down Day
Talent Shows
Box Tops Dress Down Day
Someone asked me what the role of the
principal is in a school. Many see the principal
as the one in charge, but it more than that for
me here at Hawthorn. The reality is that I am
the servant of all. I am the servant of the third
grader who is having a hard time, the
kindergarteners that want to show what they
have learned, the first grader who wants to be
recognized, the fourth graders who are have
had a disagreement and the sixth grader who
is deciding whether to be a bully or show caring and respect. I am the servant of staff members
who need support, supplies or guidance and of the parent who has had a bad day and wants to
vent or is frustrated with instruction in their child’s classroom. I also get to hear the good things
that are happening for a child.
Being a principal is interesting as there is never a repeat of a day – each one is different. There
are observations to be done, children to greet and coach, parents and teachers to listen to,
newsletters to write, and reports for the state to be completed. Each day brings the opportunity
to work with amazing children, teachers, Board members, HOPE volunteers, and parents.
We have a number of important events this month. Please take note:
 Student – Led conferences March 2nd and 3rd. In the last two updates we have sent
home information how to sign up for a time for elementary conferences and middle
school information came home with students. Student led conferences are an important
part of the IB program. They help students develop the IB profile characteristics of
thinkers, communicators, and reflective learners. These conferences benefit students in
the following ways: (a) They are accountable for their learning; (b) Students learn to
evaluate their own progress; (c) Students gain greater commitment to school work and
learning; (d)They build self-confidence and self esteem; (e) Encourage student/parent
communication; (f) Build communication and critical thinking skills; (g) Allow students to
become actively involved; (h) Increase the amount of information given to the parents;
i) and parents learn more about their student’s learning and skills.
 Critical legislation is up for a vote that will impact funding – HB 313 and the legislative
consideration of cutting administrative funding to all Charter schools. An email was sent
Continued on page 2
asking you as parents to contact your legislators. It is the number of contacts made to your legislator
that will make a difference. The districts have gone in numbers to sway the vote in their favor. Please
speak up for our charter school.
 Registration packets are due March 7th . Please turn in your packets to your child’s first period teacher
or at student – led conferences. Next year’s 7th grade students need their immunizations up to date to
start school in the fall.
The first pull to fill vacant spaces and for the 2011-12 kindergarten class will be at the end of March. This will
be when we pull the names of new kindergarten students, including incoming siblings. At that point you will
be contacted to bring in their registration packets.
Thank you for your support of your students and the school programs.
Dr. Deborah L. Swensen
Open Positions
Our computer specialists is having to
leave due to personal reasons. If you
have any experience with computers
and enjoy working with children, or
know of someone that might be a
good fit for our school, please bring
in a resume to the front office.
The position is available
We have a few positions open for
next year as TAs. If you or anyone
you know is interested, please bring
a resume to the front office.
Is your student current on their
Please make sure your incoming 7th grade
student is current with their immunizations
before July 25th. They will need their Tdap
Booster shot to be able to enter the 7th grade. If
they do not complete their immunizations by
that date, they will not be able to receive their
schedule on Back to School Night. Please make
sure to make your appointments in advance
because this is a busy time for doctor’s offices. If
you have any questions please contact Albana at
at 282-9066, or email her at
[email protected].
Math Competetors
The following students competed in the Math Matters Contest on
January 29th. The students did an excellent job
representing Hawthorn Academy.
6th Grade
Mick (Michael) Pollard.
5th Grade
Jacob Wright
Judd Jensen
John Miller
Carlie Bullock
Jonathan Wimmer Zachary Buttler
Katherine Peterson Matthew Roper
Dillan Hawkins
Jasmine Griffin
Brittany Glazier
Makendra Mardell
Thank you!
Volunteer of the
Ashlei Thompson
Students Recognized for Demonstrating IB Profile Traits and Attitudes
In October the following Students were recognized for the IB trait of Caring, Communicators
and the attitudes of Respect and Cooperation.
