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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No. 2, February 1985 437 A LEAST ERR)R SQUARES THNIQUE FOR y DETERMINING POWER SYSTEM M.M. Giray M.S. Sachdev, FIEE Power Systems Research Group University of Saskatchewan Saskatocn, Saskatchewan Canada S7N OWO Abstract An algorithm for measuring frequency at a power system bus is presented in this paper. The algorithm is based am the least error squares curve fitting technique and uses digitized samples of voltage at a relay locaticn. Mathematical developnent of the algorithm is presented and the effects of key parameters, that affect the performance of the algorithm, are discussed. The algorithm was tested using simulated data and data recorded fran a dynamic frequency source. Results of sample tests are also presented in this paper. ODUCTIO2N Frequency is an important operating parameter of a power system. Generation-load mismatches cause the system frequency to deviate fran its naninal value. Frequencies lower than the naninal value indicate that the system is overloaded.. Underfrequency relays are used to detect these conditions and disconnect load blocks to restore the frequency to its normal value. These relays provide outputs when the frequency decreases to prespecified thresholds. Frequencies higher than the naninal value indicate that the system has more generation than load. These conditions are detected by overfrequency relays provided at generator terminals. Overfrequency relays are also used to protect generators fram overspeeding during start-ups. Frequency relays available at present are of the electranagnetic and electronic types. The accuracy of electramagnetic relays ranges fran + 0.1 to + 0.2 Hz of the set frequency (1). These relays are being gradually replaced by the solid state types which measure time durations between successive zero-crossings of the input voltage and determine frequency fram these measurements. Developments of digital frequency and frequency trend relays have been reported (2, 3, 4). These relays also measure time duraticns between successive zero-crossings of the system voltage for canputing frequencies and frequency trends. The performace of solid state and digital relays is adversely affected by the presence of distorticn and noise which shift the zero-crossings or create multiple zero-crossings. Lately, canputer based frequency relays using discrete fourier transform technique have been developed (5, 6). System voltage at the relay location is sampled and digitized. These values are then used to estimate frequency and rate of change of protection of transformers (8, 9). In this paper, the technique is extended to simultaneously measure frequency and amplitude of the system voltages fran sampled values. Simultaneous measurement of voltage and frequency is useful in detecting overexcitation of This is also suitable for transformers (10). protection of generators during start-up and shut-dow operations and while operating off-line for spinning reserve. DEVELEPMENr OF TE ALGORITHM This sedticn presents the algorithm which measures the frequency of a voltage signal. It assumes that the system frequency does not change during a data window used for measurement. The algorithm is developed using the least error squares approach and uses digitized values of the voltage sampled at the relay location. The Algorithm The frequency at a power system bus is usually not required to be measured during a fault transient. The system voltage sampled for measuring frequency may, therefore, be expressed as: where; V is wm is t is 0 is the peak value of the voltage. the radian frequency and is equal to 2Trf. time in seconds. an arbitrary phase angle. Using the well known trigonanetric identity, sin(27rft+G) = cos6 sin(2 Trft) + sine cos(27rft), Equation 1 can be expanded as follows: v(t) = Vm (cose) sin(2'rft) + Vm (sine) cos(2Trft) (2) Using the Taylor series sin(2vrft) and cos(2-rrft) can be expanded in the neighborhood of an expected value f These series ccntain infinite terms and are given n Equations 3.1 and 3.2. sin(2Trft)= E frequency. This paper presents a new algorithm which is based on the least error squares curve fitting technique which has previously been used for impedance protecticn of transmission lines (7) and differential (1) v(t) = V sin(wt+6) Z (-1) sin(2rrf0t) + n+ ~~2n+l (1l)n (2Trt) | (f-f ) cos(2Trf t) (3.1) ( (2n+l)! Z()m, (2vt 2m m=--0 84 SM 632-6 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES 1984 Summer Meeting, Seattle, Washington, July 15 - 20, 1984. Manuscript submitted February 1, 1984; made available for printing May 15, 1984. (f-fo0) co n= cos(27Tfft)= (2t! co n=0 (f-f ) oo 2n+l )n+l(2Tt) I 2+l sin (2TTf t) 0 o cS (2vTf 0t) + 2n+l (3.2) Using the first three terms of these series, sin(2Trft) and cos(27rft) can be approximated by 0018-9510/85/0002-0437$01.00© 1985 IEEE 438 sin (27rft) -= sin (27rf0t) + 271t (f-f0) cos (27rf0t) (f-f0) 2 sin(27Tf 0t) - (4. 