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Forenzičko ispitivanje tragova droge u uzorcima krvi
Veliki broj krivičnih dela, počini se pod uticajem droga ili zbog njihove proizvodnje i
prodaje. U sredstvima javnog informisanja se često mogu naći vesti o prekinutim lancima
trgovine drogom, zaplenama većih ili manjih količina droge od strane policije, ubistvima,
pljačkama, silovanjima i drugim krivičnim delima vezanim za drogu. Takođe je poznato
da se mnoge terorističke organizacije finansiraju novcem dobijenim od proizvodnje i
preprodaje droge.
Kao primenjena nauka, forenzika stiče sve značajniju ulogu u otkrivanju i identifikaciji
različitih tipova droge, kako u ljudskom, tako i u organizmima životinja. Rezultati analiza
su često ključni za pronalaženje i identifikaciju počinilaca krivičnih dela, kao u za
rasvetljavanje okolnosti pod kojima se desio neki kriminalni događaj. Za otkrivanje i
identifikaciju različitih vrsta droge, koriste se različite tehnike. To su obično metode
fizike, hemije, fizičke hemije, medicine i biologije za određivanje vrste i količine droge,
bilo da se ona nalazi u čistom stanju, zapakovana, rastvorena, pomešana sa nekim drugim
materijalom, kako u uzorcima krvi, tako i u ljudskom i organizmima životinja.
U narednim poglavljima, biće opisani tragovi materijala, odnosno njihove opšte osobine,
zatim definicija, podela, metabolizam, kategorizacija i delovanje droga na ljudski
organizam. Biće navedene osnovne činjenice vezane za sastav krvi i njenu funkciju i
značaj krvi kao biološkog materijala u forenzičkoj analizi droga. Detaljnije će biti opisani
načini i metode za pronalaženje, identifikaciju, prikupljanje, transport i čuvanje uzoraka
krvi. Biće i navedeni testovi koji se sprovode na samom mestu kriminalnog događaja,
zatim metode za pripremu uzoraka za dodatne analize, kao i tzv. ekpertske tehnike koje
se sprovode u forenzičkoj laboratoriji. Biće opisane najefikasnije tehnike za analizu vrste
droge i određivanje njene količine u uzorcima krvi. Na kraju biće reči o načinima za
navođenje i tumačenje rezultata dobijenih u forenzičkoj laboratoriji.
Ključni pojmovi:
Uzorci krvi, pronalaženje, identifikacija, prikupljanje, čuvanje, transport, screening
testovi, priprema uzoraka, kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza, navođenje i tumačenje
rezultata analiza
Forensic analysis of traces of drugs in blood samples
Many criminal acts have been committed under the influence of drugs, or as a result of its
production or sale. The news about broken drug trade chains, or the seizures of certain
quantities of drugs by the police, as well as murders, stealing, rape, and other drug related
criminal acts, have often appeared in the mass media. It is also known that many terrorist
organizations have been financed by the money made in drug trafficking.
As the applied science, forensics has gained a more important role as the means of
discovering and identifying different types of drugs in both human and animal organisms.
Because of that, the results of analysis have often been a crucial factor in finding and
identifying crime perpetrators, and explaining the circumstances under which a crime
occurred. For discovering and identifying the various types of drugs, different techniques
have been used. The application of methods of physics, chemistry, physical chemistry,
medicine and biology have been exploited for the determination of drug type and its
quantity in blood specimens, whether in its pure form or in packaging, solution, mixed
with some other material, or in human or animal organisms.
In the following chapters, the traces of materials will be identified and described in
general, i.e. their classification, definition, metabolism, categorization and the influence
of drugs on human organism. Furthermore, the basic facts about the composition of blood
as a biological material and its function and importance in the forensic science will be
explained. The way of finding, identification, collecting, transporting and the
preservation of blood samples will be more thoroughly described. In addition, the
screening tests performed on a crime scene will be stated and described, and also the
preparation procedures of blood samples for further analysis; the so-called expert
techniques conducted in a forensic laboratory. Some of the most efficient techniques used
worldwide today will be described, with more details about the analysis of drug types and
its percentage in the blood samples. In the end, the ways of interpretation of results
obtained after drug analysis in blood samples will be described.
Key words:
Blood samples, finding, identification, collection, preservation, transport, preparation of
the sample, screening tests, qualitative and quantitative analysis, stating and interpreting
results of the analysis