Gavin Lundgren
Carson Angerbauer
Brooke Tatton
Kash Owens
Cameron Timpson
Aaron Spallino
Bradley Gardner
Mason Gibbons
Paulina Alvarez-Diaz Jennifer Farfan
Dorothy Breann Zeeman
Samantha Lockheart
Chloe McCall
Lexis Keller
Matthew Lence
Alison Jensen
Jonny Gibbs
Althea Tang
Tyler Moss
Jacob Quinney
Middle School
Morgan Moss
Lexi Matheson
R.J. Thompson
Mohan Sudabattula
Carly Baker
Liany Bird
Andrew Alder
Hannah Young
Bentli Burgon
Madison Swensen
Jezzie Jensen
Marshal McIff
Ava Muller
Student Recognition
The ballroom dance team competed at UVU on Saturday, February 19th
and came away with the bronze ribbon. Alec DeOlivara and Brooklyn
Ashby made it three rounds, out of five in the newcomer cha cha. Mick
Pollard and Brittany Glazier also entered the newcomer cha cha and
made it four rounds out of five. They said that was excellent for 1st
year competitors. We are very proud of all of the competitors.
Help Wanted:
Here is a list of our last few fun events for this school year. Please let us know if you want to help!
Remember, we all need to try to give 30 hours of our time throughout the school year. Thanks!
Burger Buster Benefit Bash – March 17 – contact Stephanie Dykstra at [email protected]
Hawthorn's Got Talent – March 30th – contact Tori January at [email protected]
Healthy Living Month – April – contact Shelly Parkin at [email protected]
Family Fun Run & Healthy Living Festival – April 30th – contact Shelly Parkin at [email protected]
Teacher Appreciation Week – May 9th - 13th – contact Taralee Clarke at [email protected]
Field Day – May 31st – contact Tami Lence at [email protected]
Eagles in Action
KINDERGARTEN: Kindergarten students are enjoying learning about how signs, symbols, and
leaders help us organize our world. We belong to neighborhoods, communities, the state of Utah,
and the United States of America. We are learning to sing Utah's state hymn and patriotic songs
with the help of Mrs. Pettersson.
We are learning what it means to be open-minded and tolerant when others are different from
us. We are practicing being principled and honest about our responsibilities in our classroom.
Valentines Day was a chance to think about being open-minded and caring as we thought about
the friendships we have in our classroom. We had fun with games and food during our Valentine
celebration. Thank you to room parents!!
FIRST GRADE: The first grade is hard at work creating city maps and dioramas as they conclude
their unit of “Where We are in Place and Time.” We are hoping to win the Usborne book contest,
as we work on becoming better readers each day! We had great Valentine parties, as we
celebrated our friendships with each other! And, we are working with our buddy classes to learn
more about the I.B. traits we are studying each month. This month, we are learning to be openminded, tolerant, and appreciative of each other!
SECOND GRADE: For Social Studies, in Second grade this month we have started working on our
animal reports. Part of our curriculum is studying about the habitats that animals live in and how
outside forces effect those habitats. For many students, talking about endangered animals and
how their habitats have been negatively affected, has caused many of them to want to make
changes in their personal lives. Part of IB is looking deeply into how the world works and how we
can become agents of change. Students are interested in riding bikes and conserving energy by
turning off lights. Some make sure that the classroom projector and overhead are not on more
than they need to be. Other students want to live in cardboard boxes so that animals homes are
not compromised by urban developments. Although we understand that their ideas to save the
planet are not extremely reasonable or always logical, we want to recognize their desires to make
appropriate changes, so that we can all share the planet.