1) cos (27rf0t) - 2irt (f-f0) sin (2Trf0t) cos (2Trft) (2Trt)2 (f-f0) 2 2 cos - (t2 [sin(2Trfot) 00 (f_f 0) Vm(sine) [cos(27Tf t) + 2.rt(f-fo) 00tsin(2Tff (2ft2 t) (f-fo) o - cos (27Tfot)] The following 2quation :Fan now ye obtained by replacing (f-f ) with (f -2ff + f ) in Equation 5 and rearrangincg the resulting eguati&?. o + [217tos (2rf0t) ] (f-fY)V00ose v (t) = [sin (2rT ft) ] Vms +[cos(2Ef t)]VmsinO tn 2(- +[t si(27Trft) + [-2Ttsin(2TrfOt)1 (f-fo)Vmsine 22 2 + (27T)22 2 2 (271) ff a16x6 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a25x5 + a26 X6 Vmcose + [t 2cos(27vf o t)l( 2 + fT)~ (27T) 2 ff o 2 +2 2 ~fO2 f02 )Vmsin0 + (6) If the voltage is sampled at a pre-selected rate, its samples would be obtained at equal time intervals, say, At seconds. A set of m samples may be designated as v(t ), v(t +At), v(t +2At), ... v(t +mAt) where t is an &rbitra4y time rekerence. The bltage sampleA at t=t can now be expressed by substituting t for t in EquAticn 6. Making the following substitutions in the resulting equation and rearranging, Equation 7 is obtained. 1 X2= (f-f )V%cose x4= (f-f )Vmsine m x3= Vmsine (271f2+(21)2ff x5 x = (2_ 6 2 2+ (2 7T12ff+_ 2 a13 =cos(2 a = (2Tr) 2 all= sin(271Tf0t) 1fotl) t2sin(271f0t1) 2o)V 27) 2 2 w mx6 6xl ~0 Vms a12= 21Tt10os(27fot1) a14 = 2vt1sin(2Trf0t1) 2 a16 = tc1os (2rrf0t1) + a24 x4 (8) = [VI (9) mxl The elements of the matrix [A] depend on the time reference and sampling rate used and can be pre-determined in an off-line mode. To determine the six unknowns, at least six equations must be established. In other words, at least six samples of the voltage would be required. As a general case, assume that m sanples are available and m is greater than six. The matrix [Al is now a mx6 rectangular matrix. Pre-multiplying both sides of Equation 9 with the left pseudo-inverse of [A], values of the mknown can be determined as follows: [V] (10) where [A] [[A]T [A I [AlT. It can be shown that this approach provides the least error squares estimate of the mknowns (7). Out of all the elements of the vector [XI, x J x2 x3* and X are of interest for calculating the Aystem frequency. One possible approach is to use x and x2 for calculating frequency deviations using the following equation. x2 -= x1 (f-f0) vmoose = f-f 0 Vmcoso (11) Another possible approach is to estimate frequency deviations using the variables x3 and x4 as follows. x4 x3 (f-f0)V sino Vmsine =_ _ = f_f 0 (12) Frequency of the sanpled signal is, thereEore, given by s s a23 x3 + Notice that all x's are unknowns and are functions of V , 0, f and f . Also t1 is the time reference and tle voltage is Samrpled at a pre-selected rate (At is The values of the "la" coefficients of known). Equations 7 and 8 can, therefore, be evaluated. The values of v (t ) .2nd v (t2) are also known; these are digitized sampLes of the voltage. Proceeding in this manner, m digitized values of the voltage sampled from the system can be expressed as m equations in six unknowns. These equations can be written in the matrix form as follows: [XI = [Al 2 (7) = [A] [XI (5) +axa x 133 + ax 144N +a 155 Similarly, the next voltage sample, taken at time t2=t1+At, can be expressed by the equation. (4.2) (2-77f0t) + 2Trt(f-f ) cos(2Trf t) 0 sin(2lTf t)I + v(t2) Substituting Equations 4.1 and 4.2 in Equation 2, the following equation is obtained. v(t) = Vm (cosO) x aj 122 v (t+) t = 1a f = ff+0 X2 1 or f = fo+ x-X43 When the value of V oose is small, frequency estimated by Equation 11 innot sufficiently accurate. Similarly when the value of V sinO is small, the frequency estimated by Equation 1 is not sufficiently accurate. However, when the value of Vm cosO is small, the value V sirte is close to 1.0 p.u. and vise versa. The estimaTe using one of these equations is, 439 therefore, expected to be within acceptable accuracy bounds. Yet another approach is to use all the variables >,tx2, x3 and x4 to estimate f-fo. It can be shown (ff0o) 2 X2f+ X4 2 +2 xl+ X3 (13) this approach obviates the necessity of deciding whether Equaticn 11 or 12 should be used. CRITICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ALGORITHM An algorithm which estimates local frequency fran sampled bus voltages has been developed in the last secticn. This algorithm is affected by many factors, such as, the size of data window, sampling frequency, time reference and the level of truncation of the Taylor series expansions of sine and cosine terms. As described in the last secticn, each voltage sample obtained fran the system yields one equation in six Lnkno1ns. Considerable freedan in selecting the size of data window exists when the least error squares aproach is used. Many cinbinations of the number of equaticns and the sampling rate can be used for ahieving a pre-specified size of data window. In this secticn, implications of using data windows of different sizes, different sampling rates and the chice of the time reference are examined. Also investigated are the effects of the level of truncation of the Taylor series expansions of sine and oosine terms. Data Window Size The effect of varying the size of the data window The elemets of the coefficient was investigated. matrices and their left