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Calls for Emancipation
Abolitionists call for the freeing of
Believed slavery was aiding the
Lincoln hesitated, because…
He felt it was unconstitutional to abolish
He did not want to anger the four slave
states (DE, KY, MD, MO) that remained in
the Union
Main priority was to save the Union
“If I could save the Union without freeing
any slave I would do it, if I could save it by
freeing all the slaves I would do it; and I if
I could save it by freeing some and
leaving others alone, I would also do
The Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issues the proclamation on January 1,
Freed all slaves in Confederate territory
The Emancipation Proclamation did not free
many slaves
Most slaves were to distant from Union troops,
who could enforce this proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation
Why not free slaves in the North???
The Constitution did not give the President the power
to free slaves within the Union
The emancipation of slaves in the South, would
weaken the South, so it was considered a military
Lincoln did ask Congress to abolish slavery,
gradually throughout the land
The Proclamation was a symbolic measure
For the North, the Civil War was no longer just a war to
preserve the Union, but also a war of liberation
Response to the Proclamation
Abolitionist are thrilled, but still wanted
freedom for all
Northern Democrats – angered with the
Proclamation, argue that it would make the
South angrier and make the war last longer
Union soldiers – welcomed emancipation, “
happy to destroy everything that…gives the
rebels strength”
White Southerners – Full of rage, were losing
their slaves