THIRD GRADE: We are learning more about our country and what is important as American
citizens. We have studied the life of Ruby Bridges, who was the 1st grader who went to an allwhite school. She was very brave. Her teacher was very open-minded and tolerant of Ruby. We have learned to value these February IB traits. In March, we are committed to learning our multiplication facts. We are also being
knowledgeable about geometry. We are learning 2nd and 3rd dimensional shapes. We are
using the mimio to reinforce our math learning. We are also gaining confidence in using the
new Successmaker program in our math lessons. FOURTH GRADE: The Fourth grade is having a class “mock” of the Utah House of Rep., Senate
and Gov. Office. One class has had a law proposed, another class has acted as the senate and is
debating the law and will send it to the third class for veto/signature. It is connected to the
fourth grade study of economy in Utah, as well as the Government of the State. We are also
studying the initial settling of the Salt Lake valley by the Mormons. Our classes participated in
the Water Project Calendar drawings, we are currently using the “Sons of Utah” Pioneer paper
as a practice in writing. We have the Water Van coming to do demonstrations like we did last
year, on the date of March the 8th. Our approved field trip will get a bus booked, and then we
will have a letter to send to you, and then to parents within the next fortnight.
Our class is doing slide shows on ecosystems. We will follow that up with Dioramas, which each
class is doing on ecosystems. In reading the classes are doing reading groups and readers
theatre, and novel study groups.
In Geometry this month, students were able to make and use their own clinometers. This tool
allowed students to calculate the height of tall objects such as the school building and flag pole
using trigonometry. The geometry students also researched and presented over 10 different
proofs of the pythagorean theorem.
Theatre I: Theatre I students will share performances of Children’s Stories as their culminating
performance for the Vocal Skills Unit.
Theatre II: Theatre II Students have learned Creative Drama techniques. They are developing a
creative drama lesson plan that they will lead in an elementary classroom in upcoming weeks.
English 9: English 9 just finished a unit on listening and speaking skills which ended with
students delivering a speech they wrote. Vocabulary work on “troublesome” words will be our
next unit followed by a unit on Romeo and Juliet.
English 8: English 8 is just finishing the novel unit for The Diary of Anne Frank. Students have
done vocabulary building exercises, journal entries, group discussions, and a great deal of work
dealing with character development. The final project provided several options so that students
may work in a mode they are most comfortable with. In weeks following we will prepare to take
the DWA test.
In 7th grade we read Freak the Mighty. We have done several vocabulary and character building
activities as the book focuses on the differences of two young boys and how they work to
conquer those differences and the world around them. Aside from vocabulary we have learned
more about synonyms, antonyms, analogies, and figurative language as we have read and
broken down the chapters as well as how the author uses his words to get themes and
messages across in those chapters. Students will finish the novel next week and then watch
parts of the movie to write a compare and contrast piece for their next paper. Permission slips
for that movie will be sent home soon. Updates are always posted on my website in detail.
Journalism: Journalism students are working on the February newsletter along with a family
newsletter. Spanish 1A: We are studying nutrition in my class right now. We will partake in making salsa
and smoothies in our class because the main focus of our chapter is on fruits and vegetables. These can be healthy snack alternatives and the students will learn how to make them step by
step at my cooking show!
Art: We have finished up our kaleidoscopes. This was the last assignment dealing with the
elements of shape, both organic and geometric. Really not much to this element, as most of this
is background knowledge. Next up is Color. It’s a little more intricate. We will have a discussion
on all the different colors, and how and why they mix, which ones complement each other, etc.
Each student will be doing their own color wheel and will need to explain where each color
belongs and why. The color wheels will each be different, as they need to pick a theme and a
picture for each color. These turn out really great.
For the month of February, Hawthorn students focused on the IB Learner Profile of being
open-minded and the IB attitudes of appreciation and tolerance. When students are openminded, they understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are
open to the perspectives, values and traditional of the other individuals and communities.
They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to
grow from the experience. When students show appreciation, they appreciate the wonder
and beauty of the world and its people. When students demonstrate tolerance, they are
sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and are responsive to the needs of
For the month of March, Hawthorn students will be focusing on the IB Learner Profile of
being risk-takers and the IB attitude of confidence. When students are risk-takers, they
approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the
independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and
articulate in defending their beliefs.
When students show confidence, they are confident in their ability as learner, having the
courage to take risks, applying what they have learned and making appropriate decisions and
Help our Hawthorn eagles to continue to develop the IB Learner Profile of risk-takers and the
attitude of confidence during the month of March both inside and outside of the classroom!