pseudo-inverses were calculated for many cases. Sane of the combinaticns of parameters examined are listed in Table I. In these cases, time was considered to be zero at the middle of the selected- data windows. Table II lists the elements of the first four rows of the left pseudo-inverse of the coefficient matrix of case I.l. All elements of the 1st and 3rd rows are numerically less than 1.0 whereas most elements of 2nd and 4th rows are larger than 1.0. The magnitudes of coefficients of a filter determine if the filter would suppress or amplify noise. Sun of the squares of the filter coefficients is the measure of noise amplification (11). If this sum is less than 1.0 the noise present in the digitized input is suppressed. On the other hand, if the su'm is greater than 1.0 the noise is mplified. The sums of the squares of the filter coefficients are also listed in Table II. The elements and the sum of the squares of the elements of the first four rows of other cases listed in Table I were also calculated. The sum of the squares of the elements as a function of data window are shown in Figure 1. It shows that the sum of the quares of the row elemnts reduce as the size of the data window is increased. A study of Figure 1 reveals that the effect of noise cn frequency measurement would be reduced if larger data windows are used. One disadvantage of increasing the data window is that the speed of frequency measurement decreases. Also using more samples per data window increases the computaticn requirements. Table I A Partial List of the Conbinations of Parmeters Used in the Algorithm. # OF SAMPLES CASE (Hz) 36 48 60 I.3 I1.4 I.5 .6 I.7 (msec) 16.67 33.33 50.00 66 .67 83.33 100.00 116.67 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 12 24 I.1 1.2 DATA WINDOW SAMPLING FRE QUENCY 72 84 Table II Numerical Values of the Elements of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rows of At and Sum of the Squares of the Cdefficients of Each Row for Case I.1 Numerical values of the row elements 1st Row: -0.3509 -0.4873 0.3313 -0.3061 -0.2256 0.1029 -0. 1029 0.2256 0.3061 -0.3313 0.4873 0.3509 0.8084 -2.6393 -4.8659 4.7814 -15.9566 2nd Row: 15.9566 4.8659 -0 .8084 -4 .7814 -5 .8514 3rd Row: 0.0605 0.2169 0.0486 -0.0721 0.3339 -0.0732 -0.0732 0.3339 -0.0721 0.0486 0.2169 1th Row: -2.9083 2.4637 5.1311 -0.4939 -0.4939 8.0614 6.3383 2.4637 2.6393 5.8514 0.0605 Sum of the squares of the row elements 1st Row: 2nd Row: 1.2625 686.0659 c,b x - + - -i 0.3503 292.5212 3rd Row: 4th Row: FIRST ROt(Xi I SECOND ROW (X2) 0 , WV + IL 4 4 cr .0. U) + UL. C) Uz, : a & U 'nVI a+ 0 1.20 2.40 3.5 4. 6.W U 7.0 WINOOW SIZE (NO OF SAMPLES) *10' 8.4 Figure 1. Sum of the Squares of the Row Elements of Each Row of the Pseudo-Inverse Matrix as a Function of Data Window Size; Sampling Rate = 720 Hz. 440 Sampling Rate To examine the effects of sampling frequency, pseudo-inverse matrices for different sampling rates, 540, 600, 660, 720, 780, 840, 900, 960, 1020 and 1080 Hz, were calculated and the sum of the squares of these rows were canputed. The sun of the squares of the elements of row 2 are shown in Figure 2. It reveals that increasing the sampling rate improves the noise imnmity characteristic. A suitable conbination cf data window size and sampling rate is required to be selected. C)- 3- 1-- z LJ5 W.S .S W I S I ZE ZOOW - Table III Sum of the Squares of the Row Elements for Case I.5 o 0z _ a: CO Number of unknowns . - L Ur) Table I. The algorithm was also developed using 4 and 5 terms of the Taylor series expansicns. The nunber of uknowns increased to 8 and 10 respectively. The nature of the first four unknowns remained the same as that of the cases of Table I. Pseudo-inverse matrices were calculated for the algorithms also using 4 and 5 terms for the case I.5. The sum of the squares of the first four rows for each case are listed in Table III. This table indicates that for a constant data window, the sums of the squares of the elements of each row increase as the number of terms of the Taylor series expansion are increased. To reduce the susceptibility to noise, the size of the measurement window may have to be increased if additicnal terms of the Taylor series expansions are incorporated in the design procedure. - _ - LL cr.i: ' 7~ S3.a rsecs - i'SCS. 6.00 7.Zo 8 10 1st row 0.0704 0.0765 0.1222 2nd row 1.4809 8.9195 9.1641 3rd row 0.0745 0.0751 0.1160 4th row 1.4968 9.7922 10.0011 . 8.40 SAIMPL1NG RATE (HZ) Figure 2. 