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Astrology and Sex Appeal
Some signs have a reputation for being sexier than others - sex seems to go hand in hand
with Scorpio in many astrological conversations but there are also the sensual Taureans, the
flirtatious Geminis and the glamorous Leos.
In practice, however, being born under each of these signs produces many variances,
sometimes quite at odds with the expected stereotype. The “what” of life is ruled by planets
rather than signs which describe the way a planet behaves.
Venus rules the passions and beauty while Jupiter, when in a positive relationship with
another planet, will increase the effects of that planet - put Jupiter and Venus together in a
chart and the chances are that you will find someone who is oozing beauty or sex appeal.
Here are a few examples:
Marilyn Monroe
9.30 a.m. PST
1 June 1926
Los Angeles, 34N03, 118W14
Marilyn Monroe was married three times and reputedly had many
other relationships including President John F. Kennedy. There were
also rumours that she was involved with Senator Robert Kennedy,
JFK’s brother.
Almost all Geminis like to be
in partnership although when
they are on their own they
can talk to themselves with
more success than most signs
since their symbol is the twins
- the internal dialogue is
One of the first things which
strikes the observer of this
chart is that there are no
planets in the earth element four in chatty air and four in
water seem to show her
predilection for the many
years spent in analysis while
Venus in Aries and Neptune in
Leo add some fire to complete the picture.
However, Venus is said to be in its detriment in Aries - the sign which it likes least.
Venus likes harmony, partnership and beauty but Aries is all about getting things done - and
now, if not sooner. A combination of Venus in Aries with Sun and Mercury in Gemini
suggests a certain impetuousness in matters of passion. But oh, how beautiful, the owner of
this chart is - Jupiter in Aquarius is just under two degrees away from making a perfect
sextile (harmonious sixty degree angle) with Venus! And since Jupiter is just under eight
degrees away from the Moon in Aquarius she had the ability to appeal to so many, many
We aren’t done yet - Neptune, which can elevate anything to an almost ethereal level, is six
and half degrees off a perfect trine to Venus and a trine is the most positive aspect in
astrology. To complete this figure the Moon is opposite to Neptune - so many illusions and
so much confusion - “the candle burned out long before the legend ever did” as Elton John
memorably wrote in his tribute to Marilyn Monroe, Candle in the Wind.
King Charles II of England
11.25 a.m. LMT
8 June 1630 (NS - 29 May 1630 OS)
London, 51N30, 00W10,
Another Gemini - nicknamed “The Merry Monarch.”
Many Geminis seem to have nicknames or change their names or
have some confusion about the date of the time - or even the date of their birth. This applies to those
with their Moon or Ascendant in
Gemini as well as their Sun.
After eleven years of dour Puritan
England under Oliver Cromwell
and his son, Richard, who better
to become king (actually he was
declared king upon the execution
of his father Charles I in 1649 but
was in exile from 1646 until 1660)
than the pleasure loving King
Charles II?
He was married to Catherine of
Braganza who bore him no
children although he had many
mistresses and reputedly was the
father of fourteen illegitimate
children, none of whom
succeeded him to the throne.
Venus is at its best in the sign of Taurus and is placed at 8o25’ of that sign in the ninth house
which deals with foreign countries. It is no surprise to find the king had more than a passing
interest in what might be called “foreign affairs.”
His wife, Catherine, was from Portugal while two of his mistresses, Hortense Mancini and
Louise de Kerouaille, were Italian and French respectively). The Moon and Pluto also in the
seventh house add further weight to his involvement in international matters although not
necessarily to his sense of beauty.
Jupiter is at 11o52’ degrees of Pisces and is the traditional ruler of Pisces making it
particularly strong in its effect. Placed within five degrees of the descendant - or beginning
of the seventh house which deals with partners - it can be counted as being in the seventh
house and within three degrees of an exact sextile with Venus.
Naomi Campbell
1.00 a.m. BST
22 May 1970
00W10, 51N30
Naomi Campbell, one of the supermodels of the nineteen-eighties
has Venus at 29o17’ Gemini less than two degrees away
from a perfect trine with
Jupiter at 27o36’ Libra (one of
the signs most associated
with beauty since it is ruled
by Venus) so the indications
of beauty are in the stars
when she was born.
She has never married but
been involved in a number of
high profile relationships notably with actor Robert de
Niro and boxer Mike Tyson.
Mr. Tyson might have got
more than he bargained for
with a lady who has been in
many public spats as result of
which she has been banned
from British Airways, undergone anger management courses and been sentenced to
community service. Her agency fired her declaring her to be “manipulative, scheming, rude
and impossible.”
With Mars conjunct her Venus and both those planets square to Pluto it’s not surprising that
these sorts of issues should arise.
Benito Mussolini
2 p.m. LMT
29 July 1883
Dovia Il Predappio
44N06 11E58
The publication of
Mussolini’s diaries in 2009
laid bare - if that’s the right
expression - Il Duce’s
insatiable sexual appetites.
Despite questionable levels
of personal hygiene he was
twice married and regularly
had fourteen mistresses at
once, sometimes bedding
three or four women in one
evening. Throw in rumours
of bigamy, an affair with the
daughter of one of his
mistresses together with a
complete disregard for
venue of the act and we can
see it is not only quantity
that counts but also a need
for variety.
Lack of physical beauty seems to have been no impediment to an abundant sex life. Power,
as Henry Kissinger remarked, is the ultimate aphrodisiac and where is it more likely to be
found than in an imperious Leo?