Hawthorn Academy 2nd Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk
Saturday April 30 start time 8:00am.
There will also be a Healthy Living Festival held in the gym
starting at 8:00am and going to 11:00am.
Cost for Fun Run is $25/family or $5/person. The money goes to HOPE to help
purchase planners for the entire school next year!
Anyone wanting to volunteer to help on the day of the run
please contact Shelly Parkin at [email protected].
Anyone who has contacts in health, healthy living and related fields who might be
interested in sponsoring or having a booth at the Health Fair,
please contact Shelly Parkin at [email protected].
Start walking/running in preparation of the event. There will prizes
for first, second and third place winners as well as the opportunity for
raffle prizes for all participants.
Silent Auction
We are again having a Silent Auction at the
Healthy Living Festival on April 30th.
If you have any donations for the auction then
please bring them to the school office. We are
looking for donated gift baskets, gift certificates
for services, gift cards or any other item/service
that you can donate.
Please contact Bev Case with any questions at
[email protected]. Thanks!
Check out the Usborne
Book Fair and
Inspirations Gallery
during Student-Led
Conferences this
Wednesday and
Thursday, March 2-3.
Change For Kids
March 10th at 6PM
This concert is for the middle school orchestra, choirs, band, guitar ensemble,
and glee and will have a Time Travel theme.
Please bring all of your loose change because we will be collecting it to raise money for the
Primary Children's Hospital. We have been learning about empathy, caring, reflection,
cooperation and appreciation.
This concert is organized by the students. They came up with their own decorations,
costumes and choreography for the numbers they will be performing
from the 40's to modern.
We wanted to give back to the community. This is also in preparation for the visit to Primary
Children's Hospital in May to visit with and read to children.
Please support your students. The concert will also be videotaped.
Please contact Mrs. V to purchase a copy at [email protected].
Yard Sale
We are looking for volunteers to help!!
This year it will be May 9-13!
We want to start planning now to
show our teachers just how
amazing they are!
If you are interested in helping
please contact Taralee Clarke at
[email protected]!
We are collecting donations of gently used
uniforms. We will then sell them at a very
discounted rate at Back to School Night in the fall.
If you have anything to donate, there will be a box
in the school lobby for these items.
Contact Kami Groves at [email protected]
if you have questions.
Popcorn Friday!
March 18th
We are not to eat it in school
will be tolerated!!!
If you have questions or want to help,
then please contact Taralee Clarke at
[email protected]
Thanks for supporting HOPE!
HOPE Committees & Positions for 2011-12
I know that it seems so early to plan for next year but the last few months of school seem to fly by. We
need to develop another amazing team of volunteers to keep up the good work that HOPE does for our
school and our students. This list just includes the information that is available thus far. Not everyone has
responded with their plans for next year. We still need nominations for the HOPE Executive Board Positions.
The rest of the committees are all volunteer positions. If you have an interest in a certain event or any
questions, then please contact Stephanie Dykstra at [email protected].
HOPE Executive Board: Nominations
NOTE: an (A) by the name means the nomination has been accepted, a (D) means the nomination has been
declined and a (?) means that we have not had a response yet.
President: Melinda Petersen
Preside at monthly HOPE meetings.
Oversee the other officers and committees.
Assist HOPE committees and chairmen – follow up and follow through.
Act as a liaison between HOPE, the Director, the Student Government and the Board of Trustees.
Help with the planning of the Faculty Breakfast, Staff Christmas Luncheon and HOPE Thank You Luncheon.
Signor on the HOPE checking account.
President Elect Nominations: Stephanie Dykstra (A), Lanese Hendrickson (D)
Work in conjunction with and acting as an aid to the President.
Represent the President upon request and assume the duties of the President in the absence or inability to
Assist HOPE committees and chairmen – follow up and follow through
Help with the planning of the Faculty Breakfast, Staff Christmas Luncheon and HOPE Thank You Luncheon.
Signor on the HOPE checking account.
Assume the position as President the following school year.