6 9.60 *ICo" REUEN2Y RESPCNSE OF THE AIlORITHM 10.60 Sum of the Squares of the 2nd Row of the Pseudo-Inverse as a Function of Sampling Rate. Time Reference If the time reference (t=0) is selected to be at the middle of the data window, the numerical values of the elements of each row becane symnetrical. This is obvious fran the results shown in Table II where time reference was chosen to be at the middle of the data window. The effect of shifting time reference fran the middle of the data window was also examined. Pseudo-inverse matrices canputed showed that the symmetry is upset if the time reference is moved fran the middle of the window. Symnetry reduces the ocroputation burden and, therefore, is an important factor that should be considered while designing an algorithm. To predict the behaviour of the algorithm in the presence of distorted waveforms, frequency response of the algorithms were examined. Sane.of the results are presented in this secticn. Figure 3 presents the frequency response of the algorithm which uses a data window of 12 samples taken at of 720 Hz. The plot indicates that the. filter is sensitive to high frequencies especially the components of the 2nd, 5th and 6th harmcnics and 150 Hz and 210 Hz. Figure 4 shows the frequency response of the algorithm designed for a data window of 24 This figure shows that the samples at 720 Hz. sensitivity to higher frequencies has been significantly reduced. Further increasing the window size further improves the respcnse at higher frequencies. 21 Taylor Series Expansicns While developing this algorithm in the last section, first three terms of the Taylor series expansicns of sine and cosine functions were used. When the measurement window is small, a few terms these functions with reasonable would represent accuracy. If the measurement window is large, more terms are needed for accurate representation of the sine and cosine functions, failing which truncations wuld adversely affect the accuracy of measurements. In power system applicaticns, frequencies may have to It is, therefore, be measured over a wide range. essential to establish the accuracy with which the The sine and cosine terms must be represented. effects of truncating the Taylor series was, therefore, examined and is reported in this section. As menticned earlier, three terms of the Taylor series expansion were used in the designs listed in 0.0 60 120 20I1 FREQUENCY Figure 3. 240 ( Hz 300 ) Frequency Response of the Algorithm for Case I.1 360 441 Table V Maximnm Frequency Errors Observed for Case I.10 when 3 and 4 Terms of the Taylor Series Expansion are used. C) NUMBER OF UNKNOW-NS H SIGNAL FREQ. 0- (Hz) 60 59 11 0.0 60 120 240 182 FREQUENCY ( 300 360 OWF-LIE TESTING In the preceding secticn, effects of sampling rate, data window size and truncation of Taylor Series expansicn on the behaviour of the algorithm have been The effects of these parameters on discussed. frequency measurements are investigated in this For this purpose, frequency measurements section. The program were simulated in a software program. generates a voltage which is sampled at pre-selected rates. It then calculates the frequency of the signal using the algorithm and the digitized values of the voltage. The effects of data window size were, first, examined. The algor-ithm based cn equations with six unknowns, 720 Hz sampling frequency and 12- sample The data window (case I.1, Table I) were used. frequency of the signal was varied fran 50 Hz to 64 Hz in steps of 2 Hz. The components, X1, X2, X3 and X were caomuted and the frequency of the signal was Errors in the measured frequency were calculated. Similar ncoputed and are given on Table IV. measurements were made by increasing the data window The errors size to 24, 36, 48 and 60 samples. observed in these cases are also given in Table IV. The results given in this table show that, for each data window size, errors in the measured frequency increase as the deviation of the signal frequency fran the nominal value increases. Also, the measurement errors increase as the window size is increased. This hapens because the inaccuracies of the truncated sine and cosine terms increase as the window size is increased. Maximum Frequency Errors Observed; Sampling Rate = 720 Hz; Nunber of Unknowns = 6. MEASUREMENT ERROR (Hz) SIGNAL DATA WINDOW FREQ. (Hz) 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 12 SAMPLES 0.397 0.218 0.094 0.029 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.027 60 48 24 36 SAMPLES SAMPLES SAMPLES SAMPLES 1.069 0.567 0.238 0.071 0.009 0.000 0.009 0.069 2.203 1.284 0.518 0.158 0.020 0.000 0.020 0.151 57 56 Hz Figure 4. Frequency Response of the Algorithm for Case I.2 Table IV. 58 3.489 1.945 0.879 0.273 0.036 0.000 0.035 0.263 4.794 2.771 1.298 0.416 0.055 0.000 0.054 0.403 55 54 53 52 51 50 6 8 6 8 MEASUREMENT ERROR (Hz) USING X X1 AND 0.00000 0.00440 0.03605 0.11717 0.27340 0.52261 0.87898 1.35267 1.94505 2.65870 3.48939 0.00000 0.00002 0.00026 0.00114 0.00307 0.00618 0.01008 0.01363 0.01473 0.01005 0.00512 D 0.00000 0.00427 0.03282 0.10848 0.25048 0.47435 0.79157 1.20088 1.73374 2.36523 3.11486 X4 0.00000 0.00003 0.00048 0.00272 0.00940 0.02475 0.05470 0.10705 0.19151 0.31984 0.50610 The effect of sampling rate on frequency Algorithms designed measurements was then studied. for 540 Hz and 720 Hz sampling frequency were used to The measure frequencies of signals of 50-64 Hz. errors observed in these cases indicated that, for a omstant window size, the frequency measurement doesn't change significantly if the sampling rate is varied. The effects of the level of truncation of the Taylor series were also examined. The algorithm of case I.4 (Table I) was used for measuring frequencies The