Venus and Jupiter are within three degrees in Mussolini’s chart - both in Cancer where
Jupiter is exalted giving the conjunction something of a turbo charge. With Uranus at 20o
Virgo making a close sextile to both Jupiter and Venus we can see that this provides the
need for an “unusual” dimension to his sex life. Many of Mussolini’s mistresses complained
of the lack of “after care” - not even a cuddle, let alone a cup of coffee and a biscuit or
jewellery. It is likely that this coldness can be put down to the close conjunction of the
Moon and Saturn.
The Sun in Mussolini’s chart is square to the Nodal axis - perhaps one of the best
expressions of a chart where power can be exercised for good or ill. Mussolini came to an
unfortunate end, shot alongside one of his mistresses, Clara Petacci.
Elizabeth Taylor
2. 30 a.m. GMT
27 February 1932
London, 51N30, 00W10,
Another chart in which we see the planets Venus, Jupiter and
Uranus in close alignment with each other. Venus and Uranus are
almost exactly conjunct at 17o Aries and make a close trine to
Jupiter at 15o Leo.
Pisces Elizabeth Taylor may not
have been a dictator like the
Leo Benito Mussolini but she
was regarded as a beauty and
had a fruitful and unorthodox
series of relationships.
These included eight marriages
but only seven husbands as she
was married twice to Richard
Burton while there were a
series of extramarital
relationships at various times.
She was widowed once, the
remaining seven marriages
ending in divorce.
Venus and Uranus in this chart
are just 0o6’ of one degree
apart so we would be surprised
if her love life were not surprising!
Larry Fortensky, her last husband, was twenty years younger than Taylor while the Venus in
detriment in Aries, while enthusiastic, is always a caution against rushing into relationships.
Jupiter, in expansive Leo, just increases the effect. Note the completely unaspected Saturn on her conversion to Judaism at the age of 29 she said she "felt a desperate need for a
formalized religion."
Jennifer Lawrence
8.17 p.m. EDT
15 August 1990
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
38N15, 85W45,
One of the modern day film
stars who has a reputation for
making grown men go weak at
the knees, Jennifer Lawrence
has that tell-tale connection
between Jupiter (exalted at
29o31’ Cancer) and Venus at
2o33’ of theatrical Leo. Her sun
sign is also Leo so it’s no
surprise to find her profession
is that of an actress, something
which is emphasised,
astrological speaking, by
Jupiter, the ruler of her tenth
house of career, being so close
to Venus in Leo.
A further indication of her
profession is the Moon’s
position in Gemini on the cusp
of the fifth house which rules
entertainment of all sorts - placed in versatile Gemini we can expect Ms. Lawrence to take
roles of many different sorts -something which has already been apparent in her work to
Uranus is not in a major aspect with either Jupiter or Venus so perhaps her love life will be
less unconventional than Elizabeth Taylor or Benito Mussolini - the glamour factor is there,
however, undeniably.
Leonard Cohen
6.45 a.m. EDT
15 August 1990
Montreal, Canada
45N31, 75W34,
Venus in this chart makes no major aspect to Jupiter but is
exactly conjunct Neptune (just one minute of one degree off).
Although Cohen has not been short of female attention in his
eighty years - and many women I know still swoon at the mention of his name - there have
been periods of sexual abstinence such as the famous five year Buddhist retreat in the
The closeness of Venus and Neptune speaks of Divinity rather than quantity.
In modern Kabbalistic astrology Neptune is said to correspond to the principle of the Divine
known as Keter, the Crown, which symbolises the Divine aspect of ourselves. This Divine
love is the stuff of the Biblical song of Solomon, and the poets Rumi and John Donne, not of
earthly love. No wonder that so many of Cohen’s tunes have an almost other worldly
quality about them.
The downside is that relationships may have an element of delusion or illusion about them an example of this might be the defrauding of Cohen by his business manager. Yet, without
that, he would not have taken to the road again in his mid-seventies and produced a late
flowering of work which has
delighted a new generation
who were not familiar with his
Perhaps the Venus Neptune
conjunction in this chart is
summed up the title of one of
Cohen’s most famous songs - I
Came So Far For Beauty.
There are a host of other beauties of both sexes with less exact contacts between Venus
and Jupiter than those charts described here including:
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Marlene Dietrich (Jupiter sits on the midpoint between Uranus and Venus)
Marion Cotillard
Scarlet Johannsen (a Venus Jupiter conjunction of under 3o)
George Clooney
Antonio Banderas
Frank Sinatra
Paul Newman
Diana, Princess of Wales (9o away from a perfect trine between Venus and Jupiter)
Elvis Presley (a tight 2o square between Venus and Uranus describes his role as a
sexual revolutionary)
Of course, many other people who haven’t made it to Hollywood or won a Miss World title
may also have significant aspects between Venus and Jupiter (or Venus and other relevant
planets) in their charts and they may even be exact.
I once met a man who had an exact conjunction between Venus and Jupiter (in Libra - the
sign most closely associated with relationships) who had been married five times. He also
had a close trine from Uranus (in Gemini) to these planets which had played itself out in an
obsession with attending the concerts of Neil Diamond.
So although it may be true to say that many “beautiful” or “sexy” people will have these
aspects not everybody who has the aspects will be famous. The same traits may be played
out in village life as well as in the public eye.
© Jonathon Clark 2015