Secretary Nominations: Taralee Clarke (A), Tara Matheson (?), Angela Anderson (?)
Prepare the agenda for all HOPE meetings.
Record minutes and attendance at HOPE meetings.
Give notice of HOPE meetings and post the agenda and minutes.
Maintain a current Calendar of Events and give notice of upcoming HOPE events.
Maintain a current contact list of HOPE committee chairs.
Assist HOPE committees and chairmen – follow up and follow through.
Help with the planning of the Faculty Breakfast, Staff Christmas Luncheon and HOPE Thank You Luncheon.
Signor on the HOPE checking account.
Treasurer Nominations: Jessica Barnes (D), Kami Groves (D), Nominations needed
Prepare and maintain monthly and yearly budgets.
Keep an accurate account of deposits and expenditures of all the monies of HOPE.
Manage the HOPE bank accounts.
Make deposits and provide change for events when needed.
Report financial standings at all HOPE meetings.
Assist HOPE committees and chairmen – follow up and follow through.
Help with the planning of the Faculty Breakfast, Staff Christmas Luncheon and HOPE Thank You Luncheon.
Signor on the HOPE checking account.
Marketing Chair Nominations: Bev Case (A)
1. Prepare and organize yearly Marketing Luncheons.
2. Work with local businesses to create partnerships for
our school.
3. Work to obtain donations of services and
merchandise from local businesses for
School activities such as silent auctions, directory
advertisements and sponsorships.
Help with committee activities when needed.
Help with the planning of the Faculty Breakfast, Staff
Christmas Luncheon and HOPE Thank You Luncheon.
Grants & Fundraising Committee: available
Grants: Stephanie Bullock
Hot Lunches: Jessica Barnes
Product Collection: Sarah Mason
Carnivals: available
T-shirt Sales: Jessica Barnes
School Supply Kits: Holly Peterson
Popcorn Fridays: Taralee Clarke
Silent Auctions: Jessica Barnes & Bev Case
Restaurant Spirit Nights: Stephanie Dykstra & Bev
Library Committee: Ashlei Thompson
Volunteers and Aids: available
Book Fairs: Heather Jewkes
Grand Event: available
Library Decorations: available
Parents and Pastries: available
Book Review Committee: available
Extracurricular Committee: Mindy Hillman
Music: Mindy Hillman
Snow Blitz: Stephanie Dykstra
Sports: various parents and teachers as needed
Entrepreneur Club: available
Chess Club: Mr. Drury
Art Club: Ms. Kyker
Other Clubs: various parents and teachers as
Parent Coordinator: available
Facilities: Paul Gulsby
Room Parents Coordinator: Lanese Hendrickson
Guided Reading: Mauree Pierson
Volunteer Recruitment & Tracking of Hours: available
Volunteer Recognition (Banner & Awards): Sarah
Special Events Committee: available
Patriot Day Assembly (9/11): available (planned for
Friday, September 9th)
Parent Teacher Conference Dinners – Kami Groves
Monthly Birthday Celebrations – Jileen Ward
Red Ribbon Week (Say No to Drugs) : available
(planned for 10/10 – 10/14)
White Ribbon Week (Internet Safety): available
(planned for 1/18 – 1/20)
Family Fun Around the World: Jessica Taylor (planned
for January 25th)
Family Movie Night: available
Talent Shows: Tori January (planned for March 21 & 22
Teacher Appreciation Week: available (planned for
May 7 – 11)
Field Day: Jessica Taylor (planned for May 31st)
Outreach Committee: Stephanie Dykstra
Newsletter: Kim Nickerson
Emails/Flyers/Updates: Tami Lence
Carpools & Decals: Holly Peterson
Directory: Holly Peterson
Public Relations & Media Contacts: available
Public Relations & Store Donations: available
Bulletin Board: available
HOPE Website: Jeff Hillman
Inspirations Committee: Stacey LaMont &
Colleen Hoyt
Wellness Committee: available
Maturation Class – Stephanie Dykstra
Speakers/Presentations: available
Family Fun Run/Health Living Festival: available