errors of signals in the range of 50-60 Hz. observed in these cases are given in Table V. A study of these results indicates that the error is zero when the signal frequency is 60 Hz. In the Taylor series expansion of sine and cosine terms which were expressed by Equaticns 4.1 and 4.2, 60 Hz replaced f Therefore, if the frequency of the input signal is .0 Hz, the model used in developing the algorithm represent this signal- correctly. This model, however, does not measure frequencies of signals of less than 60 Hz frequency accurately. It is reasonable to expect that if more terms of the Taylor series expansion are used to approximate the sine and oosine terms, measurements at off-naninal frequencies would be more accurate. This is confirmed by the errors observed during off-line testing and recorded in Table V. accuracy EXPERIMAL RESULTS Sane results of off-line tests have been presented in the last section. The proposed method was also tested using voltage samples taken from a dynamic Results of these tests are frequency source. presented in this secticn. Test data was obtained frcan a dynamic frequency source manufactured by Doble Engineering Company. The output voltage of this source can be adjusted fran 0 to 140 V rms in one V steps. The frequency can be adjusted fran 40 Hz to 79.99 Hz in 0.01 Hz steps. The output voltage and frequency are accurate to +1% and +0.001% of the setting respectively. The voltage of the source was adjusted to 110 volts and the frequency was set at various levels between 40 and 65 Hz. The level of the output was reduced to 3 volts peak value by an isolating transformer and voltage divider The reduced level output was then combination. awplied to a +5 volts 12-bit A/D cnvertor which sampled the output at 2160 Hz and stored them on a 442 magnetic tape via a PDP-11/60 minicomputer. Data of required sampling rate was extracted. It was then used in conjunction with the algorithms to ompute the frequency and peak values. Maximum errors observed when measuring frequencies of signals of 56-60 Hz using the algorithm I.3 (Table I) are listed in Table VI. Maximum errors observed when the algorithms I.4, I.5 and I.6 were used are also listed. The frequency has been estimated with aceptable accuracy in all cases and for signals The accuracy of the ranging fron 58 to 60 Hz. measurements deteriorates with increasing deviation of the signal frequency fram the nominal value. The two main sources of errors are the noise in the sampled voltage and the truncation of the Taylor series expansions of sine and cosine functions. When mesuring the frequency of a 60 Hz signal, the errors are exceptionally small and are caused mainly by the noise in the voltage samples. A study of Table VI reveals that maximum errors in estimating frequency of 60 Hz signal decrease as the data window size is increased.; This is because the noise associated with the signal is suppressed more effectively as the window size is increased. Errors in estimating off naninal frequencies increase as the size of the data window is increased. This deterioraticn is caused by the trmcaticn of sine and cosine terms while designing the algorithm. Table VI Maximum Frequency Errors Observed for Cases I.2, I.4, I.5 and I.6; Number of Unknowns =6 DATA WINDOW OF (Hz) 36 48 SAMPLES SAMPLES SAMPLES 60 72 SAMPLES 0.018 0.027 0.032 0.076 0.167 0.013 0.015 0.009 0.007 0.017 0.083 60 59 58 57 56 0.042 0.126 0.284 0.016 0.059 0.187 0.425 0.262 0.587 Table VII Maximum Frequency Errors Observed for Cases I.2, I.4J I.5 and I.6; Number of Unknowns 8. (Hz) 60 59 58 56 54 52 50 36 SAWLES 48 60 SAMPLES 0.033 0.045 0.047 0.034 0.046 0.104 02141 0.021 0.029 0.019 0.023 0.025 0.111 0.191 0.520 0.017 0.012 0.024 0.113 0.362 0.991 The method presented in this paper measures frequencies in the neighborhood of the nominal value quite accurately. It can, however, be modified to accurately measure off-noninal frequencies. Using combinations of algorithms designed for different nominal frequencies, frequencies over a large range, say 10-70 Hz can be measured with reasonable accuracy. In underfrequency relaying measurement of rate of change of frequency is also important. The proposed algorithm can be used to calculate the rate of change of frequency of the input signal using consecutive frequency measurements and curve fitting techniques. This paper describes the least error squares The magnitude of the input voltage can also be determined using this Data window size, sampling. rate, time approach. reference and truncaticon of the Taylor series expansion are critical parameters which affect the performance of the algorithm. Off line tests and experimental results indicate that the proposed technique is suitable for measuring frequency and peak values of a signal. The technique presented here is general enough to be applied for different relaying purposes, such as frequency relaying (umderfrequency and overfrequency) and over-excitation protection. approach for measuring frequency. CES 1. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, "Applied Protective Relaying", a book, Newark, N.J., 1976. DATA WINDOW OF SAMPLES EU1jRHER CONSIDERATI(NS EEF MEASUREMENT ERROR (Hz) SIGNAL FREQUENCY The results given on Table VII demonstrate this improvement when cinpared with the results given on Table VI. Using more terms of the Taylor series expansions affects the noise imnunity characteristics adversely. The maximum errors observed when measuring frequencies close of the nominal value, therefore, increase slightly. The results given in this section reveal that parameters used in designing the algorithm affect frequency measurements significantly. Larger windows are required to suppress noise effectively. On the other hand, large windows may adversely affect the results by increasing errors caused by truncating the Taylor series expansion of sine and cosine functions. Suitable compromises need to be made while selecting the data window size, sampling rate and truncation of Taylor series expansion. CCtCLUSION MEASUREMENT ERROR (Hz) SIGNAL FREQUENCY capared to the previous case. 72 SAMPLES 0.013 0.011 0.009 0.031 0.179 0.632 1.732 Frequency measurements were reported using the algorithms developed by approximating the sine and oosine functicns by the first four terms of their Taylor series expansicns. The maximum errors observed whe algorithms I.3, I.4, I.5 ad I.6 were used are given on Table VII. Since more terms of the Taylor sries expansion are used in developing these algorithms, the measurement errors due to the truncation of the sine and cosine terms are reduced 2. Widrevitz, B.C., Armington, R.E., "A Digital Rate of Change Underfrequency Protective Relay for Power Systems", Trans . IEEE, Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-96, Number 5, 1977, pp. 1707-1713. 3. Leibold, H., Overdorfer, E.W., "Microprocessor Based Frequency Relay", Siemens Power Engineering, Vol. IV, December 1982, pp. 302-303. 4. Sachdev, M.S., Giray, M.M., "A Digital Frequenc'y aid Rate of Change of Frequency Relay",, Trans. CEA, Engineering and Operation Division, Vol. 17, Part 3, 1978, No. 78-Sp-145. 5. Phadke, A.G., Thorp, J.S., Adamiak, M.G., "A.New Measurement Technique for Tracking Voltage Phasors, Local System Frequency, and Rate of Change of Frequency", Trans. TIEE, Poer Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-102, No. 5, May 1983, pp. 1025-1034. 443 6. Girgis, A.A., Ham, F.M., "A New FFT-based Digital Frequency Relay for Load Shedding". Proceedings of PICA, 1981, Philadelphia. 7. Sachdev, M.S., Baribeau, M.A., "A New Algorithm for Digital Impedance Relay", Trans. IEEE, Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No. 6, Nov/Dec. 1979, pp 2232-2240. 8. "Transformer D.V., Shah, M.S., Sachdev, Differential and Restricted Earth Fault Protecticn CEA, Trans. a Digital Processor", Using Ehgineering and Operatian Divisicn, Vol. 20, Part 4, 1981, No. 81-SP-155. "Numerical N., Abu-Nasser, R., 9. Yacamini, Calculatian of Inrush Current in Single Phase Proc, Vol. 128, Part B, No. 6, Transformers", Nov. 1981, pp. 327-334. 10. Goff, L.E., "Volt-per-Hertz Relays Protects Transformers Against Overexcitatian", Electrical World, No. 168, Sept. 1967, pp. 47-48. U. HamnTng, R.W., "Digital Filters", Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1983. book, a Mahmut M. Giray (S'83) was born in Ankara, Turkey an December, 1949. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical f rm Istanbul Engineering University, Technical Istanbul, Turkey in 1973. He then joined Turkish Power Authority where he worked until 1975. In September, 1975, he joined the University of Saskatchewan for worked Graduate in the Studies area of and digital loomputer completed all the requirements relaying. He for M.Sc. degree in November 1979. Presently, he is working for a Ph.D. degree at the University of Saskatchewan in the area of Power System Protection. Mohindar Sachdev S. (Mt67, lS'73, F'83) was born in Amritsar, India, in 1928. He received the B.Sc. degree in .~Electrical mhgineering and fran Mechanical the Benares Hindu University, India, the M.Sc. degrees in Electrical !ngineering fram the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India Of the and University Saskatoon Saskatchewan, fran Ph.D. the Degree and the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. He joined the Punjab P.W.D. Electricity Branch in 1951 when he was posted in Amritsar for management of subtransmissicn and Later, in 1956, he was distributicn systems. appointed Power Controller and Senior Substaticn Engineer. He was Assistant Resident Engineer of the Uhl River Hydroelectric power plant at Joginder Nagar, India, during 1959. Fran 1960 to 1961, he worked at the Bhakra Power Plant I on the design of control circuits and ooordination of the plant equipment. His services were then loaned to the Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, India, where he was an Associate Professor until 1965. In 1968 he joined the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan where he is presently a Professor of Electrical Engineering, a menber of the Power Systems Research Group and Chairman of the Research and Graduate Studies Cammittee of the Department of Electrical Engineering. His areas of interest are Power System Analysis, High Voltage DC Transmissicn and Power System Protecticn. Sachdev is Chairman of the Canadian Dr. Subcarmittee of the Intematicnal Electrotechnical Cacnissicn Cammittee #IC41 Electrical Relays. He is a Fellow of the Instituticn of Engineers (India), a Fellow of the Institutian of Electrical Engineers, Iondon (England) and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York. Dr. Sachdev is a Registered Professianal Engineer in the Province of Saskatchewan. - 444 Discussion R. W. Beckwith (Beckwith Elec. Co., Largo, FL): The authors present a new and rather complex algorithm for determining frequency from amplitude samples of a wave. The algorithm could be useful where these samples are available and zero crossing information is not. The paper implies that the method will be superior to these using zero crossing information, but no proof is given of the superiority. While the algorithm presented extracts the frequency information from noise, so does the measurement of periods from zero crossings if digital or analog filtering is used. Tests are needed using both methods on various noisy signals. A problem will arise in the comparison of results, however, as to which is correct. What is needed is a method much better than either so that those making the test will know the "correct" answer. Of course, if we knew how to get such a "correct" answer, we would throw both other methods out and use the latter. Another method of comparison is to select a problem to be solved by frequency detection. The early remote detection of the tripping of a large generator would be such a problem. The two methods could be compared as to the ratio of correct detections to false alarms. Here the question of which frequency is correct is replaced by which method best detects the target event. It is hoped that such a critical evaluation can be made so that the usefulness of this excellent mathematical work can be known and the method applied where shown to be superior. Manuscript received August 9, 1984. Adly A. Girgis (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC): The authors have shown with clarity the effect of the different parameters on measuring the frequency deviation of the fundamental frequency of power systems, using the determininstic least-square estimation technique. The discrete measurements of the continuous voltage waveform is a nonlinear function of the frequency deviation and voltage magnitude as indicated by Eq. (2). One of the successful methods to handle the nonlinear estimation problem is to use Taylor series to expand the function about a known vector that is close to the exact vector. This goal is usually achieved by two methods. One is to expand the function about a nominal average vector. The second is to expand the function about the current estimate of the state vector. The second method led to the extended Kalman filter model which advantageously uses the statistical properties of the signal and the noise in a recursive estimation algorithm [Al. The Taylor expansion used by the authors assumes that the voltage magnitude and frequency are constants and the quantity 2ir(f-fo)t is small. However, disturbances that cause the frequency to deviate create changes in the voltage. In this case, what is the dynamic range of voltage and frequency variations as functions of window size? The same disturbances induce transients in the voltage waveforms. These transients are less severe than fault-induced transients but have longer duration. Have the authors tested the time response of the algorithm in the presence of non-60 Hz components? The frequency response methods are valid techniques in characterizing linear systems. However, the problem is essentially nonlinear. Therefore, should not the frequency responses shown in Fig. 3 and 4 need to be modified to include the effect of the approximation in the Taylor series expansion? The calculations of xl, x2, x3 and x4, needed for Eq. (13), require twelve multiplications and twelve additions for each component. That is more than fifty multiplications and fifty additions to compute the frequency deviation. That is considerably more computation than those required for the extended Kalman filter model which optimally updates the trajectory of the state vector on-line. Finally, Eq. (13) has two answers for (f-fo). Which one is to be selected? It appears to me that the last positive sign in the expression of x6 is in error. REFERENCE [A] Adly A. Girgis and T. D. Hwang, "Optimal Estimation of Voltage Phasors and Frequency Deviation Using Linear and Nonlinear Kalman Filtering Theory and Limitations" IEEE PES paper #84 WM 104-6. Manuscript received August 9, 1984. M. S. Sachdev and M. M. Giray: We thank Mr. R. W. Beckwith and Dr. A. A. Girgis for their interest in our paper. The discussers have raised issues which are relevant to the methods that measure frequency from sampled data and the comments are, therefore, of particular interest to us. We offer the following in response to the discussions. It is true that the proposed algorithm is useful where sampled values of system voltages are available instead of the information on zero crossings. Such would be the situation in digital relays for generator, transformer and transmission line protection. These relays are normally inactive except for performing system monitoring functions periodically. The proposed algorithm is, therefore, suitable for use in these relays to monitor local frequency as a background task. The proposed technique estimates simultaneously the amplitude and frequency of a signal. In several situations, this feature can be of substantial advantage. For example, if a generator is being started, is being shut down, or has been isolated on load rejection, the generator frequency would deviate from the nominal value. Relays of several designs do not operate properly at off nominal frequencies. The proposed technique is suitable for designing digital relays that would provide reasonable estimates of voltages and currents at off nominal frequencies and thus provide adequate protection during those operating conditions. We did not intend to leave the impression that the proposed method is superior to the method of measuring time between zero crossings and computing frequency from those measurements. The proposed method is, however, immune to the noise that produces multiple zero crossings. Our understanding is that several utilities have, in the past, experienced multiple zero crossing related frequency measurement problems resulting in maloperation of control functions. Of course, a combination of properly designed filters and zero crossing detection logic helps in alleviating the multiple zero crossing problems. Mr. Beckwith's proposal of comparing methods by investigating their effectiveness to detect target events is interesting and very appropriate. We would be pleased to participate in such a project. Dr. Girgis' interpretation that the use of the Taylor series expansion and truncation are justified on the assumption that the terms 2 is small. This is valid for the technique and the manner in which it has been applied. Recollect that the proposed procedure is a nonrecursive filter and a two-cycle data window has been used. In the selected wins and, for 27r(f-fo)t ranges from dow, time t ranges from -0.016 to -0.60 to 0.60. These deviations are less than one percent of 60 Hz, the nominal power system frequency in North America. The largest term that is neglected due to the truncation of the Taylor series is 0.036 for the selected example. The sum of all terms that are truncated is even smaller. Figs. 3 and 4 include the effects of the nonlinearities due to the approximations introduced by truncating the Taylor series expansions. Like all other techniques, the method described in the paper is not completely immune to the presence of nonfundamental frequency components in the input signals. However, it is important to appreciate that, in a power system application, analog filters would be used to suppress high frequency components. Also, the effects of the nonfundamental frequencies that are usually experienced in power systems would be minimal if the proposed method is used for measuring frequency. Figs. 3 and 4 clearly demonstrate this characteristic of the proposed technique. The symmetrical nature of the filter coefficients determined by the proposed technique should be exploited to reduce the number of multiplications while implementing the algorithm. For implementing a two-cycle window, 36 multiplications and 60 additions are required if both Eqs (11) and (12) are implemented. Our understanding of the Kalman filter approach (suggested in Ref. A) is that the results obtained by its application in the presence of harmonic components in the signal, are substantially inaccurate. Also the Kalman gains have to be computed in the real-time mode. On the other hand, the computations required by the proposed technique are not too many for application on modern microprocessors. Moreover, Figs. 2, 6 and 10 of Ref. A clearly indicate that the two-and three-state Kalman filters provide frequency estimates that are substantially less accurate than the estimates provided by the method proposed in our paper. Also, the Kalman filters take 0.13 s or more time to start reasonable tracking of a one Hz frequency change. This is much more time than required by the least error squares technique described in our paper. It is true that Eq. has two answers, one positive and the other negative. The correct answer can be selected by comparing the signs of and (or and x4). The frequency deviation, is positive if both xI and x2 are positive (or are both negative). The frequency deviation is negative if the computed values of xl and x2 are of opposite signs. We are grateful to Dr. Girgis for pointing out the typographical error in the expression for x6. Once again, we thank Mr. Beckwith and Dr. Girgis for their interest in our paper a'nd for providing thought-provoking discussions. ir(f-fo)t 0.016 (13) xl x2 x3 Manuscript received September 17, 1984. (f-fo)